Yuzawa Komiya was busy for more than an hour. After Yuzawa Komiya finished everything, Yuzawa Komiya just sat on the side of the road and looked at the sky in the distance. How to get there, he hasn't figured it out yet, he is young and can't do anything, but... If he doesn't do anything, he will have nothing to eat at all, he is now full of confusion and helplessness about the road ahead, if Yes... Komiya Yuzawa hopes that he can grow up faster, at least let him have the ability to work, so that he will not be so obvious that he will eat and wait to die, it is really too difficult...

At an age when it should be carefree, Yuzawa Komiya's eyes are full of worry and helplessness in life, as well as tension and fear. Yuzawa Komiya wants to grow up faster now, he I don't want to go on like this anymore, the vivid childhood life never belonged to him, it only belonged to... those babies who have parents who love them, he has no parents, he...doesn't deserve any happy childhood life...

He doesn't have parents, so he doesn't have a home. He can't be carefree like most children. When he gets hurt outside, he can go home and cry to his parents, or hide in their arms and act like a baby. He has nothing, what right does he have to cry, he... Who else is he going to act like a baby...

Thinking of this, Yuzawa Komiya showed a wry smile on his immature face...

It's bitter in my heart...

Under the dusk on the side of the road, there is a young and immature figure, at this moment extremely lonely and sad...


Little Jiang Zixuan, Father Jiang, and Little Jiang Luochen searched along the road where they came for a long time, but they didn't see Xiao Gong Yuze. As time went on, Father Jiang became more and more worried. The longer the time, the darker the weather, the weaker the chance of finding Yuzawa Komiya, and... Before he left, the director of the orphanage told him to be careful, there might be wolves nearby .

At that time, when he heard this sentence, he was not worried about himself, but...he wanted to kill the director of the so-called orphanage even more. The dean doesn't want to see Gong Yuze so much, it's really too much...

Just when Jiang's father, little Jiang Luochen, and little Jiang Zixuan were at a loss, little Jiang Zixuan suddenly looked at a large row of green leaves in front of him, and shouted at Father Jiang and little Jiang Luochen: "Big brother, what is that? There is a big row of green leaves in front of you!" Everything."

Little Jiang Luochen and Father Jiang looked in the direction pointed by little Jiang Zixuan's finger, and saw a lot of leaves and branches in front of the car, as if someone put them on the side of the road on purpose, just to attract the attention of others...

After little Jiang Luochen and Jiang's father glanced at each other, Jiang's father drove his car towards the place where there were tree trunks and leaves in front. Just as Jiang's father's car reached the place where there were leaves in front, little Jiang Luochen saw There is a small person next to a large pile of leaves in front, which is completely covered by the big leaves. If you don't look carefully, you can't find it at all. This person...how dare you let yourself Lying in the middle of the road, if there is a driver with bad eyesight, he will...

Little Jiang Luochen didn't dare to continue thinking about it. Little Jiang Luochen looked at Father Jiang and pointed at the little man next to him. Father Jiang looked in the direction of little Jiang Luochen's finger and saw the little boy lying in a pile of leaves. Gong Yuze, Father Jiang got out of the car quickly, then bent down, and carried Xiao Gong Yuze into the car.

Inside the Huidao car, Father Jiang looked at Xiaogong Yuze's flushed face, slightly open mouth, and trembling. Father Jiang stretched out his hand to check Xiaogong Yuze's forehead. Fortunately, Xiaogong Yuze Yuze just had a high fever, so Father Jiang was relieved.

Ever since I found Xiaogong Yuze, and...Father Jiang carried Xiaogong Yuze into the car, Xiao Jiang Zixuan's eyes didn't eat Xiaogong Yuze's body at all, and Xiao Jiang Zixuan looked at Xiaogong Yuze worriedly. Yuze, ever since Xiaogong Yuze carried Jiang's father into the car, Xiao Jiang Zixuan subconsciously approached Xiaogong Yuze, Xiao Jiang Zixuan approached Xiaogong Yuze, looked worriedly at Xiaogong Yuze and shouted: " Little Yuze brother...how are you...??"

But... Komiya Yuzawa stayed outside for too long, and Komiya Yuzawa was too young and physically weak, so Komiya Yuzawa caught a cold, and now... Komiya Yuzawa His body was very uncomfortable. Even if Xiao Gong Yuze heard Xiao Jiang Zixuan's call, he...had no strength to respond...

Seeing Xiaogong Yuze like this, little Jiang Zixuan was very worried. Little Jiang Zixuan looked at her father worriedly and asked, "Father... what's wrong with Brother Yuze...??"

Father Jiang saw the worried face of his self-ashamed little daughter, so he comforted him in time and said, "Female, don't worry, Brother Xiao Yuze just has a temporary cold, we'll take him back to get an IV drip." It's..."

: "Okay..." Although Xiao Jiang Zixuan heard her father say this, but before he saw her brother Yuze recovering from health, she... still couldn't feel relieved.

