pick a peach essence

Chapter 172 When Will You Get Married

As expected, Tao Tao blushed when she was teased by the man.

"You, get up!"

Jiang Jinchen looked at the girl who was about to faint in the next second, and decided not to tease her anymore.

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Tao Tao pouted and sat back on the sofa.

"When I'm not busy for a while, I'll take you out to play."

Jiang Jinchen stretched out his hand and pinched the girl's cheek, Tao Tao nodded obediently.

"Ah, that's right."

Only then did Tao Tao remember her purpose of coming here today, she quickly looked at Jiang Jinchen seriously and said.

"Xiao Jin, what's going on?"

Jiang Jinchen paused when he heard the girl ask such a question.

"He... was sentenced to life."


Tao Tao got this result, and she didn't know why she was suddenly sad.

Perhaps in this lifetime, the Xiao Qiong brothers and sisters may never see this man.

The family finally became what they are now, which sounds really ironic.

"It's ok."

Jiang Jinchen looked at the girl's downcast look, and rubbed her hair.

"You have to remember that whatever you plant, you will get what you want. This is the same principle."

Tao Tao nodded ignorantly after hearing this.

"Okay, I'll go to work first and take you to a place in the evening."

After Jiang Jinchen finished speaking, he threw Tao Tao a computer, and thoughtfully opened a game for her.

Disappear, dissipate?
Tao Tao frowned again.

"Jiang Jinchen! What do you mean?"

However, that man turned his head and talked nonsense in a serious manner.

"This game is a test of IQ."

I believe you ghost? ? ?
Tao Tao picked up the computer, just about to throw it down angrily and gracefully, but she suddenly saw the imprint of an apple shining brightly on it.

Well, it's too expensive and I can't afford it.

So the girl quietly went to play Xiaoxiaole.

But fortunately, Jiang Jinchen didn't seem to have so much work today, and it was over after three o'clock.

Jiang Jinchen took the clothes and walked up to Tao Tao.

"My dear Miss Peach, would you like to do me a favor?"

Tao Tao snorted coldly, but she was still really sweet when she saw the handsome face of the man in front of her that could kill everyone in an instant.

"Let's go."

Then the girl got into the man's car.

"Where are you taking me?"

Tao Tao looked at the scenery outside the window, it didn't look like the route to the commercial street, but the man smiled mysteriously.

"You'll know when it arrives."

So Tao Tao was puzzled all the way, and finally she stood in front of the resplendent and resplendent gate, almost fainted from fright.

"This is……"

She looked around, except for the ridiculously large villa not far away, there were no other houses around.

"I'll show you Xiaoji."

However, Jiang Jinchen still didn't say anything, just said to go and see Xiaoji, and walked in with the girl.

"wait wait wait!"

Tao Tao realized it all at once, she hugged the big pillar in the corridor tightly and remained motionless.

"what happened?"

Jiang Jinchen looked helplessly at the girl in front of him, feeling distressed and funny at the same time.

"Are you crazy?"

Tao Tao said that you are not the Jiang Jinchen I know.

The man wants to cry but has no tears.

"I'm not crazy, why are you so excited? Just take a look at Xiaoji."

"Don't think I don't know!"

At this moment, Tao Tao suddenly pointed at Jiang Jinchen's nose and said angrily.

"You, are you sure you just took me to see Xiaoji, not..."

"Not to meet some other people?"

Jiang Jinchen raised his eyebrows and nodded seriously.

"it is true."

"Don't come!"

The girl looked hopeless, "Don't forget, you told me last time that you left Xiaoji in your father's care."


Only then did Jiang Jinchen remember that he had indeed said it last time.

The man regretted it very much, why did he tell this matter so quickly.

It's over, he looked at the girl's posture, and he wouldn't go in even if he was killed.

Jiang Jinchen originally wanted to lure Tao Tao into his house and let his father take a good look at it.

But now...

"Okay, okay, we won't go, we won't go."

However, just as Tao Tao was relaxing, a moderate voice suddenly came from behind the two of them.

"What are you doing?"


Listening to this familiar voice, Tao Tao's eyes darkened and she almost fainted.


Jiang Jinchen rubbed his temples with a headache, and looked at Jiang Huaiwei who was holding a flowerpot in front of him and looked at them with a dazed expression.

"Stinky boy, come back early and don't tell me..."

While scolding Jiang Jinchen, Jiang Huaiwei looked behind the man along his line of sight.

Tao Tao stared blankly at Jiang Huaiwei, still holding the pillar tightly and not letting go.

"Eh? You, you are..."

Tao Tao choked for breath, it's over, he might have recognized me.

However, what Jiang Huaiwei said in the next second gave Tao Tao a blow in the head.

"Are you Xiaoji?"

"No wonder, I couldn't find you when I searched everywhere just now."

