Sheng Huaiqian was in the rehabilitation training room, exercising for a long time, until at the end Sheng Huaiqian's face was so pale, the extensive training made Sheng Huaiqian's physical skills exhausted, and Sheng Huaiqian couldn't help shaking, Sheng Huaiqian There is no bloodshot on the lips, which makes people look very distressed.

Sheng Huaiqian sat on the ground for a long time, and Sheng Huaiqian's body slowly recovered some strength. During this period, little Luoluo never cried again, and little Luoluo didn't cry to find his mother, or play with his baby carriage Inside the toy, little Luoluo opened his big round eyes, looked at Sheng Huaiqian, and watched his father fall and stand up again and again. His father never hurt because of the fall, just stood there , not moving, but... going all out again and again.

Sheng Huaiqian struggled to sit back in the wheelchair again. If... Sheng Huaiqian hadn't thought about what Duan Xin had said to him in his heart, Sheng Huaiqian might practice until dark today, or even... such a non-stop, endless practice Go down, because... Sheng Huaiqian never wants to get out of this wheelchair in his heart, this thing is really too much of a hindrance.

Sheng Huaiqian has lived for more than 30 years, and never thought that one day he would be sitting in a wheelchair. Sheng Huaiqian was in the rehabilitation training room, looking at himself in the mirror. He seemed to be the same as before, but... it seemed to be different , Sheng Huaiqian couldn't tell, in short... there was something weird in his heart.

Sheng Huaiqian sat blankly in the rehabilitation training room for a long time, just when...Sheng Huaiqian thought that he would not come up with anything, Sheng Huaiqian felt a little bit lost and powerless in his heart, because...Sheng Huaiqian has always been Those who like to hold everything tightly in their own hands may... be the habit of the long-term superiors. Sheng Huaiqian has been in power for so many years, at least... it started when he accepted the Sheng family. Don't like things and people related to me, lose control...

In the beginning, Cheng Wanyue was careless, breaking into her life like a ball of fire, making... Sheng Huaiqian unable to retreat, inevitable, but this time... it was him...

Sheng Huaiqian hates this feeling very much. As a successful person, if he doesn't even know himself, how can he continue to be successful? To be precise... Sheng Huaiqian committed a big taboo.

Sheng Huaiqian subconsciously frowned.

Sheng Huaiqian wanted to leave here irritably, Sheng Huaiqian just turned around, when Jiu saw Xiao Luoluo looking at him with burning eyes, there was no usual dependence in Xiao Luoluo's eyes, instead... it was a kind of admiration and worship .

When Sheng Huaiqian saw Xiao Luoluo's eyes, his heart froze subconsciously, did his son become like this? Just when Sheng Huaiqian was in a trance, Xiao Luoluo suddenly spread his little arms , Xiao Luoluo waved her arms softly and glutinously, trying to ask Sheng Huaiqian to hug her. Although Sheng Huaiqian was still shocked by what he saw, but... Sheng Huaiqian's hands were one step faster than Sheng Huaiqian's brain , the moment Xiao Luoluo stretched out his hand towards Sheng Huaiqian, Sheng Huaiqian stretched out his arm, and hugged Xiao Luoluo into his arms.

After such a long time, little Luoluo finally got his wish and got his father's warm embrace. All of a sudden... Little Luoluo became even happier. Little Luoluo giggled and giggled. Then he struggled and wanted Sheng Huaiqian to stand up, Sheng Huaiqian saw what Xiao Luoluo meant, although Sheng Huaiqian didn't know why in his heart, but...Sheng Huaiqian still followed Xiao Luoluo's intention, standing his son in his arms When he got up, Sheng Huaiqian asked little Luoluo to look at him. For a while, the father and son stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. Sliding down, little Luoluo looked at Sheng Huaiqian happily.

Just when Sheng Huaiqian thought that little Luoluo was just being naughty, Sheng Huaiqian planned to put little Luoluo down, and he could go find Cheng Wanyue, and when Sheng Huaiqian made a move, little Luoluo suddenly made a babyish voice Shouting indistinctly: "...Dad...Dad...Dad..."

Little Luoluo still felt that calling Dad was not enough, so little Luoluo simply approached Sheng Huaiqian and kissed her. Little Luoluo messed with Sheng Huaiqian's face indiscriminately. After Sheng Huaiqian who didn't allow anyone to get close to his son Xiao Luoluo kissed him, Sheng Huaiqian didn't react at all, even...Sheng Huaiqian didn't even frown, didn't even understand the movement, just... With a face full of indifference and helplessness, he looked at this little dumpling no taller than his own arm who was doing something wrong in front of his eyes...

Sheng Huaiqian: This... What the hell did I raise...? ?It was like a dream, but I was still very touched when I woke up...

Actually...Sheng Huaiqian himself didn't know why he would allow Xiao Luoluo to treat him like this. Sheng Huaiqian is a person with a serious obsession with cleanliness. Sheng Huaiqian basically changed his clothes every day since he was a child. Originally...the parents of the Sheng family planned to change them every day. It was time for Sheng Huaiqian to wear custom-made new clothes, but Sheng Huaiqian refused, because... this little habit of mine, doing it like this is really a waste, so...Sheng Huaiqian didn't ask the employer to do this, but... The washing of Sheng Huaiqian's clothes... can't be ambiguous, it is absolutely very strict, and there is almost no room for negotiation.

