Gong Yuze slept for a few hours, and the sky dawned. After many days of continuous rotation, faint dark circles appeared under Gong Yuze's eyes. Gong Yuze went to the bathroom to take a shower, and when Gong Yuze was fully dressed, , Jiang Zixuan just came out of the bedroom, because of the experience from last time, when Jiang Zixuan pushed the door in and saw Gong Yuze, Jiang Zixuan no longer had any surprise on her face, Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze and said calmly "Morning." After Gong Yuze heard Jiang Zixuan's words, Gong Yuze nodded at Jiang Zixuan, and it seemed that she had just woken up. Now... Jiang Zixuan's face still showed some signs of not waking up, Jiang Zixuan Her face was ignorant, and at some point, a small part of Jiang Zixuan's hair was raised up. Looking at Jiang Zixuan's appearance, she was very cute. When Gong Yuze saw Jiang Zixuan's appearance, A faint smile appeared on Gong Yuze's face. Although the smile on Gong Yuze's face was very shallow, but...you could see the pampering and affection on Gong Yuze's face. Gong Yuze felt that his eyes were too It became more obvious, Gong Yuze subconsciously coughed to cover up his embarrassment, in fact... Jiang Zixuan didn't know what Gong Yuze was thinking in his heart at all, the whole process was just Gong Yuze's own sentimentality, Gong Yuze Yuze looked at Jiang Zixuan and said, "Hurry up, wash your face, let's go have breakfast." Gong Yuze's tone was very doting, just... as if talking to a child, Gong Yuze's tone was soft and gentle Yes, just... like Jiang Zixuan, as if afraid of being frightened, after Jiang Zixuan listened to Gong Yuze's words, Jiang Zixuan nodded to Gong Yuze with a face full of confusion, and then... Jiang Zixuan was very obedient, and went Walking into the bathroom, when Jiang Zixuan came out of the bathroom, she saw that Gong Yuze had already done everything, and now...the only thing left was for her to go to the table. After washing her face, Jiang Zixuan looked She also became very sober, Jiang Zixuan looked at the... delicious breakfast in front of her, Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze with a puzzled face and said word by word: "You made all these things yourself ...??" After Gong Yuze listened to Jiang Zixuan's words, Gong Yuze nodded to Jiang Zixuan.

After Jiang Zixuan listened to Gong Yuze's words, Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze in disbelief. Jiang Zixuan's eyes were full of surprise. Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze in disbelief and said word by word: "This ...It's really you who made it, it doesn't look...it doesn't look like...??" Although Jiang Zixuan knew that Gong Yuze would make something in the past, but...there are all kinds of breakfasts now, just ...It's like the Manchu Banquet in the breakfast. This... how could it be made by Gong Yuze, and... Gong Yuze is so busy with work every day, how could it be possible to make so many things, it's just... too incredible Oh, Gong Yuze saw Jiang Zixuan's eyes, Gong Yuze knew that Jiang Zixuan didn't believe in him, but... these things were really made by him, Gong Yuze's eyes signaled, let Jiang Zixuan sit down, Gong Yuze While pouring milk for Jiang Zixuan, Ze explained to Jiang Zixuan: "Although... I am really busy at work, but... If I am willing to squeeze out time, there is always time. In recent years, although I have been working very hard I'm busy, but... I still have some time." Gong Yuze explained to Jiang Zixuan calmly. .After Jiang Zixuan listened to Gong Yuze's words, Jiang Zixuan was even more confused in her heart. Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze and said word by word: "Since...you are so busy, why...why do you still learn to cook... ?? At your current level, you can hire a lot of talented chefs to cook for you, why do you do it yourself...??" Regarding Gong Yuze's brain circuit, Jiang Zixuan was really confused. Not sure.After Gong Yuze listened to Jiang Zixuan's words, Gong Yuze's eyes were stained with a faint smile, Gong Yuze's eyes looked at Jiang Zixuan very nakedly, and said word by word: "Hmm... That's because I don't want our children to like to eat other people's dishes. As the saying goes, if you want a woman to be devoted to you and cannot leave you, first...you have to grab her stomach. So... Xuan Bao, are you satisfied with my cooking...??" Gong Yuze's sudden confession made Jiang Zixuan feel at a loss for an instant, and Jiang Zixuan glanced at Gong Yuze speechlessly.

