Compared to Su Chensi and Mo Yi'an's sweetness, Jiang Zixuan and Gong Yuze's side is "stormy."

Gong Yuze brought Jiang Zixuan back into the car. At this moment, Jiang Zixuan was already drunk and unconscious. Gong Yuze looked at Jiang Zixuan with red eyes. There were only Gong Yuze and Jiang Zixuan in the car. Gong Yuze didn't need to suppress her. own emotions.

Gong Yuze was afraid that his emotions would hurt Jiang Zixuan, so Gong Yuze put Jiang Zixuan in the car, while Gong Yuze opened the door and stayed outside for a long time before going back, Gong Yuze took a deep breath, when It wasn't until Gong Yuze felt that he was recovering well that Gong Yuze slowly walked into the car, looking at Jiang Zixuan whose face was flushed from drinking, Gong Yuze's eyes deepened.

Gong Yuze drove back to his apartment. Jiang Zixuan dressed like this and drank like this. Gong Yuze didn't dare to take Jiang Zixuan back to the Jiang family's old house. Gong Yuze could only take out his mobile phone and call Mr. Jiang. On the phone, he said that he had something to do with Jiang Zixuan, and he might not go back tonight.

For so many days, Mr. Jiang has been concerned about the relationship between Jiang Zixuan and Gong Yuze. Now Gong Yuze called and said that the two of them will not go back tonight. If it is the old Mr. Jiang, hear Mr. Jiang will definitely not agree with Gong Yuze's remarks, but... now it is different from the past, when Mr. Jiang heard what Gong Yuze and Jiang Zixuan said, he naturally agreed with both hands...

After Gong Yuze got Mr. Jiang's consent, Gong Yuze took Jiang Zixuan home with confidence.

Although... Gong Yuze is angry in his heart, and Gong Yuze has not been a person who can manage his emotions very well for so many years, but... if that person is Jiang Zixuan, Gong Yuze can completely suppress himself emotional...

Gong Yuze stretched out his hand, carefully hugged Jiang Zixuan into his arms, and carried Jiang Zixuan from the car back to the room. Gong Yuze got up and went to the bathroom, wet a hot towel, Gong Yuze carefully unloaded Jiang Zixuan. After putting on makeup, as for the clothes, it was inconvenient for Gong Yuze to intervene. Gong Yuze asked the servant to change Jiang Zixuan's clothes. After everything was done, Gong Yuze let the servant go down. Gong Yuze walked slowly into the room, Gong Yuze walked to Jiang Zixuan's bed, Gong Yuze's eyes were deep and full of affection.

Gong Yuze stretched out his hand, looking at Jiang Zixuan's clean side face carefully and tenderly, Gong Yuze stretched out his hand to interlock fingers with Jiang Zixuan, Gong Yuze looked at Jiang Zixuan with a low voice Said: "Girl, we... two really can't make it to the end?? I like you, I fall in love with you, I want to be with you forever, we don't need to be separated, we both want to be good, but... ...Why is there such an obstacle between the two of us... When I was here, you planned to leave, and when I left, you waited for me at the same place, so the two of us are destined to..." The rest, Gong Yuze I didn't say it because... I couldn't bear it, because my heart would hurt if I said it...

Gong Yuze sat on Jiang Zixuan's bed for a long time, so long that Gong Yuze almost forgot the time...

When Gong Yuze raised his head again to look outside at dawn, Gong Yuze got up slowly and planned to go back to his room. Because Gong Yuze had been sitting in Jiang Zixuan's room for too long, When Gong Yuze got up, his whole body was stiff, even the moment he walked out of Jiang Zixuan, Gong Yuze almost knelt on the ground.

Fortunately, Gong Yuze has a strong body, and Gong Yuze subconsciously supported himself.

After Gong Yuze returned to his room, Gong Yuze went to the bathroom to take a shower before forcing himself to fall asleep.


When Jiang Zixuan woke up again, it was more than ten o'clock in the morning the next day. When Jiang Zixuan just woke up, her eyes were a little dazed. Jiang Zixuan didn't know where she was. The memory of last night in the bar, Jiang Zixuan also remembered I'm not very clear about being tired, it seems... there are two men...

After that, Jiang Zixuan didn't know anymore. Jiang Zixuan lay on the bed and slowly sat up. Jiang Zixuan sat on the bed and looked around. Can't remember for a while...

Jiang Zixuan looked down, seeing her clothes being changed, Jiang Zixuan felt a bad feeling in her heart, Jiang Zixuan hurriedly got out of bed, and found that she was not uncomfortable except for a little pain in her head. , and... There is a faint smell of jasmine in the room, there is no other smell at all, and the side of her bed is not messy, the only thing is that there are traces of someone sitting on the side of her bed, Jiang Zixuan slowly felt it when she saw it. Let go of your worries.

