Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 1 True and False Brothers

With a bang, Yu Xingxing, who was concentrating on solving the problem in the room, was startled again.

He shook his head for the fifth time.He thought to himself: "One more time, only one more time to endure!"


It still came, but the voice didn't hear the warning in his heart.

Without hesitation, with a lift of his right hand, a football was firmly held in the air.A group of children can't reach or touch no matter how they dance or grab.

They yelled excitedly, "Whoah!", as expected.

"Yu Xingxing, put our ball down!"

A boy yelled, and it seemed that this was not the first time; he actually knew who did it, and there was no anger in his tone; on the contrary, there was a sense of excitement of being satisfied.

With another wave of the right hand, the football started to fly.

It flew over the fence in the yard, over the ruins, over a pond with floating vegetables, flew to an abandoned square, and stopped next to a lamp post.

Below the lamp post is a small lamp, with two branches on the top, each hanging a lamp, which is automatically turned on or off according to the brightness of the sky every day.


It is early spring now, and occasionally there is a cold wind blowing, and the buds on the trees are desperately squeezed out; although it is the weekend, there are not many pedestrians on the road.

This group of children watched the ball fly by itself, and they chased after it excitedly with a "wow"; this is also the reason why they deliberately provoke Yu Xingxing, because he can make the ball fly by itself.

"You know they did it on purpose." A crisp voice sounded, bringing a little life to the originally silent room.

"A bit noisy!"

The young man's face showed a maturity that was beyond his age, and his speech was simple.

Hearing this, the crisp voice also shut up, but there was no one else in the room just now.

That's right, that's a doraemon, the one he had when his mother was around, and has been with him for 16 years. It's called "Ling'er".

In the rare peace, Yu Xingxing was immersed in solving the problem again.

On the screen, pieces of code stream flashed across the screen, and with the rapid shaking of his fingers, the code also gushed out like running water, and he was calculating to a key point.

His eyes were fixed on the screen all the time, not missing even the slightest mistake.

Suddenly, a code stopped from the stream.

Other code still pours out of the screen like water, and then into the background.

But this code, has been there, stuck there motionless.

Is there a computer bug?Or is there a problem with the hardware chip?

The main frequency and storage of the computer just changed two days ago, is there something wrong again?

What kind of divine operation is this?

Although he was impatient, he still looked for the crux of the matter carefully, and he couldn't knock the code to death with a hammer.

Of course, if he could, he would do it right away.

That symbol is "_T", which is a macro, a macro that interprets other code.It doesn't move, it doesn't go, it doesn't run, even if other codes go, even if they run, it's a bunch of garbled codes.

While he was agitated, the code began to flash.




He heard another voice, the voice from this code, and urged it several times in a row, and according to this posture, it seems that if it is not connected, it will not stop.

Who is playing a prank again?

He points to the code impatiently.

"I'm your younger brother." A child's voice popped out.

You are my brother, so what am I?
I am the code brother!I am the code brother!
What kind of Qianqiu interstellar joke!

Yu Xingxing ran through a thousand grassland animals in his mind.

Are we still going to face this big problem when we are reborn into this world?

Moreover, the original body's parents were not around, so he couldn't confirm the authenticity.

"What?" Although confused, Yu Xingxing asked.

"Is your name Yu Xingxing?"


"Your mother's name is Qian Xiaolan?"


"Your father's name is Yu Jun?"


"Finally found you!" The voice still had a childish tone, and it was obvious that it hadn't changed its voice yet.

"elder brother!"

"Wait a moment!"

"I'm really your brother!"

"How could I have such a little brother?" Yu Xingxing stared at the flashing characters on the screen and said, he didn't believe that the original body's parents had such supernatural powers that they could create a living code.

"I managed to find it this time, you asked me to make a mark."

As he said that, he copied a "_T.txt" file on the computer desktop without hesitation.

He still wanted to continue his actions, but was interrupted by Yu Xingxing: "Are you trying to invade me, or accuse me?"

"That's not what it means. After making a mark, the next time I want to contact you, I can find you right away." Tong Yin said Wuji.

"What if I don't want to?" Yu Xingxing didn't want to be disturbed all the time.

"You will think about it." Tongyin continued to insist.

"I'm not!"

After finishing speaking, Yu Xingxing didn't wait for the other party's reply, unplugged the computer without hesitation, and shut it down hard.