After Gong Yuze saw Jiang Zixuan's reaction, Gong Yuze was not annoyed in his heart, because... Gong Yuze had already guessed Jiang Zixuan's reaction in his heart. Jiang Zixuan added her favorite dishes, Jiang Zixuan was very happy to eat, and said... delicious food can heal people, this sentence...is really true, Jiang Zixuan thought in her heart, in fact... ...Although Gong Yuze's words just now seemed very plain to Jiang Zixuan, but...Only Jiang Zixuan knew in her heart how much those words had affected Jiang Zixuan, Jiang Zixuan looked at her heart without any disturbance , but... Jiang Zixuan's heart has long been filled with waves and waves. Jiang Zixuan ate the meal absent-mindedly, but... Gong Yuze didn't notice Jiang Zixuan's abnormality at all. Gong Yuze saw Jiang Zixuan Gong Yuze thought that Jiang Zixuan liked to eat.After Jiang Zixuan finished her meal, Gong Yuze got up just in time to send Jiang Zixuan to work. Originally...Jiang Zixuan refused in her heart, the main reason is... Gong Yuze is different now from a few years ago, Gong Yuze is special now Busy, Gong Yuze is very expensive every minute now, Jiang Zixuan doesn't seem to be wasting Gong Yuze's time, Gong Yuze seems to be able to read minds, she can see through Jiang Zixuan's disguise at a glance, Gong Yuze looks at Jiang Zixuan's every word Said: "I'm not busy, every minute and every second with you is very precious to me." After Jiang Zixuan heard what Gong Yuze said, Jiang Zixuan couldn't say anything in her heart, so she could only Let Gong Yuze go.Gong Yuze sent Jiang Zixuan downstairs directly, and Jiang Zixuan unfastened her seat belt to get out of the car. After Gong Yuze saw Jiang Zixuan's movements, Gong Yuze looked at Jiang Zixuan first and said word by word: "Tell me after work, I'll come Pick you up, if...you don't come to pick me up, I'll wait downstairs in your company." Gong Yuze's words blocked all Jiang Zixuan's words, after Jiang Zixuan listened to Gong Yuze's words, Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze's helpless face, this man is really getting better and better.

I don't know if it's because Jiang Zixuan knows in her heart that Gong Yuze is waiting for her after work. Today, Jiang Zixuan's efficiency is particularly high. Jiang Zixuan finished all the work very early, and originally planned to call Gong Yuze very early. , but... Jiang Zixuan picked up the phone, and hesitated instantly in her heart. Is it too early to call at this time, and... also very deliberate, Jiang Zixuan felt in her heart, so... Jiang Zixuan was thinking in her heart. Yuze called, but... because of the arrogance and dignity in Jiang Zixuan's heart, Jiang Zixuan abruptly withdrew her hand from calling Gong Yuze. On the mobile phone, Jiang Zixuan found a lot of things for herself, but...Even in this state, Jiang Zixuan was absent-minded about what she did, mainly because...Jiang Zixuan had things in her heart. At that moment, I felt in my heart that the time was so difficult. The moment Jiang Zixuan got off work, Jiang Zixuan immediately took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Gong Yuze. After that... Jiang Zixuan dressed herself beautifully and got off work. I don't know if it's because of the mutual understanding between Jiang Zixuan and Gong Yuze. When Jiang Zixuan just went downstairs, Gong Yuze's car just stopped at the door. Jiang Zixuan opened the door and sat in.As soon as Jiang Zixuan got into the car, Gong Yuze gave Jiang Zixuan a big bag of snacks. Jiang Zixuan looked down and saw that they were all her favorite food. There was a faint smile on Jiang Zixuan's face, but... Jiang Zixuan Her smile quickly hid, because... Jiang Zixuan didn't want her emotions to be too obvious. She was designed by someone, and Jiang Zixuan's little thought was naturally not hidden from Gong Yuze. Yuze saw Jiang Zixuan like this, and Gong Yuze also knew the small thoughts in Jiang Zixuan's heart. Gong Yuze didn't expose Jiang Zixuan. Now... as long as Jiang Zixuan likes and is happy, the rest... Gong Yuze is in his heart I don't care too much.

Jiang Zixuan saw that this road didn't look like her way home, and Jiang Zixuan looked at Gong Yuze suspiciously, Jiang Zixuan turned her head to look at Gong Yuze and said word by word: "This... doesn't seem to be the way home. " After Gong Yuze listened to Jiang Zixuan's words, Gong Yuze nodded to Jiang Zixuan and said: "Well... this is indeed not the way for us to go home. Today I heard from someone that a new restaurant has recently opened, which is very good Eat, I want to take you to have a taste." Gong Yuze explained to Jiang Zixuan, after Jiang Zixuan listened to Gong Yuze's words, Jiang Zixuan nodded to Gong Yuze, the new restaurant still wants I went to taste it, Jiang Zixuan is still a hidden snack in my heart, Jiang Zixuan thought in my heart, Gong Yuze also knows Jiang Zixuan, so... Gong Yuze asked others specifically.I have to say that Gong Yuze is really an old fox.

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