Father Jiang watched the interaction between Xiao Gong Yuze and Xiao Jiang Zixuan, a smile appeared on Father Jiang's face, and Father Jiang felt more and more that his decision was right...

Xiao Gong Yuze and Xiao Jiang Zixuan were already Xiao Jiang Luochen. After 30 minutes, the three children had finished their meals. Father Jiang asked someone to pick up the car and personally sent Xiao Jiang Zixuan. Xiao Gong Yuze drank Xiao Jiang Luochen to school.

On the way to school, Father Jiang looked at Xiaogong Yuze very worriedly and said: "Yuze, you have to get along well with your classmates at school. You are new to that class group, so you shouldn't be too ostentatious. What's the matter?" Things, go to Xiao Jiang Luochen, you two brothers discuss things together..." Father Jiang looked at Xiao Gong Yuze and said with great concern. Temperament, even... would be very dull on the outside, if Yuzawa Komiya hadn't been too eye-catching, Jiang's father would even... might think that Yuzawa Komiya didn't have any sense of presence in the class...

Xiao Gong Yuze is new to the class, the school where Xiao Jiang Luochen and Xiao Jiang Zixuan are, the children there are either rich or expensive, and they are all pampered by the family, and even... some children have only one child in their family. , the family is not pampered, and...they have a bad temper, and now... Komiya Yuzawa is a newcomer to the class, and the children in the school are easy to bully him...

Yuzawa Komiya is not the kind of kid who likes to laugh and get along with others. With a straight face, Yuzawa Komiya is... more disliked by children. Father Jiang... is afraid that the children in the new class will unite and bully him. Yuzawa Komiya...

After listening to Father Jiang's words, Xiao Gong Yuze felt warm in his heart. Now Father Jiang is like a parent, like his father, and... What Jiang Father said just now really touched Xiao Gong Yuze, Father Jiang said that you and little Jiang Luochen are brothers. If there is anything outside, the two of you brothers should discuss it. Does this... mean that in Father Jiang's heart... he has long been a member of the Jiang family... ? ?

This cognition made Komiya Yuzawa very happy...

Komiya Yuze looked at Jiang's father seriously and said, "I will never mess around with you after school. I will get along well with my friends in the class..."

Xiao Gong Yuze knew what Jiang's father was worried about. It was nothing more than worrying that he would not get along well with the children in the class, and... when he was in the orphanage, he... got along with the group of children in the orphanage It's not good, Father Jiang is worried... he will be bullied by those people just like in the orphanage, and... he can only hide in the corner alone...

When he was in the orphanage, Yuzawa Komiya didn't like them. They went to see him with all their prejudices against him. They took the greatest malice that appeared at their age, all completely and completely, without any trace. Keeping it on him, he...became the most innocent person in the orphanage...

At that time, he... only had himself, and Komiya Yuzawa didn't have to think about what would happen to him, because... no one cared about him at all, and he... had to rely on himself for everything, and he... also You don't have to worry about it, other people's evaluation of him, anyway... No one in this world really cares about him...

So...he showed them his worst side, faced them with his most violent appearance, so...the group of children in the orphanage hated him, didn't like him, and at the same time...they I'm also afraid of him...

But...it's not so tiring now, he has a family, he has little Jiang Zixuan, Jiang's father and... little Jiang Luochen, he may not care about himself, but...she can't help but care about Jiang's father, little Jiang Luochen and little Jiang Zixuan, he... ...can't let them down, and...even more, he can't worry them because of himself, so...he will restrain his temper, won't conflict with anyone, he won't make trouble for Father Jiang and Xiao Jiang Luochen, Because...whether it's Jiang's father, little Jiang Luochen, or little Jiang Zixuan, they treated him too well...so good that Xiaogong Yuze felt that he couldn't repay him...

But...however, he is too young, so the only way he can repay them now is...not to cause trouble for them, let them worry less, so...he must do well...

Father Jiang heard Xiao Gong Yuze say this, Jiang Father looked at Xiao Gong Yuze and nodded, Jiang Father showed a satisfied smile to Xiao Gong Yuze, he understood this child, he did what he said, Xiao Gongyu Ze's words and deeds, like a veteran cadre, reveal calmness and stability everywhere, which makes people feel at ease...

After listening to Xiaogong Yuze's words, little Jiang Luochen looked at Xiaogong Yuze with a confused expression...

