The next morning, Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an really woke up with the sound of the waves. Su Chensi looked at the sunny outside, and Su Chensi was not in a good mood. Su Chensi He actually woke up before Mo Yi'an. When Su Chensi saw Mo Yi'an opened his eyes, Su Chensi said something sweet to Mo Yi'an, but... the one who came back to Su Chensi was, Mo Yi'an kissed like a gust of wind, and Su Chensi couldn't help being forced to bear the enthusiasm from Mo Yi'an. When Su Chensi felt that he really couldn't breathe, Mo Yi'an let go slowly. After opening Su Chensi, Su Chensi couldn't help but limp in Mo Yi'an's arms, and then...Su Chensi opened his mouth, breathing heavily, today...if Mo Yi'an hadn't planned to take Su Chen Si goes out to play, Mo Yi'an will not let Su Chensi go so easily and easily, this blue sky and white clouds do nothing, things that make people happy, Mo Yi'an feels... ashamed of this Great time, Su Chensi: could this person be so shameless? Mo Yi'an and Su Chensi lingered on the bed for a long time before Mo Yi'an and Su Chensi got out of bed. Su Chensi felt in his heart that if... if he didn't get out of bed, what Mo Yi'an would do to her, Su Chensi really couldn't guarantee anything in his heart, Mo Yian looked at Su Chensi anxious In the scene of rushing to the bathroom, Mo Yi'an stood behind Su Chensi, not only a little dumbfounded, but Mo Yi'an couldn't understand what Su Chensi was thinking in his heart.

After Mo Yi'an and Su Chensi changed their clothes, it was already quite late. Su Chensi likes the beach, so... On the first day, Mo Yi'an took Su Chensi there, and she finally My favorite beach and seaside, Mo Yi'an stood not far from Su Chensi, watching Su Chensi stepping on the sand, playing happily, Mo Yi'an's heart felt soft What a mess, how could his wife be so cute? Seeing Su Chensi like this, Mo Yi'an couldn't help but think of when the two of them were in school. At that time... Su Chensi's face was full of carefree The innocence in the eyes and the beauty of life, even after so many years, every time Mo Yi'an thinks back in his heart, Mo Yi'an feels that time was so beautiful, Su Chensi at that time was simply People in two worlds with himself, at that time, he was indifferent, sleepy, and his eyes... were full of despair and nowhere to go, but... the arrival of Su Chensi was like... breaking into his world A ray of light illuminated his entire life. Mo Yi'an looked at the little man not far away, and Mo Yi'an was filled with gratitude. It's so good... After so many years, he finally took the place that belonged to him. The moon came in my arms, and from then on, no one will separate the two of them.

When Su Chensi came back, there were a lot of shells in Su Chensi's hands. Su Chensi seemed to be offering treasures, and he put the shells in his hands in front of Mo Yi'an. Mo Yi'an looked at them. Looking at the various shells in Su Chensi's hands, Mo Yi'an's eyes were full of tenderness and softness. Mo Yi'an stretched out his hand and took the shells from Su Chensi's hand. Mo Yi'an looked at Su Chensi He said word by word: "Wife W, isn't that amazing...??" After Su Chensi listened to Mo Yi'an's words, Su Chensi looked at Mo Yi'an with bright eyes, as if I was very powerful Seeing Su Chensi like this, Mo Yi'an's heart skipped a beat. Mo Yi'an subconsciously glanced around, and found...there was no one around, so...Mo Yi'an suddenly lowered his head Turning his head, Mo Yi'an quickly kissed Su Chensi's lips fiercely. Su Chensi didn't expect Mo Yi'an to kiss her suddenly. Su Chensi stood there because he was shocked. I don't understand, seeing Su Chensi like this, Mo Yi'an couldn't help laughing in his heart, their children are really too cute, what should we do...? ?When Mo Yi'an was almost finished kissing, Su Chensi came back to his senses. Su Chensi looked at Mo Yi'an's face full of teasing, and Su Chensi's face instantly flushed red. Mo Yi'an saw Su Chensi looked a little angry, Mo Yi'an stretched out his hand first, and hugged Su Chensi in his arms. Before Su Chensi could say anything, Mo Yi'an took a step forward He said to Su Chensi: "Don't worry, wife. The tourists are all playing, and no one will pay attention to the two of us at all, so... no one saw it just now, and... my wife, You really don't want to be angry, there is a reason why I am so angry, wife, you are so beautiful, I... can't hold it anymore. "

These words of Mo Yi'an really... every sentence has reached Su Chensi's heart. After Su Chensi heard these words of Mo Yi'an, Su Chensi had to sigh in his heart, Mo Yi'an Yi An really understood her too well. Mo Yi'an knew that he was shy, so Mo Yi'an explained to her that no one noticed what the two of them did just now, and... no one saw it, and just now... Mo Yi'an said that it was because of him... Mo Yi'an kissed her involuntarily, which girl doesn't like the person she likes, likes herself so much, so... After Su Chensi listened to Mo Yi'an's words, Su Chensi really didn't have any temper in his heart, only shy and vaguely happy about Mo Yi'an's words, Mo Yi'an had been observing Su Chensi's expression, Mo Yi'an looked Seeing that Su Chensi's expression changed from flustered at the beginning to a kind of shyness, Mo Yi'an saw this in his heart, and Mo Yi'an knew that what he just said had an effect on Su Chensi, Mo Yi'an thought of this in his heart, and Mo Yi'an couldn't help but thank Ji Yunfeng a little bit. Mo Yi'an and Ji Yunfeng, two bronchitis, are together. The most lamentable topic is how to coax his wife, how to make her not angry, and himself ...It can still take advantage, Mo Yi'an looks at it now, really has some effect.

