pick a peach essence

Chapter 154 The Secret of the Li Family

"Little Peach..."

Xiao Lan pursed her lips and hesitated for a moment. For some reason, she always felt that her words were on her lips, but she just couldn't say them.

However, Tao Tao at this time also regretted it very much, why did she ask this question directly.

Senior sister must be very tangled now.

"Sister, I..."

Tao Tao planned to speak out directly, she didn't want to ask any more.

"It's okay, I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

What, what?
Tao Tao looked at Xiao Lan blankly, as if she had already made up her mind.


She wanted Senior Sister not to be so reluctant, because it was her family after all.

"I know."

However, Xiao Lan smiled and shook her head at Tao Tao.

"Actually, compared to my family members, I feel more..."

When Tao Tao saw Xiao Lan say this, she suddenly stopped. She lowered her head, unable to see her expression clearly.

"You still make me feel warm."

Xiao Lan spoke in a very small voice, if you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't hear it at all.


Tao Tao suddenly felt sorry for the girl in front of her. Sometimes, she could really see the happiness of her senior, but she was just pretending to be strong.

"Over the years, I've gotten used to it."

Xiao Lan seemed to have sorted out her emotions, she raised her head and smiled at Tao Tao indifferently.

But what Tao Tao saw in her smile was full of bitterness.

"Do you want to hear about the Li family?"

Xiao Lan looked at the girl in front of her tenderly.

Tao Tao pursed her lips, as if she was struggling in her heart.

After a while, she finally looked at Xiao Lan and nodded.


Xiao Lan sighed, and then turned her gaze to the window.

"If you want to talk about the Li family...then there is really something to say."

Then, Xiao Lan slowly told Tao Tao everything she knew.

It even includes some things about the Xiao family.

Tao Tao listened in a daze, but didn't react for a while.

She opened her mouth wide in surprise, because those things in the Li family were far more complicated than she imagined.

Tao Tao had already heard about the relationship between the Jiang family and the Xiao family before, but she did not expect that the Li family would also intervene among them.

No, maybe it's not the Li family's problem, the entire Li family should account for a very small part.

And the most fundamental reason for those chaotic things that happened at that time was because of that woman.

That woman was even feared by the elders of the Li family.

Li Huan's mother, Li Min.

As far as the Li family was concerned, it used to be a big family. In fact, even now, the older generation would be moved when they heard about the Li family.

But children of the younger generation like Tao Tao have never heard of this family.

In fact, it's not because of their lack of knowledge, but...

The Li family didn't know when they started to act in a low-key manner, and they no longer appeared in front of other families, and even gave up their forbidden techniques.

So in the end, they were slowly forgotten by the world.

The reason why Xiao Lan knew so well was because she secretly read Li Huan's diary.

Xiao Lan didn't say anything about that diary, but Tao Tao vaguely felt that the diary must have recorded some secrets about the Li family.

"Let me tell you about the Li family first."

When Xiao Lan said this, she sighed softly, as if she remembered some past that she didn't want to recall.

Tao Tao listened quietly, listening to the history of the Li family covered by time.

The Li family is an ancient family.

The original founder of the Li family has some connection with the emperor of which dynasty.

Tao Tao was shocked when he heard it.

She used to know that the Li family must be a big family, and it seems that there can be a few talents who can make the Li family stand upright, or maybe they are afraid of them.


She did not expect that the Li family would be related to the royal family.

"And the reason why the founder of the Li family was able to gain the trust of the emperor at that time and create such a large family..."

"It's because of her hypnotism that was unique at the time, even called divine power."

Tao Tao froze for a moment.

Hypnotism, she had heard of it before.

"At that time, hypnotism was not very popular, so this...?"

Xiao Lan nodded when she heard it, and then she continued.

"Let me tell you one more thing, maybe you will understand."

Xiao Lan stared closely at the girl in front of her, and then said something that shocked Tao Tao.

"The founder of the Li family is a woman."


Tao Tao came back to think about it.

"So... that's why she was able to easily gain the emperor's trust?"

Xiao Lan nodded after hearing this.

"Speaking of which, I did meet Li Min before..."

At this moment, Tao Tao remembered that she first met Li Min face to face, and later, she followed Jiang Jinchen to have close contact with this woman.

Adding Li Huan...

"I should understand how she gained the emperor's trust."

When Xiao Lan heard Tao Tao say this, she was noncommittal.

"Although it seemed like an ordinary hypnotism at the time, but..."

