pick a peach essence

Chapter 54 Please Trust Me

"Go ahead."

Li Huan looked calm on the surface, but her hands were tightly clutching the cushions on the sofa.

"I want you to do me a favor. After I succeed, I will completely forget the secret between you and mother."

Xiao Qiong looked at Li Huan casually, as if he was a well-behaved younger brother who just asked his sister for a toy.

Li Huan had a bad premonition.

"What busy."

But she couldn't refuse, because according to Xiao Qiong's character, sooner or later he would reveal the secret between her and her mother, but she couldn't do anything to him.

"You can modify memory?"

Xiao Qiong stared closely at Li Huan.

"What, what?"

Li Huan did not expect Xiao Qiong to know about this matter.What the hell does he know?
Li Huan was silent.

Xiao Qiong was not in a hurry either, he just relaxed on the sofa, feeling the passage of time bit by bit.

"who is it."

It seems that after a long time, Li Huan finally made up his mind and said these two words.

Xiao Qiong smiled at her.

Li Huan only felt his blood flow back for a moment.

Xiao Qiong came home in the afternoon.

Since he hadn't had a good rest for the past two days, and his injured hands and feet hadn't fully recovered, he decided to sneak back without his sister finding out.

But he still failed.

When Xiao Qiong saw the very sad Xiao Lan standing in front of her crying, she suddenly felt a pain in her heart.

"elder brother."

When he heard Xiao Lan crying and calling out his brother, he still didn't hold on.

This time, Xiao Qiong didn't want to heal silently alone.

"Xiao Lan, can you help me to stay in your room for a while?"

Xiao Qiong was supported by her younger sister and walked back to the warm room that only belonged to two people.

He turned his head and looked at the closed door behind him, showing deep hatred.

She doesn't deserve to be a mother.

Early the next morning, Xiao Qiong still sneaked out.

He has a plan to execute.

Although his movements were light and careful, he was discovered by Xiao Lan who was worried about him.

Xiao Lan looked at the injury on her brother's body, and thought of his sad expression yesterday, she still guessed a little bit.

Something must have happened to my brother.

Xiao Lan looked at Xiao Qiong who was stumbling along, and sighed in distress.

She followed carefully, and as expected, she saw her brother walking downstairs to Li Huan's house.

why her?
Xiao Lan suddenly felt that something bad was about to happen.

"Have you figured it out?"

The three of them were not far apart, but Xiao Lan still heard Li Huan's spine-chilling voice coming from not far away.

"Think clearly."

I saw Xiao Qiong said this sentence without emotion.

"Then let's go."

Xiao Lan felt Li Huan sighed softly.

She suppressed her curiosity and followed the two to the side of the road.

Li Huan raised his hand to stop a taxi, and then got in with Xiao Qiong.

Seeing this, Xiao Lan hurriedly stopped one, quickly got into the car and said to the driver, "Follow the car in front."

The driver looked at the little girl suspiciously.


Seeing Xiao Qiong's car driving farther and farther, Xiao Lan anxiously looked at the driver.

"Eh, okay, okay."

The master was taken aback by the little girl's eyes, he reacted immediately, stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

Eventually the three arrived at the hospital together.

Xiao Lan got out of the car suspiciously and looked at the snow-white building of the hospital.

Why are they here?Is someone hurt?
However, Xiao Lan didn't think for a long time. She watched Li Huan and her elder brother's hasty footsteps, and she quickly followed them.

Soon the three of them came to the advanced ward on the top floor of the hospital.

She hid around the corner and watched Li Huan and his brother suddenly stop in their tracks.

Xiao Lan looked into the distance suspiciously, and found two tall and strong bodyguards in black clothes standing at the door of a certain ward.

Who is in the ward?
I saw Xiao Qiong pulling Li Huan to hide quickly while the bodyguards were not paying attention.

"Why are there bodyguards?"

Li Huan frowned and looked at Xiao Qiong's calm face.

"It should belong to the Jiang family."

Xiao Qiong sneered.

"The Jiang family?"

When Li Huan heard about the Jiang family, he was suddenly very excited.

It seems that Jiang Huaiwei has been found, and his father's plan has failed.

Xiao Qiong thought silently in her heart.

"You are waiting for me here."

Li Huan clenched his fists and started to walk out.

"and many more."

Xiao Qiong quickly stopped her.

"What are you excited about?"

Xiao Qiong frowned and looked at this woman who was getting closer to anger.


