pick a peach essence

Chapter 28 I'm Not Afraid of Hard Work

Tao Tao was leaning comfortably on the soft chair, squinting her eyes and confronting Jiang Jinchen.

Well, this chair is really pretty good, except that the color is a bit abrupt, everything else is fine.

Tao Tao touched the handrail again, um, it's excellent.

Then she silently gave Jiang Jinchen a thumbs up in her heart.

And Jiang Jinchen was also very happy when he looked at Tao Tao, who was sitting comfortably across from him.


"My dear little Taozi, what are you doing so far away from me?"

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao who was thousands of miles away from him, wanting to cry but not crying.

He could hardly see Tao Tao's face clearly.

"Don't be afraid, I really won't do anything to you, although there are only two of us here."

Jiang Jinchen squinted his eyes at Tao Tao, and then said something in his words.

Listen, listen, is this a human language?

Tao Tao rolled her eyes.

Eh?and many more.

Tao Tao stared blankly at Jiang Jinchen opposite, then rolled her eyes again.

Is he invisible?
Tao Tao became happy in an instant, then narrowed her eyes and made another grimace at him.

Hahaha, it's so cool, this way, she can roll her eyes at Jiang Jinchen to her heart's content.

However, when Tao Tao was happy in her heart, a basin of cold water from Jiang Jinchen on the other side suddenly poured on her head.

"Miss Peach rolls her eyes very cute too."

Jiang Jinchen praised shamelessly.


Tao Tao, died.

So the two returned to the topic just now.

"Miss Peach, why are you so far away from me?"

Jiang Jinchen buzzed across from him.

He is so annoying, Tao Tao is speechless.

"You can only blame your office for being too big."

Tao Tao looked around for ten weeks, looked at the huge space in front of her, and shouted towards it with a blank expression.

"But will this be an obstacle to our exchange of feelings?"

Jiang Jinchen on the other side also yelled towards Tao Tao loudly.


This office should be well soundproofed, otherwise people outside would hear two idiots singing folk songs to each other in the same room.

"I don't want to talk to you."

Tao Tao clicked her tongue, then turned her head to look at the scenery outside the window.

"I haven't explained what happened today to you."

Jiang Jinchen rubbed his forehead and said sullenly.

"Don't you want to give me a chance to explain to you?"

Jiang Jinchen's pitiful voice came from the opposite side.


Tao Tao sighed, what else can I do?
Pet it.

So Tao Tao moved to Jiang Jinchen with a real fragrance.

Jiang Jinchen raised his head and looked at the indifferent Tao Tao with a smile on his face, then he stood up and dragged him to the sofa beside him.

"It'd be better if it didn't happen sooner."

Jiang Jinchen said while walking.

Tao Tao began to regret letting him go.

However, Jiang Jinchen didn't give her a chance to regret it.

Soon, Jiang Jinchen took Tao Tao and sat happily on the sofa.

"Come here, little Taozi, eat an apple."

Jiang Jinchen smiled and picked up the big, round red apple in the fruit plate, and handed it to Tao Tao.


Can you be any more doggy?

"I want to eat pears."

Tao Tao glanced at the various fruits on the table, and when she couldn't catch the shadow of the pear, she said this decisively.

However, Jiang Jinchen was very excited after hearing this sentence.

"No, no."

Tao Tao was suddenly taken aback by him.

"Why are you so excited?"

Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen who was frowning tightly in front of her, and then she looked puzzled.

"How can we eat pears? We cannot separate."

Tao Tao almost couldn't hold back her laughter.

What is this man doing, he still believes such naive words at such an old age.

"Do you believe that too?"

Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen with the corner of her mouth bent.

"Well, that's what my mother told me when I was little."

When Jiang Jinchen said this, he suddenly became depressed.

"This really shouldn't be believed, because my mother passed away after she finished saying this."

Tao Tao was stunned for a moment.

She didn't expect that Jiang Jinchen's mother died when he was very young.

In her understanding, Jiang Jinchen should have a happy family.

A serious but kind father, a gentle but strong mother.



Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen distressedly, then lowered her head to apologize to him.

"I'm just telling you casually, don't pay too much attention to it."

Jiang Jinchen seemed to be aware of the increasingly sad atmosphere, then he smiled, looked at Tao Tao and said.

"I haven't explained what happened today to you yet."

Jiang Jinchen reached out and touched Tao Tao's head.

"Oh, go on, I'm listening."

Tao Tao pouted, then glanced at Jiang Jinchen.

"Did I call yesterday to ask if you want me to pick you up today?"

Jiang Jinchen coughed twice, then said seriously.

"Well, yes, but I declined."

Tao Tao thought about it for a while, then nodded.

"Oh no, wait a minute."

