pick a peach essence

Chapter 101 Other Identity

Tao Tao suffered from insomnia again, she fell into the darkness accompanied by the sound of the clock hands on the wall.

She had faced the darkness countless times, but only this time, she panicked.

She didn't know what she should be thinking at this time, she could only fall into the dark fear alone.

A person always thinks a lot before falling asleep.

all kinds of things.

The same is true for Tao Tao. She used to think a lot about herself and the people around her.

Just this time...

She couldn't think of anything anymore, her brain seemed to be an empty shell, and the things that could run at high speed were dead, completely dead.

At this moment, the cell phone she placed next to her pillow suddenly turned on.

She dared to use her name to guarantee that the message must have been sent by Jiang Jinchen.


She didn't have the courage to look.

How to do?
She watched as the light on the mobile phone screen illuminated the entire dormitory at once, and then suddenly dimmed again.

Otherwise, let's take a look, otherwise I may not be able to sleep all night.

Tao Tao held the phone in front of her, and then dimmed the phone screen.

She clicked on the message and found that if the punctuation marks were counted, there were four characters in total.

I am sorry.

Tao Tao smiled, Jiang Jinchen is really not good at lying.

She didn't survive that night.

She took a leave of absence the next day.

Meng Yuqian looked at Tao Tao who was lying drowsy on the bed, and sighed imperceptibly.

"Little Taozi, are you really not going to class?"

"Well, I'm a little uncomfortable."

Meng Yuqian quickly reached out and touched her forehead.

A little hot.

"Did you catch a cold last night?"

Meng Yuqian panicked all of a sudden. After asking for leave for Tao Tao's guide, she hurriedly searched for medicines, and then boiled a pot of hot water for her.

Tao Tao looked at Meng Yuqian who was in chaos, and smiled helplessly.

"I'm really fine, I just didn't sleep well last night."

"No, you already have a fever."

"How to do how to do?"

Meng Yuqian seemed to lose control of her hands and feet. She was holding the medicine in her hand, but she didn't know what to do next.

Tao Tao sighed.

"Qianqian, water..."

"Ah yes yes yes, water."

Meng Yuqian realized it all at once, then she poured a glass of water and put the medicine on Tao Tao's hand.

Then she watched Tao Tao take the medicine before she felt relieved.

"Okay, go to class now."

Tao Tao glanced at the time.

"The first period is Xiao Qiong's class, be careful, he will deduct your credits if you are late."

However, Meng Yuqian shook her head indifferently.

"It's okay, or I'll take a leave of absence too?"

Tao Tao sat up from the bed when she heard it.


Meng Yuqian stared blankly at her as she got off the bed, then pushed herself to the door.

"You child, I just didn't sleep well last night and I had a slight fever."

Then she reached out and rubbed Meng Yuqian's hair, and looked at her with a smile.

"Okay, let's go, remember to bring me food at noon."

Meng Yuqian looked at her worriedly again, and then Tao Tao helplessly jumped on the ground a few times, which reassured Meng Yuqian.

I saw her walking out step by step, turning her head three times, and then nagging again.

Tao Tao only felt that Meng Yuqian, an old lady, was getting better and better...

After Meng Yuqian left, Tao Tao couldn't bear her sleepiness any longer, and fell asleep on the bed.

I don't know how long it took before she was awakened in a daze by a knock on the door.

Could it be that Meng Yuqian is back?
She got up, and saw that the time was only a little past nine in a trance.

It shouldn't be, their class is full this morning.

Tao Tao didn't have time to think about it, so she put on her slippers and got out of bed to open the door.

She walked to the door and tentatively asked who it was.

But no one agreed.

Tao Tao hesitated, could she have heard wrong?
She shook her head, then turned to go back to sleep.

However, the moment she turned around, there was another knock on the door.

really weird.

She hurried to the door this time, and opened the door suspiciously.

"Xiao, Xiao Qiong?"

Tao Tao was stunned for a moment.

She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes vigorously, only to find that she was right.

Could it be a dream?

As she thought about it, she pinched herself hard again.

Why doesn't it hurt?

Only then did Tao Tao realize that it was probably because she had just gotten up so she had no strength.

Xiao Qiong frowned and looked at the woman who seemed to be convulsing.

"you are silly?"

Well, it can talk, it should be a real person.

"Why are you here?"

Xiao Qiong didn't answer when he heard it, he just glanced at the door that was tightly blocked by Tao Tao, and clicked his tongue.

"I climbed all the way up the sixth floor."


Tao Tao looked puzzled.

"I am very tired."

Tao Tao looked the man up and down, and found that he was calm now. If he lay down on the ground, others would think he was dead.

Where are you tired?

But Tao Tao reacted quickly, then she curled her lips reluctantly, and turned sideways to let the man in.

After Xiao Qiong put the things in his hand on the table, he took a chair and sat on it.

Then he looked at Tao Tao who was standing on the ground, and raised his eyebrows at her.


Xiao Qiong pointed to her bed.

Tao Tao obediently walked over.

Then the two fell silent for a while.

"That... how did you get in?"

She thought how could the aunt in the dormitory let Xiao Qiong, a man, into the girls' dormitory?
"You wouldn't be..."

Tao Tao suddenly covered her mouth.

