"What are you doing? Did I disturb you?"

"No, no, boss, do you want to blow dry your hair?" The roommate shook her head like a rattle, and lowered the hair dryer to Mu Yunqing with her backhand.

"Is this power usable?" Mu Yunqing expressed doubts.

"Okay, I've already used it." The girl handed over the hair dryer and sneaked over, "Boss, can I ask you something?"

Mu Yunqing is incapable of accepting this title. It’s not that she didn’t talk nonsense. She was able to go to A University. In most of her previous study career, she was a master of learning, and there is no shortage of learning gods. She is just a bold person. A smart person who is still confident in writing the questions, otherwise, she will not dare to write those weird answers at that time when she is recommended for testing. If she dares not write, there is no possibility of being right, okay?
It means that if she is asked to take the exam by herself now, she will be admitted to University A, but many of the answers to the competition questions are frightening and timid.

Mu Yunqing: "Can I change my name for now? I'm a little panicked."


"So, sir, can you lend me your computer?"

Mu Yunqing felt that this title was not much better, and, as if reminding her of how many meetings she had held as a school committee some time ago, she was inexplicably uninterested: "...you should be normal, the power-on password is six one by one."

The roommate connected to the computer, but Mu Yunqing blocked the words of thanks.

Back in [-], not everyone had a laptop, but Mu Yunqing was rich.

After sorting out the materials and questions, Mu Yunqing didn't even have time to browse Gu Wei'an's news anonymously, and saw a push news, which only had one sentence, which was extremely short, but that statement was very scary.

Mu Yunqing grabbed the phone, said something to the classmate who borrowed the computer, and left.

Go straight to the rooftop.

"Are you alive? Are you free?" Mu Yunqing didn't have time to send a message to Xu Wei, waited for a reply, and called directly.

"I have something to do, let's talk later."

The first time Mu Yunqing was hung up by Xu Wei, the other end was very quiet, the quieter it was, the more difficult Mu Yunqing felt, and turned to harass Yang Da.

"Grandma, you are in college, and you don't have time to go out for dinner. What's the matter this time? The sun is coming out from the west?" Yang Chaotang and her father were still drinking at the KTV after meeting with clients. Come out of the private room.

Right now, I was leaning against the resplendent and magnificent pillars and lost a few words as soon as I got connected.

"What, I want to borrow some money."

Yang Chaotang woke up, completely sober from the wine, "You won't burn down the laboratory building of University A, will you? You can't afford it!"

Mu Yunqing: "...the laboratory building of City No. [-] Middle School, it was an accident, I didn't set it on fire, I was saving people!"

Is this over yet?

Mu Yunqing was also convinced. If she really wanted to set fire to it, the school would probably be blown up. The kind that doesn't even have ashes, white phosphorus is nothing, so much sodium and pure oxygen, neither of which is better than white phosphorus.

"I was wrong, how much do you want?"

"How much can you give?"

"You are so familiar!"


"The previous account? I'm transferring it now, but I don't know if the amount is enough." Yang Chaotang muttered, "Well, if it's not enough, then call me, and I'll go to my dad's place to make some money."

"Okay." Mu Yunqing was not polite at all, and went to call Mu Yunyi in the same way, just to explain that he had spent a little time when he didn't encounter any major problems, so he simply told Mu Yunyi everything.

Then, her brother who is the best in the universe said: He can help to talk and get him back.

Mu Yunqing was so grateful that she almost knelt down and called Dad. Xu Wei couldn't figure it out. Mu Yunqing didn't think she could do it.

It is better at eating and waiting to die.

Mu Yunqing sent a message to Xu Wei and went back to sleep.

However, I tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

The one who made a crime, read the only diary in Gu Wei'an's space over and over ten times, even if she would have memorized it before, she calmed down and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Mu Yunqing had already received a message from Xu Wei, saying that Mu Yunyi had already left.

Mu Yunqing was shocked by Mu Yunyi's speed, obviously she only slept for one night, but it was like she had slept for half a year.

Half asleep and half awake, I climbed out of bed to wash and change clothes, and rushed to the final venue.

Mu Yunqing arrived relatively late. When she entered, the audience who had been arrested to make up the number had already been seated in several rows. As soon as she entered, she saw Gu Wei'an who was talking to Yan Miao on the stage.

petrified on the spot.

Why didn't anyone say it before?Gu Wei'an is the referee of the final timing, and Yan Miao is the host?
Mu Yunqing was a little autistic, his mind was blank, and he read the manuscript several times on the way here, but now he doesn't remember anything, only Gu Wei'an's very official diary.

"Student, it's time to enter. Are you ready?" Yan Miao saw Mu Yunqing and walked over a few steps, "I will host the finals this time. Everyone is very optimistic about you. Come on! Don't be nervous, look, I'm still digging A handsome roommate counts down the seconds."

Mu Yunqing didn't feel that she was comforted or eased by these words, but she was still very grateful for Yan Miao's kindness. If the person he dragged over was not Gu Wei'an, she would be even more grateful.

She can't remember anything now, shit debate!
She doesn't even know what their theoretical basis is!

Mu Yunqing went in and sat down, took a quick look at her manuscript while reading the notes in the last few minutes, and then...

The person who read the precautions was Gu Wei'an.


Are you really embarrassing her?
Mu Yunqing watched Gu Wei'an read halfway through, then went to accept her manuscript and held it in his hand.

Mu Yunqing: ...I don't want to live anymore, so someone kills her!

There was a previous meeting where Mu Yunqing thought it was okay to reach the unit, but Gu Wei’an was not here, and now it’s fine. The day before yesterday, the debate topic was selected, and yesterday’s military training parade, and today’s debate was early in the morning, relying on last night’s draft and live performance, so difficult. A job that tests one's ability, and counts down when you meet a crush?

Mu Yunqing has [-] MMP sentences that he doesn't know whether to say or not to say.

It doesn't matter if she can't slow down, and it won't affect the emotions of the other seven people. The debate competition officially begins.

The first debate started impassionedly, and the second debate on the opposite side pursued fiercely. Mu Yunqing ended up relying on the third debate online to turn the tide. The first half was not so ugly. Unexpectedly met Gu Wei'an's gaze, and got stuck again.


The rule is that the second debate and the third debate cannot be made by one person multiple times in a row, which means that if Mu Yunqing does not go online later, their group will have to go offline!
The fourth debate. The real boss glanced at Mu Yunqing, the first debate secretly tugged Mu Yunqing's sleeve, and also handed over the words, the third debate was full of concern, and there was no doubt that if the game could not be terminated, they would be in the next second Ask, "Are you sick?"

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