Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 88 You're welcome (recommendation ticket requested)

"Zhou Manqin, the captain of the Great God team, is of the fire element. Her thunder fire is very fierce, and I can't hold it for a few seconds." Fang Yuanfang began to introduce Yu Xingxing.

"That little guy, Kong Qi, don't underestimate her. Her battery life is very strong, and she is basically their oil storage bottle; don't look at her rainwater is sparse. If she is soaked in it all the time, it will make people collapse."


Riding all the way like this, Fang Yuanfang introduced Yu Xingxing all the way.

Finally, when they were almost at the door of Yu Xingxing's house, she said: "You have this courage, which is very admirable; if you can't hold on, stop as soon as possible, don't hold on, don't get hurt too seriously."

Yu Xingxing smiled: "I'm sure I'll accept it as soon as I'm good."

"It's not that you accept it as soon as it's good, but..." Fang Yuanfang looked at him, as if he was determined to win, and he no longer had the heart to fight.

"Goodbye, good luck!" After she finished speaking, she turned the car and ran towards her home.

Yu Xingxing stood until he could no longer see Fang Yuanfang's back, then locked the car and entered the house.

"Isn't it just a team of great gods? I'm so scared, I want to let them taste my strength!" Yu Xingxing muttered while changing his shoes.

Mao Ling'er came to his feet and heard the words of the Great God Team: "The Great God Team, they are all the Great Gods, if you have nothing to do, you should get in touch with them more, and don't fight against them."

"Relationships are about connection, and competitions are also about competition." Yu Xingxing said enthusiastically, "If we kill the great team, we will become the lesser gods, haha."

"Why not a great god?" Mao Ling'er was a little confused.

"Take one step at a time and reach the clouds all at once. It's easy to fall down. Don't you always teach me this way?" Yu Xingxing looked at Mao Ling'er with a serious look on his face.

Mao Linger was speechless again.

"So in order to attack the Great God team, I need to strengthen the defensive skills." Yu Xingxing said, as if his logic was strong.

"If you go to attack others, why should you defend yourself?" Mao Ling'er didn't care, it wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"This is called hurting the enemy one thousand, and hurting oneself eight hundred." Yu Xingxing couldn't say that he was defending against others' beatings, "Hurry up and help me find a suitable defensive technique."

"Isn't the mirror dimension okay?" Mao Linger asked, "Can't it wrap you in it airtight? And the shield and cloak, can't they both protect you?"

Mao Ling'er didn't understand, didn't Mo Lao teach all defensive skills?
Can't the game be used?
That small pocket can be used, but these should be more useful.

"Mao Ling'er, you are really my good Ling'er, you reminded me." Yu Xingxing said, suddenly picked up Mao Ling'er and spun him around a few times.

"I'll try how they can be added to the time skill control."

He was also very surprised that when Mr. Mo taught him, the quality of his "Ninja Stone" skills did not improve.

How can they be connected and become part of the time skill?

His "Stone Endurance Skill" is already of gold quality, even so, he is worried that he will be scorched by Zhou Manqin's thunderous fire.

Although Zhou Manqin is definitely not as powerful as Zhang Yu and his uncle, it's always good to be on guard.

Yu Xingxing made a mirrored dimension, a transparent cover, which is definitely enough for fire and rain protection.

But how can it be used?
He tried to inject time energy into the mirror dimension. At first, the mirror dimension was motionless and unresponsive. That layer of time energy was surrounding it outside.

With the increase of Yu Xingxing's injection energy, the mirror dimension slowly began to bend and deform, and finally, it turned into a wisp of white smoke and penetrated into Yu Xingxing's palm.

[System prompt: Ninja Stone: increase 9, gold]

Well, now the mirror dimension can be used as ninjutsu skills. Although the quality of ninjutsu skills has not improved, the performance improvement is good.

What about magic shields and cloaks?

Yu Xingxing injected time energy into them again, and they became his treasures.

Correspondingly, another system prompt appeared in his mind:

[System prompt: Ninja stone: increase by 9, gold; Gantian: increase by 6, gold]

In addition to the enhancement of the Ninja Stone Skill, the strength of the Gantian Skill has also been enhanced, and the output has also been improved, which is good.

After Yu Xingxing released and retracted it freely from his hand, he looked at his results with satisfaction.

The invisibility technique, I don't know if it is possible?
It would be more convenient if you could become invisible in one go without having to make gestures so troublesomely.

Thinking about it, he released some time energy again, performed the invisibility movement again, surrounded by time energy, and then he was completely invisible.

Cat Ling'er meowed. It knew Yu Xingxing was there, so it walked over and touched it. Although it couldn't be seen, people could still touch it.

"Ha, I succeeded again!" Yu Xingxing suddenly appeared from the invisible, scaring Mao Linger and jumped onto the table.

[System prompt: Ninja Stone: increase 6, gold]

The number of ninja stones has increased by 24, reaching a total of 81, and there are still 19 left to upgrade.

Now, the exercises taught by Mr. Mo can finally be used openly.

Because of the blessing of time energy, these exercises will also increase in power with the improvement of time energy skills.

It used to be that there were no levels of invisibility, but now it is directly at the gold level of invisibility, so you can become invisible within one second, and it will probably be even faster in the future.

Of course, the golden quality mirror dimension is much stronger than the original;
Gold quality magic shield, its power and defense are also greatly enhanced;
And the gold-quality magic cloak is much lighter and stronger.

Moreover, the Ninja Stone Skill is an active time skill that does not require him to trigger it, and can be used directly according to the situation at the time.

Why didn't Mr. Mo tell him earlier?

He must have known this.

This is also the aspect where Mo Lao tested Yu Xingxing. A warrior should not only rely on force to win, but also analyze, reason and make comprehensive judgments. The capacity and operation of the brain must also keep up with the improvement of skills.

Yu Xingxing waved a magic shield with added time energy, and its power was unparalleled.

There will be a competition the day after tomorrow, and he has to practice hard these two days. Uncle George still has a little homework to do after the competition.

When he came to the gym, he turned on the robot and set it to his strength level in the morning, which was also the level Mo Lao asked him to try in two days.

In the morning, he was beaten so badly that even the gold-level "Ninja Stone Skill" couldn't do it.

How is it now?
The robot waved his fist, not polite, and there is no need to be polite.

What about Yu Xingxing?

He just stood there, taking the punch abruptly.

I saw that a transparent mirror barrier was immediately attached to his body, and when the iron fist hit the barrier, he was unscathed, and the iron fist was actually dented.

The effect is really good!
Continuing to increase the intensity, Yu Xingxing was a little excited, so he simply increased the intensity to a level slightly lower than the maximum intensity.

The robot rushed towards me with its sharp iron fist, which felt like it had a ton of power.

What about Yu Xingxing?

how about it?

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