pick a peach essence

Chapter 148 Don't worry about them

Tao Tao learned from Meng Yuqian that she has recently gained Su Mosheng's trust.

"So, it's only a matter of time before I get something out of him."

But Tao Tao was very worried when she heard it.

"However, this is really dangerous. He is...we can't see through it."

However, Meng Yuqian shook her head.

"It's okay, don't worry, I won't get myself involved."

Seeing Meng Yuqian's determination, Tao Tao had no choice but to agree.

"Then you must be careful."

Meng Yuqian finally left under the watchful eye of Tao Tao, and the whole dormitory returned to the eerie silence again.

Tao Tao lay on the bed, picked up the phone and pursed her lips in confusion. If she guessed correctly, senior sister Xiao Lan should be in the hands of that person.

So there is nothing wrong for the time being, and... she has left Xiao Qiong's house now and was released by Xiao Qiong, so...

But Tao Tao was still a little worried, she finally clicked on the chat interface, typed a few words and sent it.

However, after a long time, there was no reply from there. Tao Tao was stunned for a moment, then stared at the phone screen tightly, waiting for the news.

On the other side, the woman who saw the news frowned and hurriedly called that person.

Xiao Qiong took out the key and opened the door lock, but he didn't turn on the light.

He closed the door and completely cut himself off from the outside world.

Standing in the living room, Xiao Qiong seemed to see that girl still standing in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside and wondering what she was thinking.

And the dining table was also filled with meals cooked by her own hands.

He walked to the sofa and sat down, his eyes were suddenly attracted by the small hair tie on the table.

These few days, Xiao Qiong seemed to be living in a dream.

This is the first time he realized that life can be so easy and so happy.

And this happiness is not something material, but emotional.

He finally felt that he had also become a person with flesh and blood, not a shell.

It was that girl who made up for all the regrets in my life of more than twenty years, although the result was a pity.

But it's also a beautiful experience, isn't it?

Xiao Qiong closed her eyes, and seemed to smell the smell of girls left in the whole house.

Can't shake it off.

If this is a dream, then can you let him never wake up, let him sleep forever, and sleep in his own beautiful fantasy.

At this moment, his mobile phone on the table rang.


Xiao Qiong glanced at the caller ID, frowned, but still picked it up.

"What are you doing?"

Li Huan's angry voice came from the phone.

"Why did you let Tao Tao go?"

The man rubbed his eyebrows and sighed.

"Calm down."

"How do I stay calm?"

Li Huan seemed to lose her composure for the first time, she kept walking around the room, panting angrily.

"Do you know that if you do this, you will disrupt all our plans."

"Oh, disrupt the plan?"

Xiao Qiong suddenly sneered when he heard it.

"Do you think they didn't see our plan?"

Li Huan frowned after hearing this, and then said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, they've seen through all our plans."

Li Huan suddenly fell silent, she stopped and sat on the sofa.

"So what? They won't know our ultimate purpose."

However, Xiao Qiong shook his head lightly after hearing this.

"you are too naive."

"Why do you think Jiang Jinchen sat where he is now?"

"Do you think he has no means at all?"

Li Huan listened to what Xiao Qiong said in a daze, and suddenly felt as if he was meeting Jiang Jinchen for the first time.


When Xiao Qiong said this, he suddenly paused, and then he laughed mockingly.

"Also, we underestimated the relationship between Jiang Jinchen and Tao Tao."

Likewise, he felt that he too overestimated himself.

"Yes, but..."

Li Huan still hesitated, she didn't want to give up so easily.

"It's okay, let's continue with our plan."

"Don't think about anything else."

Li Huan knew that the "other" Xiao Qiong mentioned should refer to that girl.

Although Li Huan didn't know what happened between him and Tao Tao, she could still guess.

"okay, I get it."

After the woman finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Then she glanced at the message just now again.

"I've already left, can you let senior sister Xiao Lan go back?"


Li Huan sneered, it seemed that she was really a smart girl.

The woman thought for a while, then put down her phone and came to the door.

She opened the door and walked in, and sure enough, she saw the girl who was looking out the window with her back turned.


Li Huan didn't know why, and suddenly didn't know how to talk to her.

"What's your order?"

Xiao Lan sneered, then turned to look at the woman's face.

"you can go now."

Xiao Lan raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

"What? Come when you tell me to come, and leave when you tell me to go."

"What do you take me for?"

Li Huan was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Xiao Lan to ask herself such a question.

What do you take her for?

In fact, over the years, what Li Huan cares most about is her younger sister.

After all, Xiao Qiong and Xiao Lan can be regarded as the children I saw growing up since childhood, although I didn't really take care of them for so long.