Every time the servants are going to wash Sheng Huaiqian's clothes, they will wear disposable gloves. After making sure...they will never touch Sheng Huaiqian's clothes, they will pick up Sheng Huaiqian's clothes, and then... Go to the exclusive laundry room to wash. During this process, no one can touch Sheng Huaiqian's clothes. It is said that once, a girl accidentally stepped on Sheng Huaiqian's shoes. Sheng Huaiqian frowned on the spot, and then ... The whole person's air pressure dropped, and Sheng Huaiqian's whole body was exuding a chill that could freeze to death. At that time, the little girl who stepped on Sheng Huaiqian's shoes was about to cry in fright, so she almost knelt down for Sheng Huaiqian on the spot, Sheng Huaiqian Without even looking at it, Sheng Huaiqian didn't have any pity in his heart at that time, Sheng Huaiqian mercilessly moved to the trash can, Sheng Huaiqian took off his clothes while walking, and then... Sheng Huaiqian didn't care He mercilessly threw all the clothes he took off into the trash can without blinking an eye.

At that time... that little girl was so ashamed that she wished she could bury her whole body on the ground. If she wanted to explode on the spot, she would be impulsive. If she was guilty, she should be punished by the principal instead of letting Sheng Huaiqian insult him in front of so many people. .

At that time... Among all the people present, seeing Sheng Huaiqian's appearance, they couldn't help themselves and said in their hearts: I am stupid.

Everyone was surprised that Sheng Huaiqian's obsession with cleanliness was so serious. If you stepped on your shoes, you...wouldn't have changed your entire body...

Secondly, Sheng Huaiqian is really fucking rich, local tyrants can't do it, this... is simply a walking cash machine, Sheng Huaiqian's clothes are all custom-made, in other words, they are what Sheng Huaiqian wears Clothes are all unique in this world, and they belong only to Sheng Huaiqian's style. As for...the price, it naturally starts from 6 figures. The children who go to school in this school are basically in this society. Excellent people are not talented players with particularly good academic performance, or... they are wealthy children from a particularly well-off family. In short... everyone here will be a famous existence in the future, but... none of them can Being like Sheng Huaiqian doesn't mean they can't afford it, and all of their wardrobes are limited editions, but...these purchases are all custom-made, and they... can't bear it a little bit, this It can also be seen from the side that Sheng Huaiqian is really fucking rich...

This dog man has a bad temper, but he is rich, so where can he reason...

Sheng Huaiqian: Why...? ?I have money, do you have any opinions? ?
Everyone: No...No, boss, we dare not.

Sheng Huaiqian himself didn't know why, he could bear Xiao Luoluo's saliva, obviously even his own parents couldn't, even Sheng's mother knew the degree of her son's cleanliness, so she didn't touch Sheng Huaiqian very much, could it be... This is the flesh and blood in other people's mouth...? ?Sheng Huaiqian thought in his heart full of doubts.


When Sheng Huaiqian heard Xiao Luoluo call his father, Sheng Huaiqian's heart was in a mess for a while, although... Sheng Huaiqian was actually not the first time he heard Xiao Luoluo call his father, but... every time Sheng Huaiqian heard When little Luoluo calls her father in a milky voice, Sheng Huaiqian will have a strange feeling in his heart, that kind of magic of being connected by flesh and blood, that kind of responsibility and responsibility...

Sheng Huaiqian looked at himself in the mirror again, and for a moment...Sheng Huaiqian seemed to understand...what...

Since becoming a father, Sheng Huaiqian seems to have paid more attention to his words and deeds. The birth of Xiao Luoluo, Sheng Huaiqian has to say, changed himself invisibly. Luo Luo's father, he now has dual identities, Sheng Huaiqian seems to be able to control himself better than before, to be precise, he can control his temper, Sheng Huaiqian's heart seems to be getting more and more stable, he began to Thinking about it more...

For example... In the past, when Sheng Huaiqian did things, he only had one principle, which was to drive the dead end, because... your kindness to the enemy is the greatest cruelty to yourself. Sheng Huaiqian has never been a good person, and Sheng Huaiqian is also He never wanted to be a good person. He understood this sentence a long time ago. His principle of doing things is to be ruthless, so... Sheng Huaiqian has the title of Living Hades in the Tao, but... the arrival of Xiao Luoluo made Sheng Huaiqian restrain himself It's not that Sheng Huaiqian doesn't want to do anything, but...Sheng Huaiqian is afraid of retribution...

He is not afraid of anything happening to him, but... He is even more afraid of retribution on his son and wife. Sheng Huaiqian has had no desires and desires for so many years. His hard work, he just didn't want to let him down, but...Xiao Luoluo and Cheng Wanyue are Sheng Huaiqian's everything, they must not have anything, otherwise...he will really go crazy...

Once Sheng Huaiqian goes crazy, no one can stop him...

Sheng Huaiqian lowered his head and looked at the little dumpling in his arms. Sheng Huaiqian smiled softly. During this time, Sheng Huaiqian stretched out his hand and carefully touched Xiao Luoluo's nose. At this moment, Sheng Huaiqian was surprised to find that Xiao Luoluo's nose was actually Just like Cheng Wanyue, for a while, Sheng Huaiqian couldn't let go of little Luoluo's nose, and even started playing with it...

Little Luoluo: Today is another day for tool people...


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