Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 150 Ignore

Those who were still wandering around were startled when they received Yu Xingxing's Lianyu, and then immediately went to look for other guikui to unite with.

Soon I found a group of like-minded people around me!
They seemed to be looking for it too. After meeting, they ran towards the east again.

Yu Xingxing gathered all the Kui Kui together, and saw that the team was getting bigger and bigger, there were more than 20 of them.

There are more than 20 other teams.

Well, let them meet!

Yu Xingxing exerted force on Lian Yu again, and saw his hands pulling together from different directions, which was to bring together the Yukui groups from two directions.

Before Yu Xingxing and the others arrived, Xi Kuiqun met.

The two Kui Kui groups who met immediately fought together, more intense and more impactful.

Flesh and flesh flew around, and the body ran wildly. Many innocent flower foxes were knocked to this side, unable to dodge in time, they became flesh pads under the feet of Yu Kui, trampling on them at will.

And Kui Kui, using the strength of their bodies, did not pay attention to each other, slapping, kicking, scratching and pulling would cause tons of damage.

Evenly matched, the fight was shocking and made ghosts and gods cry!

Soon, several zikui were overturned to the ground.

By the time Yu Xingxing and the others arrived, there was already a piece of Qikui lying on the ground.

They were horrified in their hearts, and the shock was unabashedly reflected on their faces.

There are more than 50 Kui Kui in total, lying in front of them in such a mess.

Le Zhiwen glanced at Yu Xingxing and knew that he did it.

Yu Xingxing nodded to him, Le Zhiwen waved his hand, and they quickly went to get the Kui Kuizhu.

Yukui's body is much harder. Even something as simple as pulling out beads requires timely skills, otherwise ordinary swords will not be able to break through their chests.

Therefore, rattan thorns, thunderstorms, and all kinds of Jiayu skills appeared on the field again, making crackling noises.

Some flower foxes saw it from a distance, but they didn't dare to come closer. Although there was a pile of delicious food on the ground, they were still very afraid.

Because Yu Xingxing is still in control.

He continued to stand by the side, still searching with Lianyu, always guarding against the appearance of poisonous beasts.

Such a big movement, it didn't come out yesterday, but it will definitely appear today.

Can't relax for a moment.

He was searching, and suddenly found that there was another group of hounds coming, not the kind of hounds he had imposed on Lianyu.

What's happening here?
It seems that the commotion this time is not small, and it has already alarmed all the hives.

Unfortunately, he found that there were also a lot of poisonous people on the move.

Now that Yu Xingxing used Lianyu, he could clearly see all the hounds and individual hounds within a radius of ten kilometers.

Is it to avoid the poisonous tyrants, or to do this job?
Once you face off against Du Hao, you won't be able to do anything else today.

Although it won't poison you immediately, it will make everyone lose their fighting power, which is quite terrifying.

If a bunch of people are there so heartbroken that they can't help themselves, it's basically useless.

That's right, let's seize all the time to catch the scorpion. Today, only these scorpion pearls are recorded, which is far from his goal. He still needs a lot of Huahu scorpion beads.

However, the more troublesome thing is that they can no longer fight on their own, and they need to be watched by someone.

Otherwise, as soon as they fell down, the time energy beads would be taken away by the poisonous beast.

Well, this is a hassle.

And if you watch them play one by one before picking beads, the efficiency is very low.

How to do?
Can this poisonous beast be controlled by Lianyu?
Coincidentally, there was a poisonous snake hovering around them, and it was also very envious of these beasts, as if it was ready to rush over to pick one up at any time.

It didn't notice Yu Xingxing, because Yu Xingxing was basically negligible next to these huge Kui Kui.

Yu Xingxing secretly tried to give it a Lian Yu to see if he could control it.

The poisonous hive was startled at first, and looked around, but didn't see any people or hives staring at it.

It struggled, trying to get rid of this restraint, but felt that it was not easy to get rid of; it quickly put its hands on its head, shook its head, and ran away in a very resistive manner.

Yu Xingxing was a little stunned. His platinum-level Lian Yu could resist this poison?
Huahuyi's Poisonous Poison has the ability of "heart poisoning", but against the platinum-level time ability skill, what level is this heart poisoning skill?
What kind of poison is this?
Yu Xingxing has become very interested in it. Can this mind poisoning skill be combined into his three mental time skills?
Merging into any of these works!

Well, to get the time energy pearl of this flower fox and poisonous beast!Even just one is fine!

Of course, these people are needed to help catch him. He can't catch him alone. He is worried that he will cry in front of the poisonous beast, and no one can stop him.

However, the most urgent task now is to drive away the poisonous beasts first, so as to buy time for them to pick beads.

Come on, do it!
Yu Xingxing immediately activated Lianyu again, allowing groups of people to meet, uh... seduce and kill each other on a large scale!

Le Zhiwen and the others looked at Yu Xingxing together after they had finished taking out Ji Kui's time energy beads.

Yu Xingxing stood there with a look of god and god on his face, and kept waving his hands. No one disturbed him.

Knowing that he is starting "Lianyu Technology",
Less than half a minute later, Yu Xingxing waved to them: "Let's go!"

They filed behind Yu Xingxing and rushed towards the next target quickly.

Yu Xingxing has almost beaten up these groups through Lianyu.

Sure enough, when they rushed to the next location, they also saw the flower foxes in the same place, and there were more than a dozen flower fox heads.

Yu Xingxing nodded, and they quickly picked them up again.

Not good, there are two poisonous snakes around.

Yu Xingxing immediately used Lianyu to attack them. They were also startled for a while, then hugged their heads, and fled away shaking their heads in pain.

There are still several battlefields, and it seems that there are more and more poisonous beasts.

To speed up!

Seeing that Le Zhiwen and the others were still using their swords one by one, Yu Xingxing shouted: "Can you hurry up?"

Everyone was taken aback, seeing his hurried appearance, they knew that there might be something urgent.

Therefore, under Le Zhiwen's arrangement, they used time skills one after another.

Guo Lan threw out a piece of thorny vines, splitting the chests of these flower foxes and scorpions in a moment;
When Le Zhiwen sprayed the water dragon, all the time energy beads were washed out;
Qi Shuai's tornado blows, and the time energy beads roll and gather together.


In less than 1 minute, everything was cleaned up.

Yu Xingxing was also dumbfounded, it's too strong!

These teammates are so awesome!

What did you say?

Not afraid of opponents like gods, because I have teammates like pigs... er... wolves!

After packing up, he immediately ran to the next location, where the battle was almost over.

Moreover, Yu Xingxing discovered that there were one or two poisonous hounds around the several fighting hounds groups watching.

They are always ready to pick up leaks.

Counting like this, there are at least ten of them!
so much?
Shall we gather these poisonous beasts first?
Now it is too late to deal with the poisonous worms one by one, there is no suitable way to deal with them in groups.

Well, let's protect the results of the battle first!

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