Ji Yunfeng said that he is the young master of the Ji family who does not touch Yang Chunshui. At the same time, he is also the current president of the Ji family, but... During the time Ji Yunfeng was with Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng was a fully responsible Ji. Chef, there is no Ji Yunfeng who can't fry and fry, otherwise... How could Li Yixiao raise Li Yixiao, who has always been particularly gluttonous, to become fat and fat.

In fact, Ji Yunfeng was also a cooking novice at the beginning. He didn't know anything, and he just waited for others to feed him, but... because Li Yixiao's mouth is very picky, and he usually eats food, Li Yixiao just ate a few bites. In order not to make myself hungry.

Ji Yunfeng took Li Yixiao to dinner several times, and found that... every time Li Yixiao just ate a few bites, not much at all. At first Li Yixiao was unwilling to tell Ji Yunfeng about this, as if he was a picky eater. Li Yixiao couldn't stand Ji Yunfeng asking over and over again, Li Yixiao finally told Ji Yunfeng the real situation.

On the surface, Ji Yunfeng looked plain at the time, but... a few days later, Ji Yunfeng appeared downstairs in Li Yixiao's company, and when delivering food to Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng was too embarrassed to tell Li Yixiao that he made it himself.

After a while, Li Yixiao called Ji Yunfeng and asked eagerly, "Who did this...??"

At first, Ji Yunfeng thought there was something wrong, but Ji Yunfeng was so scared that he nervously replied that he did it himself. At that time, Li Yixiao fell into a long silence, and Ji Yunfeng on the phone was completely scared. Ji Yunfeng was there Bian talked incoherently, and finally... the first thing Li Yixiao said to Ji Yunfeng on the phone was: "I love you."

At that time, Ji Yunfeng's memory was particularly deep, because... Li Yixiao's words were the first time he said that in the process of interacting with Ji Yunfeng, Ji Yunfeng had always been on the active side, and Li Yixiao had always been passive.

Li Yixiao is very shy in front of Ji Yunfeng, and doesn't love anyone's love words very much. Sometimes, Ji Yunfeng likes to see Li Yixiao shy, and will tease Li Yixiao from time to time. Every time... Li Yixiao's face turns red. look like.

When in bed, Ji Yunfeng likes to pester Li Yixiao and ask him if he likes him. Every time Li Yixiao is teased by Ji Yunfeng, he is willing to confess his love to Ji Yunfeng intermittently. Every time, Li Yixiao is in Ji Yunfeng's body. When Li Yixiao couldn't even succeed, Ji Yunfeng felt that he was dying, wishing he could die on Li Yixiao's body.

But... the time Ji Yunfeng cooked for Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng clearly heard Li Yixiao say that he loved him. Ji Yunfeng knew Li Yixiao, so he would not say the word love easily, because... Li Yixiao's family relationship is in Li Yixiao's concept , the word love is very great. If... it is not love to the extreme, don't say the word love lightly. When Ji Yunfeng heard Li Yixiao say that he loves him, Ji Yunfeng's whole body trembled. Shocked in his heart, Ji Yunfeng knew that he had truly won Li Yixiao's heart this time.

Ji Yunfeng was skillfully cooking in the kitchen. Looking at the dishes under his hands, Ji Yunfeng was in a trance for a moment. He...hasn't cooked for a long time. Since that person left, he...seems like he hasn't touched it again. It's over...

I don't know... where is that person? Although Ji Yunfeng visits Li Yixiao whenever he has time, but... how Li Yixiao is really doing, Ji Yunfeng doesn't know at all. Ji Yunfeng hopes that Li Yixiao's life is not good, and he also hopes good.

Because...if Li Yixiao's life is not good there, then Li Yixiao will definitely come back, but...if Li Yixiao's life is not good, I...just buy the opportunity...

Such a particularly contradictory heart made Ji Yunfeng very sad.

Ji Yunfeng's heart is sour, Ji Yunfeng now thinks of the time when the two of them separated, Ji Yunfeng hates himself very much, back then...why did he hurt Li Yixiao, his little friend is so good...

Mo Yi'an looked at Ji Yunfeng's skillful cooking movements, Mo Yi'an raised his eyebrows somewhat differently, why Ji Yunfeng is so good at cooking now, the answer is self-evident, Mo Yi'an really didn't Thinking that in the relationship between Ji Yunfeng and Li Yixiao, Ji Yunfeng actually paid so much, it was completely beyond Mo Yi'an's expectations.

Mo Yi'an and Ji Yunfeng hadn't been busy in the kitchen for long, Su Chensi brought little Anruo baby and little Yichen down, Shen Muyan and Shen Yuxi also came down with little Xibao, Sheng Huaiqian and Cheng Wanyue also came down. He came in with little Luoluo in his arms.