Tao Tao seemed to remember something suddenly, she squinted her eyes at Jiang Jinchen, and then asked a question from the depths of her soul.

"So what happened to that meaningful laugh you made after you heard me reject you?"

"Ah, this..."

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao in embarrassment.

"I actually wanted to scare you."

So Jiang Jinchen honestly told the truth under Tao Tao's seemingly murderous eyes.

"Isn't our company quite remote? Usually there is no one around here, so I just want to play tricks on you."

When Jiang Jinchen said this, he raised his head and glanced at Tao Tao, and after realizing that she didn't show a very excited expression, he continued.

"So I didn't tell you that I want you to walk this road by yourself, and then I will pick you up halfway, but I didn't expect the sky to change suddenly."

When Jiang Jinchen said this, Tao Tao completely reacted.

"Okay, are you playing tricks on me?"

Tao Tao gritted her teeth and stared at the man in front of her, thinking of how to kill him quietly.

"I made a mistake, Miss Peach, I will never dare again."

So Jiang Jinchen pretended to be the toughest, but said the most cowardly words.

"So, the sudden storm just now was simply because the weather has changed?"

The corners of Tao Tao's mouth twitched, recalling that she thought she had run into a ghost like a mentally retarded person just now, and then ran desperately in the thick fog.

"Jiang Jinchen..."

Tao Tao was so angry that she almost had a heart attack.

"Do you know that I thought Li Huan was chasing me just now, and I was scared to death."

Tao Tao looked at the innocent-looking man in front of her, wanting to cry without tears, but she couldn't vent her anger in her heart.

However, Jiang Jinchen was taken aback for a moment, and then said to Tao Tao.

"Huh? So you saw it."


Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen in a daze.

"That's right, Li Huan was indeed following behind you just now."

Tao Tao almost rolled her eyes and died on the spot.

"Why are you panting for words?"

Tao Tao stared at Jiang Jinchen bitterly.

"So don't tell me that Li Huan is not trying to kill me, but carrying bags to work from nine to five?"

Tao Tao gritted her teeth and squeezed out a sentence.


Jiang Jinchen looked hesitantly at Tao Tao whose face was getting worse and worse, and then wondered whether to tell her the truth.

Tao Tao suddenly wilted, then lowered her head.

"Stop talking, I understand."

It turned out that there was really nothing wrong with it just now, it was completely self-indulgent.

"no no."

Jiang Jinchen frowned when he saw Tao Tao who was inexplicably lost.

"Listen to me about Tao Tao."

The only time Jiang Jinchen called out Tao Tao's name in a serious manner.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Tao Tao was surprised to hear that her name came out of Jiang Jinchen's mouth.

"I will never let that woman approach you."

Jiang Jinchen supported Tao Tao's shoulder, and then said to her seriously.

"Eh? You mean Li Huan?"

Tao Tao asked suspiciously.

"Yes, it's her."

Jiang Jinchen sighed suddenly when he said this.

"I don't know why, but I always feel that woman is dangerous."

Tao Tao looked at the serious man in front of her, and suddenly felt safe by his side.

"I won't let her get close to you, you have to trust me, I won't let you be in danger."

It was rare for Jiang Jinchen to say these words in a serious manner.

In Tao Tao's heart, although Jiang Jinchen sometimes seemed unreliable, but now hearing him say these words, he feels at ease somehow.

Tao Tao smiled at Jiang Jinchen, then looked at him and said.

"Well, I see, I believe you."

Jiang Jinchen rubbed Tao Tao's hair, then continued.

"Okay, as long as you know."

Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen with a smile, then nodded.

"Well, go and play. I'm going to work. I'll take you out for dinner at noon."

Jiang Jinchen looked at the well-behaved Tao Tao in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he got up and patted his buttocks to leave.

"Wait, Jiang Jinchen."

The corner of Tao Tao's mouth twitched, and then suddenly called out to him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Jiang Jinchen looked back at her innocently.

Yep, that expression again.

"You said let me play? Are you serious?"

Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen seriously, trying to catch the joking expression on his face.

However, it does not.

"Yes, seriously."

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao and said.

Tao Tao was speechless.

Then she stood up and said viciously to Jiang Jinchen.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm here for an internship, not for a vacation."

Tao Tao wants to cry but has no tears.

"You have to let me do the work?"

However, Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao without changing his face when he heard it, and then said.

"I'm afraid you're working too hard."

Tao Tao sighed heavily after hearing this.

"I'm not afraid of hard work."

Then she looked into Jiang Jinchen's eyes and said firmly.

"I'm just, scared that I won't know anything."

Tao Tao is afraid that if she doesn't work hard, she will only become smaller and smaller in front of these big men.

If this is the case, then there will never be a possibility between her and Jiang Jinchen.

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