Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 79 Accept fate or admit defeat?

Looking at Yu Xingxing's angry expression, Zhang Tao continued jokingly, "They are all killing me, did you hide away in fright and cry?"

When Yu Xingxing heard this, he suddenly felt very funny.

"Hehe, you're great. Do something while I'm away, right? Do you want to continue pretending to be a Superman in front of me? Do you think your underwear looks good?" Yu Xingxing looked at Zhang Tao with a slanted head.

Everyone was holding back laughter.

Zhang Tao's face suddenly turned red, and he raised his hand to point at Yu Xingxing: "You, you..."

"You, what are you? Convulsions? Go to the doctor for convulsions! If you are looking for convulsions, I can accompany you!"

Fat Hu and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Yu Xingxing approaching. They had a duel with Gang Yu just now, and it was really difficult for them to deal with Zhang Tao and the others.

"Okay, if there is a way to heaven, you don't go, but if there is no way to hell, you just want to go through it! If you don't beat you all over the place today, my surname is not Zhang!"

"Aren't you anti-dog Wen? And now it's more like crazy, you bite everyone!"

Zhang Tao has been scolded so hot that his blood boils, his face is flushed, his hands are like eagle claws, and he looks like he is about to rush forward.

He had seen Yu Xingxing and Huo Lang fight before, and he was confident that he would defeat Yu Xingxing at that time.

"Hey, wait, before we fight, we have to agree that it will be just the two of us. No one else is allowed to help. I don't want to attack my little master."

After Yu Xingxing finished speaking, he gave Tian Yaolong a meaningful look, and Tian Yaolong was also looking at him worriedly.

Although Yu Xingxing is of decent size, he seems a bit childish in front of Zhang Tao, who is taller than Dragon Scale.

Tian Yaolong thought to herself: This Yu Xingxing, I'm afraid he hasn't been beaten enough in ordinary times, so he wants to show off his strength here!Zhang Tao's fists and kicks were even better than hers.

Yu Xingxing looked at Tian Yaolong, as if he was worried about him, and he felt very good in his heart. He yelled at her: "Little master, this apprentice will not embarrass you!"

"Don't be sentimental. Who is your master? Don't you think you are worthy of it?" Zhang Tao said through gritted teeth and came over waving his hands and feet.

Everyone gathers around, masters fight against each other, and it's a one-on-one fight, it must be very exciting, everyone hopes that their captain will win.

Cooperating with the "Jinchuanhe" team is another high school "Diaolanxiong" team.They watched from a distance and did not participate in it. The grievances of the single team let them solve it by themselves.

Fang Yuanfang heard Yu Xingxing's voice in the distance, and she also rushed over.Seeing this posture, I knew it was on the bar.She waved her hand, and everyone got down on the ground and watched from a distance.

"Sister Fang, it looks like that Yu Xingxing is a bit over his head, do you want to help..." Li Yuqing who was next to Fang Yuanfang asked.

Fang Yuanfang waved her hand: "Don't disturb them."

Since Yu Xingxing was attacked last time, Fang Yuanfang has also been on guard all the time, especially Zilian Curry, who must protect him even more.

I accidentally lost it just now, searched inside for a long time, turned around, and came back again.

It happened that Yu Xingxing was arguing with someone, and he seemed very confident in his yelling.Then let him solve it by himself, and it's not too late to come back when he needs help.

"I don't deserve it, and you don't deserve it. You don't deserve to carry my shoes, let alone be the captain of my master! Hurry up and take a picture of yourself, and give her the captain's position immediately, and I will be merciful, otherwise I will also let you lie on the bed for half a month!"

"Zhang Yu is it really your fault? Today I must do justice for the heavens, and teach you a good lesson, you little pup who knows nothing about heaven and earth!"

With that said, they have already handed in their hands.

Fat Tiger and the others knew Yu Xingxing's strength, so they were not worried at all, and looked like they were watching the fun.

