Mu Yunqing fell into a drowsy sleep and got up to look for water to drink.

Just standing on the stairs, I heard the sound of the door opening, and woke up immediately.

The hazy figure downstairs, she could only see that it was a man.

Mu Yunqing swallowed, and took a few steps back.

Then, I heard the door slam and...

The sound of suitcase wheels!

Mu Yunqing was a little puzzled, it couldn't be the wrong way, right?

Property is asleep?
No, the property owner fell asleep, how did this person come up?
Since he was not asleep, how did this person come up?
Mu Yunqing stared at the figure, becoming more and more puzzled.

However, how...

Look familiar?
In fact, the sound of the suitcase was not loud, what Mu Yunqing heard was just when it was dragged in, quietly watching the man put the suitcase near the sofa, and went to open the refrigerator with ease...

With that flash of light, Mu Yunqing could clearly see half of the man's face.

"Brother! You're back!" Mu Yunqing turned on the light, rushed downstairs, and plunged into the man's arms.

Mu Yunyi supported the refrigerator, and then he stood still, his brows and eyes stretched, and the always gentle man laughed softly.

"Why haven't you slept so late..." Mu Yunyi lowered his head, with black hair in his eyes, half-embracing Mu Yunqing, as if asking, or talking to himself.

"Brother, why didn't you tell me when you came back? I'll pick you up!" Mu Yunqing's face was full of smiles, as if the cold and strong woman had disappeared during the day, but she was like a child complaining to her brother about why she came back from school Bring her no candy.

Mu Yunqing stepped back a little and looked at the person in front of him.

It may be that the journey back was too hard, a few strands of hair ran to the front of the forehead, the corners of the eyes were slightly down, with a smile, and the corners of the mouth were even worse. It was still the same suit for thousands of years, but there was no tie, and two buttons were loose. , showing the collarbone.

Mu Yunyi patted his sister's head, "It's late at night, are you going to sleep?"

"It's okay to pick you up! Anyway, I can be late for work!" Mu Yunqing didn't care, and she didn't expect that basic salary to live.

"What did you say to set an example?" Mu Yunyi bent slightly, looked into his sister's eyes, "Huh?"

"Only once in a while..." Mu Yunqing thought for a while, it seemed that he was still late a few times, a little lack of confidence, even one minute late!
"Really occasionally! If you don't believe me, you can ask Tong Yao!" Mu Yunqing nodded emphatically.

"Okay, just once in a while." Mu Yunyi looked at the person who had only been seen from the video every few months, with a smile in his eyes.

Mu Yunqing listened to this tone with a depressed ending, only felt that she was late every day and was let off.

"I, really, only, have, a few, days, late, arrived." Mu Yunqing stared at Mu Yunyi, paused every word.

Mu Yunyi smiled lightly, "I know! I believe it."

"Did I wake you up?" Mu Yunyi glanced at the cotton nightdress Mu Yunqing was wearing, and asked.

"No, just this little movement, how could it wake me up!" Mu Yunqing sleeps relatively "deadly", and she may not be able to wake up, let alone this kind of movement.

"Then why did you wake up and go downstairs?" Mu Yunyi suddenly remembered something and looked into Mu Yunqing's eyes.

"I'm thirsty..." Mu Yunqing blinked, can't she go downstairs to drink water?

"Aren't you thirsty now?"

"how is this possible!"

Mu Yunyi breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm going to boil water."

"Isn't there someone in the refrigerator, why..." Mu Yunqing just opened the door of the refrigerator, and just grabbed a bottle of water, and her brother took it away.

"..." Then he took another bottle.

was taken away again.

Then, I watched as the two bottles of water were put back.

"Drinking cold drinks at night is not good for your health." Mu Yunyi closed the refrigerator door and led him to the sofa, "Wait for me, I'll be fine soon."

"...I'm your sister." Mu Yunqing stared, "Can you..."

"Can you stop raising me as a daughter? You don't care about drinking water!" Mu Yunqing wailed and fell on the sofa.

"Finally, Dayang can't control me anymore, my mother can control me, my mother can control me now, you're starting to control me again!" Mu Yunqing grabbed a pillow, just wanted to pretend to be dead, and added, "Are you still relaying?"

Mu Yunyi: ...

"Am I that annoying?" Mu Yunyi was startled, leaned on the sink, and spoke.

"No! Who said you were bored? I just... just complained. I'm almost thirty, not three years old!" Mu Yunqing categorically denied it, but couldn't help complaining again.

Er Yang was not managed like this.

She looks disobedient?
No, she looks like she can't take care of herself?
Mu Yunqing looked at it bitterly, and fell down again, as if he had no bones, clutching the pillow, rolling back and forth.

"Okay, be careful." Mu Yunyi looked at it, and couldn't help but bend the corners of his mouth, thirty?So what, is it a daughter's pet, what's the problem?

Mu Yunyi only boiled a few cups of water, and it heated up quickly. He poured it into a cup and gave it to Mu Yunqing.

"Actually, I'm in good health. It's fine to drink some cold drinks." Mu Yunqing hesitated while holding the cup.

