Seeing those gangsters not stopping, and trying to control those gangsters, but Yu Xingxing's Lianyu has been in effect, they can't attack!
The besieged Yukui already had torn bloodstains on his body, and these pains were suffocating his nerves.

If they can fix it right away, that's really a good strategy.

However, these skills are not enough to make him lie down immediately!
Therefore, the pain that became clearer and clearer finally woke up Yu Kui!
After waking up, Xi Kui turned on the manic mode, tore even more frantically, grabbed one by one, and violently beat them to the ground.

After a while, including those two scorpions, all the scorpions fell down.

The red-eyed Yu Kui, after tearing up the body of the last Yi Kui, suddenly looked at Yu Xing Xing!

Yu Xingxing's heart trembled: Don't look at me, they are the ones who deal with you!
I have no melons in the rain!

But his legs seemed to be disobedient, and he couldn't lift them up. He seemed to be stuck there, trying to escape, but he couldn't lift them up!

He watched helplessly as Yukui walked towards him step by step, full of anger, and with the defense and offensive as if he were facing a formidable enemy!

Yu Xingxing seemed to be frozen like this!
Yu Kui's mind control skills are not so powerful, Yu Xingxing's Du Gong skills, Huai Bi skills, and Lian Yu skills, any one of them can break his mind control skills!

However, now he is just watching it come step by step!

Are you scared?

Yu Xingxing looked at Yu Kui who was approaching constantly, and finally forced himself to withdraw his mind!

Hurry up and break Yukui's mind control skills!

Now is not the time to panic and panic, it is important to run for your life!

Even if you want to use a temporary skill, you must use it in a safe place; moreover, there is no other Yikui with similar equivalents that can fight against it.

If Yu Xingxing directly confronted it, it would indeed be a bit difficult for him!

So he was a small person running crazily in front, and a huge thing was chasing behind him.

Fortunately, he has practiced running and can persist for a while.

However, you can't run far, and you still have to pick those time-energy beads!

Life is optional, but Shinengzhu is not!
But how to deal with this reckless big man?
Invulnerable to swords and guns, impenetrable by fire, it is really completely insulated!
It seems that the only way to fight is with fists!

I took the time to look at his fists. Although I have practiced for a long time, the basic boxing skills are still silver-level. It is still a bit difficult to deal with this kind of gold-level Xie Kui.

How to do?
Looking at those skill points, since time energy cannot promote upgrades, these skill points should be able to, right?
Otherwise, are these skill points used for decoration?

Also, every event basically has skill point rewards, there must be a place for them to play a role!

With the attitude of giving it a try, Yu Xingxing put 2 skill points into his fists.

Sure enough, a system prompt appeared in his brain:
[Fists and kicks, LV.3(3/10), silver]

There is indeed an improvement, from the original LV.1 to LV.3!
Seeing that it was effective, Yu Xingxing threw 18 more skill points into his fists without hesitation. This basic skill was upgraded from silver to gold!
This should be more than enough to deal with Xi Kui, right?
Another system prompt appeared in his brain:
[Fist, LV.10 (10/100), Gold]

The gold level is the hundredth level, and it is more difficult to upgrade.

At the same time, more complex and flexible boxing routines played back in his mind, and he digested them while running.

Those moves gradually became the familiar patterns of his muscles, each move was automatically played back, and he applied it freely.

So, is it possible to smash this mangkui's head with one punch now?

While thinking about it, he clenched the iron fist covering Jiayu's skills and turned around suddenly!

He was about to reach out and shake his fist, but at this stall, Yu Kui had already come to him!

It's not that Yu Xingxing is too slow, it's that Yukui is too fast!

He was about to be grabbed by Yukui and torn in half!
Suddenly, a big bird came out of nowhere and jumped up with him on its back!

Not only Ji Kui, but even Yu Xingxing was shocked!
It's Phoenix!
He quickly hugged the phoenix, lay on its back, and temporarily stayed away from this vicious Xie Kui!

I saw that after Fenghuang picked him up, he didn't leave immediately, but was furious at Fenmian Yukui!
But when the fire was about to touch Yukui, it separated automatically, and then merged, forming a circle of fire around it, but it didn't touch Yukui at all!
what happened?

Phoenix was also confused.

When Yu Xingxing saw it, he quickly put Lianyu on Fenghuang, telling it that this powder-faced Yukui is insulated from fire, and that fire is useless to it!

Phoenix seemed to understand and stopped spraying; instead, it circled around Yukui.

Xi Kui looked at this big bird that was almost as tall as him, and stretched out his palm to slap it; but Phoenix didn't give it a chance at all, and dodged flexibly up and down.

Yu Xingxing observed the situation on Fenghuang's back, he didn't want to be a deserter!

If Fenghuang carried him away in no time, he would let him carry him back again!
He has just upgraded his gold-level fists and kicks, and he hasn't used them yet!

Always give it a try!

On Phoenix's back, Yu Xingxing calmed down, and quietly gave Xi Kui a "Du Gong Skill"!
Yu Xingxing is still not sure if he directly confronts He Kui, so it would be better to let him calm down first.

Yi Kui, who bared his teeth and claws, suddenly stood respectfully and lowered his head.

Seeing this, Yu Xingxing quickly urged the phoenix to come to Yukui. When he got close to its head, he suddenly raised his iron fist, which was covered with Jiayu skills, and punched it on the head!
There was a burst of "噗嗤", and Yu Kui's head was smashed, and his brains splattered everywhere!

With its impossibly small eyes open, it slowly fell down.

Yu Xingxing told Phoenix to stop, quickly got off it, and immediately ran to Yu Kui to check it, and he didn't let out a breath until he confirmed that it was completely finished.

He took out an egg-sized Hekui bead from his chest.

Fenghuang took a look and saw that there was no other danger, and turned into a wisp of white smoke again, burrowing into his palm.

Guo Lan, who was standing in the distance, also saw this scene.

When Yu Xingxing was running away, Fenmianji next to Guo Lan also pulled her anxiously and ran towards her.

Seeing the anxious look of the flour-faced dog, Guo Lan was quite annoyed at first, and planned to drive it away.

But as Fenmianji urged her more and more impatiently, she also realized that Yu Xingxing might be in big trouble.

Sure enough, I saw a huge creature chasing a small person from a distance.

Yes, that little one is Yu Xingxing, running and babbling about something at the same time.

Guo Lan sped up her pace, and Fenmian Hao was also running hard behind her.

While running, I thought: Yesterday, one person was the king and hegemony, controlling the fate of so many kui; today, how could one kui run away with his head in his arms?
This difference is too obvious!

Did he play it for her on purpose?

Or did you ask her to help on purpose?

No matter what, she couldn't stand idly by while he was in this embarrassing state!

She can't do it!

But after all, the distance is a bit far, and that one step of Yu Kui is equivalent to three or four steps of theirs.

Therefore, when Xi Kui rushed to Yu Xingxing's side, she was still a hundred meters away from them.

She was just about to throw thorny vines to trap Yu Kui, when she suddenly saw a big bird soaring into the sky, snatching Yu Xingxing away from Yu Kui.

He stopped abruptly, and was shocked in his heart!

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