Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 55 It tastes great

This time Yu Xingxing is the only one who has the ability to upgrade, and no one else in the team, and of course Sister Fang is gone too.

"When you first went in, it was still in the timeline period; after going in for a while, it automatically leveled up?" Fang Yuanfang was still a little unbelievable.

With the promotion of the crocodile time energy pearl given by Yu Xingxing, she barely rose to the late stage of the timeline stage.

Yu Xingxing looked at Fang Yuanfang, unable to explain, what should I do?
That can only be nonsense.

"That's right, Sister Fang, it's a long story. How about we hide in that little pocket and have a good chat?"

Yu Xingxing thought of that little pocket again, and when he thought of them feeding chickens and radishes in it, he felt very warm.

"Good idea." Seeing him like this, Fang Yuanfang knew that he would not tell the truth.

She looked around again, but she didn't see the octopus team that went in with Yu Xingxing and the others.

"Did you eat the octopus? Why didn't you see them?"

"Well, it's delicious, especially the legs, it's delicious."

Yu Xingxing deliberately answered irrelevant questions, and even licked his lips.

"You..." Fang Yuanfang glanced at Yu Xingxing funny and angrily, he looked innocent, he didn't seem to be lying.

"It's a pity that they can't cooperate with us in the official demonstration competition."

The tone made it clear that the octopus was really beaten up by them, and it was also disabled, and it couldn't recover in a week.

Hearing this, Fang Yuanfang was taken aback for a moment, she finally got some eyebrows, she raised her face and said:
"Then congratulations to you, you have created another small miracle. This is the first time in 15 years that the first year of high school beat the second year of high school."

"Really? The octopus wanted to die and sent itself into my hands to create a miracle." Yu Xingxing felt very happy.

"It seems that something really happened." Fang Yuanfang was still speculating.

"A good thing is definitely a good thing. We can talk so unimpededly now, which means it is a good turning point."

"I thought you still cared about the 100 Time Energy Beads you gambled." She had been holding her screen just now, but she had been preparing. Once Yu Xingxing reminded her, she immediately shut up, turned around and left.

"I don't care about it for a long time. I don't care anymore when I upgrade to the timeline period, let alone now is the timeline period?"

Yu Xingxing looked at Fang Yuanfang and smiled stupidly, they no longer have to think about that damned curse, this feeling of relaxation is really good.

Fang Yuanfang also looked at Yu Xingxing, feeling that he had really grown up and defeated Zhang Yu and the others, and was impressed.

Tian Yaolong looked at Yu Xingxing and Fang Yuanfang chatting eagerly from a distance, and she didn't know how she felt, as if drinking a glass of lemonade.

The "Jinchuanhe" team she was in was also badly repaired by the sophomore "Diaolanxiong" team in the zipper library, and the captain Zhang Tao was also burnt all over.

Shen Wenquan, the captain of "Diao Lanxiong", burned everyone in his team. Captain Zhang Tao was injured the most in order to protect her, but she only had a few fur injuries, which was not serious.

Therefore, when she saw that Yu Xingxing was basically uninjured, she was also very surprised. Could it be that the boxing skills she trained played a role?
Zhang Tao was slowly healing himself, and he also saw Tian Yaolong's gaze.

The past few days, she obviously felt that she was a little absent-minded. Today, she sacrificed her life to protect her, but she didn't get a smile, but now she is actually smiling at Yu Xingxing's back!

It seems like it’s time to get to know this Yu Xingxing properly.

When Yu Xingxing and the others got into the car, the driver brother also saw the rankings on the display screen on the wall. He gave Yu Xingxing and the others a thumbs up: "Not bad, boys and girls."

Yu Xingxing also couldn't laugh or cry, he was the only one who knew the reason for the mistake, and Fat Hu and others didn't know what happened.

"Brother Xing, can you and sister Fang talk normally? Don't worry about the octopus anymore?"

Everyone is still very concerned about this. I saw them talking for a long time just now, so there should be no problem, right?

"Of course, don't worry about the octopus. From now on, I can talk to whoever I want. If anyone dares to stop me, I'll slap him to death." Now that Yu Xingxing has upgraded to the face stage, he can't help feeling complacent.

"The octopus looked really strange just now, as if it had lost its soul." Peng Peng observed very carefully.

"Not only did he lose his soul, he also lost a lot of things, for example, a little bit of respect I had for him." Yu Xingxing added.

Of course, the octopus lost more things, enough for him to digest for a while.

"A few days ago, I told him not to cause trouble again. Why did he ignore it? Now it's all right, the game is over."

Although they didn't know what happened to the octopus, based on the tone of the coach's words, it seemed to be serious.

"So, you must not go against Brother Xing, or else I will invalidate you." Fat Tiger said to Xiao Huan.

Xiao Huan immediately said: "Who dares?"


Yu Xingxing ignored them and analyzed the situation a week later.

"In this way, the coach is quite considerate of us. If we really form a mutual aid team with the Dashen team, we might be beaten into a negative number."

Peng Peng nodded, it seems that they misunderstood the meaning of the coach.

"Don't underestimate yourself so much, the word 'refers to no' can be deleted." Xiao Huan said, and gave him a punch.

"In that case, we can let go." Yu Xingxing said loudly.

Everyone looked at Yu Xingxing's proud face, wondering what he meant by letting go and doing it, did he always do it timidly before?
Looking at the doubts on everyone's faces, Yu Xingxing explained: "You don't have to be polite in the demo game. If you meet a scorpion, you will kill a scorpion, and if you meet someone, you will grab the pearl."

"Okay, just be the King of the Mountain!" They responded one after another.

"But when you encounter the Great God Team and the Fang Sister Team, you have to stay far away."

"Understood, understood." They all laughed badly.

"And the 'Jinchuanhe' team that Tian Yaolong is in, let's make room for it." Yu Xingxing said again, and now he should be more polite to Tian Yaolong, after all, he has practiced with him for so long.

"Why let them go? Brother Xing, you didn't see the way their captain Zhang Tao looked at you just now, as if he was about to kill you!"

"What? Really?" Yu Xingxing exploded again when he heard this, bluffing in front of me, you're so cute!
"That Tian Yaolong is quite beautiful, but I guess he is number two in their team at most." Long Lin seemed to observe Tian Yaolong more carefully.

"Longlin, next time we have to give Zhang Tao a little color and let him know that if Tian Yaolong wasn't covering him, he would be looking for teeth all over the place!"

When everyone heard it, they became excited again. This is a good idea!See if there is any opportunity in the zipper library.

Suddenly, the car stopped again.

what happened?

Is there any trouble?
The trouble is big.

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