PS: "(*)" means that the language of the country is used, and all the local star matches and plots involved are purely fictitious.

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Country H.

H City Gymnasium, the [-]th Celebrity Performance Basketball Game, lounge.

"Powys, next game, you can't play like this, the contract requires—" (h)

"I don't want to hear about the fucking game, it's match-fixing! Without a little bit of sportsmanship, it's not a game! It's a show for those weak chickens, whoever the fuck loves to play!" (h)

The tall and burly Boyce looked extremely irritable, walking up and down non-stop, and the slightly fair assistant looked helpless.

"We have already signed the contract, and we will treat it as a show. After playing it, we will have more fans and more funds in the team." (h)

"So? What does it have to do with me?" (h)

"Powys, calm down—" (h)

Before the assistant finished speaking, he was interrupted by the Chinese coach who pushed the door in directly, "Hi, friend, I have to take good care of you for the next game!"

"It's easy to say, mutual benefit." Seeing that Boys was about to speak, the assistant immediately grabbed the right to speak and tried to send the person out. "There are still some details that need to be finalized. Let's go out and talk. Boys needs to rest."

The assistant glanced at Boyce, and took him out without any explanation.

As soon as I went out, I heard a bang inside.

It was the sound of a chair hitting the wall.

The assistant smiled and didn't say anything, but his pace quickened a lot.


"How about it?"

As soon as the Chinese coach entered the door, he was surrounded by several agents, expecting him to say something.

"If you are at this level, can't you go on a variety show? Do you have to come here?" The Chinese coach had no choice but to take people's money and had to do so.

"Also, they don't even know how to dribble. I'm afraid there are no photos that can be on the front page because of snapshots, right? Please be careful, they are professional sports players."

The coach's words at this time seemed to have a slight effect, but it didn't seem to be for the people who were about to start the second half.

Seeing this, what is there to worry about? The Chinese coach went out again and shook his head.

The few people in the room, sitting or lying down, wore loose jerseys that were a bit nondescript. After all, how could anyone hang decorations on jerseys?

The several managers who looked at each other didn't look very good-looking at the moment, but they didn't say anything, they just comforted their artists in a low voice while contacting the company.

The one who is treated completely differently here is the fairest-looking boy, not sickly white, nor young, on the contrary, it seems to be pure natural white, even a little too white, but seeing his eyes , you will find that it is probably a matter of blood, he has dark blue pupils that are different from Chinese.

He was the only one without assistants and managers. The huge lounge was spontaneously divided into several small areas. He was the one who was isolated.

And the only one with multiple scratches on his face.

A fair and clean boy with bruises on his face actually affects the perception and doesn't make people feel manly. However, he seems to be an odd number, with slight scratches, but he looks a little sickly, just like the one in the online novel. Kind, especially those dark blue eyes, are more similar.

People who are out of place, the sweat on the forehead is even more out of place.

Qi Qi dragged a chair over and sat down.

Facing the wall.

There was a bit of annoyance on his face for being late.

The outgoing call was still not answered, and Qi Qi's lonely figure seemed a little helpless.

"Hey! Who is that! Can you stop stealing my ball this game?"

Qi Qi's chair was hit by something, and when he turned around, he saw the person who kept "sending" the ball out in the first half, looking at him with disdain.

"If you don't send the ball out, I'll think about it." Qi Qi felt a headache thinking about it, this is not a game at all, no!

"Hey, what do you mean by that?"

"Talk about your food. After all, the only two goals were scored by others. Look, they were injured!" The boy who was eating an apple at the side sent the assistant away, teasing.

The boy who just started turned green, "Everyone is the same, but they are just here to take pictures. If you do something so serious, you will win if you tell us."

"That's right." There was still most of the apples, and the boy threw it away, and then played with his phone, "However, we are here to take pictures, he may not be sure, the company has given up on him, and he doesn't even have an assistant , I heard that he has been training hard for several months!"

"Cut, he was given up by the company, even if he appears here, even if he is a carry to the audience, he won't have a shot." The boy was very disdainful, "By the way, who did he give his endorsement to?"

"Me! Their company signed it for him. It violated the regulations. The other party even rejected their company's artists. Now they are here with me, and they will shoot next month. What, do you want to snatch it?"

"No, I took one of his plays."

"Ha ha!"

Qi Qi's face became more and more ugly.

Yes, the company dropped him.

He did it all himself.

The company didn't let him come, and the agent didn't agree, so he insisted on coming.

The company withdrew his manuscript, recalled his assistant manager, and said that he was recuperating, so he made it clear.

After all, it was true that he was injured in filming before, and fans all know that no one will find out where he is, let alone what he is doing.

He hasn't become popular yet, even if he is sent away on the streets abroad, not many people will notice.

"The second half is about to start, get ready to enter!"

The Chinese coach interrupted them, knocked on the door, went out without even looking at it.

Qi Qi held his breath and walked out.

But he was tripped, and just about to say something, the person who tripped him was pulled aside by the manager.

"Ancestor, we have other activities when we go back, and fans will pick us up from the airport, so don't hurt yourself!"

"Yes, you too, especially the face!"

"The game is not important. You must not get injured. We have discussed it and taken a lot of photos. You must definitely not hurt your face!"

They all urged each other, and looked at Qi Qi who had hurt his face from time to time.

Qi Qi: ...

The game starts soon.

In fact, there is no difference from the first half.

It's really an exhibition game...


No one was watching the entire arena, except for a few photographers, that is, only the commentary and the scorer were moving.

The whistle sounded and the game was over.

The crowd dispersed, preparing for a group photo two hours later, but soon there was no one there, only Qi Qi was there.

Qi Qi was sitting in the auditorium, and suddenly heard a female voice: "How are you doing, are you happy?"

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