Just as Li Huan was about to defend himself, he heard two people walking out of the ward not far away.

It was a middle-aged woman and a boy.

The three people hiding in the corner immediately stared at the two people holding their breath.

Xiao Lan looked at the boy standing outside the ward suspiciously, always feeling a little familiar.

Although the boy was very young, he stood there with his back upright, so no one could ignore his existence.

He has a natural royal air about him.

Although Xiao Lan didn't know why she felt that way.

Soon, there was a conversation between two people over there.

"Really sorry."

It can be heard from the tone that the boy is full of guilt at this time.

"It's okay, don't blame yourself too much."

Standing opposite the boy was a thin woman who seemed to have experienced the baptism of years and looked very old.

Xiao Lan had never seen such a person before.

"Auntie, please trust me, I will definitely repay you well in the future."

"It really doesn't matter, child, Tao Tao saved you voluntarily."

"No, she has saved my life, and I must repay it."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Xiao Lan felt confused.

Was it the girl in the ward who saved the boy's life?

Tao Tao?Is that the girl's name?What a strange name.

Xiao Lan bit her finger with a puzzled look on her face.

"You kid..."

The woman seemed helpless, she sighed and patted the boy on the shoulder.

"But Auntie, I'm here today to tell you something very important."

The boy's tone suddenly became serious.

"What's the matter, tell me."

The woman looked at him tenderly.

"I, I would like to ask you to leave this city as soon as possible with Tao Tao."

"What, what?"

Not only that woman, even Xiao Qiong was shocked by what Jiang Jinchen said.

"I'm sorry, Auntie, this matter is really serious. You know, something happened to our family recently, someone wanted my life, but last time I survived thanks to Tao Tao's arrival..."

When the boy said this, he seemed to be unable to continue.

However, the woman smiled knowingly when she heard him say that.

"If you say that, then I understand, you are protecting our mother and daughter."

As soon as the woman finished speaking, the boy hurriedly spoke.

"Auntie, trust me, I will definitely send someone to protect your safety personally."

The woman rubbed Jiang Jinchen's hair, then sighed.

"Son, thank you very much, you are a kind person."

The boy froze suddenly after hearing this.

"Son, listen to me."

The woman bent down slightly and looked into the boy's eyes.

"In this world, there is a kind of fate that will make two people meet each other for no reason. And kindness is also a wonderful existence in this world. It will also make one person become another's love for no reason. Redemption."

The woman looked at the boy's ignorant face and smiled.

"So children, since this is due to fate, then we don't have to worry about whether to repay those kindness."

"After all...everyone has the right to choose to be kind, and you will never regret it. If you are eager to reciprocate, then you will make the other party feel uneasy."

Jiang Jinchen listened blankly to what the woman said to him, and suddenly thought of his father.

Thinking of the money he donated before.

"Son, Tao Tao has cultivated well these few days, I will take her away tomorrow."

The woman looked at the boy's hesitant expression and continued to speak.

"It's okay, child, forget about it. I don't want to know your name, because it will bring you a lifetime of burden."

"No, it's not like that..."

Jiang Jinchen shook his head desperately.

The woman smiled softly at her.

"Don't worry, as a mother, the meaning of my life for the rest of my life is to protect my daughter."

Xiao Lan was stunned when she heard this sentence.

Protect, daughter?

"If there is fate, we will meet each other in the future. Okay, goodbye, kid, be careful on the road, Auntie is going to buy lunch for Tao Tao first."

Finally, the woman stroked Jiang Jinchen's soft hair again, turned around and walked downstairs.

Jiang Jinchen felt the warmth of the woman's palm.

This may be the first time he has felt such warmth in the past ten years.

For some reason, Xiao Lan felt very uncomfortable.

She looked at Li Huan's back and found that Li Huan was trembling slightly.

"Oh, what's the matter? Are you moved?"

Xiao Qiong said these words expressionlessly.

Right now, he was thinking that Jiang Jinchen would beat him one step ahead.

Being rescued by a girl risking her life, she still has the face to come before her mother?

Li Huan suddenly turned pale.

"what happened to you?"

Xiao Qiong noticed something was wrong with Li Huan, and hurriedly asked.

However, Li Huan just shook his head and didn't say another word.

Li Huan thought about how long it had been since she heard a gentle entrustment from a mother.

She suddenly felt like a shell, never once been surrounded by warmth since she was a child.

She is only one person, always only one person.

Not only the body is alone, but even the soul is alone.

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