pick a peach essence

Chapter 169 You Are Really Good

"You are really good!"

When Tao Tao said this, she curled up her mouth and smiled.

"So, you don't live carefully, you try to make friends, and try to trust others."

"Don't worry, because there will always be someone who needs you, and there will always be someone who truly loves you."

Xiao Qiong paused when he heard it, but he didn't look back.

The man stretched out his hand and waved at Tao Tao.

Looking at his back, Tao Tao finally changed from being lonely before to being able to take charge of himself.

Although I don't know if we will meet again in the future, but for so long, the experience between them, whether good or bad, has become a memory.

In fact, what Tao Tao didn't know was that during this period of time, she taught Xiao Qiong a lot, and also infected him a lot.

She taught Xiao Qiong what love is and how to love.

He let Xiao Qiong get out of his protective shell, and began to connect with the world.

Since then, he is no longer alone, he knows how to find his own happiness and happiness.

So, isn't this a good ending?
Maybe the two can become friends in the future, but maybe the two will never see each other again.

But Tao Tao is full of blessings for Xiao Qiong's future.

She knew that this man would get better and better, because he really deserved it all.

"Let's go."

Jiang Jinchen looked at Xiao Qiong's back and sighed softly. He took the girl's hand and walked into the distance together.

In the end, the three went against each other, but the relationship between them suddenly changed.

"Let's go and see Xiaohan together."

Sitting in Jiang Jinchen's car, Tao Tao suddenly remembered that the two of them had never visited that child together.


Jiang Jinchen had this in mind, so the two of them drove towards the hospital.

When the two arrived at the hospital, they walked towards Jiang Yihan's ward, but suddenly saw a man lying on the door, looking furtively at something through the glass of the door.

"Doctor He?"

Jiang Jinchen took Tao Tao's hand and walked over, looking at the man speechlessly.

"Ah, you guys are here..."

He En turned his head immediately after hearing the movement, and scratched his hair in embarrassment.

"You... eh?"

He En looked back and forth between the two of them, only to realize that this time, two of them appeared here at the same time.

"What are you looking at?"

Tao Tao looked at He En suspiciously, and really couldn't figure out why he was sneaking around.

"Uh, I, I want to see Xiaohan."


Why did he call him so kindly? For some reason, Tao Tao still felt that there was something wrong with this man.

"How is Xiaohan?"

However, Jiang Jinchen asked seriously as if nothing happened.

"Ah, the situation is stable now."

When He En said this, he sighed lightly.

"A while ago was the most serious time, but fortunately Miss Tao was always by his side at that time."

After Jiang Jinchen heard these words, he suddenly shook Tao Tao's hand forcefully.

"Thanks for your hard work."

The two people looked at each other and smiled, needless to say the happiness and sweetness between them.

He En looked at the two people speechlessly, and suddenly felt that he was determined to eat this handful of dog food today.

"Well, do you want to go in and have a look?"

He En quickly pulled the two people apart, and then pushed them in one by one.

The three of them came to Jiang Yihan's bedside and looked at the boy who was still in a coma.

"Don't worry, the drug is being developed, and he will definitely be able to persist."

Seeing Jiang Jinchen's worried expression, He En understood very well, and he quickly comforted the man.

"um. Thank you."

Jiang Jinchen nodded and expressed his sincere thanks to He En.

"That's what I should do."

He En smiled indifferently.


He En looked at the two people in front of him, and suddenly hesitated, as if he wanted to say something.

"What's the matter? It's okay, just tell me."

Jiang Jinchen immediately saw that something was wrong with the man, he smiled at He En, and motioned him to continue talking.

"I actually want to take Jiang Yihan abroad after he recovers."


Tao Tao was stunned when she heard it, it was...a bit too sudden.

But Jiang Jinchen looked very calm, he thought about it carefully.

"Because he's really talented."

Seeing this, He En said quickly.

"So I want to take him as an apprentice and take him to study abroad together."

Tao Tao pursed her lips and glanced at the serious look on He En's face. She knew that He En was a very good doctor, but...

The girl looked up at Jiang Jinchen's profile.

Just like this, Jiang Jinchen will be separated from his younger brother again, and they have only been reunited for a short time.

"Okay, I promise you."

Tao Tao was stunned for a moment, unexpectedly, Jiang Jinchen quickly agreed.

He En smiled and patted Jiang Jinchen's shoulder.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

So the two made an agreement like this, Tao Tao was a little speechless, and felt a little distressed for Jiang Yihan.

