Young Master Mo's little wife doted on her fiercely

Chapter 7: Mo Yi'an's Joke

When Su Chensi saw Mo Yi'an eating with satisfaction, his heart became as sweet as the bowl of white fungus porridge in his hand.A cute pear dimple could not help but smile on his face. Seeing his little wife smiling at him like this in the morning, Mo Yi'an felt as if his heart had been wiped with honey.

Think of those difficult times and those days of gritting your teeth and persevering in the past ten years.Sometimes Mo Yi'an is reluctant to recall, because sometimes people play games to protect themselves, and people will subconsciously avoid the sufferings they have suffered. Most of the time, people still want to think of their happy times.The same is true of Mo Yi'an, even though it is undoubtedly a representative of success in people's eyes.

But he will also subconsciously choose to forget the past sufferings, not to say that Mo Yi'an is a person who forgets his original intention, but every time he recalls those difficult years, he has to think of those who suffered because of his own hardships. insult.

These memories will always be in my brain, no matter what height I will be in in the future, these memories will always be there and will not disappear with my success.However, Mo Yi'an had to say at this moment that he was grateful for those years, even though there were many unbearable things in those years.

Because it was those difficult years of my past that made me a better self now.Give yourself the ability to stand in front of the girl you have loved for so many years and make her your wife.What courage it took him.Maybe Su Chensi will never know what a man has paid to be able to walk in front of her in the future.

Seeing Mo Yi'an's distracted look, Su Chensi was not only suspicious: Is this person really all right?You can lose your mind after eating a spoonful of porridge. Could it be that you found a business opportunity in this bowl of porridge, but what business opportunities does this thing have?Hey, as expected of a boss, it's just different.Hey, admire, admire.

Mo Yi'an actually came back to his senses a long time ago, and saw the emoji of his little wife's whole journey in his heart. (I have to say, President Mo is really a bit stupid for doing this.) Not only did he secretly laugh, he felt that this little wife was still As fun and cute as a kid.

Having observed enough of his little wife's cute little expressions, our President Mo finally became a human again and coughed in real time.Su Chensi hurriedly recovered when he heard the cough, and smiled embarrassedly at Mo Yi'an.

How could Mo Yi'an let go of the opportunity to tease his little wife, and pretended to be serious: "Mrs. Mo, what are you thinking about this morning? You are so serious that even your husband can ignore it." There was a strong arrogance in this tone What's the matter with the taste? Mrs. Mo said that Mr. Mo's rank is too high, and she, a novice Xiaobai, said she couldn't understand.

Su Chensi said with a helpless smile: "Well..., that's right, I think there are business opportunities in this bowl of white fungus porridge. I should study it carefully. Well, yes, that's it." Mo Yi'an heard this answer, The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.Obviously surprised by Su Chensi's answer.

Not only asked curiously: "What business opportunity?" Su Chensi saw Mo Yi'an asking with serious doubts, not only became suspicious in his heart, could it be that he made a mistake just now and thought too much?So, Su Chensi cautiously and tentatively asked, "Could it be that you didn't find a business opportunity just now?"

Mo Yi'an couldn't help but smiled and said: "No." Su Chensi asked with some embarrassment: "Then why were you in a daze just now?" Mo Yi'an finally understood why his little wife was so entangled and confused when she was distracted just now. The expression of adoration.

So, he said with a smile: "I just thought this bowl of porridge was really delicious. Do I want another bowl?" After speaking, Mo Yi'an walked away with a face full of merit and fame.

Only Su Chensi, who was still petrified in place, was left behind. At this time, Su Chensi scolded uncivilizedly in his heart: You are a big president, and you can get hundreds of millions for any cooperation. You are actually drinking a bowl of porridge at home Tangled.

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