pick a peach essence

Chapter 160 The Story of You and My Brother

"Doctor He..."

Tao Tao covered her little heart with a mournful face.

"Can you tell me the main point?"

He En, who was on the side, looked at Tao Tao's pale face, and reacted immediately. He hastily apologized to the girl.

"I'm so sorry, I..."

"it's okay no problem."

Tao Tao waved her hand to indicate that she could still breathe for a while, she knew that maybe He En had never seen a person with such poor mental quality as her.

"I've never seen the kind of poison in Jiang Yihan, but my teacher is an expert in this field."

He En quickly poured a glass of water and placed it in front of Tao Tao.

"Is it... serious?"

Tao Tao suddenly felt a little flustered, but seeing He En's normal expression, she quietly let go of her heart. She felt that this person was invited by Jiang Jinchen, so he should be very powerful.


He En nodded seriously.

"But it doesn't matter, I have sent the test results to my teacher."

"And here I've already started preparing the antidote, don't worry, I will cure Jiang Yihan together with my teacher."

When Tao Tao heard this, she finally let go of her hanging heart.


Why is it but again... Tao Tao looked at the man in front of her speechlessly.

"Jiang Yihan's condition may relapse during this period, so I suggest that he be hospitalized for observation."

Tao Tao nodded after hearing it.

"Okay, no problem, I'll be with him."

He En smiled at Tao Tao after hearing this, and continued.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good relationship."

Tao Tao rolled her eyes in her heart, can it be okay?Even if there is no such relationship, Tao Tao will still love Jiang Yihan when she sees a boy who is well-behaved and sunny.

"That's fine, you can bring him to my place tomorrow."

He En saw that Tao Tao hadn't spoken the whole time, and he smiled indifferently, and then he made an appointment with the girl.

"Okay, sorry to trouble you."

Tao Tao quickly agreed and said goodbye to He En.

When the girl was walking on the road, she called Jiang Yihan and told him about today's events.

"Doctor He... really said that?"

Tao Tao could still hear the suspicion in Jiang Yihan's tone.

"Yes, don't worry."

Jiang Yihan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Tao Tao felt sorry for the child for a moment.

"So the most important thing now is to adjust your mentality and cooperate with Dr. He well, you know?"

When Jiang Yihan heard the girl's advice, he quickly responded with a smile.

"I know."

Tao Tao nodded when she heard it, and asked him to rest well before hanging up the phone.

When Tao Tao returned to the dormitory, Meng Yuqian was already waiting for her there, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"Yo, you are back."

Meng Yuqian rubbed her fists with a half smile.

Tao Tao pouted.

"Yo, then you can be regarded as parting from Wen Liang."


Meng Yuqian smiled awkwardly when she heard it, then walked over and put her arms around Tao Tao's shoulders.

"Um, how is Jiang Jinchen's younger brother's condition?"

Sure enough, as soon as this was mentioned, Tao Tao became serious all of a sudden. She sat down with Meng Yuqian, and then told her about it.


Meng Yuqian frowned when she heard it, as if she couldn't believe it.

"Does Jiang Jinchen know?"

Tao Tao sighed and nodded.

"Those people...are really ruthless. At that time, they were willing to treat a child like that."

Meng Yuqian looked up at the sky outside and found that it was getting dark.

"Jiang Jinchen must really hate those people."

Tao Tao smacked her lips, then got up and closed the curtains.

"But it doesn't matter. Since I found it, it is the best. From today on, I will take care of his brother instead of him."

"Silly boy."

Meng Yuqian wanted to cry and laugh at the same time when she heard it, she got up and hugged Tao Tao in her arms.

"If there is anything, be sure to tell me."

Tao Tao nodded.

"Don't worry, Qianqian."

So the next day, Tao Tao hurried to find Jiang Yihan after finishing her morning class.

It's just that as soon as she left school, she saw a boy who was smiling very happily right in front of her.

this kid...

"Wait a long time?"

Tao Tao ran over quickly when she saw it.

"Not too long, I just arrived too."

With the suitcase in his hand, Jiang Yihan scratched his head in embarrassment.

Tao Tao smiled, and then took him to the hospital by taxi.

However, as soon as He En saw Jiang Yihan, he rushed over.

"Xiaohan, how are you doing recently? Are you feeling unwell? Come here and let me have a look."

Tao Tao felt at this moment... He En's neglect of her.

"You are Miss Tao?"

At this moment, an old man who was over half a hundred years old but seemed to be in good spirits beside He En looked at Tao Tao with a smile and said.

"Yes, you are?"

"Hahaha, I am the director of this hospital."

It turned out to be the case.

Tao Tao hurriedly bowed to the old man.

"Hello Hello."

"No wonder Mr. Jiang always mentions you..."

I saw the dean glanced at the girl, with unconcealable admiration in his eyes.

Tao Tao froze for a moment, admiration?

She always felt that the dean looked at her strangely.

"Miss Tao."

At this moment, He En waved to himself not far away.

Tao Tao thought something was wrong and ran over quickly.