20 minutes later, the extended version of the Rolls-Royce Phantom arrived at Xiao Jiang Luochen and Xiao Jiang Zixuan's school, Xiaogong Yuze's school. When Jiang's father got off the car, Jiang's father watched Looking at the three children in front of her with extremely gentle and doting expressions, she said: "Xiao Xuanbao, you must listen to the teacher in school, and you are not allowed to talk back to the teacher, and you are not allowed to fight with other children. You should study and guide carefully... ...?? When you are in class, you are not allowed to go on errands...?? Be obedient, if you have something, you must go to the teacher, or Brother Luo Chen and Brother Yuze, you are not allowed to solve it yourself, you know...??" Father Jiang Looking at Xiao Jiang Zixuan with a worried face, looking at Xiao Jiang Zixuan, this little Jiang Zixuan in their family is really too naughty, don't look at her harmless, soft and waxy appearance, in fact... Xiao Jiang Zixuan It's a very deceptive...

The connection of a cute girl and the heart of a female man, Father Jiang remembers very clearly in his mind now... At the beginning... when his little Jiang Zixuan, who was full of joy, went to school, he thought... Xiao Jiang Zixuan was different from her brother. He is cute, a serious and obedient boy, but... when he was in the office, he watched the video of little Jiang Zixuan going to school with joy.

This...is it really his cute, caring little padded jacket at home...? ?When I was in class, not only was it okay if I didn’t attend the class, but I also encouraged others to...not attend the class together, and played chess with other children, or...the kind I made myself...

And... the most unexpected thing for Jiang's father is... this cute, very cute little girl at home, actually fights at home, and... the other party is a boy, the most bloody thing is... ...Xiao Jiang Zixuan actually won, and the parents of the little boy who fought with Xiao Jiang Zixuan even called him and asked him to give their child an explanation. In the end, Jiang's father really had no other choice, so he asked the secretary to send some things It's over with the money...

Since then...Jiang's father has clearly prohibited little Jiang Zixuan from fighting...

Xiao Jiang Zixuan: ...Actually... what you don't know is that my brother taught me all my skills. My brother told me how to defend and...how to hit people hurts the most, but...it's not serious...

Little Jiang Luochen: Sister, keep a low profile...

Father Jiang: Your two wings are stiff...? ?Give me a penalty station...

Xiang Gong Yuze: Actually... I also know a more ruthless way to beat people...

Father Jiang: Shut up...

Little Jiang Zixuan, Little Jiang Luochen, Xiaogong Yuze: ...Okay...

After Xiao Jiang Zixuan listened to Father Jiang's words, Xiao Jiang Zixuan secretly took a look at Xiao Jiang Luochen, and then... stuck out her tongue in embarrassment...

cute to explode...

In fact... in Xiao Jiang Zixuan's heart, she didn't feel that she had done something wrong, because...that little boy not only bullied her, but also bullied other children. ...Bullying other children... It's simply that the villain is the first to sue... Hmph...

Standing next to Xiao Jiang Zixuan and Xiao Jiang Luochen, Xiaogong Yuze knew what was going on when he watched the interaction between Xiao Jiang Zixuan and Xiao Jiang Luochen...

Little Jiang Zixuan looked at Father Jiang's obedient face and nodded. Father Jiang was satisfied when he saw Xiao Jiang Zixuan's appearance...

Father Jiang turned around again, looked at little Jiang Luochen and said, "Don't think I'm talking about your sister, but I'm not talking about you. How could your sister hit other children so accurately? If you say you didn't teach her, I'm kidding." If you don't believe me, this... can't be justified..." Father Jiang looked at little Jiang Luochen complaining.

Little Jiang Luochen was not surprised when he heard his father talk. He knew it a long time ago. In fact...his father knew everything, but he just didn't say anything. There are little secrets between the brothers, but Jiang's father doesn't know anything... This idiot...

Little Jiang Luochen looked at Jiang's father, looked at Jiang's father as it should be, and said, "I... don't you think my sister is young and doesn't know anything...?? Am I afraid that my sister will be bullied... Otherwise I...wouldn't call her that..." Xiao Jiang Luochen defended Xiao Jiang Zixuan with a serious and honest face.

Little Jiang Zixuan heard her brother say this, little Jiang Zixuan nodded to Jiang's father very aggressively, Jiang's father stared at little Jiang Zixuan with a serious expression, little Jiang Zixuan saw her father's seriousness, little Jiang Zixuan dared not Skinned, looking at Father Jiang obediently...

Little Jiang Luochen, Xiaogong Yuze: ... We talked a lot, we went forward and back together... In the end, we paid by mistake...

: "Anyway, do well in school, don't mess with those moths, you know...??" Jiang's father looked at little Jiang Luochen and said, sometimes, Jiang's father himself doubted that he had these two children, why... The social atmosphere is so heavy, he and their mother, when they were in school, it's not like this at night...how did they become like this...? ?

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