The adults were very surprised when they saw Mo Yi'an and Ji Yunfeng cooking in the kitchen. They didn't expect that the two who were calling the shots outside would wear aprons and wash their hands to make soup at home.

All of a sudden, everyone gave Su Chensi a look of approval, and Su Chensi was very shy for a while, Mo Yi'an and Ji Yunfeng made everyone's breakfast in a short while, Mo Yi An is mainly responsible for the staple food, such as steamed buns, bread...

Ji Yunfeng cooked soup for everyone. They tasted it and found that it was really delicious, and it really...well-deserved its reputation.

When they were about to finish eating, Mo Yi'an's phone rang suddenly. Mo Yi'an took a look at the phone, and didn't press the answer button right away, but... subconsciously looked in Ji Yunfeng's direction, and Ji Yunfeng subconsciously Looking up, Ji Yunfeng vaguely guessed who it was, looked at Mo Yi'an indifferently and said, "Take it..."

Mo Yi'an took a deep look at Ji Yunfeng, and then... pressed the shuttlecock to answer.

After a while, Li Yixiao's voice pierced into everyone's ears, and also... pierced into Ji Yunfeng's heart...

"President, something has happened at the headquarters here, and you need to deal with it immediately." Li Yixiao's voice was still that of a clean boy, very nice, but... now Li Yixiao's voice was tinged with anxiety color.

"Okay." Mo Yi'an frowned subconsciously after hearing Li Yixiao's words.

"Then...the president, I'll hang up first." Li Yixiao said to Mo Yi'an on the other end of the phone.

"By the way, when do you plan to come back...??" Mo Yi'an said to Li Yixiao on the other end of the phone, while looking at Ji Yunfeng with special deep eyes. After Ji Yunfeng heard what Mo Yi'an said, Ji Yunfeng The expression of the whole person became particularly tense.

After listening to Mo Yi'an's words, Li Yixiao fell silent at first, and the person on the other side of the phone couldn't help but fell silent, with his whole heart up and down, waiting for the final result. sentencing.

In fact... when Mo Yi'an asked this sentence, Li Yixiao had already guessed it. How could Mo Yi'an ask him when he would come back for no reason? This is not the first time the two of them called each other. Mo Yi'an has always just talked about work.

Li Yixiao has stayed by Mo Yi'an's side for many years, and he knows what kind of person Mo Yi'an is. Except for Su Chensi, Mo Yi'an will never sympathize with anyone, nor Will care about other people's affairs, even if that person's situation is miserable.

But... Mo Yi'an asked him when he would come back for the first time today, and... when there was a problem in the company, Mo Yi'an didn't hang up the phone immediately to deal with the company's affairs, but asked Will he come or not.

Although Li Yixiao doesn't like to talk on the surface, but...Li Yixiao knows it in his heart, and...Li Yixiao also knows that Mo Yi'an and Ji Yunfeng often meet together, Li Yixiao glanced at the phone next to him, this phone should have said the morning , They...should be eating breakfast, it seems... Ji Yunfeng didn't go back to Mo Yi'an's house yesterday.

Li Yixiao didn't know how to answer Mo Yi'an's question. On the one hand, Li Yixiao wanted to say that he might settle here, but...Li Yixiao thought of Ji Yunfeng's face, and Li Yixiao suddenly couldn't bear it, but...Ji Yunfeng didn't like it Why should I consider his thoughts?

But... Li Yixiao's words came to his lips, but... he couldn't say any more...

After a long time, Li Yixiao's voice passed through the phone: "Wait...it's not busy here."

"...Okay." After Ji Yunfeng said this, Ji Yunfeng hung up the phone without giving Li Yixiao a chance to say no.

After Li Yixiao said this, and after hearing Ji Yunfeng's answer on the phone, Li Yixiao froze uncontrollably. This person...why is he still the same as before, so overbearing and arrogant? Grab the phone.

On the other end... Mo Yi'an knew that Li Yixiao was conflicted, so...Mo Yi'an had already thrown the phone to Ji Yunfeng, and he went to have breakfast with his wife and children. Anyway,...what did the other end of the phone say? , Ji Yunfeng could hear it completely.

Mo Yi'an is not a fool, and he also deeply knows Li Yixiao's cleverness. When he suddenly asked this question, how could Li Yixiao not understand, and notice, the two of them, the two of them, just solve it.

After Ji Yunfeng heard Li Yixiao's answer, Ji Yunfeng hung up the phone presumptuously. He himself... How long has it been since he heard Li Yixiao's voice? It's been a long time...

He... is finally coming back. No one knows how nervous and helpless Ji Yunfeng was while waiting for Li Yixiao's answer just now. Ji Yunfeng also knows that Li Yixiao knows everything. Fortunately, their children feel sorry for him and know return……

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