pick a peach essence

Chapter 18 Xiao Qiong's Past

The two of them just stared at each other face to face.

Some passing students all looked at these two people who seemed to have turned into stone statues with wonder on their faces.

Tao Tao blushed and accepted the baptism of everyone's eyes. Finally, she couldn't help it anymore and decided to say something first.

"Hahaha, what a coincidence, Teacher Xiao."

Tao Tao said to Xiao Qiong with a charming smile.

"Unfortunately, I was going up to find you."

Xiao Qiong stood there calm and steady like an old dog.


Tao Tao didn't expect Xiao Qiong to say these words so confidently.

It's also embarrassing.

"That... what can I do for you?"

After hearing this sentence, Xiao Qiong looked at Tao Tao like a fool, then picked up the medicine in his hand and shook it in front of her eyes.

"You can't see?"


I'm not blind, of course I can see.

People give you a step with good intentions and you don't want to go down. Do you have to let others kick you down?

Tao Tao complained silently in her heart.

"Oh, I really didn't notice. Did you buy this for me? Thank you very much, Mr. Xiao."

Tao Tao hastily walked forward with a few steps, put her hands on her hands, then looked up at Xiao Qiong with a grateful expression on her face.

Xiao Qiong glanced at her speechlessly, then threw the bag of medicine into Tao Tao's arms.

"Remember to wipe when you go back."

After finishing speaking, he floated away like a gust of wind.

What is this man doing?
Tao Tao looked at the various medicines in her bosom with a dazed expression, thinking that she was just accidentally scalded, not a first-degree disability...

She sighed, and put the medicine in her backpack.

Within a few minutes, Tao Tao saw Meng Yuqian and senior sister Xiao Lan running towards her in a hurry.

"Hey! How did you come out, little Taozi?"

Relying on her 5.0 eyesight, Meng Yuqian spotted Tao Tao standing at the door of the library at a glance.

When Tao Tao saw the two of them, she ran towards them with a smile, and threw herself into Meng Yuqian's arms.

"Hahaha, I'm really fine. I'm afraid you will have to climb the stairs later, so I will come down first."

Tao Tao hugged Meng Yuqian's neck, then turned to look at senior sister Xiao Lan.

"You child."

Senior sister Xiao Lan who was standing next to her rubbed Tao Tao's hair helplessly, then picked up the medicine in her hand.

"When you return to the dormitory in a while, you must remember to apply the medicine."

"Hehehe, I know, senior sister, we promise to complete the task."

Meng Yuqian took the medicine from Senior Sister Xiao Lan's hand for Tao Tao, then wrapped Tao Tao's arm and blinked at Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan helplessly looked at the two live treasures in front of her, and shook her head.

"You, you, you. Well, then you go back quickly."

"Yeah, I got it, senior, goodbye, senior."

Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian happily agreed to the senior sister, then turned around and waved goodbye to Xiao Lan.

After seeing the two of them walking away, Xiao Lan sighed heavily, then turned around and looked at the man standing beside the willow tree not far away.

"Come out, everyone is gone."

Xiao Lan glanced at the man helplessly, then said urgently.

"Go back quickly, don't you still have a job?"

After hearing this, Xiao Qiong withdrew her gaze from staring at the girl in the distance, and then slowly walked out from the corner.

Xiao Lan looked at this man who was getting closer and closer to her, and sighed heavily again.

"Brother, why do you do this? If you like it, go after it."

While talking, Xiao Lan stepped forward and took Xiao Qiong's arm, dragging her home.

"It's not the time yet."

Xiao Qiong quickly followed Xiao Lan's pace, and the two of them walked home together.

"Why? You said the same thing a few years ago, but you've clearly taken action now."

Xiao Lan looked at her brother suspiciously, as if she suddenly felt that she had never seen through this man's heart.

"Because something happened..."

A nervous expression appeared on Xiao Qiong's usually calm face. Xiao Lan watched her brother's change in surprise, and then both of them fell into silence.

Thirteen years ago, it was a summer.

As usual, Xiao Qiong was sitting in the car with her schoolbag and blowing on the air conditioner, and then was sent to school by the housekeeper.

The 12-year-old Xiao Qiong still had a little childishness on his face. He leaned his head against the car window with a blank expression, his dark pupils quietly watching the people working hard under the scorching sun outside the car window.

Xiao Qiong is the young master of a wealthy family. He has been loved and loved by everyone since he was born. As long as he stretches out his hand, all kinds of good things in this world will be delivered to him in a steady stream.

He didn't know what his father did for a job because he hadn't seen his father as long as he could remember.

At that time, Xiao Qiong lived with his mother every day. In his impression, his mother was a beautiful woman who liked to wear cheongsam very much.

The black hair is neatly coiled up, and the figure is well-proportioned and tall.There was always an old worn-out ring on her slender and white finger, which had very strange patterns on it, and every time she saw it, little Xiao Qiong would feel extremely uncomfortable.

