pick a peach essence

Chapter 205 Can You Let Me Go

I taught him...

Thinking of this, Tao Tao suddenly felt in a trance, as if she had returned to the scene of that day all of a sudden.

That... terrible dream.

"How? Remember?"

Chu Xiuning gently stroked the girl's cheek, watching her face showing a very broken expression.

Tao Tao covered her head in pain, immersed in her own world.

The man smiled and didn't bother her.

After a long time, Tao Tao woke up from the memories.

"Chu Xiuning."

The girl calmly called out the man's name, Chu Xiuning raised her eyebrows when she heard it, and turned to look at Tao Tao's profile.

"what happened?"

"Can you... let me go?"

The girl said to Chu Xiuning in an almost begging tone, but after hearing it, Chu Xiuning dealt with her with an extremely indifferent attitude.

"not good."

Tao Tao turned her head and looked at the man very sincerely.

"I admit that at that time, Manyun was...to protect me..."

Tao Tao choked up when she said this.

"But, I, I'm also doing my best to protect her with my own life!"

However, Chu Xiuning didn't say a word when he heard it, and he shook his head very calmly.

"Different children."

The man stretched out his hand to support the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"But she died for you."

"Do you think the dead will stand up and refute what you said?"

Chu Xiuning didn't believe her.

Tao Tao came up with the answer in an instant, but... what she said was indeed true. At that time, the two of them would really lose their lives for each other.

"You, why don't you believe it?"

Tao Tao broke down a bit, if Chu Xiuning didn't believe what he said, then he would take revenge on everyone around Tao Tao.

At that time... I also became a murderer.

"I only believe in the evidence."

Chu Xiuning raised his eyebrows, walked to the operating table while talking, and lifted the white cloth covering the corpse without thinking.

Tao Tao still couldn't control her glance.

She retched all of a sudden, but luckily she didn't eat anything today.

Tao Tao shrank in the corner, unable to spit out anything.

Chu Xiuning seemed to dislike her retching voice, so he walked quickly behind Tao Tao, grabbed her hair and lifted her up.

"Be patient."

The man dragged the girl to the operating table, and Tao Tao couldn't help but wanted to turn around and run away.

But she was held tightly by the man from behind.

"Come on, look at her."

Tao Tao was crying, and through the light of her tears, she saw the woman lying on the operating table, oh no, it was a female corpse.

"How is it, is it beautiful?"

Chu Xiuning gently stroked the female corpse as if appreciating a work of art.

Tao Tao closed her eyes, thinking that if she looked at the corpse one more time, she would faint.

"What's wrong? Doesn't it look good?"

The man chuckled lightly.

"Look at her, how peacefully she died."

However, Tao Tao is now suppressing the nausea in her heart.

"Hey, don't you wonder who she is?"

The man's cold voice echoed in Tao Tao's ears again, Tao Tao froze for a moment, then slowly opened his eyes.

Looking at the smiling female corpse with her eyes closed, Tao Tao suddenly felt...

No, wait.

This woman... really looks familiar...

Tao Tao frowned and thought for a while, and then she came to her senses.

"You, you actually..."

Tao Tao trembled, turned her head and looked at the man who was hugging her tightly behind her with disbelief.

That's right, Tao Tao recognized the woman right away.

She is...the...woman who ended Chu Manyun's life.

That is, in Tao Tao's junior high school, the woman who liked their school grass.

"You, how did you find her?"

Chu Xiuning gave the girl a strange look.

"It seems that you don't know me very well."

Then the man continued with a look of surprise.

"Why, didn't she tell you about me?"

she?Who is she referring to?

Tao Tao pursed her lips tightly, thinking about who she was in this man's mouth.

Chu Xiuning smacked his lips.

"It's okay if you're really stupid, I'm talking about Manyun."

Chu Manyun?
Tao Tao was stunned for a moment, "She... really didn't tell me anything."


Chu Xiuning suddenly smiled, with some sarcasm in his tone.

"It seems that your relationship is not very good."

For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly felt very angry when she heard this sentence.

"Why do you say that?"

Tao Tao frowned, staring at the man viciously.

"Have you ever known Manyun? Have you ever cared about Manyun?"

Tao Tao took a deep breath.

"Although I don't know the relationship between you and Manyun, I can be sure that you didn't really care about Manyun at that time."

"Otherwise, she wouldn't feel alone."

"you shut up!"