"You didn't sneak in, did you?"

Xiao Qiong looked at her like a fool when she heard it.

"Don't be so troublesome."

"I have a job card."

While talking, Xiao Qiong took out a small blue sign from his pocket.

"What is this?"

Tao Tao said that she has lived in this school for nearly four years, but she has never seen this thing.


After showing it for a while, Xiao Qiong put the small sign back into his pocket very stinkingly.

Xiao Qiong looked at Tao Tao with a puzzled expression, and planned to explain it to her again with great kindness.

"Did your instructor come to check the bed?"


Tao Tao still didn't react.

"Then how do you think he, as an aunt in the men's dormitory, let him in?"

"Ah, I see."

She suddenly remembered something.

Tao Tao looked at Xiao Qiong speechlessly, and then lamented that he would really use his work for personal gain.

The amount is not considered a personal gain.

"you are sick?"

Only now did Xiao Qiong enter the serious topic, while he was talking, he looked up and down at the girl in front of him.


Tao Tao hesitated.

"How did you know?"

"Meng Yuqian told me."

Ah, by the way, Tao Tao actually forgot this question.

"So? Are you sick?"

After Xiao Qiong looked at Tao Tao, she found that she seemed to be fine.

Tao Tao hesitated after hearing this.

"Are you now a teacher, or in another capacity..."

Xiao Qiong raised his eyebrows when he heard it.

"Oh? Other identities?"

He smiled as he spoke.

"Then tell me, what exactly does this other identity refer to?"

Tao Tao glared at him, why is this man a little...

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Xiao Qiong leaned back on the chair, then propped his chin and looked at her thinking for a while.

"Then in another capacity."

After hearing this, Tao Tao blurted out without thinking.

"Not sick."


Xiao Qiong twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Eh? You bought me something to eat?"

Tao Tao suddenly saw the big bag of food that Xiao Qiong put on the table just now.

"I bought it for the patient."

Xiao Qiong looked at her expressionlessly.

"Thank you."

Tao Tao smiled, and before Xiao Qiong could react, she opened the bag and took out a bag of biscuits and ate it.

"I happen to be hungry."

She stuffed it into her mouth and said vaguely.

However, Xiao Qiong didn't speak, just kept looking at her.

"Since you are not sick, why didn't you go to class?"

"You're not avoiding me, are you?"

Xiao Qiong asked very uncertainly.


Tao Tao raised her head from the food after eating and drinking, and looked at Xiao Qiong suspiciously.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Because I can't think of any other reason."

After hearing his explanation, Tao Tao complained in her heart where did Xiao Qiong's clever brain go?
"I just didn't sleep well last night."

Tao rolled his eyes, and then looked like you were thinking too much.

"Didn't sleep well?"

Xiao Qiong seemed a little unbelievable, and then he quickly recognized the reality, and sighed while holding his forehead.

"Did something happen to you?"

Tao Tao was suddenly stopped by Xiao Qiong's question.

Then she was silent, and Xiao Qiong saw the clue all of a sudden.

"It's because I'm in a bad mood that I didn't sleep well."

Tao Tao finally nodded.

Then the two fell into silence again.


Xiao Qiong suddenly said two words from his mouth at this moment.

"Who are you talking about!"

Tao Tao was so angry that she almost jumped up, this dog man, is he trying to take advantage of the fire?

"Did you lose sleep just because of this?"

Xiao Qiong clicked his tongue, then got up and picked up an unopened bottle of mineral water on the table.

"You don't know what's the reason, so don't talk nonsense."

Tao Tao gritted her teeth and stared at the man who was pouring water into his stomach.

"I say……"

Tao Tao's mouth twitched.

"Why are you so thirsty?"

Xiao Qiong raised his head and looked at the girl, then he put down the bottle and wiped the wet corners of his mouth with his fingers.

Tao Tao was suddenly teased by his action.

"I don't know why, every time I see you, I feel very thirsty."

Xiao Qiong lowered his voice and looked at Tao Tao thoughtfully.


Tao Tao really thought about the meaning of his words seriously after hearing it, but she blushed suddenly after thinking about it.

Xiao Qiong smiled, that smile should be the brightest that Tao Tao has ever seen on that man's face.

"get out."

Tao Tao lowered her head and pointed out the door.


Xiao Qiong raised her eyebrows and stared at her without blinking.

"Then I'll call someone!"

"Call someone?"

Xiao Qiong sneered.

Then he suddenly stood up from the chair, and walked up to Tao Tao step by step, before she could react, he pushed her onto the bed.

Then his icy body slowly stuck to Tao Tao's body.


Tao Tao looked at Xiao Qiong's approaching face, and forgot to struggle.

"Don't you know? The whole floor is empty now."

Xiao Qiong's slightly icy breath sprayed Tao Tao's ears.

She trembled in shock.

"But don't worry, I won't do anything to you."

While talking, Xiao Qiong reached out and gently stroked Tao Tao's cheek.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't drink so much water every time I see you."

"Got it, kid."

There was a smile on the corner of Xiao Qiong's mouth, but no matter how you looked at it, he felt very dangerous.

Tao Tao listened to Xiao Qiong's words in a daze, her mind went blank.

She was real this time, feeling the horror of Xiao Qiong this man.

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