late at night.

At a street food stall.

Among the young people, the combination of the three boys alone is eye-catching, especially, the three boys wear the same jersey. The most important thing is that they are all good-looking!It's a bit like the popular boyfriend of the month, especially the one who talks the least, just sit there, it's like a human billboard!

"What? Boss, you just succumbed like this?" Sun Yuanxi almost spit out a gulp of beer, and put the can heavily on the table, his face full of disbelief.

"That's right, Brother Gu, your internship is almost over, right? If you leave at this time, what should you do with your internship report?"

Zheng Yan was still relatively calm, took a bite of the mutton skewers, and asked him.

"Calm down, both of you, I've already communicated with them about the internship report. If it doesn't work, I'll take another postgraduate exam."

"Besides, that's not surrender. It was originally a post written by myself, making unreasonable comments and wantonly smearing. If Yuntian asks me to pay, it will not be able to afford it."

Gu Heng thought for a while, indeed, this is the case, he cannot afford to pay.

Zheng Yan: ...

Sun Yuanxi: ...

"If you don't graduate from a bachelor's degree, can you take the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Third brother, you don't understand the world of learning gods. Brother Gu has been stared at by the old professor in our outer courtyard for four years. Even if Brother Gu doesn't take the exam, he will charge you extra!"

Zheng Yan sighed, and patted Sun Yuanxi's shoulder earnestly.

"It's not that exaggerated. The head of the department told me last month that you can directly apply for postgraduate admission after filling out a form."

Gu Heng took a bite of the meat, and calmed down.

Scumbag Sun: ...

Xueba Zheng: ...

"Boss, have you become a driver like this?" Sun Yuanxi still couldn't accept it. His wise and powerful boss, just sold it to himself?Let him take it easy...

"I wrote the post by myself, what else?" Gu Heng took a sip of the drink, without even looking at the wine in front of him.

"Okay! Grandpa's youth is over, second brother, please leave me alone and let me cry for a while!" Sun Yuanxi was annoyed, and drank a glass of wine in one gulp.

"I won't stop you, just cry. I'll take a video and send it to Ruan Su for a look." Zheng Yan took out his phone, as if to make him cry quickly.

"Boss, look, the second brother is bullying me again!" Sun Yuanxi wailed, his family Ruan Ruan was a little beauty he had been chasing for five years, so he couldn't ruin his image like this!

"Let Ruan Su stay away from Zhong Wan, that girl has a problem." Gu Heng pushed Sun Yuanxi's head away, and when he heard Ruan Su's name, he remembered that the last game was Ruan Su's birthday party Bar?
"Ah? Why?" Sun Yuanxi, the second monk Zhang, was puzzled, his eyes staring like copper bells.

"Just say it, why are there so many reasons?" Zheng Yan just snatched the last piece of mutton from Gu Heng's hands, and swallowed it in one gulp, feeling proud.

"No, there is no valid reason, how dare I! What should I do if she is angry? That's her roommate!"

"……you are hopeless."

"You two know how to be single! Ruan Ruan just brought her friend to meet with us, and it's only been a few days, so turn around and ask me to go with her and stay away from her friends?" Sun Yuanxi once again felt that these two must be single Forever.

"...It seems to make sense, Brother Gu, why?" Zheng Yan slapped the third child on the shoulder, and after receiving the small resentful look from the other party, he was satisfied, and turned to look at Gu Heng, what's wrong with being single?He has a problem?

Gu Heng glanced at the two people who were eager to "knowledge", his thoughts were flying again and again.

"It was Ruan Su's birthday last time, right?"


"She called her roommate, and her roommate brought her family members, right?"


"Zhong Wan is Ruan Su's roommate, and the brother Zhong Wan brought is Zhong Yang, right?"


"That's right." Gu Heng straightened it out completely, even if there is no video, it's better to stay away.

"Boss..." Before Sun Yuanxi could say a word, someone put his shoulders on his shoulders, and when he was about to open it, he was held down, and a familiar voice came from behind, "What's wrong? Brother Gu also said Let me hear it?"

"I don't want to talk about it now." Gu Heng took a look, picked up the draft beer, and took a big gulp.

"Gu Heng! What do you mean!" The visitor frowned and asked, pointing at Gu Heng's nose.

Zheng Yan and Sun Yuanxi looked at each other, and at the same time they looked at Gu Heng. The three of them looked at each other and understood.

"The dormitory is owed a beating again?" Zheng Yan smiled. This person is called Yu Su, nicknamed "Suguan", because he likes to take care of everything, and the dormitory has rules and regulations. This person, huh , Of course, just by the name, one would never think that he is a tall and thick man, but he is.

"Zheng Yan, you..." Before Yu Su could finish his sentence, the hand on his shoulder was pulled by Sun Yuanxi who suddenly exerted force and staggered, not to mention standing still, almost He plunged into the dish, and was quickly pulled by Zheng Yan's quick hand, and the two of them pushed it on the table as soon as they changed hands.

"I have something to talk about, I want to fight, how about we change the place?" Zheng Yan smiled, and weighed the wine bottle in his hand, as if if you moved it, I would smash it down.

"Gu Heng! Are you a fucking man? You have the ability to make your brother let me go! Let's fight each other!" Yu Su, who was pressed on the table, was not convinced, but couldn't move.