Perhaps only the people of the Li family knew that what they were using was actually a forbidden technique that was more advanced than hypnotism.

If it is said that the forbidden technique is already in this age, no one would believe it, but if Tao Tao hadn't experienced it personally, then the matter about the Li family might really be a secret.

Because at that time, that woman used this technique on one of the emperor's most important spies near the country. As a result, even the prisoner, who was helpless to the interrogator, voluntarily revealed all the secrets at once.

So this woman gained the emperor's trust by using her forbidden technique.

Then she was made a god by those people at that time.

However, Xiao Lan smiled disdainfully when he said this.


"How can there be a god who doesn't save the world."

"Why do you say that?"

Tao Tao looked at Xiao Lan suspiciously with an angry face.

"Because that woman, that woman who is called a god, is secretly doing things that only demons can do."

That woman had just gained the emperor's trust at that time, after she showed her special abilities.

So she asked the emperor to let her find some talented girls in the country and learn this ability from her.

The emperor really agreed.

Because if these people can really learn something, then he can use these people to expand his territory for him.

Then he gave the woman this right to use it as she pleases.

After that, women really do go around looking for talented girls, it's just...

Her request can only be for children under the age of ten.

However, which parent would be willing to let such a young child go out alone.

Go to the stranger who looks very dangerous.

So in a rage, the woman secretly captured those children and threatened their parents.

"If this matter is known to others, then your children will disappear from this world immediately."

These were the words of the woman at the time.

But there are also some parents who just think that the woman is threatening them, so they are going to report to the police.


They were killed before they left the house.

And the culprit of all this is that woman.

Of course, the emperor turned a blind eye to this. After all, as long as that woman can cultivate a person like her, then what is the sacrifice?

"So... the Li family has continued like this from generation to generation?"

For some reason, Tao Tao always had a doubt.


Xiao Lan nodded after hearing this.

Then she looked at Tao Tao's puzzled expression.

"Do you want to ask, why did that woman choose a child who has no blood relationship with her to form this family?"

Yes, this is the question that has been stuck in Tao Tao's heart.

"Oh, that's because..."

That's because she knew from the beginning that this forbidden technique would affect people.

After a long time, people who use this forbidden technique will become in a trance, lose themselves and become a puppet.

Therefore, she was not willing to let her offspring learn.


Tao Tao didn't understand, since the blood of the whole family is mixed, why this family will continue.

"Because that woman changed the surnames of all the children she caught to Li."

Tao Tao finally understood now, it turned out that the woman caught these children who had no blood relationship with her, and then gave them new surnames.


Therefore, from now on, these children are all from the Li family.

They learned the forbidden art from an early age, and then passed it on to the next generation.

So it goes on from generation to generation.

In fact, Tao Tao felt that these people in the Li family were just puppets of that woman.

"So, an elder from the Li family finally found out about this matter."

Xiao Lan sighed and continued.

Because the children who were caught by the woman at that time had their memories tampered with by the woman using forbidden techniques.

So from their subconscious, they think that they are the children of the Li family.

It's just that the woman thought she was safe, but she didn't expect that there was a child who could see her own will and compete with her.

That's right, that child did not fall under her forbidden spell.

It's just that she didn't dare to say anything at the time.

She hid the secret and wrote it down in her diary.

Finally one day, the elders of the Li family did not know which generation they were, and finally found this ordinary diary.

But in this ordinary diary, she deciphered a secret that had been buried for hundreds of years.

Therefore, the elder decided to order that everyone in the Li family be prohibited from using this forbidden technique.

This is the reason why the Li family finally disappeared in front of the world.

Tao Tao listened to all this in a daze, she never thought that the Li family would have such a history.

"So, at that time, did the Li family decide to completely bury this forbidden technique?"

Xiao Lan pursed her lips and nodded.

"Originally... the control was pretty good, but..."

"It's just that it was stolen by someone with a heart."

Tao Tao said this sentence instead of Xiao Lan.

Xiao Lan was noncommittal.

"At that time, there were indeed people with evil intentions who secretly passed on the forbidden technique."

Tao Tao knew that this person must be related to that woman Li Min.

Then Xiao Lan's words later also made Tao Tao completely confirmed.

"Yes, that person is Li Min's mother."

Tao Tao had already guessed that this would be the result.

"So Li Huan and her mother should be regarded as the only two people in the Li family who know this forbidden technique."

Xiao Lan continued.


"Li Min was the most talented person in the entire Li family at that time."

For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly trembled when she heard this sentence.

She felt as if there was a gust of wind blowing towards her.

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