The last time she met K, she had the possibility of being rescued, but she knew that she couldn't have such good luck every time.

Slowly holding his breath, Su Jiarui raised his hand and was about to push her back hard, but the other party saw through the action first, and firmly held her wrist with one hand, exerting a slight force, which seemed to be faintly threatening.

"Don't move!"

Su Jiarui's original struggle barely stopped after hearing these words.

She couldn't be more familiar with this voice, it was really Chen Cheng! !
Then when she sang just now, the person she accidentally saw was really him?

For a moment, waves of shyness and nervousness surged at the same time, and Su Jiarui, who was controlled by others, became more and more uneasy. She never thought that she would be able to meet Chen Cheng again here by such a coincidence.

Then all her actions just now, such emotional singing, were all heard and seen by him?

Thinking of this, Su Jiarui wished he could bite his tongue and commit suicide on the spot.

The feelings that I have been ashamed to talk about these years are like scars that have been uncovered, and they are all displayed in front of him, letting him know how humble and cowardly I am in love.

"As long as you don't move, I won't hurt you."

Obviously, at this moment, Chen Cheng had already drunk too much, and the words he said had some unclear meanings, but Su Jiarui was not in the mood to delve into the meaning of what he said.

"What do you mean? Just now, and before."

The force restraining him was getting tighter and tighter, and in a trance, Su Jiarui had the illusion that he was about to be rubbed into his body.

"Chen Cheng, wake up first, it's not okay to do this now, can you see who I am?"

Unexpectedly, her words didn't have much effect, the other party still showed a steadfast attitude.

"Who is this time again? Who are you thinking about?"

Su Jiarui knew that she really had nothing to talk to with the man in front of her, but now that she had met him, and the man seemed to be pestering her, she had no choice but to be a bad guy and find a way to notify Chen Cheng's driver to come and take him away. he.

As soon as she took out her mobile phone, she was sent flying by a hand stretched out from behind.

Just as she was about to get angry, her dizziness suddenly turned around. She was pressed hard on the soft sofa, thinking about what Chen Cheng said just now, she stopped her habitual struggle, and when she raised her head, she happened to meet Chen Cheng's obscure eyes .

Those deep eyes hide too many emotions, like the sea of ​​stars, once they fall into it, it is difficult to extricate themselves.

"Who do you want to contact?"

Su Jiarui did not expect that the ruthless emperor who had always said nothing in the mall would become so difficult after drinking too much. Now he lost his temper and could only coax him softly.

"Chen Cheng, you drank too much now, and I drank a little too, so I can only call your driver to pick you up. You don't want to sleep on the sofa tonight, do you?"

Sure enough, after listening to Chen Cheng's words, he had a rare reaction, and finally he was able to communicate.

"You can't drink."

It's just that when he opened his mouth, it was another firm order.

Su Jiarui curled her lips. She really didn't like Chen Cheng's strong method of keeping everything under his control. But now, looking at Chen Cheng, who rarely showed a bit of weakness, she couldn't help it. There is no way to be hard-hearted and say a few harsh words.

"Okay, okay, can I be wrong? Tell me, you also drink so much."

With the help of alcohol, Su Jiarui felt that for the first time, he could talk to Chen Cheng in a relatively equal environment.

"So let me go and let me call the driver, okay? Otherwise, I guarantee that when you wake up tomorrow, you will be so angry that you want to kill someone."

Thinking of Chen Cheng seeing himself in such a mess after waking up, Su Jiarui felt a rare sense of relief.

Although Chen Cheng was still a little dissatisfied, he relaxed the restrictions on her quite cooperatively. Su Jiarui's heart moved. This was the first time that Chen Cheng acted according to her words.

Having no time to feel sorry for his broken phone screen, Su Jiarui simply got in touch with Chen Cheng's driver, and then called Gu Nian.

"Hey, Xiao Nian, I met a friend here, he was drunk, so I plan to send him home first, you and Wu Ming go first, don't wait for me."

"Huh? Sister Jiarui, you were stopped in the bathroom by a suitor who came here because of his fame, right? This is because the other party forced you to make a call. Don't worry, I'll go over and rescue you right away!"

Sure enough, if he didn't bluff, he wouldn't be Gu Nian.

Su Jiarui just thought it was funny, and still took a while to explain what happened, but tried his best to hide Chen Cheng's identity, saying that he was a colleague at work.

"Well, okay, I'll talk to Mr. Wu later, you should go to bed early after seeing off your colleagues, I'm still waiting to hear you sing in my dream."

Before Su Jiarui could speak on the other end, he was nearly deaf by Gu Nian's shrill scream on the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Nian, what happened?"