Jiang Zixuan put on her slippers, and walked slowly outside. This is a large villa. The layout inside the villa looks very luxurious, but... it is warm, and the colors that her daughter's family likes are everywhere. What about Jiang Zixuan? Said that this place looks very familiar, isn't everything here decorated according to your own preferences...? ... Jiang Zixuan felt a sense of doubt in her heart and... that bold guess in her heart....

Jiang Zixuan met a person at the corner of the stairs, before Jiang Zixuan had time to see the face of the person, she felt that the person was very tall, and there was a faint smell of jasmine on her body, which smelled very good, and also... very familiar.

Jiang Zixuan was given a ↓ jump by the sudden tall man. Jiang Zixuan instinctively raised her head back. Seeing Jiang Zixuan's movements, the tall man stretched out his hand quickly and ruthlessly, and pulled Jiang Zixuan into his arms. For a while, the air was a little silent...

: "...that... can you let me go...??" Jiang Zixuan was hugged tightly by the visitor for a long time.

The person holding Jiang Zixuan froze slightly when he heard Jiang Zixuan's words, and then the man slowly let go of Jiang Zixuan.

Jiang Zixuan slowly raised her head, then looked at the man opposite with a shocked face and said, "Gong Yuze, why is it you...??"

Gong Yuze was very upset by Jiang Zixuan's shocking and unbelievable expression. In addition, Gong Yuze thought of Jiang Zixuan wearing a hot suit and dancing wildly in the bar last night. Yuze couldn't control the nameless anger in his body, and then Gong Yuze's expression was like taking gunpowder, Gong Yuze glanced at Jiang Zixuan lightly and said: "It's not me, which one do you hope it is? man……??"

After Gong Yuze finished speaking, he glanced at Jiang Zixuan lightly, and then walked past Jiang Zixuan quietly. Jiang Zixuan had never seen such Gong Yuze before. The previous Gong Yuze was gentle and gentle in front of him. Big brother, even if Gong Yuze gives people a magnetic field that strangers don't get close to, Gong Yuze will never be like this in front of her, even if Gong Yuze is not active in front of her, but... at least She has never refused her request, even if she is making trouble for no reason, sometimes even her own father can't stand it, but... Gong Yuze will definitely fulfill all her wishes without even frowning.

All along, Gong Yuze has never been so indifferent to Jiang Zixuan. Now that Gong Yuze is so indifferent to Jiang Zixuan, Jiang Zixuan felt very sad and unbalanced for a while. Jiang Zixuan quickly grabbed Gong Yuze All hands, forcing him to stop, Gong Yuze did not expect Jiang Zixuan to be like this, Gong Yuze turned around coldly, looking at the "unreasonable" Jiang Zixuan.

Jiang Zixuan was already very wronged in her heart, but now that Gong Yuze looked at her like this again, Jiang Zixuan couldn't control herself and said to Gong Yuze: "It's so early in the morning, what kind of nerves are you...?? Did I provoke you to provoke you?? You treated me like this in the early morning...??"

Gong Yuze was not happy at first, but now that Jiang Zixuan questioned herself, Gong Yuze lost all patience in her heart for a while: "Oh, what did I do to you? You had a good time last night, wearing a It's hot, it must have attracted the attention of many people, because of you, when you and Su Chensi went back last night, the two of you were almost stopped by someone, and you, drinking unconscious, if yesterday I didn't arrive at night, do you know what will happen to you...??"

: "I don't know what's going on in your heart day by day, do you know what it's like for a girl to dress like that and go to that kind of place? Even if you're sad in your heart, you must do this Is there a way to vent??" Gong Yuze looked at Jiang Zixuan with red eyes and said, obviously out of breath...

: "...Gong Yuze, why do you say that about me, who am I dressed like this, don't you know?? I'm only 23 years old. At this age, how many girls can be naked all day without makeup? I don’t even wear skirts above my knees, and my hair is always black. Just because you said that I like it, I turned myself into what you like. I also want to be my best In my age, I showed my best appearance. I did not do this for others to see. I just simply felt happy. I am naturally happy when I see myself like this..."

: "But... I changed everything for you, but... in the end, what did I get? I got the decisive departure you had at the beginning. No matter what you did to keep it, you just refused to look back Take a look at me, do you know how I came here all these years by myself, do you know...?? You don't even know..." Jiang Zixuan was driven completely crazy by Gong Yuze's words, The thing that has been wronged in Jiang Zixuan's heart finally came out...

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