This kid... probably doesn't even know that his brother bought him abroad so easily.

"Then I'm going to work, you can stay with him for a while."

After He En finished speaking, he nodded to the two and left the ward.

"Are you really willing to let Xiaohan leave your side again?"

As soon as He En closed the door of the ward, Tao Tao asked immediately.

However, Jiang Jinchen also sighed lightly, and said.

"Of course I can't bear it."

"Then you still..."

Jiang Jinchen smiled, stretched out his hand and rubbed Tao Tao's head.

"However, he is a boy after all, so it's good to go outside more often."


When Jiang Jinchen said this, he turned his head and glanced at the pale boy who was lying on the bed.

"I think he should like his major very much."

Tao Tao nodded.

"That's good."

"I still have you by my side, and I won't be lonely."

At this time, the man suddenly held the girl in his arms, and whispered this love word in her ear.

Tao Tao's ears turned red instantly.

"You, you are in front of the child...don't..."

Jiang Jinchen looked at the awkward girl and smiled provocatively.

"It's okay, he'll get used to it."


Tao Tao wanted to cry, but couldn't help but struggle, so she could only be hugged tightly by the man.

But...she really misses this familiar embrace.

The two of them took one last look at Jiang Yihan and went back.

Jiang Jinchen wanted to go back to deal with the remaining work in the company, Tao Tao waved goodbye to him.

Although both of them are a little bit sad, they are really busy.

Because it was time for Tao Tao to prepare her graduation thesis recently, this was really an important matter.

Jiang Jinchen said that he had already greeted Professor Jiang in advance and asked her to contact him at any time, but Tao Tao was not very embarrassed.

After Tao Tao returned to the dormitory, she saw Meng Yuqian smiling into the phone with a happy face.

Tao Tao curled her lips, walked up to the girl on tiptoe, and suddenly patted her on the back.

"I go!"

Meng Yuqian almost exploded with foul language all of a sudden.

"You little girl!"

Meng Yuqian stood up from her seat and grabbed Tao Tao's neck.

Wen Liang heard the movement of the two people on the phone, and sighed helplessly.

"It's okay if I was wrong..."

In the end, Tao Tao still couldn't beat this woman.


Meng Yuqian curled her lips, did not speak, but turned around and threw a piece of paper to Tao Tao.

"Eh? What is this?"

Tao Tao took the paper in a daze, and found that it was a registration form.

"After a while, our school will hold a job fair."

"A job fair?"

Tao Tao was very puzzled.

"So early?"

Meng Yuqian glanced at Tao Tao with an expression of are you a fool.

"It's late……"

"But, I don't want to join these companies."

Tao Tao said this aggrievedly, and Meng Yuqian reached out and hammered her on the head.

"Of course I know, this registration form is only for volunteers."


Tao Tao suddenly felt that she had completely derailed her college life, and Meng Yuqian rubbed her forehead speechlessly.

"I heard that many companies will come to recruit this time, including some foreign companies."


Meng Yuqian stretched out her hand and patted Tao Tao's shoulder while talking, with a look of good intentions on her face.

"I think you should sign up as a volunteer, after all, your English level has skyrocketed."

Tao Tao, on the other hand, had an expression of enjoyment.

"Well, yes, I accept your compliment."

"Seriously, anyway, you have nothing to do, so go and have a look."

Meng Yuqian rolled her eyes and said seriously.


Tao Tao thought about it, and finally filled out the volunteer form. After all, there are not many such opportunities, so it is just a good time to exercise.

"That's right!"

Meng Yuqian patted her with relief, but Tao Tao felt that something was wrong, she thought Meng Yuqian was a little too excited.

"I said...do you have something to hide from me?"

Tao Tao squinted her eyes, realizing that the matter was not simple, oh no, it was the woman Meng Yuqian who was not simple.

However, Meng Yuqian avoided this question with a silly smile.

But on the day she appeared at the job fair in uniform, Tao Tao looked at the man standing in front of her, and finally understood what it meant to forget her sister after leaving her boyfriend.

"Thank you for helping me."

Wen Liang smiled happily at Tao Tao, although he didn't quite understand why the girl's expression was not particularly good.

"I don't know why, there are very few students who have time in our senior year, so there are not enough people..."

However, before Wen Liang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Tao Tao.

"Don't, stop talking..."

Tao Tao held her forehead, feeling very blocked.

"I know, this is life..."

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