pick a peach essence

Chapter 129 His departure

"Don't forget who he is. If he messes up, someone will take this opportunity to sneak in and attack his company."

After Wen Liang's words, Tao Tao finally understood that Li Huan's ultimate goal was not herself, but Jiang Jinchen.

If Li Huan represents the Xiao family, then everything makes sense.

Perhaps there was some conflict between the Xiao family and the Jiang family, and then Li Huan wanted to take advantage of this accident to completely disrupt Jiang Jinchen's position, and then take advantage of it to defeat him.


Who is Jiang Jinchen?Tao Tao doesn't think Li Huan's plan will succeed.

"So... what do you plan to do?"

Wen Liang was still worried and wanted to ask her.

How do you plan?

Tao Tao on Jiang Jinchen's side doesn't have to worry at all, because she believes that Jiang Jinchen will not mess up no matter what happens.

So since this is the case...

Tao Tao sighed, as if she had made a big decision in her heart.

"I plan to follow Li Huan's plan."

Wen Liang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Tao Tao would still fall into her trap after knowing Li Huan's real purpose.

"you sure?"

Tao Tao nodded.

"I trust Jiang Jinchen."

"It's not a question of whether you believe him or not."

Wen Liang sighed helplessly.

"I know you should understand, if you break up with Jiang Jinchen this time, then..."

"I know."

Tao Tao lowered her head and interrupted Wen Liang's next words.

"We're done."

Wen Liang suddenly fell silent.

He felt that Tao Tao was really a silly child, why did he make this choice without even thinking about it.

"Because I know how important his brother is to him."

It was a scar in his heart, a scar that could never be healed in this lifetime.

But myself...

Tao Tao felt that he should be the one in his life, if he met, he would be better, but if he lost, maybe it wouldn't be too bad...

Therefore, she felt that she had no reason or excuse to make the choice for him.

Jiang Jinchen has been looking for his younger brother for more than ten years, how could he lose him just because of his own selfishness?

"It's okay, I've made my decision."

Tao Tao smiled and raised her head to look at Wen Liang.

Wen Liang felt sorry for the girl in front of him.

Tao Tao finally couldn't help crying, she cried so sad that Wen Liang was almost infected by her emotions.


However, Wen Liang really can't comfort people, especially girls, who still cry like this.

He just got up gently, sat next to Tao Tao, and hugged the girl in his arms.

He couldn't empathize, so he could only give her a shoulder to lean on.

However, the two of them at this time ignored the girl who had been standing in the corner and watching them secretly.

The girl finally couldn't help crying after seeing this scene.

But in the end, she still didn't bother them.

The girl turned and left.

At this moment, everything changed quietly together.

Tao Tao returned to the dormitory, only to find that the dormitory was empty.

what's the situation?
She panicked all of a sudden, she opened Meng Yuqian's locker with trembling hands, but... there was nothing.

Tao Tao finally broke down and sat on the ground and cried.

Why, why did she suddenly leave at this moment without even an explanation.

Although Tao Tao knew that these were all in Li Huan's plan, when she actually saw this scene, she couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

After Tao Tao cried for a while, she quickly took out her phone and pressed it several times without unlocking the lock screen.

Only then did she calm down a little, then wiped her tears and unlocked the phone.

She made a call, her flustered heart kept beating wildly, waiting for the answer over there.

As a result, she called several times, but did not answer.

Tao Tao finally did not give up and sent a message to that number.

Because she believed that Meng Yuqian was not such a cruel person.

"Qianqian, why did you leave without saying a word? Where did you go? Do you know how worried I am about you? Although I don't know what happened, can you listen to my explanation?"

Tao Tao sat on the ground, watching the sent message.

However, the reply she got was a recording.

This is……

Tao Tao suddenly became serious, she wiped away her tears, and then opened it.

"I'm ready to break up with him in a few days."

This is... my own voice?

what's the situation?
Why did her own voice appear here? Moreover, Tao Tao was sure that she never said this.

Just when she was surprised, a dialogue that shocked her even more was played later.

"Okay, I can't hide it here."

This is... a gentle voice.

Tao Tao suddenly seemed to understand something.

"Do you think Jiang Jinchen would doubt it? I secretly copied a few copies of the document, but I didn't leave any fingerprints on the original."

Tao Tao heard "myself" say.

"No, he will never doubt you anyway."

"At that time, we will use these to threaten him, and we will fly away after we get the money."

"What about Meng Yuqian?"

This is all, what is it?

Tao Tao felt "myself" and thought for a while.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I put a lot of thought into deceiving her. You continue to restrain her, and don't let her find out what I've been doing recently."

What shocked Tao Tao even more was that "Wen Liang" actually said something at this time.

"Okay, be careful, don't be afraid of me."

Did he... tell "myself"?

Tao Tao understood everything in an instant.

