Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 53 Awesome is just 1 word! (for collection)

Soon, all the energy in the octopus was gradually transferred to Yu Xingxing.

The octopus gradually couldn't support his Thunder Flash, and slowly fell to the ground.

Seeing Octopus fall, Yu Xingxing thought that he was cheating again. This person had plotted against him more than once, and this time he wanted to destroy him directly!

It's all right now, it's better to calculate than to calculate in the sky; think carefully, calculate all the tricks, and finally calculate on your own head!

Is it stupid?

Is it right?
Yu Xingxing yelled and cursed in his heart, while slowly moving to Octopus's side, he still didn't dare to move him, worried that if he moved, he would cheat.

The time energy in their bodies had just exchanged back and forth twice, and he was originally worried that his time energy would be robbed.

But now look, all the energy in the octopus has been absorbed by him!
This is something beyond his expectation!

Moreover, those time energy beads absorbed by the octopus are half-baked energy in the octopus, but when it comes to Yu Xingxing, it is completely matured smoothly!
Another system prompt appeared in his mind:

[Time Stage: LV.2; Ninja Stone: Gold; Time Energy: NULL]

Just now, Yu Xingxing, who absorbed the time energy in the octopus, was upgraded to the time stage, and his ninja stone skill, which he had been worrying about for a long time, was also upgraded to the gold level.

It seems that there is a lot of time energy in the octopus!

And he has the time energy to increase his Ninja Stone skills!

Yu Xingxing only has one feeling in his heart now, and that is: "Great" is just one word!

When the energy was displayed, NULL was displayed again to let him know that it still could not be represented by numbers. Although it had increased, it was still out of range!

Excited, Yu Xingxing checked the octopus again, and it turned out that there was really no energy left.

He was shocked again, it seemed that this octopus really wanted to kill him just now!
Although the octopus has no energy, he still has a lot of tricks, especially he has two brothers who are in the middle of the season.

For octopuses, even if they are lying on the ground and unable to support the wall, they should not be taken lightly.

"Then, how about I try the newly upgraded "Huai Bi", gold level." Yu Xingxing thought in his mind.

He looked at the octopus lying on the ground and secretly gave him a "Huai Bi".

I saw the octopus on the ground, as if it was suddenly picked up by someone, and then "plopped" on its knees, trembling all over, as if it was about to beat itself up but had no strength.

Yu Xingxing was taken aback by his actions, and said to him: "What are you doing? Get up and fight me!"

The octopus still looked lifeless.

Yu Xingxing had never seen this state before.That is: if an unenlightened person without time energy is attacked by an enlightened person's time energy skill, what will happen?
The octopus is like this, it has no resistance at all, and it is manipulated like a puppet.

The rest of the two teams are still fighting each other back and forth, among them, the two members of the opposing Octopus team beat Yu Xingxing and his teammates to the point of no return!
Especially the two girls, Peng Peng and Luo Dan, who were almost cornered by them!
When Yu Xingxing saw it, he was so deceitful that he quickly joined their camp.

When the other party saw Yu Xingxing approaching, they were stunned for a moment, and when they saw the octopus kneeling on the ground, they stopped immediately.

What's going on?

They quickly ran to the octopus, and they were all shocked when they saw his lifeless face!
They stared at Yu Xingxing fiercely, and said angrily: "Yu Xingxing, what did you do to our boss?"

When they came in, Octopus didn't let them interfere in Yu Xingxing's affairs. He acted like he was determined to win, which made them all relax their vigilance, and no one paid attention to them.

But now, the octopus looked half-dead, apparently suffering a special blow.

They asked and besieged them. If something happened to the octopus, they would also bear the responsibility of taking care of it. That would be very serious!
Fat Tiger and the others immediately protected Yu Xingxing. Seeing the situation, Yu Xingxing used another "Lianyu Technique" on the octopus, which was gold level.

The octopus suddenly said to them: "Don't be rude, if we lose, we have to admit defeat!"

As soon as they heard the voice of the octopus, they hurriedly turned their heads to look. The octopus seemed to be manipulated by someone, its eyes were in a trance, and its eyes were dull. The words just now were thought of by Yu Xingxing, and the octopus said it directly.

Seeing this, the octopus brothers continued to attack.

At this moment, Octopus said again: "We are defeated, let's admit defeat and let's go."

As he said that, the octopus stood up and moved towards the door involuntarily.


Those people watched the octopus walking slowly towards the door, and put down Yu Xingxing and the others, and followed the octopus.

Almost at the door, the octopus staggered and fell to the ground, as if it could no longer support itself.

They quickly helped him up and rushed out without looking back.

Seeing them go out, Yu Xingxing gave everyone a gesture, hurriedly cleaned up the time energy beads on the ground, and then quickly left the warehouse.

The coach saw Yu Xingxing and the others come out, so he hurried over and looked up, down, left, and right.

"Coach, we're fine." Seeing this, Yu Xingxing reassured him.

"It's fine. It's strange. All the time energy in Zhang Yu's body has disappeared. If he wants to become an enlightened person again, it will be even more difficult. What did you encounter inside?"

The coach saw them fighting together through the surveillance, but the wind, the wind, the sand and the gravel were mixed together, so they couldn't see anything clearly.

"We don't know what happened. We met a group of gangsters. We were dealing with gangsters. Zhang Yu and the others came to deal with us. They fought together. Then he suddenly knelt on the ground, looking very self-repentant."

"Later, their teammates thought it was me who did something and wanted to attack me, but Zhang Yu said they had lost and wouldn't let them attack, and then they came out."

Yu Xingxing described the superficial phenomenon.

The coach nodded: "It's really strange, and it's the first time I've seen this kind of situation. It's a pity, such a good talent, I don't know if there is still a chance to become an enlightened person."

"If he is really enlightened, he probably won't harm anyone anymore." Yu Xingxing thought to himself.

"A week later, it will be the city-level seed player demonstration match. It may be too late to readjust the combination now." The coach thought of this question again.

"Does the coach mean that we can only play as a single team?" Yu Xingxing couldn't help asking, how can we compete?

"That won't work, coach, think about it, two tigers or one tiger, which one is better?" Peng Peng was anxious.

"One tiger must be very powerful, right? Isn't it often said that 'one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers'? The two of them must have a fight first to choose the stronger one." The coach actually started to humor them.

"No, coach, which one is more powerful, the two wolves or the one wolf?" Bang Bang continued to ask.

"Well, it's two wolves." The coach agreed this time, but immediately said again: "But, you are obviously two tigers."

"Coach..., this is not fair, we also need a mutual aid group." Xiao Huan couldn't help it anymore.

"Why don't we let the great team from the third year of high school come and help us." Luo Dan reminded.

We all know that the senior high school Dashen team singled out all their mutual aid teams, but they are the Dashen team, how can Yu Xingxing's team compare with the Dashen team?

It's a really good idea to work with them.

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