Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 92 Fragrant and Sweet (Please recommend a ticket)

Seeing Yu Xingxing stop, Wu Linger limped and walked quickly to his side.

"Although I don't want to see you miserable, but if you can really beat the Great God Team, I'm going to..." She was about to continue, but Yu Xingxing interrupted her:
"Stop, don't use the Time Pearl to bribe us again. We really can't afford this kind of benefit."

"Last time, I didn't ask you to do anything else." Wu Linger said, "I definitely want to help you."

"I'll keep it for you until the interview date. We will no longer accept any sponsorship or... charity."

Yu Xingxing answered very simply, he didn't want to have anything to do with this family anymore.

"You're very ambitious! As long as you shoot down that Zhou Manqin, I'll grant you one wish!" Wu Linger said to Yu Xingxing again.

"Really?" Yu Xingxing looked at her, "My wish is that you don't appear in front of me again!"

"Then you will definitely lose! There is no doubt!" Wu Linger snorted and shouted.

"Just wait and see." After finishing speaking, Yu Xingxing was about to leave, but suddenly something happened, he turned his head again:
"Well, your big cousin, is Zhang Yu better?"

Yu Xingxing asked, since she "missed" him so much, what was her purpose?

"Thanks to you, he has to absorb the time energy beads all the time without interruption, and he can't recover the time energy temporarily." Wu Ling'er sighed.

Yu Xingxing was shocked, so serious?

Originally, when he saw that Zhang Yu hadn't come for almost two weeks, he realized that it might be serious, but he didn't expect it to be this serious!

"Are you happy? Finally, there are no competitors?" Wu Linger looked at him.

"Competitor?" Yu Xingxing didn't react for a while.

"You think I don't know, you and Zhang Yu are fighting for Fang Yuanfang! You can't grab him, so use despicable means to suppress him!
Now, are you proud?Have you got it?You can finally walk to school with her in style every morning! "

Wu Linger began to accuse him.

Yu Xingxing looked at her like she was looking at an alien: I was so surprised, why did everything change when things got into her mouth?

Is this little cherry mouth eating too many cherries?

Not only fragrant, but also "sweet" in your mouth?
"Stop..., stop...," Yu Xingxing quickly stretched out his hands and waved them.

"Whose uncle wants to put me to death? Who is coming to investigate my details over and over again? Don't involve irrelevant people. Anyone who dares to touch a hair on her, I will definitely make him unable to stand up again! "Yu Xingxing also became strict.

"I want to see how firm your position is? Hmph!"

Speaking of this, Wu Linger suddenly became agile, and with her head held high, she walked quickly towards the classroom.

When Yu Xingxing saw that she suddenly recovered, he laughed silently in his heart: What are you pretending to do?
How firm my position is that I don't know myself?
Want you to check it out?
It's you, let me check it a few more times, and the check will be thorough, ha ha.

Without daring to think about it, Yu Xingxing ran towards the playground, where Fat Tiger and the others had already formed up.

They had also absorbed all the time energy pearls they had harvested. Although their time energy was still far behind him, it was still one level higher than most, which was more than enough.

However, they were going to challenge the Great God team. When he was dealing with Zhou Manqin, the captain of the Great God team, would they be able to stand against others?

It would be nice if the Great God Team took action and all of them were immediately wiped out.

He was still walking towards the playground when his cell phone rang, and when he saw it was Tian Yaolong, he picked it up.

"Yu Xingxing, are you really going to challenge the Great God Team?" Tian Yaolong asked over her face, she was stunned when she heard her father talking about it.

Did he really think that if he defeated Zhang Tao, he would be invincible?
what the hell is this?

To whom do you want to show it?

Still have to prove?
The Great God team, after how many times of actual combat and sparring, how could they lose to these little radish heads?
"Little master, yes, we are going to fight against the Great God team and pick them off!" Yu Xingxing replied loudly.

Tian Yaolong over there hastily held the phone away from her ears, the voice wanted to break through her eardrums!

"Do you rely on fearless courage? Or is it the spirit of a newborn calf?" Tian Yaolong couldn't understand. Of course, she didn't want to see Yu Xingxing get hurt.

"We, relying on our strength! Don't worry, after we win, I will come to practice boxing!"

Yu Xingxing thought Tian Yaolong was worried about them winning, so he became happy, stopped being modest, and stopped practicing.

When Tian Yaolong heard this, she was at a loss for words, what logic is this Yu Xingxing?

What does practicing boxing have to do with winning?
Since he is so sure, it's not good to keep pouring cold water, so she said: "Then I wish you good luck, I don't like to see you get smashed."

"Don't worry, little master, they are the ones who smashed it!" Yu Xingxing continued to speak boldly.

Tian Yaolong shook her head helplessly, it seemed that nothing could stop Yu Xingxing's determination to challenge.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Xingxing had already arrived at the playground.

They were originally in a 2-2-2 formation, with Long Lin and Peng Peng in front, Yu Xing Xing and Fat Tiger in the middle, and Xiao Huan and Luo Dan in the back.

In the case of both long-range output, the strongest melee is Dragon Scale and Fat Tiger.

Yu Xingxing still needs a lot of practice in his close-up fists and kicks. Without the blessing of his skills, he might not be their opponent.

This formation was mainly to facilitate the cooperative power of Yu Xingxing and Fat Tiger's lightning blades.

However, having said that, if Zhou Manqin is also Thunderbolt, it will definitely suppress Fat Tiger's Thunderbolt, and the power of this combination will be compromised.

A powerful countermeasure against Thunderfire is Rodan's Water, but obviously, they are not at the same level at all.

You have to think about formation and coordination.

This is the first time they have used their time skills in a live game, so it goes without saying that they are excited.

The combination prepared last time was a strategy to deal with "Jinchuanhe" and "Wolf Xun Team", and their levels are similar.

Now, what they have to face is the Great God team, the existence that crushes them!

Definitely put the strongest at the top!

"Let's form a 3-3 formation. Longlin, me, and Fat Tiger are in the front, and the three of you are in the back. The close combat is quick and quick. If we can solve one more, it is one."

What Yu Xingxing meant was that in the end they were going to face Zhou Manqin, and the others had better be cleaned up first.

Better yet, let the Great Gods give them a few guys, or give them a few minutes to start.

It seems that this is a bit overwhelming, or unreasonable.

It doesn't matter, when the time comes to say it cheekily, if they agree, they will agree, and if they don't agree, forget it.

"Bang bang, just keep an eye on Xia An, his big guy..."

"Brother Xing, let Longlin watch over that big guy. My staring must be the rhythm of instant kills." Peng Peng said immediately.

She knew that she could only argue in private discussions. When it came to the competition, she had to do what Yu Xingxing said.

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