And the little Jiang Luochen, who has been standing by the side and kept quiet all the time, has been quietly looking at this person who makes his younger sister "souled" all the time, um... Sure enough, he is very delicate and fair-skinned, which is very suitable for the present Many people have to be aesthetically pleasing, but...this...although he looks pretty, but...there is such a fierce aura on his face, he is not easy to mess with at first glance.

Could it be... because I don't look good...? ?This person actually... made his sister miss him so much...? ?The older brother of little Jiang Zixuan, little Jiang Luochen felt a little sour in his heart...

Little Jiang Luochen: "Leave me alone, now I'm possessed by lemon essence..."

Just when Jiang's father was about to drive Song Xiaogong Yuze to the hospital, the wolf howling broke the silence of the night, as if asking for a pair of scissors to cut a piece of cloth at once, breaking the silence of drinking peaceful.

Before Father Jiang, little Jiang Luochen, and laughing Jiang Zixuan came to their senses, they saw that there were already wolves around them staring at them...

At this night, the wolf's eyes emit a strange and terrifying green light, which makes people feel shuddering and scary...

The lone wolf stood on the hillside, looking at the four people sitting in the car with cold eyes. Father Jiang couldn't help sweating when he saw this. It wasn't that Father Jiang was afraid of death, but... because in this car There are three children, he can have something to do, but... the three children can't, Jiang's father didn't even think about it, he immediately started the car and left here quickly...

After Father Jiang left, the lone wolf stood on the hillside like a king, watching the direction Father Jiang's car was leaving, his eyes dark and unclear...


As Father Jiang was advancing, he kept his eyes fixed on the car mirror. After Father Jiang made sure that the wolf hadn't followed, Father Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. They... escaped a catastrophe... ...? ?

Father Jiang drove Xiaogong Yuze to the hospital, and Xiaogong Yuze was quickly sent to the emergency room by the doctor. After the doctor gave Xiaogong Yuze an IV, Xiaogong Yuze was sent to the ward by the doctor. Since Xiaogong Yuze came out, Xiao Jiang Zixuan's eyes have never left Xiaogong Yuze, and her eyes are fixed on Xiaogong Yuze. When Jiang's father and Xiao Jiang Luochen saw Xiao Jiang Zixuan like this, the two men fell silent again. Looking at each other, the things in the eyes are exactly the same.

Yuzawa Komiya was injected with a drip by the doctor, and Yuzawa Komiya himself had a cold. It didn't matter that Yuzawa Komiya couldn't wake up for a while, at least not tonight, but... Little Jiang Zixuan just sat motionless next to Komiya Yuzawa, her body didn't even move, she just stared at Komiya Yuzawa without blinking, as if she blinked her own eyes, Komiya Yuzawa Ginger is gone...

Father Jiang and little Jiang Luochen saw little Jiang Zixuan like this, their faces were filled with helplessness, what would their little girl do...? ?

Father Jiang saw that it was getting late, Father Jiang could only go forward, squatted down, looked at little Jiang Zixuan and said, "Honey, let's go to bed first, it's too late, you are growing up now , Sleeping late is not good for your health, baby who sleeps late, it is easy not to grow tall, you said that in the future, you will see other friends who are tall, but you are very short, what should I do...??"

: "Ah...I...but...Dad, Brother Yuze hasn't woken up yet...?? I'm worried about Brother Yuze~" Xiao Jiang Zixuan was very worried after listening to Father Jiang's words, but ...Compared to being ridiculed by her classmates for being short, it is more important to Xiao Jiang Zixuan that Xiao Gong Yuze has not woken up from the hospital.

"Xiao Xuanbao, daddy promises you, daddy promises you at night, okay, when you wake up tomorrow, you will definitely see a sober, lively brother Xiaogong Yuze, okay...??" Father Jiang saw that no matter what he said, the little girl in their family would not go to sleep. Father Jiang insisted on the method of untying the bell and the person who tied it, so he could only start with Gong Yuze. Sure enough... as he expected, this Try all kinds of tricks...

All of a sudden, Father Jiang's heart was filled with mixed feelings, as if the cabbage he raised had been crushed by a pig...

"Really...?? Dad, I just need to go to bed obediently, and I can see Brother Xiaogong Yuze tomorrow morning, right...??" Little Jiang Zixuan was a little sleepy after hearing Father Jiang's words. The eyes are only for a moment, and there is no sleepiness at all. Little Jiang Zixuan's eyes are bright inside, so beautiful?

"Well... Daddy promises you, okay?" Jiang's father looked at little Jiang Zixuan seriously and said, in this respect, Jiang's father will always do what he says, and when it comes to educating children, Jiang's father is special There is a way, he must do what he says when he promises to the children, even if it is just a promise he made casually, he will do it, he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on the children.

"Okay..." Xiao Jiang Zixuan went to bed with a happy face after listening to Father Jiang's words. Xiao Jiang Luochen also went with her sister. Fever, Jiang's father didn't go to sleep, but planned to stay in this ward, this child... is also quite pitiful...

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