The mother was always very serious, and there was rarely a smile on her beautiful face. Her sometimes depressed and sometimes bitter and bitter look left a deep impression on Xiao Qiong.

So, when Xiao Qiong grew up, he no longer had a smile on his face.

The car was still driving slowly, and it was almost time to arrive at school, Xiao Qiong sat in the quiet car drowsy.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and fall asleep, suddenly, his eyes were dazzled by a bright light.


Xiao Qiong frowned uncomfortably, then quickly closed his eyes.

After a while, he eased the discomfort in his eyes and slowly opened them again.

And just then, the car stopped.

He suddenly saw a man, dressed all in black in the summer, and wearing a hat that was also black, he was out of place with everyone.

The man seemed to be holding something in his hand.

Xiao Qiong widened his eyes and watched carefully.

I saw the thing in his hand shaking with the movement of the man's arm, refracting streaks of light from time to time.

Xiao Qiong looked at it, and suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

Because he saw a shiny fruit knife in the gap between the golden rays of light.

With a turn of the blade, the light was refracted again and shone straight into Xiao Qiong's eyes.

After Xiao Qiong got out of the car, he hesitated at the door.

"What's the matter, young master?"

The housekeeper lowered his head, looked at Xiao Qiong who was motionless, and asked suspiciously.


Xiao Qiong didn't speak, and didn't even make any movements, he was just trembling imperceptibly.

Because he just saw that the man in black, holding the sharp fruit knife, was walking towards the barren hill not far from the school.

Xiao Qiong trembled for a while, then took a deep breath and exhaled it heavily.

He kept comforting himself in his heart, it's all right, it's all right, as long as he returns to the classroom now and doesn't go out for a day, he won't be in danger.

And that man's target is not himself, even if...

Thinking of this, Xiao Qiong suddenly hesitated.

Could that man really kill someone?

Xiao Qiong didn't dare to imagine that scene, he covered his head with his hands, then knelt down and trembled.

Will someone see it?Someone must have seen it, right?

Xiao Qiong thought over and over again in her heart, besides herself, someone else saw that strange man just now and went to call the police, right?

He was trembling more and more, and the clothes on his back were soaked in cold sweat, and he almost cried out.

The butler next to Xiao Qiong looked at his young master helplessly, not knowing what to do.

After a long while, Xiao Qiong finally finished his mental construction, and when he raised his head again, he had already calmed down.

No problem Xiao Qiong, you didn't see anything, whatever happened has nothing to do with you.

He wiped the sweat from his brow, took a few deep breaths, turned around and said to the helpless butler.

"I'm fine, let's go."

The butler looked at Xiao Qiong hesitantly, and instinctively told himself that he couldn't leave.

Xiao Qiong frowned, and then said coldly to the housekeeper: "I've already said that I'm fine, you can go now."

After Xiao Qiong finished speaking, she didn't look at the butler again, picked up her schoolbag, turned around and walked into the school.

The housekeeper looked at Xiao Qiong's back and sighed deeply, then drove away.

At the moment Xiao Qiong stepped into the school gate holding his breath, he was suddenly knocked down by a boy running towards him.

"What are you doing!"

Xiao Qiong was already frightened, but was shocked by this sudden bump.

He raised his head and stared fiercely at the boy in front of him, and was surprised to find that the boy was covered in injuries.

what's the situation?
The boy ignored Xiao Qiong, picked up the things in his hands after getting up from the ground, and ran out of the school.

Xiao Qiong looked back suspiciously, then suddenly her eyes widened.

The boy ran in the direction that turned out to be the barren hill that the man in black walked into just now.

Shocked, Xiao Qiong immediately dropped the schoolbag in her hand and ran after the boy just now.

Panting, Xiao Qiong stood at the entrance of the barren mountain with his knees on his knees, looking at the figure who was getting further and further away from him with despair on his face.

How did this man run so fast.

What to do, he really ran in.

Xiao Qiong sat on the ground exhausted, and then regretted why she couldn't run faster to stop that boy.

He lowered his head and clasped the bark, struggling in his heart.

Do you want to call the police?
If you don't call the police, the boy just now will definitely die, but if you call the police, you will also be arrested by the police.

The young Xiao Qiong always thought in his heart that he might want to kill someone when he saw the man holding a knife, but if he didn't call the police immediately, he would definitely be arrested and locked up by the police after being discovered.

And when Xiao Qiong was struggling, he saw a girl in a white skirt running over not far away.

Then he widened his eyes, and before he could react, the girl ran into the barren mountain without looking back.

Xiao Qiong was sweating anxiously, as if she had just been fished out of the water.

He watched the girl's figure getting farther and farther away, a corner of the white skirt was blown by the wind, gently brushing the tree trunks by the roadside.

This time Xiao Qiong didn't hesitate, he clenched the mobile phone in his hand, and then chased the girl's white skirt and sank into the barren mountain together.

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