Today is Saturday, but Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian woke up early, began to wash and dress up and prepare to go out.

Because the two of them had already agreed to hang out together to complete the date that Tao Tao had agreed to at the risk of her life.

Meng Yuqian smiled gratifiedly as she watched Tao Tao take out the cosmetics that she hadn't used for hundreds of years to wipe and paint on her face.

Ah, my daughter has grown up.

Meng Yuqian propped her chin with emotion.

Tao Tao glanced at Meng Yuqian, who was bubbling pink bubbles from the mirror, and didn't want to pay attention.

The two of them simply packed up and went out the door.

Along the way, Meng Yuqian shook Tao Tao's arm excitedly from side to side, pointing at one thing and pointing at another.

Tao Tao was helplessly dragged here and there, and suddenly felt that shopping with women was really tiring, not only physically but also mentally.

Meng Yuqian was chattering with the clerks of the clothing store, Tao Tao sighed deeply and found a chair at the door of the store and sat down.

Ah, who will save her, she is so tired now.

She sat on a chair and drank the juice that Meng Yuqian bought for herself out of kindness, then looked around bored.

Everywhere you look is pink, this is a woman's shopping paradise, but Tao Tao's heart is not disturbed at this time, and she even feels a little uncomfortable.

She missed the big soft bed in the dormitory so much.

Just when she was feeling emotional, she suddenly saw a familiar figure in a small corner of a store.

That person looks like Xiao Qiong.

Tao Tao narrowed her eyes and watched carefully, not missing any details.

It turned out that it was indeed Xiao Qiong.

Why is his recent appearance rate so high...

Tao Tao thought silently in her heart, and then she saw that there seemed to be a girl beside Xiao Qiong.

The girl was wearing a red skirt, curly hair and high heels, she looked tall and thin, and she was standing beside Xiao Qiong picking out clothes.


Tao Tao feels that something is wrong.

And it's not easy.

She watched the two people not far away talking close together, as if they were very intimate, and she almost made up an idol drama in her head.

It should be a girlfriend, she thought so, and then found that the two of them had finished shopping and were about to come out of the store.

She saw Xiao Qiong took the shopping bag from the girl very naturally, and then the girl held his arm talking and laughing.

Tao Tao looked at Xiao Qiong who was still stern, and spurned him in her heart.

This man is really so indifferent to his girlfriend, he should let him experience the feeling of being alone forever.

Tao Tao just kept staring at the two of them, only to find that they were walking towards her.

She was so scared that she almost spit out the juice in her mouth, and then she reacted immediately, picked up the things on the table and rushed into the store.

No, absolutely not let him see us, nor let Meng Yuqian see her.

Otherwise, the sky will be turned upside down.

Tao Tao has always been adhering to the idea that if nothing happens, she is lucky, so she plans to start from the source and completely cut off the possibility of the few of them meeting.

As soon as she entered, she saw Meng Yuqian standing in front of the dressing mirror writhing around, and then she made sure of the target and jumped on it.

"Oh, Taozi, you're here, look, look, does my dress look good?"

Meng Yuqian didn't feel anything wrong when she saw Tao Tao rushing in. She held Tao Tao's arm while holding her clothes, and then asked her if it fit.

Tao Tao didn't have time to think about it at all, so she casually said something nice, and then pulled Meng Yuqian, and the two of them entered the fitting room at the speed of light.

Leaving the clerk outside dumbfounded.

The fitting room was already small, and it became even more crowded after two people stood there.

Tao Tao looked at Meng Yuqian who was looking at her face to face, and said sorry weakly in her heart.

"Tao, Taozi, what are you doing!"

This was the first time she saw Meng Yuqian panicking and incoherent.


Tao Tao opened her mouth to explain, but she thought that any explanation would be very pale now.

Because the scene looks so strange now.

She looked at Meng Yuqian's panicked little face in front of her, and then looked down at the clothes she was wearing.

Suddenly, she had an idea, stretched out her hands to grab Meng Yuqian's clothes, and said excitedly.

"Qianqian, your clothes are so pretty, take them off and let me try them on."

Just after she finished saying this, Meng Yuqian broke away from her hand suddenly with a shocked expression on her face, then desperately protected her chest, and stared at her defensively.

It's over, Tao Tao thought to herself.

It seems that I was really misunderstood this time...

In the end, Tao Tao resigned herself to sacrificing the Ruanmei coins in her pocket and treated Meng Yuqian to a good meal.

Looking at Meng Yuqian who was eating happily in front of her, she couldn't help feeling that it was really a trick of good fortune.

Every time she goes out, something big is bound to happen.

She touched her pocket distressedly, and then thought about eating instant noodles in a few days.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by her.

Forget it, she doesn't want to listen to Jiang Jinchen nagging about herself anymore.

She supported her head with a headache, and then looked at Meng Yuqian aggrievedly with the corners of her eyes down.

Finally, Meng Yuqian slapped her stomach, wiped her mouth with a tissue, and carried Tao Tao to buy the bill with a smile...

Tao Tao was dragged back and forth by Meng Yuqian who had regained her vitality, and ended up walking to the entrance of the cinema.

"Ahhh Taozi, we haven't watched a movie together for a long time, let's go in and watch one!"

Before Tao Tao refused, Meng Yuqian took her hand and walked towards the ticket gate.