But what happened?

With fists and palms, Yu Xingxing was overturned several times in a row, retreated several meters, and lay on the ground.

In front of Zhang Tao who was furious like a gorilla, Yu Xingxing did look a little weak.

Zhang Tao ran up to him, kicked Yu Xingxing again, and was kicked far away, hitting the electronic board with a "bang".

"Hiss", he bared his teeth, and stood up with his head supported. The fall just now nearly broke his bones.

Fortunately, his gold-quality "Shining Stone Skill" was activated spontaneously, otherwise his whole body would really be shattered.

It seems that this big guy still has some skills, so he has to suffer a little bit.

"Brother Xing, are you still sleepwalking? Show some color and show the big guy!" Peng Peng began to yell.

"Brother Xing, do you want to show off your flexibility?" Xiao Huan also joined in the fun.

"Okay, the boss is mighty! The boss is mighty!" The members of the "Jinchuanhe" team shouted.

Yu Xingxing stood up, turned his neck a few times, shook his hands, and jumped a few times.

Tian Yaolong also looked at him nervously. Although she knew that Yu Xingxing was more resistant to beatings and these punches couldn't hurt him, but seeing him still rubbing his head, she couldn't help worrying that there wouldn't be any aftereffects from that training, right?
Just now Yu Xingxing has detected that Zhang Tao is still in the timeline period. In terms of time skills, he is definitely not Yu Xingxing's opponent. If he throws a time skill, he will kneel down and beg for mercy.

But how can Zhang Tao be convinced?

I can't let him say that I am opportunistic. This kind of big guy just wants to talk with his fists. If he beats all the way, he will have nothing to say.

Well, let him see the fists he can bless.

"Fourth form of Arhat Fist: Dapeng's claws" Yu Xingxing shouted, "Seventh form of Arhat Fist: Black tiger digs out the heart!"...

While screaming, he quickly punched and kicked, first luring the enemy to the right, and then suddenly the wind of the left palm hit Zhang Tao's body, turning the palm into a fist, and pounding Zhang Tao's chest.

Zhang Tao fell into an ambush and couldn't dodge in time. He was punched in the chest and took two steps back. Yu Xingxing didn't give him a chance to breathe, and dense fists came one after another.

Yu Xingxing injected [-]% of the time energy into his fist, and the attack power was at least doubled. With this fist, even if the ribs were not broken, at least there would be cracks.

Yu Xingxing continued to make punches seamlessly like this, Zhang Tao couldn't bear it any longer, and collapsed with a "plop".

"Boss, stand up! Give this kid some strength!" The members of the "Jinchuanhe" team were still encouraging him.

Zhang Tao didn't expect Yu Xingxing's fist to be so hard now, Shibie Sanri should be impressed.

According to his observations last time, Yu Xingxing's fists had no strength, no moves, flamboyant fists and legs, not worth mentioning; so he didn't deliberately dodge just now.

However, these few punches by Yu Xingxing made him almost call his mother.

"Brother Xing is mighty! Brother Xing is mighty!" Bang Bang and the others shouted.

A smile appeared on Tian Yaolong's lips.

Enduring the pain, Zhang Tao screamed and jumped up, turned around and kicked in a roundabout, hitting Yu Xingxing's head.

Yu Xingxing turned to one side, tilting his head to dodge.

With the experience of Wada Yaolong's sparring last time, this time he did not grab Zhang Tao's ankle, but followed Zhang Tao's strength, hooked his leg, and then immediately slammed on his raised leg. Press down.

Zhang Tao didn't have time to retract his outstretched legs, and he didn't have time to keep up with his legs on the ground, so he was directly dragged down by the horizontal chop.

He let out an "ah" and then "click", and his leg and hip joints broke!

Everyone's heart trembled when they heard the broken bones and screams.

"Remember this sentence, in front of me, you don't have to accept your fate, but you must admit defeat!"

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