From this recording, we can probably figure out the whole story of the matter.

The two people on the phone were "Tao Tao" and "Wen Liang", and their purpose was to threaten Jiang Jinchen.

"Tao Tao" approached Jiang Jinchen for his company's confidential documents, and after gaining Jiang Jinchen's trust, she stole the documents and wanted to use this to threaten him.

Then Wen Liang on the other side listened to Tao Tao's words, deliberately approached Meng Yuqian, and tried to contain her as a suitor, because "Tao Tao" felt that Meng Yuqian's appearance would disrupt her position, especially when Meng Yuqian and Jiang Jinchen After getting more and more familiar with it.

And "Tao Tao" and "Wen Liang" are lovers in the recording.

If it wasn't for Tao Tao's personal experience, she would have believed it.

Because of this recording, it sounds so real.

Moreover, there should be news that she and Jiang Jinchen broke up after a while, which further confirms the authenticity of this recording.

But how is it possible?

You know, it has been less than a month since Wen Liang appeared, so how could Meng Yuqian believe that Tao Tao fell in love with Wen Liang in less than a month?

Unless this person is Meng Yuqian?
Tao Tao seemed to know something, maybe...Meng Yuqian fell in love with Wen Liang, and then she was overwhelmed by her feelings.

Then everything will be fine.

At this moment, Meng Yuqian sent another message to herself, which was a photo.

In the photo, Wen Liang is hugging herself gently, but because of the shooting angle, she can't see Wen Liang's expression clearly.

It's over, I really can't explain it now.

Tao Tao knew that this photo was taken by Wen Liang just now to comfort herself...

The news is really timely.

Tao Tao knew that all of this was due to that woman Li Huan.

Tao Tao tried to explain to Meng Yuqian, because she knew that Meng Yuqian would believe in herself no matter what.

Now it's just because I was confused for a while after seeing this fake news.

Tao Tao knew that she would not answer her call, so she quickly edited the text and sent it.

However, the moment Tao Tao clicked to send, she got a red exclamation mark.

Meng Yuqian blocked her.

Tao Tao finally gave up and threw the phone on the ground.

She looked at the house that seemed empty for a moment, and smiled helplessly.

It seems that I will really be alone in the future.

Tao Tao sent Wen Liang the audio and pictures.

Got a reply in no time.

"I'll investigate."

Tao Tao exhausted all her strength to climb onto the bed, recalling what Jiang Jinchen told her about his brother.

He said his younger brother was a very sensible boy, very smart, perhaps even smarter than he was.

It's just a pity...

No, it's okay.

Tao Tao picked up the phone, edited a message and sent it to that person.

It's okay, I'll let you meet your brother.

Tao Tao got up and closed the curtains, and fell into the darkness. Perhaps, she shouldn't have gone out to look for light in the first place.

At this time, Tao Tao's cell phone rang, and she jumped off the bed, thinking it was Meng Yuqian.

As a result, the moment she saw the caller ID, her heart suddenly missed a beat.

It was Jiang Jinchen.

Tao Tao knew that she couldn't talk to Jiang Jinchen now, because as long as she opened her mouth to say a word, she would expose everything.

After thinking about it, she still hung up on him, and then she edited a message and sent it.

"I'm not feeling well today. I ate in the cafeteria, so I won't go out with you."

Tao Tao spoke for a long time before sending it out.

After sending it, Tao Tao muted the phone, then turned it over, isolating all possibilities.

Li Huan looked at the phone and smiled.

"How about it?"

The man was standing in the shadows, his expression could not be seen.

"She agreed."

Li Huan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"You said, are we too despicable?"

Although Li Huan said so, there was no sign of regret on her face.

"It's ok."

The man smiled softly when he heard it.

"Anyway, there will be retribution in the future."

When Wen Liang saw Tao Tao again the next day, she was already depressed.


Wen Liang looked at Tao Tao's pale face, but he didn't know what to say to comfort her.

"So, you agreed?"

Tao Tao nodded, there was nothing she could do if she didn't agree.

"I found some news, which one do you want...to listen to first?"

Tao Tao raised her head and glanced at Wen Liang, then said.

"Where is Qianqian?"


Wen Liang sighed helplessly.

"She is with Su Mosheng."

Tao Tao nodded, in fact, she had already guessed it.

"Sorry, I didn't keep an eye on him."

Wen Liang clearly promised Tao Tao to pay more attention to Su Mosheng before, but this incident still happened.

However, Tao Tao shook her head.

"No way, no matter what happens."

Wen Liang sighed and continued.

"Su Mosheng found a house for Qianqian outside and asked her to live in it, but he still lives in the school."

Tao Tao felt relieved when she heard what Wen Liang said.

"I also found out some things about the Xiao family and the Jiang family."

Tao Tao raised her head all of a sudden, she looked at Wen Liang's serious expression, and then motioned for him to continue talking.

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