Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 42 Real drill?

In a combination, who comes first and who comes last, such as Yu Xingxing and Fat Tiger, Yu Xingxing sends out the wire first, and then Fat Tiger attaches the thunder and lightning. This is a more ideal sequence.

The dragon scales first send out sandstorms, and then bang bangs and flower vines. This way they are more concealed and more unexpectedly powerful.

Otherwise, the flower vines of Peng Peng may have been cut off early.

Xiao Huan sends out the wind first, and then Luo Dan comes in with water, so that the water can take advantage of the wind and have more impact.

The overall sequence consists of the first wave of Feng Shui Formation, the second wave of Sand Vine, and the third wave of Steel Wire Thunder.

After finishing all of them, it is estimated that no one can withstand such an attack.

It’s more powerful to shout slogans. Since you can’t practice the entity, let’s practice shouting slogans.

Yu Xingxing asked everyone to take turns shouting:
"Feng Shui Formation!"

"Sanddust Vine!"

"Steel Thunder!"

Too much, they continued to yell.

Just as they were immersed in the joy of their combination, the captain of the runner-up team that had been defeated by them, the sharpshooter Wang Li, walked towards them.

"May I have an opinion?" He watched them rehearse the formation from a distance. The combination was very good, but there was an important link that they ignored.

"Wang Shenqiang, go ahead, go ahead, talk about anything, as long as you don't ask for money, we will welcome anyone who comes."

When Wang Li heard what Yu Xingxing said, his ears turned red. He hadn't gotten used to Yu Xingxing's cold humor.

"Well, what are you going to use to defend yourself?"

After all, Wang Li also attacks from a distance, but he specially arranged a short attack for himself, so that he can attack from far and near, which is indeed very effective.

"Defense? We use offense as defense and don't need special defense." Yu Xingxing explained.

"Do you want to race with Tian Ji?"

"No need, we will definitely suppress them and fight. Don't worry."

"Do you have any good opinions?" Fat Tiger couldn't help but ask. He felt that Wang Li was hesitant to speak.

"Having a shield-like defense that keeps the opponent out of reach, and then adding offense will give the team an overall advantage."

"You have a good idea, and you know the formation." Yu Xingxing did not hide his admiration, "I heard that you have also entered the echelon in the city, are you also preparing quickly?"

"Hey, we haven't advanced to the timeline stage yet, don't mention it." After saying that, he ran away.

They also felt strange looking at his back.

"Is he here to guide us?"

"No, it's not that simple. He did mention our weaknesses, though. We'll think about the defense."

"Is he doubting our promotion so quickly?" Pang Hu was still analyzing.

"If it were you, don't you doubt it? Without too much experience and competitions, where can you get so many time energy beads to upgrade in such a short period of time?"

"Have we gotten a lot of attention?"

Yu Xingxing looked at everyone, originally wanting to keep a low profile, especially the Shineng beads given by Zhang Yu and Wu Linger, so don't let others know about it.

"Of course, after winning the municipal competition, Brother Xing's fans have exceeded [-]." Xiao Huan said.

"The little steel gun in our class is the girl with the short ponytail. She created a special account 'Champion's Daily' in the small video. She often broadcasts Brother Xing's behavior and attracted a lot of fans." Bang Bang also added.

"Brother Xing, did you allow her to broadcast it?" Luo Dan still had some doubts.

"No, that's not what I meant." The girl asked last time, but he didn't take it seriously. It won't really be broadcasted, right?

Whenever he wants to take a look, he has to review it. Not everything can be broadcast.

"Let's continue discussing the afternoon confrontation drill."

Yu Xingxing looked at everyone's arrangement and wondered how Tian Yaolong's team was formed.

According to her fist, her entity should be a flower or water, definitely not a wire from the sky.

After practicing boxing last night, I forgot to ask her.

Now his boxing skills are almost catching up with hers. Boys practice fast, and Yu Xingxing also combines magic shield practice at home, which makes it more handy when integrated.

I don’t know why the coach asked his daughter to teach him, but this little girl did her duty wholeheartedly.

"Brother Xing, I found out that the coach keeps you here every day. That girl is from the 'Jinchuan River' team. You won't come to cooperate with each other?" Luo Dan is really sharp-eyed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm the captain, how could I push my team into the pit of fire? It's understandable for you to eat and drink, but I absolutely can't." Yu Xingxing swore.

In the afternoon they came to the training ground.

At first, I thought that the teams were practicing against each other on the playground, but when they arrived at the scene, they found out that the coach asked them to practice in the gym.

Although you can't see the performances of other teams, Curry can test their combinations on the spot, which is much more effective than on the playground.

Excitement appeared on the faces of several people again, wondering what treasures they would get from the zipper library this time.

Huo Lang looked at them, his eyes said every minute: "Return our champion!"

It seems that he is going to remember it forever.

Yu Xingxing felt dizzy looking at this look.

He stared back sharply, meaning: "Let's wait and see, one championship is nothing, I want to win the championship again and again, and I will convince you!"

After seeing Yu Xingxing's fierce eyes, Huo Lang immediately lowered his head, muttering in his heart: "The eyes can't kill, so why are you so fierce?"

After staring at Huo Lang, Yu Xingxing felt a gaze coming towards him from the rear left, he looked up, and Tian Yaolong was looking elsewhere in a panic.

Yu Xingxing wanted to laugh. If you want to watch, just watch well. Why are you hiding?Like me, I just take a good look at you.

Suddenly, he felt a gaze sweeping towards him again, with obvious malice.

Yu Xingxing looked at that gaze again, it was Zhang Tao, the captain of the "Jinchuanhe" team, the captain of Tian Yaolong's team, he was more than two meters tall, really tall and big.

I'm not robbing your players, what are you doing so viciously?

Can't you just look at it twice?
But Zhang Tao's eyes clearly said: "Quickly move your dirty eyes away, what do you look at, and if you look again, your eyeballs will be plucked out!"

Yu Xingxing snorted, there are two girls in our team, what are you dragging?
You are not allowed to see either!

He stared again, turned his head, and ignored them.

The coach is telling them some precautions. The most important thing is: this drill only lasts for four hours in the afternoon and cannot go too far.

Before the coach finished his instructions, the three teams rushed in.

The three teams and the three directions seemed to have been discussed. In addition to the east facing the sea, the west, south and north will all have good harvests.

Yu Xingxing and the others chose to go south, and Xiao Huan and Peng Peng went to the front again to spread the heather scent.

They followed, each of them tensing up like clockwork, ready to fight.

The smell of heather soon caused a commotion ahead.

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