"It's actually okay, don't worry too much about it." Gu Heng pretended to be generous, and when he became his girlfriend, he would flirt with him however he wanted.


"Really." If it were true, he might take advantage of it, right?

After all, he is a man.

What's more, if the other party is Mu Yunqing, Gu Heng really doesn't feel that he is at a disadvantage.

Now I still think he took advantage of it.

As if feeling that Mu Yunqing didn't believe it, Gu Heng nodded.

"Then what do you think about Fu Liu alone?" Mu Yunqing half tilted his head, becoming interested.

This question itself may be composed of several questions, "how", how about what?
The event itself, or the way it is handled?
Or, character?

Things like gaining favoritism, really, if you are not careful, you will collapse. Moreover, Gu Heng doesn't know much about Mu Yunqing, even though he doesn't want to admit it.

It seems very unreasonable, but the style of dealing with things is more like hard-talking and soft-hearted, and from time to time, there may be a little whim...

The key is……

Gu Heng has never experienced it, and even heard it from hearsay. He doesn't know the whole picture, how can he deny it?

With his head on one side, Mu Yunqing next to him was waiting for the next sentence, with his head half-raised, his long hair falling down his shoulders, and his eyes were burning.

Looking back, he took a breath.

"Actually, I don't know exactly what happened." After a pause, "But, if it's as far as I know, I can only say that poor people must have something to hate."

It is indeed tragic for a man in his prime to lose his son or wife, but what does it have to do with others?
The tragedy was caused by Fu Liu alone. It would be biased to attribute the fault to Party A. What's more, if there is a problem with the products of their factory, once they successfully enter the market, the loss will be immeasurable, regardless of whether Fu Liu Whether I know it or not, the selection and decision of [Yuntian] quality inspection is understandable.

Also, if [Yuntian] really did something wrong, there will be relevant departments to enforce it, laws to restrict it, and the market to eliminate it, instead of stalking, harassing, intimidating, and even wanting people to pay for their lives like Fu Liu did.

If Fu Liu, who supervised the factory, didn't know, it would be even more ridiculous for him to want Mu Yunqing to pay his life. He himself didn't even know the details of a factory, but he thought that Mu Yunqing would know the quality inspection of batches of products. Look high?

Even, if that was the case, from the very beginning, it could be said that Mu Yunqing was kind, or it could be taken for granted.

Gu Heng went to see it later, and the factory simply did not process so many products. Since it is a new product of the year, the people below will never make such a mistake. It is more likely that the people in power made the decision.

And [Yuntian] had a total of three people who made the final decision, and one of them had been on vacation for almost a year, obviously not him. As for Mu Yunqing's brother, Mu Yunyi, if Mu Yunyi did this, then he probably It's a psychopath because I can't get what I want, and I want to make [Yuntian] go bankrupt.

"anything else?"

Gu Heng was taken aback for a moment, he really asked a question...

"You can make it clear earlier, so that I can focus on the key points of attack, and I can be more secure." Gu Heng suggested seriously, and if he said it earlier, he could still cooperate.

However, just as Gu Heng finished speaking, he heard Mu Yunqing laugh.

In the previous month, I could often see Mu Yunqing smiling, but most of them were just being polite, or it appeared at the same time as disdain, even if there was no excessive emotion, it was just a slight curl of the corner of the mouth, This kind of laughter has never been seen before.

Turning his head to look, he didn't just laugh out loud, Gu Heng once wondered if he told a bad joke...

and also……

Laughing made his throat a little itchy.

"Did I tell a joke? It's not enough, right?" Gu Heng coughed, feeling a little helpless, and opened his mouth.

"It's not a joke..." Mu Yunqing barely stopped laughing, "It's just that I haven't heard such a fresh and refined idea for a long time."

"...is this fresh and refined?" Gu Heng is now a little suspicious of the word's part of speech, is he scolding him or scolding him?

"That's right!" Mu Yunqing nodded, "Before, when it came to this, the board of directors would only say that my wife's benevolence is useless, while others just blindly say that Fu Liu is so bad, two extremes. "

Gu Heng thought, he was also extreme, but he didn't say it out loud.

But, is that what the board of directors said?
That's really...

No wonder he heard that Mu Yunqing always wanted to buy shares, and he would also want to change him.

Gu Heng: "Things happen for a reason, special circumstances can be considered specially, they are a bit extreme."

Mu Yunqing: "They said I was extreme."

Gu Heng: "They are more extreme."

Mu Yunqing didn't want to start a discussion about who was extreme and who was more extreme. After all, she also felt that she was a little bit.

"Then why did you go back to [Yuntian]?"

The topic changed, and then came back again.

Gu Heng didn't understand why he returned to [Yuntian], this question is worth being so entangled with?

Once is considered curious, twice...

Still asking the same question twice...