Not knowing that Tao Tao's words touched the man's nerves, Chu Xiuning suddenly let out an angry growl.

However, when things got here, Tao Tao also planned to break the can, she instantly remembered all the grievances that Chu Manyun had suffered at that time.

"I can tell you very clearly, Chu Manyun, there is no happy day in school. Everyone is laughing at her."

"All kinds of dirty words were thrown at Chu Manyun by that person, but she didn't explain anyway."

"Is it because of you?"

"Did you tell her not to reveal any information about you?"

After Chu Xiuning heard it, he suddenly fell silent.

Seeing this, Tao Tao immediately continued talking.

"Do you know, when she is in despair, who is the person she most wants to see? It's you!"

"But what about you? Have you really paid attention to her? I admit that you gave her the material life that all girls envy, but you never cared about her in a real sense. "

Chu Xiuning held his head and sat on the sofa without saying a word.

After a long time, when Tao Tao felt that time had stopped, the man finally spoke.

"No, it's not like that."

While talking, Chu Xiuning straightened up again.

"Man Yun chose to keep this secret for me because she was sensible."

"And you said I didn't care about her? How do you know? You don't know anything, so don't talk nonsense!"

Tao Tao listened to the man's incoherent words, and she knew that Chu Xiuning was also messed up because of her own words.

Tao Tao pursed her lips.

"Don't use the excuse of caring about her."

Tao Tao snorted coldly.

"You don't know anything!"

Chu Xiuning suddenly let out a low growl, as if recalling some unhappy memories.

"Okay, if you say I don't understand, then tell me, what exactly do I not understand?"

Tao Tao decided to use the aggressive method, because she felt that if she was really here today, she would get information about him from Chu Xiuning.

Then this piece of information will definitely help Jiang Jinchen a lot.

Once Tao Tao has made this decision in her heart, she will definitely stick to it until she gets what she wants.

"Why should I tell you?"

However, Chu Xiuning wasn't stupid, he also knew that Tao Tao was just saying something out of his own mouth.

Tao Tao pursed her lips.

This man is really...

Tao Tao quickly pretended to be calm and smiled indifferently.

"Why, it was because of your sense of mystery that you killed Chu Manyun."

"So until now, you still want to keep hiding it?"

"Hiding it up for the rest of your life? Will Manyun be wronged for the rest of your life?"

Sure enough, Tao Tao felt the momentary fluctuation of Chu Xiuning's mood.

She is going to make it.

Chu Xiuning raised his head, looked at Tao Tao probingly, and suddenly he smiled.

"I didn't see you wrong."

While talking, Chu Xiuning pushed the girl onto the sofa.

"You, what are you doing?"

Seeing the expression on the man's face, Tao Tao suddenly panicked.

Chu Xiuning chuckled, stretched out his hand to support the girl, bent slightly, and moved close to Tao Tao's ear.

"you guess?"

For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Do you know why I didn't take revenge on you in the first place?"

Tao Tao swallowed and shook her head.

"Silly boy."

Chu Xiuning suddenly sniffed the girl's smooth black hair.

"It smells good."

not good!

Tao Tao felt the increasingly ambiguous atmosphere, so she hurriedly wanted to push the man away.

But she didn't have the strength to push the man away.

"You, you let me go."

Tao Tao struggled to get up from under the man, but Chu Xiuning held her down desperately.


The man suddenly moved closer to the girl, and gently lifted her chin with one finger.

Tao Tao felt the cool touch from the tip of her nose.

At this time, she was nose to nose with the man's. For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly felt sick, but she didn't dare to move.

"Do you want to guess why I am reluctant to kill you?"

Chu Xiuning raised his eyebrows and asked softly.

Tao Tao pursed her lips tightly and said nothing.

However, Chu Xiuning smiled indifferently, and continued talking on his own.

"Of course it's because... I like you."

What, what?
Tao Tao was stunned suddenly.

Looking at the expression on the girl's face, Chu Xiuning couldn't help laughing out loud.

"you are so cute."

It's just that although the man was smiling, the smile didn't reach his heart.

Tao Tao could still feel this point.

"You, don't be joking, okay?"

Tao Tao wants to cry but has no tears. This man likes her?Do not make jokes……

But Chu Xiuning looked serious.

"To be honest, when I first saw you, I fell in love with you."

The man was smiling softly, his lips kept moving on the girl's face.

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