Soon, all the teams in Curry came out.

By the time the Dashen team came out, it was already past four in the afternoon, and they were really playing against the clock.

Yu Xingxing had been waiting to see how they came out, he wanted to see how the Great God team was torn apart.

Of course, everyone is eagerly waiting.

When the Dashen team walked out of the door of the Zilian library with a domineering stride, the originally noisy surrounding suddenly became quiet.

Captain Zhou Manqin's long hair has been tied into a ball head by a headband. Although his face is also covered with ashes, he obviously feels full of energy and aura; moreover, the protective clothing on his body is undamaged!
Look at that teammate, Kong Qi, a small girl, like a small steel coin, she walks like a bounce, and she is intact!
The other male team members also had their nostrils held high and their eyes turned to the sky. They didn't pay attention to these people outside the door at all, and of course they were all in complete protective clothing.

Yu Xingxing glanced at it, but there was nothing to see, and he didn't see what he most wanted to see.

Next, is the most exciting moment.

Seeing the Great God team put the time energy beads on the plate, everyone held their breath.

1266 stars!
When the referee coach announced it, the crowd erupted!
There are several teams that are a fraction of that amount.

Of course, Yu Xingxing and the others are at least half of them.

The Great God Team is indeed the Great God Team!
Everyone looked at them with admiration, especially the captain Zhou Manqin, who felt more and more beautiful and domineering.

After inquiring, it turned out that this great team was also from Yu Xingxing and his Wu Hai Middle School.

It seems that you can get in touch with them a little at ordinary times and learn from their advanced experience.

Yu Xingxing stared at a big man with a crew cut, his name was Xia An, and he seemed to be a little bit energetic; well, we can focus on attacking in the follow-up.

Of course, Peng Peng and the others looked at the Great God Team with admiration on their faces, with envy in their eyes.


After watching the excitement, many people dispersed.

In the past two days, they were quite tired in the training room. The coach asked them to go back to rest quickly, and Yu Xingxing didn't have to stay to practice boxing and kicking.

Yu Xingxing found Tian Yaolong in the crowd, a girl who had just taken a shower and was looking fresh and fresh.

He swallowed and quickly looked elsewhere.

The results will come out tomorrow; take another day off to see how the Great God team abuses these little guys.

To be honest, Yu Xingxing really wanted to compete with the Great God team.

However, he knew that in this competition, the Great God team was just demonstrating to them, to let them see what their real strength is.


Just as they were running towards different cars, there was a man upstairs, looking at Yu Xingxing from above.

And a person next to him was pointing at Yu Xingxing and introducing him; this person kept nodding while listening.

Then he whispered: "Until he has learned something, there can be no mistakes."

The person next to him immediately responded: "Understood."


Yu Xingxing and the others got into the car, and when they saw Fang Yuanfang, they also got into their own car.

Each of their teams has its own special car, which is also protected by the city level to prevent the car from becoming a competition field.

With a blink of an eye, Tian Yaolong was still standing with the coach, watching them drive away one by one.

When Yu Xingxing's car passed by, Yu Xingxing deliberately waved to Tian Yaolong in the car; Tian Yaolong finally saw him, and waved to him with a smile.

Seeing Yu Xingxing like this, Pang Hu and the others were of course very curious, and they all looked out the window.When they saw Tian Yaolong's figure, they also fell silent.

Fang Yuanfang was in another car, she didn't see Yu Xingxing at first; but she saw Tian Yaolong next to the convoy.

Who are you waving to so happily?

Looking along the line of sight, in the car, Yu Xingxing was dancing and Tian Yaolong was waving at each other!

Okay, Yu Xingxing, you are so eager to get close to the coach's daughter, what do you see in her?

This is also what the other team members are wondering about.

Fang Yuanfang thought for a moment and stopped embarrassing herself. Why?Whoever you like is Yu Xingxing’s right.

However, this time, I really felt a bit sour in my heart.

She reminded herself, don't look, don't think; turn your head, just pretend you didn't see anything; this stinky star.

Raising his right hand, under the light white fingers, in the slightly red palm, there is Yu Xingxing's small pocket, did he forget?
This small pocket played an important role in Fang Yuanfang's zipper game, and now I feel a little inseparable from it.

Originally, she was the strongest in the team, but now that she has a small pocket, she is even stronger.

It's a pity that Yu Xingxing didn't see it.

In the competition the day after tomorrow, she must let him see that she can win without a small pocket!

No worse than Tian Yaolong at all!

After realizing her own thoughts, Fang Yuanfang was also taken aback. Why are you competing with a little girl to be jealous? Don't you always have absolute self-confidence?
When Yu Xingxing needed her cover, she really didn't worry;
However, Yu Xingxing doesn't seem to need too much care and cover from her now.

Thinking of this, she was a little lost again.

The car Yu Xingxing was in finally drove away slowly, and Fang Yuanfang also withdrew his gaze.

The deity, Yu Xingxing, was still happily waving at Tian Yaolong in the car, without noticing that Fang Yuanfang was reacting in another car.

It wasn't until the car turned a corner that Tian Yaolong was no longer in sight, that Yu Xingxing sat down in his seat with a smile on his face.

Then, everyone looked at him in bewilderment.

As if he had done something wrong, he touched his head unconsciously, and then coughed deliberately.

"I said, why are you looking at me?"

"Brother Xing, I suddenly discovered that you are particularly interested in Tian Yaolong. You might as well team up with her." Bang Bang said, and his face was full of sourness.

"Bang Bang is jealous, Brother Xing, what do you think should I do?" Xiao Huan coaxed, "You call Tian Yaolong little master so affectionately."

"She is my little master. She is younger than me and still teaches me. Do you call her a master?"

Yu Xingxing glanced at them: "If you are interested, you can also practice together."

"We won't join in the fun. Zhang Tao's aura has been suppressed by you, and I think he will restrain himself a little later."

"I just can't stand him acting like that. Let him have a longer memory." Yu Xingxing said, looking out the window.

"This battle was fought happily, and we have absolutely no objection; but just now, you waved your hand at Tian Yaolong so ostentatiously, are you trying to announce something?"

"I'm telling Zhang Tao that the little master Tian Yaolong treats me very well, and I'm mad at him for being an egomaniac!"

Everyone had black lines on their faces. His method was really annoying, and it angered several people.

"However, Brother Xing, let's use an analogy. If Sister Fang sees it, will she feel a little uncomfortable?" Fat Tiger finally said it.

"What? Why is Sister Fang not feeling well?" Yu Xingxing asked.

"Sister Fang will definitely have a bad impression of you if she sees it; Brother Xing, let's make an analogy: if a large number of people like you in the future, will you also like them?" Rodan was still very logical.

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