Mo Yi'an raised his head and looked at the beach in front of him. Mo Yi'an had an idea in his heart. Mo Yi'an lowered his head, looked at Su Chensi and said word by word: "Honey, let me go to the sea behind your back." , two people outside left our footprints on the beach...??" Su Chensi's eyes lit up after listening to Mo Yi'an's words, Su Chensi looked at Mo Yi'an full Nodding with a happy face, Mo Yi'an slowly bent down, motioning for Su Chensi to come up, Su Chensi reached out and hugged Mo Yi'an's neck, and when Mo Yi'an was sure that Su Chensi was hugging him , Mo Yi'an slowly got up and strode towards the beach. The actions of Mo Yi'an and Su Chensi once again attracted the attention of many people at the scene. Women are really enviable, and... men and women walking on the beach together, no matter how you look at it, how it makes people feel very beautiful. Seeing the appearance of Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an, many people think Su Chen Si and Mo Yi'an are couples who have just fallen in love. If... If they know that Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an have been married a lot, and their children are all in primary school, it should... make many people feel uncomfortable. I'm surprised, after all... It's really not easy for a couple to maintain this state of being in love for so many years. After so many years, Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an are still in love. Being able to be so sweet is really envious of others.

Mo Yi'an carried Su Chensi on his back, Mo Yi'an followed Su Chensi's instructions, Mo Yi'an drew a heart shape on the beach with his feet, Su Chensi saw this, Su Chensi was on Mo Yi'an's back Ai Ye couldn't stay still anymore, Su Chensi was struggling on Mo Yi'an's back, wanting to go down, Mo Yi'an saw Su Chensi like this, Mo Yi'an immediately put Su Chensi down, Su Chensi Si didn't know where he saw a small wooden stick, and wrote the names of Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an on the beach, and... a heart was drawn on the two names, and Mo Yi'an looked very gentle Dotingly watching Su Chensi's movements, Mo Yi'an's eyes are full of unspeakable friendship, just waiting... to find a vent, and then... burst out like a spring, waiting for Su Chensi When he raised his head again, Su Chensi suddenly met Mo Yi'an's eyes. Su Chensi paused uncontrollably. It was as if Su Chensi's whole body was sucked in by Mo Yi'an. Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an Mo Yi'an and Mo Yi'an just looked at each other silently. Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an saw each other in each other's eyes, and the eyes of Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an were full of friendship.

"Wow, brother and sister are so sweet." A voice came from nowhere, Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an suddenly came back to their senses, Su Chensi turned around shyly, a little uncomfortable Dare to look at Mo Yi'an, Mo Yi'an's situation is completely opposite to Su Chensi's, seeing Mo Yi'an walk up to the children step by step with a smile on his face, Mo Yi'an has a rare face There was a gentle look on his face. Except for Su Chensi and their two little milk dumplings, Mo Yi'an rarely treated strangers like this. Mo Yi'an looked at the little guy in front of him tenderly. The little guy is actually younger than the two little milk dumplings in their family, "Little friend, I'm not a brother, I'm an uncle, but...she's a sister." When Mo Yi'an said these words, Mo Yi'an pointed at Su Chensi with his finger. After Su Chensi heard what Mo Yi'an said, Su Chensi's face became even more red. Mo Yi'an is an uncle, how could she still be As for my sister, really, Su Chensi also walked up to Xiaonaituanzi, looked at... the little guy in front of him, and said word by word: "Which... I'm not sister, I'm auntie .”

The little guy in front of him was a little confused by what Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an said: Are they really... Uncles and aunts? ?Why is it different from the uncles and aunts in his impression...? ?Su Chen saw the little guy in front of him with a puzzled look on his face, Su Chensi couldn't help laughing, Su Chensi stretched out his hand, and carefully touched the little guy's head in front of him, Su Chensi saw The little guy in front of him, in Su Chensi's heart, he couldn't help but think of their two little babies, and he didn't know... How are their two little milk dumplings? Are they doing well these few days? Going to school, eating, being good at grandma's and master's house...? ?

"Baby, I'm going back with my mother." After a while, a woman walked towards this side. After the little guy heard his mother's voice, the little guy walked straight towards his mother. The little guy's mother looked at Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an warily. The little guy's mother probably regarded Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an as suspicious objects. Su Chensi looked at Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an. Su Chensi is not angry with this woman in his heart, she is a mother, Su Chensi understands such feelings in his heart, for strangers who are close to his children, he would like to send everyone to the police station for a good check Don't worry, it might be... Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an really don't look like bad guys. The mother looked at it for a while, then hugged the little guy and left. In the distance, Su Chensi and Mo Yi Ann could still hear the conversation between the mother and child: "Do you know if you stay away from strangers in the future...??"

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