Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 26 Big Guy

"Listen to my order, charge!" Yu Xingxing yelled, several of them raised their hands at the same time to beat the incoming tide, forcing it to stop abruptly.

When the coach saw this situation outside, he thought to himself: Oh no, it would be dangerous if you didn't meet Kui Kui.

He watched nervously. According to the rules of the game, their coach is not allowed to enter, otherwise the game results will be invalidated.

This Kui Kui is more advanced than the head of the Ji. Its Time Energy Orb has fifty times the energy of an ordinary Ji, which is of great benefit to improving the time energy skills of the silver stage.

Yu Xingxing and the others haven't seen the real Yukui yet, they've only seen it in photos.

Therefore, they were all shocked when the electronic board suddenly burst open and a Yu Kui, who was as tall as two people, jumped out.

"Fat Tiger and I are on the same line to deal with this big beast! The others will deal with the rest." After Yu Xingxing gave his orders, he joined forces with Fat Tiger foot to foot.

They walked through the electronic board, waiting for an opportunity to approach.

This big thing kicked and trampled, scratched and tore like no one else, and screamed "gua la gua la", looking very angry.

The little pig on Yu Xingxing's back yelled even more joyfully after hearing this voice.

Suddenly, that Ji Kui seemed to hear a familiar voice coming from Yu Xingxing's side. It stepped over with one stride and punched it with its fist.

Yu Xingxing and Fat Hu hurriedly retreated. If this fist landed on them, they might break a hole.

It seems that they have encountered a strong enemy, and they must use 100% of their skills and potential to have any hope.

After finding the target, Xi Kui stared at Yu Xingxing and Fat Hu closely.

Yu Xingxing swung the iron wires out of his hand, this time it turned out to be 30 wires!
All 30 wires were instantly wrapped around Yukui's body and then curled up. Yu Xingxing pulled hard, but Yukui didn't move!
The wire was only wrapped around Yukui's body and limbs, not around his neck. It would be much easier if it was wrapped around his neck.

When Xi Kui saw the wire coming, the first thing he avoided was his neck. He tried to slap the wire away, but he was entangled directly.

Its eyes, like a slender thread, burst into flames.

The whole body was entangled with iron wire, and it was obvious that the wire had been embedded in the skin, but the energy of the wire was not enough to break its bones immediately.

It didn't care about these wires, it didn't care at all, it felt as if it was only entangled with the wires, and pulled hard back and forth with its hands, trying to break the wires, almost pulling Yu Xingxing and the others into its arms.

"This reckless bull, it seems that you won't be allowed to taste something special. You don't know who you are facing?" Yu Xingxing was thrown dizzy, and he still couldn't forget to curse.

Although the iron wire entangled Ji Kui, he was not damaged at all, but his movements were somewhat restricted.

Yu Xingxing and Fat Tiger were still floating in the air. If they wanted to find a way, it seemed that brute force alone would not work. The two of them were far from its opponents.

Looking at Yu Kui, Yu Xingxing slapped him abruptly: "Du Gong".

"Let you go crazy again! Be good and honest!"

Ji Kui suddenly looked docile and lowered his arms.

Just when Yu Xingxing was about to push harder, the little pig on his back let out a "coo coo coo" again.

Yu Kui, who was still very docile just now, seemed to be awakened suddenly, with red lines in his eyes, and he tugged wildly again.

It frantically waved its arms, danced wildly up and down, flapped, pulled, and kept turning its body, kicking and stomping.

Yu Xingxing and the others are like kites, being pulled here and then swung there.

His current "Du Gong" skill is only at the brass level, and it can't last for 1 minute at all;

Moreover, this Xie Kui can be awakened and immediately break the skill. It seems that its time skill is at least above silver.

The silver skill on him is only "Qiantian", but it is not very effective for Yu Kui.

Yu Xingxing was dizzy from being thrown by it, the wire was not retracted this time, and he could not swing it out again.

Quickly searched for time skills, how about trying the "Huaibi" skill.

While they were turning to the front of Yu Kui, he hit another "Huai Bi".
Hekui suddenly froze for a moment, and then started to hit himself, as if he hated the iron. "An ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!"
The iron wires wrapped around its body became deeper and deeper, and some of them reached the bones.

But it is still beating itself, and it feels like it has done something wrong.

Every swing, every lift and every beat of it brought Yu Xingxing and Fat Tiger back and forth.

Fat Tiger was spinning so fast in the air that he was about to vomit.

After finally concentrating, Fat Tiger breathed out suddenly, and suddenly hit Yu Kui, "Zhen Lei!"

Fat Tiger has not yet reached the timeline period, and is only at the top of the time period, so it is reasonable to have no entity.

He just tries.

But emergencies are all about potential.

A faint wisp of lightning followed Yu Xingxing's iron wire, accompanied by the crackling sound of flames, and rushed to Yukui's body.

The parts of Xi Kui's body that were entwined with wire immediately seemed to be roasted. The fur and meat were all burnt, and the zipper room was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

As soon as it hurts, it wakes up from the "Hai Bi Skill".

"Gua la gua la", it yelled again, pulling the wires desperately, trying to break them.

It jumped up and down, left and right, and pulled, trying to get rid of the wire, but it became tighter and tighter.

It flailed even more frantically, and tried to break the wire with its feet. The electronic board was trampled a lot, and some of it became slag, but the wire still held it firmly.

With the winding of the wire, it got closer and closer to Yu Xingxing and the others.

No, if it is by its side, it will kill Yu Xingxing and the others like pinching a bug.

Yu Xingxing stretched out his long arm, and punched its big head.

Hekui tried to grab the little fist, but his arm was entangled in the wire and he couldn't use it.

Fat Tiger continued to shoot lightning at it, but it was still faint, but the power of lightning was strengthened after the wire conduction.

Yukui's body was covered with inflammable materials, and it had been burnt with several holes, and it was scorched black.

During its pulling, the dark red blood inside also flowed out, several bones were also burned, and some small flames still had the tendency to grow.

The little girl on Yu Xingxing's back must have also been dizzy, and now there is no sound at all.

Closing his eyes to catch his breath, Yu Xingxing pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword suddenly, and at the same time, the sword was covered with Jiayu Technique.

The wires on his palm were still straining, and he couldn't remove them all, so he could only hold the sword handle with his fingers.

Fat Tiger knew Yu Xingxing's intentions, cooperated with him, and deliberately shook Yu Kui's head.

When they were about to approach Yu Kui's head, he seemed to know the danger, so he turned his head and avoided it.

Fat Tiger also pulled out his Minghong Saber.

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