Her heart also rose. After all, although Gu Nian grew up under the protection of the Gu family, she was still a simple-minded child. Thinking of the drunks she met at the door at the beginning, the guy with the phone on the other end Her heart also lifted up.

"Ah, Sister Jiarui, I won't tell you anymore, I saw Scorpion's car! Now he can't run away, hey! You..."

The phone was snatched away by the person behind him, and he hung up without any explanation.

Su Jiarui was annoyed for a while, turned his head, and saw Chen Cheng's dissatisfied handsome face.

"If it's not necessary, you don't need to say it."

Before Su Jiarui could say anything else, Chen Cheng couldn't help but grab her wrist and drag her directly to the door.

Chen Cheng in a normal state cannot be provoked, let alone him in a drunk state. Although Su Jiarui is dissatisfied with his behavior, it is not difficult to guess from the movement on the phone just now, I am afraid it is that The little girl saw the car she was thinking about, and planned to find the so-called scorpion.

What's more, with Wu Ming by his side, even if that scorpion was really a crooked villain, he probably wouldn't be able to do anything to hurt Gu Nian.

"What are you thinking about?"

Su Jiarui suddenly felt a huge force in his jaw, Su Jiarui could only let the direction of the man's hand turn his head like a puppet on a string.

At this point they were safely seated in the car, but obviously, the demon beside her didn't intend to let her relax for a while.

"It's nothing."

Su Jiarui said lightly, she naturally didn't intend to argue with someone who didn't have any sense, anyway, in the end, the only one who suffered was herself.

"Su Jiarui, no matter what, I won't allow you to leave my side again."

The man's warm hand was like a prison, holding her wrist tightly.

It was obviously a sentence that would make all women's hearts move when spoken out, but Su Jiarui knew that there was no love in the sentence that Chen Cheng blurted out.

He wanted to keep her by his side, not because he loved her so much and cared about her so much.

It's because after going through all kinds of things, he's used to the feeling of having her by his side.

Habits are a scary thing, but in the end, habits don't equate to love.

If she had never seen Chen Cheng's tenderness and care for Suru, then she would naturally regard Chen Cheng's coercion and monopoly as an expression of love.

However, she had seen the beautiful appearance of heaven before, but everything she experienced now was hell to her.

Thinking of this, Su Jiarui smiled miserably, nodded, and said, "Okay, I won't leave you."

But the ridiculous thing is that even if Su Jiarui knows the meaning of this sentence, it seems that as long as she can find a reason to exist by his side, it is enough for her now.

The "End of the Sky" project is still in full swing. I heard that the previous advertisements have already attracted the attention of many predators in the industry. It is estimated that it will not be long before they will all offer olive branches to the Chen Group for cooperation.

Su Jiarui sat in the office, looking forward to the not-too-distant future, when the project he put his heart and soul into would soon become a real entity, and he felt a burst of joy in his heart.

"Knock Knock Knock-"

The door was pushed open from the outside, and He Jiajia appeared at the office door with a smiling face.

"Jia Rui, why are you so happy, your smile seems to be embedded on your face all day long."

After hearing her words, Su Jiarui touched his face subconsciously, a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I know you are thin-skinned, so I won't laugh at you. There will be a meeting at ten o'clock in a while, and it is still related to the new project. This is the information I compiled. I strongly recommend that you take a serious look."'

It was rare for He Jiajia to have such a solemn expression, and Su Jiarui's heart was also tugged.

She nervously looked at the documents sent by He Jiajia, and her beautiful eyebrows became more and more wrinkled.

In the end, she sighed, laid the document flat on the table, and raised her hand to her forehead, with indescribable fatigue in her eyes.

"So, the main content of the meeting for a while is this matter?"

"Yes, but you also know that any company of our size will not have any problems when it officially starts construction. I think the purpose of this migrant workers' strike is just to look at us. The project is getting more and more popular, and I just want to take the opportunity to raise my salary."

Hearing what He Jiajia said, the uneasiness in Su Jiarui's heart did not lessen. As a woman's sixth sense told her, this time things might not be so simple.

"So far, besides our two companies, does anyone else know about this matter?"

He Jiajia shook his head when he heard the words, and said: "The employees of our company discovered the first time the contractor planned to pull up the banner to make trouble, and we are still trying to appease their emotions for the time being. Fortunately, we discovered it early, otherwise we will be caught If the media finds out, not only will our word-of-mouth be greatly reduced, but we will also be implicated in attracting investment.”

"However, I don't think those migrant workers should be so clever. They chose such a time to stir up trouble. I'm afraid that someone is deliberately provoking them behind the scenes. But I can't think of which company will be so bitter and hateful. The workers are here to play tricks on two powerful companies, the Chen Group and Far East Industries."

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