That character disappeared together with the large piece of code that had not been saved just now.

Today's networks are all wireless. Unlike a long time ago, you could just unplug the network cable and be done.

Now you don't know which wireless router will come in at all, and it will all be connected automatically, because you are not only yourself, but also a part of the shared society.

The robot cat Linger has been watching him, and he hasn't seen his mood swings for a long time. The last time he heard that his father was missing, he cried silently for a few days, and then became numb for a few days.

It was during those few days that he crossed over.

The ontology is already 25 years old and has finished his graduate studies. When he suddenly came to this era, he was a little confused. Fortunately, the original body was also in a daze in those few days, and there were no major mistakes.

He also took the opportunity to quickly get acquainted with the original body's surroundings and related people. After recognizing the current situation, he knew that he must be strong.

Doraemon Linger will also respond appropriately according to the mood of its owner.

"Do you think someone is deliberately causing trouble?"


"Do you still have important data in your computer?"

"Pictures of my parents, and exercises from my tutors."


Since his father disappeared inexplicably a month ago, this boy has grown up in a few days, at least the Doraemon thinks so.

Several tutors give him regular lessons and are very strict.

Earth, at that time, had already experienced several interstellar wars and accumulated some experience in interstellar wars. The starry sky and planets are a big battleground.

There are mountains of discarded electronic waste on the earth, and many scientists are also looking for ways to return them to nature, but progress has been slow.

And under this pile of electronic waste, there are also various creatures living.

Many creatures have become extinct, and many new creatures have emerged, as long as their living conditions are met.

These new creatures have spawned various dimensional spaces, and in these spaces, there are also interface transfers to different-dimensional worlds. These dimensional spaces are another major battleground.

Although these creatures are not friendly towards humans, they all have a magical energy.

This kind of energy is "time energy"!
Time energy can change human physique, change people's way of life, and also give human beings a new form of defense and resistance to this biological invasion.

But when it comes to time energy, not everyone can easily absorb and master it, and they must have qualifications and potential.

It can change the fate of some people and make them soar into the sky; if it doesn't match, it can also make the originally healthy body fall into meridian disorder and nervous disorder.

In order to avoid too much impact on life, the initial training begins in the third grade, and a group of suitable children are selected to continue training in junior high school. They are called "enlightened persons". Those who are not suitable are transferred to other industries as soon as possible.

Yu Xingxing is one of the suitable enlightened people.

"Beep" the computer restarted by itself, Yu Xingxing stared at it, if it really started up, he would really smash it.

The computer seemed to know what Yu Xingxing was thinking, beeped twice and turned off again.

Yu Xingxing heaved a sigh of relief.

The original body's father, Yu Jun, used to be a meteorological scientist on the earth. Like his father, Yu Xingxing, the original body, was also very concerned about the ecology of the earth. For example, he was interested in the creatures and dimensional space under these electronic wastes.

There is a national league every year, competing for the title of "timely powerhouse".

Of course, one has to qualify in the school first, and then pass the city competition, provincial competition, all the way to show his face in the national competition. For the original body, it is very challenging.

Their school is the top high school in Wuhai City——Wuhai Middle School, and 90% of them are admitted to first-class colleges and universities every year.

Although he has just entered the first year of high school, his ambition has already pointed to three years later. If he can get a place in the competition, it will be the icing on the cake and a certainty.


Soon, the clock on the wall pointed to zero hours, zero minutes and zero seconds, and the three needles were on the same line!
Another ray of light rushed into Yu Xingxing's head, making him dizzy for a while.

In Guangbo, a mysterious old man appeared, that is, that old Mo.

Meeting this old Mo was also a strange thing.

That time when he was leaving school, he met an old man who had collapsed on the side of the road; Yu Xingxing thought that since he didn't drive a luxury car, he shouldn't be touched, so he stepped forward to help him up.

Yu Xingxing kindly helped the old man up and learned that his name was Mr. Mo. From then on, he became obsessed with Yu Xingxing.

He said that Yu Xingxing has the responsibility to save the earth, and he must join hands with him. He wants to teach Yu Xingxing special spells, and he also gave Yu Xingxing two treasures, "Time Sword Thread Hub" and "Magic Cloak".

Yu Xingxing was also confused: "Save the earth"?Who will save me?

This porcelain can't be shaken off even if it's touched.

He patted his head, and the light whirled away.

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