pick a peach essence

Chapter 187 Investigation Begins

So the three of them drove to the scene of the crime, but Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian were very sadly ordered to stay and study.

"Why do I feel that the two of us are primary school students?"

Meng Yuqian looked at the backs of the three people leaving, and for some reason she suddenly felt very heartbroken, like... a child with reluctant parents going to work.

"It's okay, it's okay, they are also for our safety."

Tao Tao sighed, and patted Meng Yuqian on the shoulder, thinking that the child's ability to bear it was not good enough.

"Come on, let's prepare for the defense."

After Tao Tao finished speaking, Meng Yuqian nodded, and went back with her to get the materials, and then went to Professor Jiang's place.

On the other side, as soon as the three arrived at the scene, they saw a strange figure doing something in a corner not far away.

Jiang Jinchen immediately sensed something was wrong, and he signaled with Xiao Qiong's eyes, this time the two of them had a tacit understanding and cautiously approached that person.

"not good!"

However, at this moment, Yang Junlan, who was watching everything, suddenly roared and ran out without thinking.

Because just a second before Yang Junlan roared, the man in black had already spotted them.

But Yang Junlan and the others still miscalculated, they didn't catch that person.

Xiao Qiong picked up a small mirror from the ground and almost breathed out the fragrance.

"No way, he should be wearing gloves, there are no fingerprints on them."

Xiao Qiong sighed, looking very annoyed.

"It's okay, let's take a look again, don't worry."

Yang Junlan knew Xiao Qiong's mood at this time, so she quickly comforted her.

Xiao Qiong nodded, indicating that he was fine.

"Is there really no surveillance on this road?"

Yang Junlan looked around.


Jiang Jinchen frowned, looking at this small street where no one seemed to come.

"Are you sure that Xiao Lan will pass by here on her way to and from get off work?"

So the man immediately turned his head and looked at Xiao Qiong who was lost in thought.

Xiao Qiong also decisively said no after hearing it.

"It can also be said that my sister has never been here before."

How could this be?
Jiang Jinchen suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"Could it be that someone led her here?"

Yang Junlan heard Jiang Jinchen's conjecture and nodded in agreement.

"This can only happen. How could a normal person come to a strange place for no reason."

"It's still after getting home from get off work."

Yang Junlan pursed her lips and raised her head to look at Xiao Qiong.

"Have you checked your sister's cell phone?"

Xiao Qiong shook his head when he heard it.

"No, because her phone has been crushed."


When Yang Junlan heard this, she suddenly sneered.

"Where is her phone?"

"In the bag."

After Xiao Qiong finished speaking, he spoke again to express his affirmation.

"She was in the bag all the time."

"So, that's the problem."

Yang Junlan pursed her lips and expressed her analysis.

"Now there are two possibilities."

"The first one is that someone deceived Xiao Lan over the phone and lured her here to create the illusion of a car accident."

"But later I was afraid that it would be discovered, so I destroyed the evidence and deliberately forged the phone to look like it was accidentally crushed."

As Yang Junlan spoke, she looked around the small corners to see if she could find some particularly subtle evidence.

"And the other is that the suspect is an acquaintance of Xiao Lan herself, and she guided Xiao Lan to come here through verbal communication that avoided people's ears."

Jiang Jinchen frowned and listened carefully, then kept nodding, because these thoughts were exactly the same as those in his heart.

"It's just, this broken phone."

When Yang Junlan said this, her eyes suddenly darkened.

"This mobile phone, it is possible that the suspect wants to mislead us and make us spend time on repairing the data, thus missing the most critical clues."

Xiao Qiong suddenly realized, so he quickly suggested.

"That being the case, we secretly repaired the phone data, and at the same time investigated everyone who came into contact with Xiao Lan that day."

However, a hint of worry suddenly appeared on Jiang Jinchen's face.

"I feel that we have been discovered, and it is impossible to investigate this matter secretly."

Yang Junlan nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, the person just now has seen us."


Yang Junlan pursed her lips tightly, and walked to the place where the strange black-clothed man came just now.

She looked at the clean ground and corners, lost in thought.

"He was destroying evidence just now."

Looking at such a clean place, Xiao Qiong suddenly felt that those people were really stupid.

Because this small street is usually not cleaned, the corners of the walls are covered with cobwebs or covered with moss.

How could it be so clean?

Yang Junlan looked at it, but suddenly smiled confidently.

"I'm going to assign you tasks now."

After Jiang Jinchen and Xiao Qiong heard this, they suddenly became serious.