"So you are here?"

Tao Tao dropped her jaw in surprise, she turned her head to look at Jiang Jinchen suspiciously, but saw the man helplessly holding his forehead.

"Hey, that's how it is."

Jiang Huaiwei looked apologetically at the girl sitting opposite him.

"Sorry, I think...you and Xiaoji are too similar."


Jiang Jinchen glared at his father, signaling him to be more serious.

"Ah, that's right."

"You are... Jiang Jinchen's girlfriend, right?"

At this time, Tao Tao, who was holding a teacup and trying to hide her nervousness, was almost scared to death by Jiang Huaiwei's shocking words.

Jiang Jinchen looked at his serious father with a headache, feeling that he was hopeless.

"This is my girlfriend, Dad... You are a little..."

However, Jiang Huaiwei glanced at the two of them with an expression that I understand.

"It's okay little girl, if Jiang Jinchen bullies you, you can come to me."

"No no."

After hearing this, Tao Tao waved her hands frantically at Jiang Huaiwei.

"Jiang Jinchen... treats me very well."

Jiang Jinchen smiled happily when he heard it, but what his father said next made him doubt life.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't look at him on the surface, he looks like a person now, but in fact behind his back..."


Jiang Jinchen looked at the man who was getting worse and worse, and quickly stopped what he was going to say next.

"We want to see Xiaoji, where did you put it?"

As soon as Jiang Jinchen said this, Jiang Huaiwei finally realized it, and he quickly stood up from the sofa.

"You guys chat first, I'll go find Xiaoji."

As soon as Jiang Huaiwei left, Tao Tao looked at the man next to him without love.

"Tell me, what do you think of me?"

Jiang Jinchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"How is it possible, I like you but I can't come here."

Tao Tao smacked her lips, signaling him not to say useless nonsense.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance that I didn't buy anything for uncle."

However, Jiang Jinchen waved his hand indifferently.

"It's okay, the old man doesn't like those, you come, it's a gift for him."


Tao Tao blushed and glared at Jiang Jinchen.

"are you hungry?"

Jiang Jinchen glanced at the time, it was already past five o'clock, after the man said this, Tao Tao felt that he was indeed a little hungry.

She nodded.

"I went to cook."

"Wait, I'm going too."

Tao Tao quickly stopped the man and went with him, otherwise she would die of embarrassment when Jiang Huaiwei came back.

Then the two cooperated very well and cooked several dishes. After they finished cooking, Jiang Huaiwei also brought Xiao Ji back.

When Tao Tao saw Xiaoji, her heart suddenly softened.

She took Xiaoji from Jiang Huaiwei, and suddenly found that it had grown a lot.

Tao Tao holds the kitten carefully, and the kitten in her arms is also very familiar with her smell.

Holding Tao Tao's collar with her paws, Xiaoji brought her little face closer, and gently sniffed at the tip of the girl's nose.

so healing...

Tao Tao rubbed its little head, loving it even more.

"Come and eat."

Jiang Jinchen also reached out to touch Xiaoji, then took it and put it on the cat climbing frame.

"it is good."

After Tao Tao washed her hands, she sat with Jiang Jinchen opposite Jiang Huaiwei.

"Come on, girl, you're welcome."

Jiang Huaiwei said to Tao Tao very generously.

Tao Tao nodded obediently, "Thank you uncle."

However, Jiang Jinchen was very helpless, really, it seemed that Jiang Huaiwei cooked this meal by himself.

"When are you and this brat going to get married?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

This time, Tao Tao almost got the rice grains stuck in her trachea.

Jiang Jinchen patted the girl's back distressedly, then raised his head and stared at his father.

"I said, Dad, can you stop being so surprising?"

Jiang Huaiwei looked at the pair in front of him with a smile, and the result became more and more satisfied.

"Be nice to other girls, not everyone can bear your bad temper."

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao's probing eyes and regretted it very much. Why did he bring Tao Tao to his father so early in such a hurry?

The man quickly smiled at Tao Tao.

"Don't listen to his nonsense, I have a good temper."

Tao Tao was dubious... She suddenly felt that Jiang Jinchen might abuse her after marriage.

"Okay, just kidding, let's eat, eat."

Jiang Huaiwei picked up the chopsticks with a hearty laugh, and then ate happily under the extremely shocked gazes of the two.

This time, Tao Tao really felt that the characters of Jiang Jinchen's family were a bit...

Doesn't match their worth.

Jiang Jinchen looked at the strange expression on Tao Tao's face, and was really worried whether he would scare the girl.


Jiang Jinchen looked at the girl's face tentatively.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll have a good chat with you when I get back."

Tao Tao smiled sweetly at Jiang Jinchen, this smile made Jiang Jinchen panic.

However, Tao Tao really had no chance to go back tonight.

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