Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 155 So Perfect

Seeing that everyone has basically absorbed and adjusted, Yu Xingxing stood up and said, "Now I can finally eat the famous rice noodles and flower cakes."

"Yes, I'll eat it tomorrow morning!" Le Zhiwen said in cooperation with him.

"Is there any objection?" Yu Xingxing asked again, "If there is no objection, we can still order a big ham."

As he spoke, he couldn't help licking his lips, as if he was about to eat it in his mouth.

Guo Lan glanced at Yu Xingxing, smiled and shook her head, as long as there is something to eat, she can throw away any difficulty or discomfort, this child is easy to raise!

Yu Xingxing absorbed the "Gold Technique", but he didn't know if others had absorbed it. He was very curious.

So, he asked Guo Lan: "Have you absorbed that 'Golden Technique'?"

"I am a four-point Shi Nengtu. I only absorbed its 'anti-poison skills', but not the others." Guo Lan said while looking at the others.

Qi Shuai said: "If anyone of us absorbs it, I will perform a dance for him."

"What dance?" Yu Xingxing was very confused. This handsome Qi, who is big and rough, still dances?

"Of course it's Latin dance for two!" Qi Shuai laughed loudly, "I'm the male partner, that one can become the female partner, haha!"

As he spoke, he turned on the stereo that he carried with him, and a fierce and frenzied Latin dance hit everyone's eardrums.

Yu Xingxing looked at him speechlessly with a black line on his face.

"Have you absorbed it?" Qi Shuai couldn't help asking when he saw Yu Xingxing's expression.

Everyone looked at Yu Xingxing expectantly, but they didn't absorb it and didn't know what effect Yu Xingxing had.

I saw Yu Xingxing waved his hand, and a slender, curvy woman in Latin dance costume appeared.

They were all shocked!
The woman stretched out her hand to Qi Shuai, who stretched out his arm and held it stiffly.

Then as soon as she pulls them, they start crazy time steps, square steps, hockey steps, point turns and spiral turns.

Sometimes they are simply handsome, noble and beautiful; sometimes they are wild and unrestrained, bold and unrestrained.

One person dances softly, lyrically, and charmingly, while the other person is tall, strong, strong, and powerful!
Spin, condense, sublimate in music!The combination of the two is so harmonious and perfect!
Everyone was stunned by their dancing posture again!

After the dance, Qi Shuai still hugged that beauty, not wanting to let go.

Yu Xingxing broke free and returned to his original appearance.

"Damn!" Qi Shuai finally couldn't hold it anymore, "Can you still make people live? You can absorb this skill?"

Yu Xingxing smiled and said: "This is my favorite skill. I prayed for a long time. Unexpectedly, God really heard my call and absorbed it successfully!"

He sang and danced to express the joy in his heart; of course, compared with the beautiful dancer just now, both in dancing posture and appearance, they are far different.

"Ahem, you can change back again, and I'll dance with you again!" Qi Shuai looked at him and said.

"Stop making trouble." Le Zhiwen shouted, "Little brother, congratulations, you have gained a lot this time."

"I didn't expect to be able to absorb it, and it was beyond my expectation." Yu Xingxing said honestly.

He gently suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, after all, he was the only one who absorbed it here, so it's better not to let them envy.

In fact, they don't have the thought and idea to absorb it at all, because this time skill is beyond their reach.

Everyone fell into silence again. Xin Bang and Luo Yongchang were still closing their eyes and resting their minds. Although the damage to their brains from the poisonous beast has been removed, the damage to their hearts still needs time to heal slowly.

Yu Xingxing walked to Xin Bang's side. He was not very familiar with this character. Although they spent four days together, they did not speak more than five sentences.

"Xin Bang, are you the best in your team?" Yu Xingxing asked.

"Huh?" Xin Bang opened his eyes and saw Yu Xingxing sitting next to him, looking at him curiously.

"I want to know more, because the people I know who can use Thunderbolt are very kind." Yu Xingxing thought of Fat Tiger and Sister Fang.

"Little brother, I'm just a small person, I don't need you to understand; but you, I remember." Xin Bang patted Yu Xingxing's shoulder, "You are really unexpected."

"Please don't tell others about what we are doing here and in La Lianku." Yu Xingxing suddenly said to them.

It turned out that he hadn't realized anything, but what Xin Bang said, it was indeed necessary to remind them that it was better to keep a low profile before the big villain found him.

If they go out to publicize it, the impact will be even greater. Not only will his skills be fully exposed, but many people will be affected.

Luo Yongchang heard this and couldn't help but ask: "Little brother, that is something you are proud of, why can't you say it?"

This is everyone's doubt.

"Hey, I'm still in school. I don't want to be a celebrity and have these people surround me and ask for autographs." Yu Xingxing touched his head.

"Return to stardom? Do you think they can praise you to the sky after hearing a word from us?" Qi Shuai couldn't help it either.

This Yu Xingxing is not only super capable, but also very restrained; this is a very rare quality, really a rare talent.

"I'm worried that someone will plan to do something wrong, want to get rich and kill, or blackmail, but I have nothing, just this life, I just want to live a few more years!" Yu Xingxing became miserable.

"Okay, okay, this is all a joke, don't take it seriously." Le Zhiwen intervened, "We will keep our mouths shut and will never say a word to anyone else."

"Little brother, you have Chief Guo Lan here to protect you, are you still worried that we won't be tight-lipped?" Qi Shuai looked at Guo Lan and said something joking.

Guo Lan glanced at him and said angrily, "Got it, let's talk about it."

"Yes, yes, we are able to come here this time, thanks to the blessings of the two of you, and taking advantage of the two of you." Qi Shuai said again.

Yu Xingxing thought silently: You just don't complain.

In the zipper warehouse in Pengla City, he purposely went to catch the noodle worm, but he definitely didn't intentionally induce the poison worm to come out. He really didn't expect it to come out and hurt a lot of people.

Alright, now that he has gone through two large-scale arrests in the zipper warehouse, he finally figured out the law of poisonous beasts.

Well, I have to discuss it with Mr. Mo, and I also need to ask him about the poisonous beads in the cloth pocket.

He was still thinking, when Guo Lan touched his arm, he woke up suddenly.

"Where, I want to thank you very much, you have been protecting me for the past few days." Yu Xingxing hurriedly picked up Qi Shuai's words and said.

"Especially the poisonous injuries of the two elder brothers, I think it will take a while to recuperate." Yu Xingxing looked at Xin Bang and Luo Yongchang again and said, "Can you tell me how you felt then, how you feel now?"

"Feeling, it must be more uncomfortable." Xin Bang looked at the dark ceiling, as if he was reluctant to recall the pain.

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