"Xiaohan is looking for you."


Then the girl shifted her gaze to Jiang Yihan who was trying to reduce his presence.

"That, I am..."

Jiang Yihan felt Tao Tao's gaze, he faltered and couldn't say a word.

"Okay, let's go in."

At this time, He En suddenly took the suitcase from Jiang Yihan's hand, and then led the two of them into the ward.

Tao Tao looked at the furnishings in shock, and saw that the room was really big, and besides some medical equipment, there were other things that would be used in daily life.

And they are all sterilized.

"How is it? Not bad."

Tao Tao looked at He En, who was a little excited, with a puzzled expression on his face.

He won't be...

Tao Tao was heartbroken and almost died on the spot.

No, she will have a good talk with this man later.

Then Jiang Yihan packed his things under the watchful eyes of the two.

Originally, Tao Tao wanted to help, but she saw the boy was a little awkward, so she finally let go.

Boys at this age... are probably more likely to be shy.

Then He En asked Jiang Yihan to rest well.

The two watched Jiang Yihan sitting on the bed obediently, and finally left in peace.

"Doctor He."

Tao Tao looked at the man who was smiling very happily opposite her now, and decided to get straight to the point with him.

"What's wrong, Miss Tao?"

"You to Jiang Yihan..."

When Tao Tao said this, she suddenly didn't know what to say, she smacked her lips, and then decided to threaten with her eyes.

He En stared blankly at Tao Tao's eyes.

what's the situation?I shouldn't have offended her, right?

Tao Tao saw that it didn't work at all, so she decided to speak out.

"Well, what do you think about Jiang Yihan?"

"what idea?"

He En froze for a moment, then began to stroke his chin and think carefully.

"Hmm... a pretty good kid, very obedient and sensible..."

This is quite normal, but why was he so enthusiastic about Jiang Yihan just now.

Tao Tao narrowed her eyes and continued.

"I see...you seem to like him a lot."

"Yeah, I like him a lot."

He En has a serious face, but Tao Tao suddenly senses the danger, this He En... can't be, like men, right?

However, the man at the side saw the girl's increasingly uncomfortable expression, and quickly explained.

"You, don't think about it..."

He En helplessly covered his eyes.

"I just think this kid is a malleable talent, and I still want to take him in as a disciple."


Seeing Tao Tao's embarrassed expression, He En said with a smile.

"I do have a girlfriend."

It's over, I have completely misunderstood...

Tao Tao pursed her lips, then laughed dryly a few times.

"Look, let me just say, this kid is really good."

At this moment, the scene was once very embarrassing.

"Well, if this is the case, then I'll go in and see him, Dr. He, go ahead and do your work."

After Tao Tao left these words, she quickly dodged and hid in Jiang Yihan's ward.

The boy looked at Tao Tao who ran in hastily, with a puzzled look on his face.

"what happened to you?"


Tao Tao took a deep breath, and then returned to normal.

"It's okay, just come and see you."

At this time, Jiang Yihan was lying on the bed for an infusion.

Tao Tao put down her bag, walked to his bed, took a chair and made it down.

"Do you want some fruit?"

"no, I'm fine."

Jiang Yihan blushed suddenly, and he shook his head frantically at the girl.

However, Tao Tao was worried that he would faint if he did this...


Jiang Yihan looked at Tao Tao's face, and suddenly wanted to know the story between her and her brother.

"I actually want to hear the story between you and my brother."

Listen to the story?
Tao Tao pursed her lips, looking at Jiang Yihan's expectant face, well, since that's the case.

Then I'll talk to you about it.

Tao Tao immediately cleared her throat, and then tidied up her clothes.

Looking at the battle in front of him, Jiang Yihan thought that the two of them had experienced some great events.

The result can be...

The boy still ate a mouthful of dog food.

"You two... so happy."

Jiang Yihan smacked his lips and moved his gaze to the ceiling.

Tao Tao felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere.

"Actually... it's actually okay, hahaha."

However, Jiang Yihan has an expression like I'm still young, don't lie to me.

"So, why did you break up with your brother this time?"

Jiang Yihan expressed doubts from a teenager, Tao Tao froze for a moment, as if recalling some bad memories.

But she soon returned to normal.

In fact, it's nothing, and the matter has passed, and now the tacit understanding between the two of them is to trust each other, and then each do things that only they can do.

Tao Tao smiled at the boy.

"We didn't break up."

She remembered what Jiang Jinchen said to herself that day, he said that he would always wait for her.

Jiang Yihan nodded knowingly.

"What I said, every time my brother mentions your name, he will have... that expression."

"That expression?"

Tao Tao frowned, what kind of expression... was that?
"Well...how should I put it, that is, very..."

"It's kind of like that feeling that you can't love."

Jiang Yihan finally got his words together, turned his head and looked at the girl seriously.

Tao Tao blushed all of a sudden.

Love but nothing... Really, who did this child learn such words from.

Jiang Yihan looked at the expression on Tao Tao's face, but smiled mischievously from an angle she couldn't see.

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