"Mr. Jiang, you are responsible for calling out all the surveillance videos around this street. Remember, the scope is as wide as possible, and you must check all the routes that can get here."

Jiang Jinchen said quickly after hearing it.

"Okay, I will send more people to find out as soon as possible."

"Then, Mr. Xiao."

Yang Junlan looked at Xiao Qiong and gave him the most important task.

"You need to investigate who Xiao Lan had contact with that day and the day before."

"It's all, every inconspicuous person can't be let go, and then sort out a list and photos for me."

"no problem."

Xiao Qiong thought for a moment, then nodded.

"So...Xiao Lan's phone, shall we still repair it?"

Jiang Jinchen suddenly remembered that up to now, the mobile phone that is most likely to be the key evidence has not been repaired.

Yang Junlan pursed her lips.

"We may not have enough manpower, so we can only..."

However, before she could finish speaking, a man's thick voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Who said there are not enough people?"

The moment Yang Junlan heard this voice, she turned her head in shock.

"Su Yi? Why are you here?"

Jiang Jinchen and Xiao Qiong looked at the man standing in front of them, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

"What? Do you think you've seen me somewhere?"

Su Yi was stared at by these two people, but he was not angry.

"Ah, sorry, sorry."

Jiang Jinchen hurriedly bowed to the man in police uniform to apologize.

"Hahaha, it's okay, I'm the face of the public, and many people say I look familiar."

Seeing this, Su quickly waved his hands indifferently.

Yang Junlan and Xiao Qiong looked at this man very speechlessly at this moment.

"Ahem, let me introduce myself."

Su Yi sensed those two unfriendly gazes, and quickly returned to normal.

"My name is Su Yi, and I'm a member of our criminal police squad."

"Hi, my name is Jiang Jinchen."

After Su Yi heard Jiang Jinchen's name, he was not overly shocked.

"President Jiang, I have admired your name for a long time."

Jiang Jinchen coughed awkwardly.

"Hello, Xiao Qiong."

Xiao Qiong smacked his lips. For some reason, he didn't particularly like this man.

"Ah, hello hello."

Yang Junlan looked at these people with a headache, and quickly stopped them.

"Okay, okay, the case is being investigated, can you be serious."

When Su Yi heard it, he curled his lips.

"See, our captain, a woman who is a thief..."

"Su Yi!"

Gritting her teeth, Yang Junlan grabbed the man by the collar from behind, almost strangling him to death.

"I still have an account I haven't settled with you, so be careful."

Sure enough, as soon as Su heard these words, he immediately became quiet.

"He's a technician in our team. It just so happens that I'll leave it to him to restore the phone data."

Jiang Jinchen and Xiao Qiong agreed after hearing this.

"Hey, wait, what is a technician?"

Su Yi flung himself free from Yang Junlan's grasp, then frowned with anger.

"Please, I am a data cracker, can you stop making me look like an ordinary skilled worker?"

Jiang Jinchen looked helplessly at the man in front of him, only thinking that he should be responsible for the atmosphere in Yang Junlan's team.

"Okay, then it's decided, I will send someone here to conduct a careful investigation."

However, Yang Junlan didn't pay attention to the man who exploded his hair. She nodded to the remaining two people, indicating that they can start to investigate.

Jiang Jinchen smiled gratefully at the two of them after hearing this, "Thank you for your hard work."

Then he took Xiao Qiong and left here.

It's just that before Xiao Qiong got into the car, he suddenly turned around and looked at the man who was wringing his fingers and arguing with Yang Junlan.

"what happened?"

Jiang Jinchen looked at Xiao Qiong's serious face.

"I always feel that I have seen that man named Su Yi before."

Jiang Jinchen suddenly fell silent when he heard it.

seen?How is it possible, they are two completely unrelated people.

"By the way, what happened to Li Huan?"

Jiang Jinchen changed the subject and pulled Xiao Qiong back from his world.

"Already going through the formalities for going abroad."

Xiao Qiong pursed her lips and leaned on the seat, looking very tired.


Jiang Jinchen hesitated for a moment, but still expressed his thoughts.

"Actually, I think it's better for her to be in China now."

"Stay in the country?"

Xiao Qiong frowned after hearing this, and looked at the man beside him inquisitively.

"Yes, stay in the country."

Jiang Jinchen sighed and expressed his thoughts.

"Because we haven't found anything yet, and we don't know if the enemy will hurt her again."

"If it is abroad, it will be more convenient for them to start."

Xiao Qiong pursed her lips and fell into deep thought.

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