Li Yixiao stayed in his room, he was so distracted that he didn't know what he was thinking. Here... Ji Yunfeng was watching TV on the sofa with Xiao Nai Tuanzi in his arms. Otto was playing on the TV, and Xiao Nai Duan Zi watched with gusto, Ji Yunfeng He was holding your little milk dumpling, his eyes were dull, and he didn't know what was going on in his head, but...Ji Yunfeng couldn't see it at all. Now Ji Yunfeng's mind is full of Li Yixiao's reaction just now and... ...Who is the person talking to Li Yixiao on the other end of the phone, what is Li Yixiao hiding from him, why...can't he let himself know...? ?There are countless questions in Ji Yunfeng's heart, but... Ji Yunfeng doesn't know what to do...? ?In his heart, Ji Yunfeng really wanted to open Li Yixiao's head to see what was in Li Yixiao's head, why did he do this, seems that he has never done anything violent, right...? ?Could it be that in Li Yixiao's heart, so unbearable, Ji Yunfeng thought of this in his heart, Ji Yunfeng's heart was sour, Ji Yunfeng originally planned to live a good life with Li Yixiao, it's too early...they are still so cute The little milk dumpling, they... a family of three, isn't it good...? ?Why do so many things always happen, and... At that time, if Ji Yunfeng remembered correctly, Li Yixiao was in the kitchen at that time, but... He said it to himself, it's only been a few days, how could it have changed... ...? ?

Ji Yunfeng thought very bitterly in his heart, now Ji Yunfeng felt that God was playing a big joke on him, and when Ji Yunfeng felt that his behavior touched Li Yixiao's hair completely back to the extreme, Li Yixiao was in his heart Even when he made up his mind to live a good life, Li Yixiao didn't know what he did behind his back. It's really not good to dare to do something that his own people do without telling him, Ji Yunfeng She is a typical Leo. Ji Yunfeng has a strong desire to control and possess, especially... when he is facing the person he likes, Ji Yunfeng's feeling has reached its peak. Ji Yunfeng knows that he and Li Yixiao are separated. For five years, Li Yixiao passed away and had no life of his own for five years. During those five years, Ji Yunfeng had no idea what happened to Li Yixiao during those five years, who he might have met, and everything else. ...Actually...Ji Yunfeng wanted to know in his heart, but...Ji Yunfeng couldn't, unless...Li Yixiao told him personally, in fact...A lot of times, Ji Yunfeng couldn't control himself and wanted someone to check it out. What has happened in the past few years? According to Ji Yunfeng's current ability and strength, what Ji Yunfeng wants to find can't be found, and... the information is still very accurate and very fast, but... the last one, Ji Yunfeng also He didn't do that, because... Ji Yunfeng knew very well in his heart, even if... he really found out what Li Yixiao did during those five years, what should he... do...? ?What qualifications do I have...? ?

After all... Anyway, at the beginning... I let Li Yixiao go, didn't I...? ?Didn't he personally drive Li Yixiao away back then, leaving Li Yixiao with scars in his heart before going abroad, didn't he...? ?Didn't you do all of this with your own hands...? ? that the story has developed to this point, I...whom can I blame...? ?Didn't you do it all by yourself...? ?Ji Yunfeng thought very bitterly in his heart, Ji Yunfeng just held the little milk dumpling in his hand and worked on the sofa for a long time, waiting... When Ji Yunfeng came back from his memory, he saw the little milk dumpling. Nai Tuanzi fell asleep in his arms at some point, Ji Yunfeng raised his wrist subconsciously, glanced at his watch, and found... It was past 14 o'clock in the evening at some point, Ji Yunfeng I remember what Mrs. Ji said to me, that Xiaonaituanzi's work and rest have always been very regular, and Ji Yunfeng had a flash of remorse in his heart, such a big thing, he... actually forgot, Ji Yunfeng carefully let it go Xiaojiatuanzi was in his arms, and adjusted a very comfortable posture. At the beginning, Xiaonaituanzi cried aloud. When Ji Yunfeng saw Xiaonaituanzi like this, Ji Yunfeng immediately stretched out his hand to move carefully, so gentle Patting Xiao Nai Tuanzi on the back, Ji Yunfeng gently hummed a song on Xiao Nai Tuanzi's forehead and ear, it may be... Xiao Nai Tuanzi's subconscious dependence and trust in Ji Yunfeng, in Ji Yunfeng's eyes The moment the sound came out, Xiao Nai Tuanzi immediately obediently stopped moving in Ji Yunfeng's arms, and Xiao Nai Tuanzi fell asleep coolly again. Ji Yunfeng saw how Xiao Nai Tuanzi relied on him so much, Ji Yunfeng's eyes were full of tears. A little bit of starlight flashed, as if... the moon and stars had entered the eyes, and seeing... the head of the Xiao family like this, the sour emotions that Ji Yunfeng swallowed in his heart also... disappeared little by little up.