Life is too hard.

Tao Tao squeezed the movie ticket in her hand, and then walked into the screening hall with Meng Yuqian who was bouncing in front of her.

Don't spill my coke... Tao Tao has already lost the strength to complain.

She sat in the soft seat, then looked at the name of the movie printed on the movie ticket, lost in thought.

If she guessed correctly, this was definitely a horror movie.

So she tried hard to think about what reason she should find to run away.

As a result, she just thought of a good way when she saw the surrounding lights dim and the movie started to show.

Tao Tao panicked suddenly, but she still pretended to be calm and picked up a glass of Coke next to her, and drank it with a gurgling gulp.

While drinking, she glanced at Meng Yuqian out of the corner of her eye and made a noise on purpose.

Meng Yuqian next to her was staring at the big screen in front of her with a serious face, not noticing herself, then Tao Tao looked away and looked at the big screen as well.

Finally, she finished her coke and bided her time.

Just when the movie was about to reach its climax, Tao Tao suddenly poked Meng Yuqian.

"Qianqian, I'm going to the toilet."

When Meng Yuqian heard what she said, she immediately became suspicious.

"You don't want to run away, my little Taozi?"

Although Tao Tao couldn't see her face, she still felt the deep suspicion from Meng Yuqian.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then pretended to be calm and held the empty Coke bottle in her hand.

"I drank too much Coke, I can't do it, Qianqian, I really need to go to the bathroom."

Meng Yuqian watched Tao Tao stamp her feet while shaking the Coke bottle in her hand, and then chose to believe her.

"You kid, why do you drink so much Coke? Well, go, go, come back soon."

After Tao Tao heard it, she quickly responded, I know, I know, and then flew out with a whoosh.

Meng Yuqian only thought that maybe she was really in a hurry to urinate.

However, Tao Tao is really urgent to urinate...

She rushed straight into the toilet with the Coke bottle in her hand.

After a while, she came out of the toilet easily, took out her mobile phone and looked at it, planning to stay outside for a while, avoiding the most exciting movie clip.

The reason is simple, because she is afraid of...

She sat on a chair outside the auditorium, took out her phone and swiped.

After swiping for a while, she thought that the time should be almost up, so she put away her phone and walked back.

She cautiously groped forward in the darkness, looked at the rows of seat numbers glowing green in front of her, found the sixth row of number five, and sat back.

After she sat down, she immediately told Meng Yuqian that she was back, but she didn't look back at her because she was guilty.

Tsk tsk tsk, I really can't lie in the future.

Tao Tao wiped the sweat off her forehead, pretending to be calm and continuing to watch.


Tao Tao looked at the content displayed on the big screen in front of her, and suddenly felt that this routine was a bit familiar.

Wait, isn't this the part that I want to hide from?

She choked suddenly, then panicked.

She belatedly wanted to close her eyes when she was startled by the scene that suddenly appeared in front of her and screamed.


She was so frightened that her mind went blank, her whole body trembled, she subconsciously grabbed Meng Yuqian's arm next to her, and buried her head on her chest.

She hid thousands of times, but she still did not escape the arrangement of fate.

Tao Taowo was trembling in Meng Yuqian's arms and was sobbing wanting to cry without tears.

But crying and crying, she felt that Meng Yuqian seemed to be stiff all over, no, shouldn't she hug me and comfort me at this time?
Tao Tao's blood surged instantly, she stretched out her hand angrily and strangled Meng Yuqian's neck, then gritted her teeth fiercely.

"You are a real woman. You insisted on dragging me to watch a horror movie. You almost scared me to death. You don't even know how to comfort me!"

Tao Tao was really frightened, she could hear the trembling in her voice as she spoke.

But she felt that Meng Yuqian still hesitated for a while, and then stretched out a hand tentatively to pat her on the back.

Tao Tao rolled her eyes in her heart, thinking that you don't usually treat me like this, and then slapped her head hard.

"What are you doing, you! Hold on tight, I'm really scared, woo woo woo..."

While grumbling aggrievedly, she held Meng Yuqian's neck tightly.

This time Tao Tao felt that Meng Yuqian did not hesitate, she opened her arms and hugged Tao Tao tightly.

"Woooooo Meng Yuqian, you bastard..."

Tao Tao complained weakly while hugging Meng Yuqian, and then tried to calm her breathing.

Just as she breathed in, she suddenly smelled the perfume on Meng Yuqian's body.

Tao Tao sniffed again with a dazed expression, and then she asked Meng Yuqian suspiciously.

"Qianqian, why do you have such a strange smell of perfume on your body, it seems to be used by boys."

While talking, Tao Tao complained about how Meng Yuqian's taste is so weird.

Then, she suddenly remembered an extremely terrible thing.

Meng Yuqian has never worn perfume before!

Tao Tao froze, and slowly let go of the arm around Meng Yuqian's neck.

She moved her head tremblingly, trying to see clearly who the person in front of her was by the light in the movie.

Just when she was praying that Meng Yuqian suddenly had a convulsion and sprayed perfume on her back, she finally saw the face of the person in front of her clearly through the flickering light.

Raised thick eyebrows, long and narrow eyes, and an inherent cool temperament...

Tao Tao looked at the man in front of her, her eyes suddenly darkened.

It's over, she thought.

She and Xiao Qiong's Liangzi really got married this time...

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