In the second class meeting of the class, class cadres were elected, and Mu Yunqing was elected as the study committee member with the most anonymous votes.

Afterwards, there was an intensive club recruitment process.

Mu Yunqing went shopping with his roommates to the club's recruiting booth, but before he finished shopping, he was held back several times.

It always made people feel that he had entered the marketing organization by mistake, Mu Yunqing resolutely turned cold and broke away.

In the end, Mu Yunqing still chose that weird 3-minute PPT marketing ghost senior's school office and debate team.The former does not need to get up early to do morning exercises, the latter...

In Mu Yunqing's eyes, it was simply a game where civilized people stabbed each other.

Mu Yunqing couldn't tell whether she was lucky or not. No, it was said that it was a recruitment interview with two faces. She had a smooth journey from the first test to the second test. Several seniors wanted to let her through the back door in front of her. In; well, she saw it at the first pep rally...

Wu Xiaofeng!
If he hadn't mentioned his high school alma mater and name during the self-introduction, Mu Yunqing wouldn't have dared to recognize it, Wu Xiaofeng seemed to have plastic surgery!Really, they are like two different people, they look like dogs!
City No. [-] Middle School is well-known throughout the city. Among them, Class A is the top class among the top classes. There are forty students in a class, and half of them can be recommended. All of them can go to key universities, and all of them have won many competition awards. The provincial competitions were basically covered by their class, and Mu Yunqing himself stayed for a year, and he had a deep understanding of the teachers' flattery.

The most speechless thing is that Wu Xiaofeng also passed.

In fact, if you don't know what Wu Xiaofeng did, this person looks exactly like the male second in the current TV series, rich and rich, with excellent grades, and it's normal to be able to live. Although he is not a good person, but, The results are indeed good.

However, this does not prevent Mu Yunqing from spurning him, not at all!

Is it too late to quit now?

It's not good to hit someone with your hands...

Mu Yunqing struggled for a while, and the boring and boring meeting was over. Before he could go out, he was stopped by the senior that day.

"Mu Yunqing, right?"

"Yes, what's the matter with the president?" Mu Yunqing remembered that this person seemed to know Gu Wei'an, and he patiently endured the scorching heat to talk to him in the old classroom with only a squeaking and wandering around, and fanned himself patiently. Impulsively, he clenched the two-yuan landscape folding fan in his hand.

"It's nothing, but you freshmen have just arrived at the school. We are all in the same department. If you have any problems, you can always go to the seniors. After all, if you call me the president, you have to be responsible for you!" Yan Miao took a few Zhang just finished filling out the form, while tidying up the podium and blackboard after the mobilization meeting, he traced a large rainbow and inspirational quotes with colored chalk, Yan Miao didn’t wipe it clean for a while, leaving a few red marks, and Wipe it again with a rag.

"No problem, thank you President for your concern." Mu Yunqing remembered that Gu Wei'an was studying finance, and this Yan Miao was also in the 08 level. Finance is the ace major. There are six classes, with 30 students in each class. They know each other, maybe they are from the same class, or they are friends.

In just a few minutes, Mu Yunqing decided to "encircle Wei and save Zhao". As the saying goes, if you are close to the water, you will get the moon first. If you take a detour, you might be able to get close to Gu Wei'an from Yan Miao, so, on a hot day, just stand there Waiting for him, it's not very polite to shake a fan, so she didn't fan it at all.

Mu Yunqing thinks that Yan Miao should be a Virgo, this obsessive-compulsive disorder, the blackboard is cleaner than his face!
Waiting and waiting, as for when he finished wiping, the two of them went out together.

"I'm really sorry to keep you waiting for me for so long. In such a hot weather, we couldn't get an air-conditioned classroom to mobilize you. I'm really sorry. Is it too hot?"

"'s okay." Mu Yunqing grew up here, so she has no problem with the weather, but she has a problem with chatting outside in this weather!

For the first time in his life, Mu Yunqing felt that his temper was really good, otherwise, how could he have agreed to Yan Miao, who was chatting and laughing with the teaching downstairs like a fool in his head, to eat ice cream?

Chasing after Gu Wei'an, she really put in all her effort!

Mu Yunqing took a bite of the ice cream and was almost moved by himself.

Who knows what Yan Miao was talking about, anyway, she didn't remember a word, she just remembered that that day, the weather was very hot, and there was a huge parasol in front of the ice cream shop, which seemed to be the most expensive snack shop in the school , Mu Yunqing was sitting in the shop by the window, the afternoon sunlight was blocked by green plants, none of it leaked to her body, but every trace of it leaked to her heart...

Just when she was about to finish eating an ice cream and Yan Miao was still talking, Gu Wei'an stepped on the sun and strode over. He didn't come in, but he was approaching in this direction.

Obviously outside the glass window was a large area of ​​artificial green plants that blocked the sun, but Gu Wei'an found it accurately. For a moment, Mu Yunqing thought that he was here to find her.

But alas, he is not.

Because of the background noise that had been noisy for so long, it stopped, stood up, glanced at the phone, put it away, and said to Mu Yunqing: "Sister, the senior from our club is here, urging me to go to work! Sorry! , Next time, let’s have a meal together next time, as an apology!"

Mu Yunqing didn't know where there was a "crime" to pay for, and before he had time to speak, he saw Yan Miao quickly checked out and ran out. Then, the green plants separated by a wall hooked Gu Wei'an's neck, and the two The individual walks away.

Her heart slowed down by half a beat. Mu Yunqing looked at the hand on Gu Wei'an's neck, and wanted to get it off very much. She could do it in any way. It seemed that her thoughts were heard, and Gu Wei'an pushed Yan Miao away. , Two people walk well.

I don’t know if it’s because the gods were easy to manifest that day, and Mu Yunqing was peeping unscrupulously through the green plants, when Gu Wei’an suddenly turned his head.

There are obviously green plants inside, and there are thick stickers on the outside glass, so it is reasonable to say that she cannot be seen, but she is still nervous for no reason, as if Gu Wei'an really saw her, this time, it is not slow A beat is a direct miss...

Hurriedly lowering his head, the ice cream in his hands had already melted, and the outer package was filled with moisture, and even Mu Yunqing's hands were wet, so he hurriedly pulled out a paper towel, Mu Yunqing wiped his hands while wiping the water stains on the table, He looked up again, and this time, there was nothing.

Outside the window, there are students in a hurry, and under the tree there are a few listless cats and dogs, lazily flicking their tails and sticking out their tongues. Mu Yunqing ordered another glass of ice water and calmed down after drinking it. .

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