"Boss, he wants to fight you one-on-one!" Sun Yuanxi couldn't hold back, he laughed out loud, and turned his head to look at the person who was asked to one-on-one.

Gu Heng's phone rang just by chance, and he opened it to see that it was an email with the content...

Job content and schedule.

The action is quite fast.

Hearing this, Gu Heng glanced at them.

"Let's go." Gu Heng, who was as steady as Mount Tai, finally moved, and stood up with the basketball net in his hand.

"Where are you going?" Zheng Yan realized that Yu Su was trying to play tricks, and patted him on the head kindly.


Gu Heng thought for a while, and there was actually a hint of excitement in his tone.

Sun Yuanxi immediately let go, and silently took a step back.

How could he have a bad premonition!

Back then, he was still an ignorant gangster, blocked the wrong person, and almost got ripped off by someone Gu who held the three-good student award certificate!
Later, he was not convinced, and even shamelessly found someone. Then, Gu Heng pushed him to the ground and called him Dad...

His boss, he really convinced him!
It hurts to think about it now!
"Su Guan", Sun Yuanxi respects him as a man.

10 minute later.

The empty night basketball game was over, and the crowd gradually dispersed, but there were still a few people in the auditorium motionless.

Taking a closer look, there are only three people with jerseys on them. It seems that they are the main players in the first half.

"Gu Heng, don't you dare? That's it?" Yu Su was really unhappy with Gu Yan for a long time, saying that some provincial champion was admitted, but why did the provincial champion come to their school?There are better options out there!
A boy, went to the outer courtyard, the outer courtyard, the existence of a nunnery, and the number one nunnery in China, not only in terms of numbers, but also in terms of teaching ability.

Which big man learns this?

Forget it, but Yu Qian, that damn girl, sips Gu Yan from their department every day. If she doesn't know, she thinks that's her brother!
Of course, the most irritating thing is that the dead girl took advantage of her roommate's birthday and tried so hard to confess, but Gu Heng threw it away without even looking at it.

Still crying now!
Anyway, we've known each other since we were young, so what about Gu Heng?Can you give the little girl a little face by refusing?He really deserves to be the person who has made him unhappy for more than ten years...

Yu Su felt uncomfortable looking at this person, what's wrong!
"Keep an eye on your phone, wait for me for a while." On Gu Heng's side, he handed over the phone and went down.

"Okay!" Zheng Yan took the phone, and when he turned around, he saw that the third child had turned on the phone and was ready to record...

"What about you?"

"You don't understand, this is Yu Su, don't remember to fight!" Sun Yuanxi was as excited as if he was going to fight.

"How do you say? They fought?" Zheng Yan raised his eyebrows. He didn't fight with Gu Heng. They met when they were recommended for the exam. Later, before returning to school after the exam, they beat up a few gangsters together.

"I fought when I was a child, so it's not considered a child. Anyway, it was probably when I was in junior high school. It was the boss who hit me too hard that time. He went home and was imprisoned for self-reflection. He didn't go to school for half a month. After the beating, the Yu family moved out. Otherwise, I don't know."

Sun Yuanxi adjusted the pixels and modes excitedly, he still has the video of the boss finals in his computer, plus this, if he repairs it well, he will definitely sell it for a good price, next time life is hard, so he can sell it to buy snacks for Ruan Ruan!

Zheng Yan glanced at Brother Yu Su who had also heard the words, smiled, and returned his attention to the field.

On the field, Yu Su talked nonsense for a long time, and finally he was about to make a move.

Then, almost instantly, he was cut back behind his back with both hands, wailing endlessly.


Zheng Yan felt a pain in the face for them.

What a pain.

"My cao, let me go! Let's do it again!" Yu Su didn't know what happened, and was full of mmp.

Gu Heng let go of his hands without hesitation, and took a few steps back.

Then, within half a minute, he was caught again...

"The labor and management are talking about fighting! What the hell are you doing?" Yu Su is going crazy, what the hell?his arm!

"Oh." Gu Heng glanced, and let go of his hand again, there was so much nonsense.

Then, when the nth whip legs stopped next to his head again, Yu Su froze.


"Court! Play ball! Who said you're going to hit someone!" Yu Su was in a lingering fear, and the wind from his legs scraped his face!

"Where's the ball?!" Yu Suchong roared to his brothers watching the excitement, and the basketball flew down.

Gu Heng glanced, um, his ball.

"Ten goals, whoever scores more wins! Dare you?" Yu Su is still confident, after all, he belongs to the city team!

Of course, if brother Yu Su could listen carefully to what her sister said after every sentence of "their courtyard Gu Heng", he probably wouldn't be so confident.

"Spot shot?"

"Driving for a layup! You can't play?" Yu Su raised his eyebrows. He remembered, who told him that Gu Heng could do it, right?
"Understood." Gu Heng nodded.

Two 10 minutes later.

Lay one on the ground and one next to the basket.

27: 20.

Gu Heng made eight three-pointers!
There is no suspense to win.

"What the hell are you, are you human..." Yu Su didn't even have the strength to complain, and was sweating profusely, almost dehydrated.

"Where did my sister offend you? If you don't like it, you don't like it. You don't give me any face?" Yu Su got angry after thinking about it, got up and stared at Gu Heng.

"Who? Yu Qian? What's wrong with me?" Gu Heng's puzzlement was capitalized.

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