Then, after taking a sip of water, the whole body became warm.

Immediately regretted it.

"Brother, can you pretend that I didn't say anything just now?" Mu Yunqing was silent, held the cup and took another sip.

"What did you just say? I don't have a good memory, please remind me." Mu Yunyi raised his eyes, narrowed his eyes slightly, seemed a little puzzled, sat up straight again, leaned over, and asked.

"I didn't say anything, nothing..." Mu Yunqing turned his head, completely denied it, and nodded in a serious manner.

Mu Yunyi smiled, "Okay, I'll go to bed after drinking, and I have to go to work tomorrow Friday."

"Oh." Mu Yunqing drank in one gulp, went to put the cup away, but when he went out, he saw the suitcase and remembered.

"Brother, do you want to come and live with me?" Mu Yunqing looked at it, and it seemed that this was the most reasonable explanation.


Mu Yunyi changed his posture and coughed.

"Then the room before you went to bed has been cleaned all the time, so you can go by yourself." Mu Yunqing thought that next time you come back late, you don't need to eat takeaway.

"Well, you should rest early." Mu Yunyi heaved a sigh of relief.

"You too." Mu Yunqing yawned and walked upstairs.

After entering the room, I felt that something was wrong, so I came out again, lying on the handrail of the stairs, "Brother!"

"Huh?" Mu Yunyi just watched her go upstairs, then went to get the suitcase, and just touched the lever when he heard something.

Looking up, the woman at the end of the stairs was lying on the railing, looking at him with burning eyes, with a smile on the corners of her eyes and brows.

With a heartbeat, Mu Yunyi moved two steps, and then stopped abruptly when he heard the voice of "Brother".

"What's the matter?" Mu Yunyi's expression eased, as usual, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, besides being gentle, there was an inexplicable meaning in it.

"Good night." Mu Yunqing smiled. She just said that she forgot something. Her brother came back from a long journey and boiled hot water for her in the middle of the night. Thank you is too blunt and unfamiliar, so "good night" is better.

Mu Yunqing nodded in satisfaction, turned around and went back to the room. She had no dreams all night and woke up until dawn.

"Good night..." Mu Yunyi stood downstairs for a long time before murmuring. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the turbulent emotions just now were locked again, just like countless times before, as if , like nothing happened.

However, this night, one dream after another tormented him.

Every time I wake up from a dream, I am still alone.

This time, it was no exception.

Mu Yunyi turned on a small night light. The white rabbit was wearing a bamboo hat, holding a lotus leaf in one hand and a lantern in the other. There were two faint letters on the lantern, "Y&Q".

Yi and Qing.

When was that birthday present?
Mu Yunyi couldn't remember.

However, he remembered that this lamp had been with him for many years.

From his boarding, to studying abroad, to work.

Really, many, many years.

After a long time, the rabbit's bamboo hat will fade.

After a long time, there is no place to repair this lamp.

After a long time, he packed several boxes of discarded batteries.

However, it was still useless.

Mu Yunyi smiled, looked at the rabbit, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day.

Mu Yunqing was awakened by hunger.

Sitting up in a daze, looking at the time, the alarm clock didn't have time to ring.

But the taste aroused the gluttons.

Swallowing, Mu Yunqing came to his senses.

Her brother is back!
Her brother lives here!

Mu Yunqing licked his lips, got up, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

ready to eat.

When she went downstairs, there were already sandwiches and millet porridge on the table.

The aroma is tangy.

Mu Yunqing suddenly felt better.

"Brother, you are back, I finally don't have to eat those things!"

"Those things? Auntie didn't cook?" Mu Yunyi paused, his eyes turned cold instantly in a place where Mu Yunqing couldn't see.

"I did it! But it's not as delicious as yours!" Mu Yunqing shrugged his nose, showing a little exaggeration.

"Then you can't drive me away, at least, I can still cook every day." Mu Yunyi came over with jam and side dishes, with a smile on his face, as if it was just an illusion.

"Who said they want to drive you away? Who dares to drive you away?! I peeled off his skin!" Mu Yunqing threw millet porridge back into the bowl before she even put it into her mouth. Stance.

"No one, let's eat." Mu Yunyi couldn't hold back his smile, rubbed Mu Yunqing's head, and passed the milk.

"Brother, why don't you rest for a few days?" Mu Yunqing looked at Mu Yunyi's formal attire, and hesitated to speak. He came back in the middle of the night last night and cooked for her early in the morning. He still has to go to the company at this time. Yun Qing always felt that she was oppressing her brother.

"what happened?"

"That's right, you don't have to work so hard, just relax and combine work and rest." Mu Yunqing remembered that her brother was away on a business trip for a month.

"Okay, is there any entertainment today?"


"How about going out to dinner tonight?"


"I'll pick you up after get off work."

"Okay!" Mu Yunqing glanced at his watch, took a sip of milk, and went upstairs to change clothes, not forgetting to tell Mu Yunyi, "Oh, I have an appointment with a client in the morning, let's go first !"

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