At that time, only the three of them depended on each other. Although Li Huan was relatively close to her mother, she still couldn't feel her mother's love for her.

Li Huan was a smart child since she was a child. She knew what kind of burden she had on her as the daughter of the Li family, but...

She is also a person of flesh and blood, and the moment she sees her younger siblings, her heart will soften.

At that time, she always looked at the two little children, climbing up and down at home, making the housekeeper worry about her heart, and these were things she had never experienced.

She has been very mature since she was a child, knowing the warmth and coldness of human relationships, and even the various desires and greed behind human beings.

Therefore, she quickly passed her most innocent period, and her mental age has gradually developed towards an adult.

Li Huan at that time was undoubtedly very envious, envious of these two children having a happy childhood.

Every time two children stumbled behind her and stretched out their hands for a hug, or for candy, her heart would be touched suddenly.

At least at that moment, her feelings for the two children were very real.

However, the good times didn't last long, and she finally found out with regret that the two children might be just like her, having lost their childhood early.

Smart and sensitive, they finally noticed the difference in this family.

They found something was wrong by comparing themselves with other children of the same age.

"Sister, why didn't our parents come to pick us up from school?"

The little Xiao Lan was sitting in Li Huan's arms, eating the grapes she handed her.

"Because they're busy."

Too busy to lose emotion.

However, Li Huan did not dare to say this to them.

"But, but..."

Xiao Lan pouted for a long time, but didn't say anything.

Li Huan sighed.

"It's okay, they're just too busy, it'll be fine when you grow up."

Yes, it will be fine when you grow up. At that time, you will know their "good intentions".


Xiao Lan raised her head and looked into her sister's gentle eyes.

"Yes, so Xiaolan must be obedient, so that parents can like it."

Xiao Lan nodded quickly when she heard it, and then she jumped out of Li Huan's arms.

"Then I'll do my homework, brother, do you want to go with me?"

And the boy who had been sitting there without saying a word from just now finally raised his head.

"Go ahead, I don't have homework."

Little Xiao Lan didn't seem to see the bitterness in her brother's eyes, she nodded and ran out.

Li Huan looked at Xiao Lan's back while hesitant to speak.

"You lied to us, didn't you?"

At this time, Xiao Qiong suddenly turned around and looked directly into Li Huan's eyes and said.


Li Huan froze for a moment, she didn't expect Xiao Qiong to see her lie.

How to answer this...

She looked at the expression on the boy's face that seemed a bit out of line with his age, and finally nodded.

Maybe she can make up a beautiful fairy tale to deceive that innocent sister, but...

Facing this younger brother who is just like him who matures quickly, Li Huan feels that he won't believe any lies she tells.

In the end she could only nod.

Xiao Qiong pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Little Joan..."

Li Huan looked at the boy's lost look, and suddenly didn't know what to say. It seemed that she had never been taught how to comfort others since she was a child.

"They...don't love us, do they?"

"No, it's not."

Li Huan quickly stopped the boy's dangerous thought.

"If you don't love, then mom and dad won't give birth to you."

Xiao Qiong only nodded slightly after hearing this, he had his own judgment.

They're all liars...

"Little Joan!"

Li Huan looked at the boy who ran outside without saying a word, and anxiously followed him.

But what she finally saw was Xiao Qiong sitting alone on a chair in the back garden of their house, watching the gardener's uncle trimming flowers and plants.

Li Huan sighed and didn't bother him.

Originally, she thought that she could take good care of them before they became adults and prevent them from developing in a bad direction.

However, that sudden incident finally disturbed all her expectations.

Because at that time Li Huan overheard her parents arguing.

And it was precisely because of this quarrel that she saw these two people clearly.

"Li Huan is not your daughter, you have no right to use her."

Not... his daughter?
What does it mean?
Li Huan felt that he had been smart for so long, but this time he was really confused.

"So we're just taking advantage of each other."

"We have our own goals, those two children? Didn't you say it was an accident?"

Li Huan listened to the words the woman kept saying, as if invisible knives had stabbed her heart fiercely.

She still had a glimmer of hope, she hoped that the man would refute that Xiao Qiong and Xiao Lan were not his tools, they were his children.

"I know, then you don't have to worry about them."

However, the man just dropped such a sentence, opened the door and walked out.

Li Huan hid in the corner, shaking with tears.

She didn't know how this cold-blooded man said those words. Wouldn't he feel guilty looking at the loving eyes of those two children?

Li Huan couldn't bear it anymore, she looked at the wide open door of the woman's room, and walked in resolutely.

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