How do you say, think so highly of him?

Even if he is ambitious, what he wants to do to [Yun Tian], it won't happen overnight, right?
What's more, [Yuntian] is not alone.

With Mu Yunqing's vigilance and Mu Yunyi's city mansion, no matter what he wants to do, it will be in vain, right?
and so……

Thinking highly of her so much?

That's really thanks.

its not right……

How do you feel, as if he came to usurp the throne?
He is coming to...


"If I say that I came back for a person, can you believe it?" Gu Heng thought for a while, this level of self-defeating is unnecessary.

"Shen Jia likes my brother, I don't know if you have heard of it." Mu Yunqing raised his eyebrows.


"It's not Shen Jia?" Mu Yunqing thought about it for a while. There are really not many secretaries who are still single, and they are also suitable for age, so they are Shen Jia. "Who is that? It's easy to say, I will help you." you--"

"Yes!" Gu Heng was categorical. In fact, he vomited to death, so he couldn't say it was her, could he?
Now is clearly not the time.

He is the same as everyone else, if he speaks out rashly, let alone keeping a respectful distance, he is afraid that he will not see anyone under any pretense.

He was not a member of the same circle, if Mu Yunqing deliberately avoided him, he might not be able to meet people.

"Oh..." Mu Yunqing still felt that something was wrong, hiss, so Gu Heng just wanted to poach her brother's corner?

It's not right, Shen Jia is unilaterally in love with her brother.

Due to various reasons, it's not good to really refuse and hurt Shen Jia too much.

Therefore, if you can really "digging the wall" successfully, it can be regarded as a "merit".

"Do you need help?" Mu Yunqing felt that he was a little idle, who would let Gu Weian him...


"By the way, Gu Wei'an, do you know him?" Mu Yunqing only remembered at this time that both of them were named Gu.

"Who is that?" The first figure that popped up in Gu Heng's mind was the one who was told by Mu Yunqing, "Whoever cooperates with him is against me, and if he shows kindness to him, he is enmity with me." That person, followed by the title of "Mr. Gu", is really, very annoying.

"The man I beat up last time." Mu Yunqing didn't take it seriously. In a month, after Mu Yun cleared Fu Liu, he hit only one person. Even the little star at the beginning was not done by her. hand.

That's a good guess.

"I don't know." Gu Heng thought about it carefully, but he didn't know him.

However, this question...

He even heard this name for the first time, and his surname is also Gu, but Gu Heng can be sure that it is definitely not from their family. Not from our family."

"I'll just ask casually." Mu Yunqing didn't care, anyway, just asking, whether it's credible or not is still unknown!

It was quiet all the way.

Extremely quiet.

Mu Yunqing's car window was still open, and a gust of wind would blow in from time to time, making his hair flutter.

Occasionally, Gu Heng sat there for a while.

Mu Yunqing didn't notice.

move again...

Mu Yunqing turned around abruptly.

Looking at each other, Gu Heng was extremely embarrassed.

"Student Gu."

"what happened?"

"It's nothing, let me tell you." Mu Yunqing turned his head and couldn't help laughing. What's wrong with this kid?
"?" Gu Heng didn't know if he was exposed, and he couldn't ask. Mu Yunqing was twisting at him right now, and he couldn't see his expression clearly...

"Shen Jia may have a bit of a young lady's temper, but she has no problem with her character, so don't worry about pursuing her boldly."

"???" Gu Heng knew now.

Not exposed, not at all.

"Her brother's birthday is in early October, which is during the National Day. If you want to go, I can help." Mu Yunqing remembered that Shen Changhe was going to hold a reception this year. He was urged to get married every day, and he even held a reception. I don't know whose idea it is. At that time, there must be a group of women. Mu Yunqing didn't want to go. Anyway, he is so familiar, and it is enough to be polite.

However, if you want to take someone to shoot, you have to go by yourself.

"Are you busy on National Day?"

"Not busy..." How busy can it be?They are too busy.

He didn't want to see brother Shen Jia, thank you.

However, if it was with Mu Yunqing, then just pretend he didn't say anything.

You can't ask people out, and it seems good to go to a banquet at the same time.

As for what to say when the time comes, we will talk about it when the time comes.

"Number three, Jackson will pick you up then." Mu Yunqing was very happy, seeing the Shen family's crush on her brother, a fashionista, doing odd jobs and paperwork for her every day, she felt that she was wasting resources.

The magazine still needs fresh blood like Shen Jia.

Although, it's not her magazine.

"Okay." Gu Heng's mood was indescribable, "Thank you boss."

"No thanks." Mu Yunqing smiled and nodded, not knowing whether this matchmaker can be delivered to the end...

Shen Changhe, he...

It's annoying, this man, he...

However, as long as Jiajia likes it, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Big deal, let him be more calm and calm.

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