The teachers of No. [-] Middle School never cared much about the students in Building A. Except for Class A, Mu Yunqing had to finish the second class in the morning when he arrived at the school.

It was Zhao Wen who gave the lectures, science class, physics is a big class, and there are extraordinarily many courses.

It was halfway through Zhao Wen's review paper before Mu Yunqing entered the classroom.

Zhao Wen paused, glanced at the title, and continued.

Mu Yunqing took the paper that Xu Wei handed over, found the topic, and listened to it.

The students in No. [-] Middle School don't necessarily don't listen to the lectures and don't study. They only have eight classes a day. For those who are really idle and have nothing to do, if they don't understand, it is also a good way to kill time.

Mu Yunqing is killing time, while Xu Wei is not understanding.

When get out of class was over, Zhao Wen finished a paper, and as soon as he said that get out of class was over, everyone else was paralyzed, wailing one by one.

"Teacher, have you changed your mind? Is it so difficult?"

"That's right, can you do it again for the last one?"

"..." Zhao Wen was still packing his books, and two pieces of chalk flew straight to the two boys who were howling the most, "If you didn't pay attention, you might understand, I want to come to the office to find me."

"I'm just kidding……"

"Actually, I understand..."

Zhao Wen rolled his eyes, knowing what a fart, after collecting the things, he walked to the door, and remembered again, "Mu Yunqing, come here for a while."

Just as Mu Yunqing got down, he got up again and followed Zhao Wen to the office.

"You sit down first. Teacher Cheng is on leave today, so just sit in his chair." Zhao Wen was still washing his hands with chalk dust in his hand.

"Yesterday's exam, it's over as soon as it's over. Don't be stressed. I heard that the questions are difficult, and there are a lot of extensions. There should be no one in the high-score." Zhao Wen took a glass of water, and Mu Yunqing took it as well. a cup.

"I'm not under any pressure." Mu Yunqing thought to herself, even if she might be beaten, she didn't know if it would be too late to hug her mother's thigh.

"I know you're in a good mood, and you've passed the exam. Whether you're good or not can't change anything." Zhao Wen also just arrived at this school not long ago, and it's a month earlier than Mu Yunqing. .

Zhao Wen drank his saliva and got to the point, "I have mentioned the shift change to you many times. What do you think? If you don't take me as a teacher, I will be five or six years older than you. Being an older sister is not a loss to you." , tell sister?"

Mu Yunqing remained silent.

Zhao Wen earnestly said, "I heard about you when I was in the first city. You won a prize in a competition. You have an eighth grade in oral English. You have quick thinking and quick reactions. You shouldn't be spending time here. At least, you shouldn't be in Class A or Class A on Building A." It’s good in every way, and there’s a learning atmosphere, it’s already the third year of high school, and the mock exam is just around the corner, so don’t you plan to change now?”

This is not the first time that Zhao Wen has mentioned the matter of shifting classes, and it is not only Zhao Wen who is mentioning it. The teachers who persuaded her to change shifts have extended from Class A to Class A. The Political and Education Office wants to talk to her.

The students in this school are mediocre, so mediocre that they can't be more mediocre, and the teachers know that, but it's the teachers, even the teachers who came here for retirement, they still can't change some habits, such as persuading students.

"Teacher, I've heard about you in City No. [-] Middle School." Mu Yunqing made up the knife silently.

Zhao Wen was expelled from the city's No. [-] Middle School, and it was very ugly at the time. Hearing about her may not necessarily mean that she has a good reputation.

Zhao Wen almost spit out a mouthful of water, " you want to change it or not? Don't keep making up the knife, talk about serious business!"

"It's a serious matter. When I was in City No. [-], I often confronted the teacher. Do you know why there is no such thing in No. [-] Middle School?"

Zhao Wen didn't really want to know, but his intuition told her that it might be different from what she thought.

Then I heard...

"What's the difference between Class A? If you like to work hard, you won't leave Shiyi. After all, my dad donated the money." Mu Yunqing blocked Zhao Wen, "I understand what you mean, it's all for I’m good, study hard and make progress every day, get into a good university and get ahead, who wouldn’t want that?”

"But teacher, I really don't want it." Mu Yunqing sighed, "You have to know, if I support myself, they will have no motivation to make money!"

Zhao Wen: ...

"Think about it for yourself, girls, you still need to be financially independent. Do you know that many tragedies are caused by money, and poor and lowly couples are sad for everything. Once—"

"I know, I know, money is the source of evil, money is not omnipotent, money is evil, class is about to start, what, can I go back to the classroom?" Mu Yunqing interrupted Zhao Wen's next speech, this She doesn't know how many times she has listened to the stuff, why is it endless.

"……roll roll roll."

"Okay!" Mu Yunqing took only two steps before being stopped again, "Wait!"

"Don't look at me, let the class representative distribute this paper to them. If you like to do it or not, the answer is on the back. You can do this question set by yourself, or you don't need to do it. You can ask questions anytime, even on your mobile phone." Zhao Wen held his breath, how could this happen?

"Okay." Mu Yunqing took the test set and papers, and walked slowly to the classroom.

Flipping through it casually, tsk, Zhao Wenzhen thinks highly of her, these are all competition-level expansion questions.

Mu Yunqing returned to the classroom, catching up with English class, the topic of articles in grammar, and reciting jingles.

"Hey, you're late again!"

"I was wrong." Mu Yunqing admitted his mistake without any psychological burden, and he was straightforward and straightforward. The English teacher was choked, and his temper rose, "Come on, memorize it again."

"...No." Mu Yunqing glanced at the blackboard, before getting angry, "But I know that the question is C."

"...Go back and sit down."

"Oh." Mu Yunqing put the paper on the representative's desk along the way, and went back to the last row.

"Little ancestors, can we focus on me when we are listening to the class? She knows everything, what to look at, the teacher you chose yourself..."

Mu Yunqing picked out his ears, um, what can I do with the teacher I chose, the class teacher who was voted out, but fortunately Zhang He and Zhao Wen are the class teachers, otherwise, Mu Yunqing would have really lost the job Class is over.

After listening to it for a few minutes, Mu Yunqing became so sleepy that he became refreshed.

Changing shifts, tsk, she doesn't want to do the quizzes...

According to her grades, there should be no problem with the ordinary book, and she can do basic questions, as well as advanced questions, but the selection questions are enough, so she basically doesn't read them.

An ordinary book will do, and their requirements are really high.

Lazy cancer is at an advanced stage, and Mu Yunqing not only doesn't want to be treated, but also doesn't want to stand up. The most urgent thing is how to appease Lao Mu's anger. She burns down the school and changes schools, and Lao Mu will really beat her to death.

The point is that she has no second witness to prove her innocence. The only witness who can stutter a few words is a senior autistic child.


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