Ji Yunfeng lowered his head slowly and looked at the little person in his arms. Ji Yunfeng's eyes were full of pampering and love when he looked at the little milk dumpling. Sometimes, Ji Yunfeng really didn't understand in his heart. Why is this little guy so cute, why every time I see him when I am upset, my heart... miraculously gets better, Ji Yunfeng looked at the little tit in his arms Tuanzi, Ji Yunfeng suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, isn't it... Xiaonai Tuanzi is an angel sent by heaven to save him...? ? could the little milk dumpling have such a great charm...? ?Ji Yunfeng couldn't help but think in his heart, it would be great if this is really the case.

Ji Yunfeng lowered his head slowly, and pressed a kiss on the forehead of Xiaonaituanzi, Ji Yunfeng looked at Xiaonaituanzi with a doting face and said word by word: "Little Naituanzi, you have to be good , you are daddy's little angel, daddy loves you very much." Ji Yunfeng didn't know whether the little milk dumpling heard what he said, but... Ji Yunfeng saw it, and after he finished saying these words, little milk A smile slowly appeared on Tuanzi's face, and it looked very beautiful. When Ji Yunfeng saw Xiaonaituanzi like this, Ji Yunfeng immediately melted in his heart, because... this unconscious action of Xiaonaituanzi , this time... no matter what, in Ji Yunfeng's heart, he has long regarded the little milk dumpling as his little angel, his child is really too cute, is there...? ?

Ji Yunfeng looked at the little milk dumpling in his arms, sleeping very peacefully, and Ji Yunfeng gently hugged the little milk dumpling. Ji Yunfeng used to walk with wind, but... when it was in Ji Yunfeng's arms When holding the little milk dumpling, Ji Yunfeng walked cautiously, and Ji Yunfeng was very scared in his heart, because... his own negligence, the little milk dumpling was woken up by himself, and when Ji Yunfeng finally got the little milk dumpling When I returned to the children's room, Ji Yunfeng covered Xiaonaituan with the quilt, and Ji Yunfeng checked the air conditioner in the room again. Ji Yunfeng was afraid that Xiaonaituan would catch a cold. After all... a child as old as Xiaonaituan, The body is also very sensitive, especially prone to colds, and the body's immunity is not particularly strong.After Ji Yunfeng did all this, Ji Yunfeng also poured a glass of water for the little Naituan, because Ji Yunfeng was afraid that the little Naituan would be thirsty at night.

After Ji Yunfeng finished all this, Ji Yunfeng suddenly became quiet. Logically speaking, he...had settled the little milk dumpling, so he should go back to the master bedroom to accompany Li Yixiao, but... ...Ji Yunfeng thinks of that scene in his heart now, and Ji Yunfeng's heart... feels like bursts of pain, as if... the needle pricked himself to bleed, Ji Yunfeng's heart is very uncomfortable, in short... now in In Ji Yunfeng's heart, there is a hint of escape. Ji Yunfeng subconsciously rejects being in the same room with Li Yixiao. Ji Yunfeng knows very well in his heart that he... Now that he is back in the master bedroom, he... and Li Yixiao will still care about each other. To put it bluntly, the atmosphere in the master bedroom is very embarrassing, Li Yixiao may also feel uncomfortable because of his arrival, the same... I am also like this, with such a tone, I... might as well not go through.In Ji Yunfeng's heart, Ji Yunfeng would subconsciously feel that now... Li Yixiao wishes to be alone for a while, in order not to disturb Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng planned to sleep in Xiaonaituanzi's room tonight.

After Ji Yunfeng explained and comforted himself in his heart, Ji Yunfeng became relaxed in an instant, because... with his appearance, he didn't need to see Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng also knew in his heart that he was like this It may not be very good to do..., but... Ji Yunfeng couldn't control himself in his heart, Ji Yunfeng sighed silently in his heart, Ji Yunfeng turned around, went to the bathroom to take a bath, a few minutes later, Ji Yunfeng got dressed and came out of the bath, Ji Yunfeng went to bed carefully, and then... Ji Yunfeng stretched out his hand and carefully hugged the little milk dumpling into his arms. The little milk dumpling was already very familiar with Li Yixiao, and the moment Ji Yunfeng approached, the little milk dumpling rolled onto Ji Yunfeng's lap Inside Ji Yunfeng's arms, the little milk dumpling was still rubbing against Ji Yunfeng's arms like a...cute puppy.

After Ji Yunfeng saw the action of the little milk dumpling, Ji Yunfeng couldn't help laughing in peace in his heart. This action...was the same as Li Yixiao's touch. Wait a minute, the moment Ji Yunfeng thought of Li Yixiao in his heart, Ji Yunfeng's whole person instantly became serious and uneasy. Be happy, now... Every time Ji Yunfeng thinks of Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng's heart aches so badly, Ji Yunfeng slowly presses the corners of his upturned mouth into a line, Ji Yunfeng exhales a few deep breaths, Ji Yunfeng tries hard to calm down his mood After coming down, Ji Yunfeng fell asleep very late. Ji Yunfeng knew that something was wrong in his heart. It was not until dawn that Ji Yunfeng fell asleep in a daze. People can't see clearly, anyway... This night, Ji Yunfeng was quite tired.

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