"Teacher Yueyue...Teacher Yueyue...are you alright?" The parents of pregnant women were very flustered seeing Cheng Wanyue like this.

Cheng Wanyue now feels that she has a splitting headache. Cheng Wanyue feels like something is about to explode in her head. There are many things mixed together, which makes people have a headache. Cheng Wanyue tries hard to control her emotions, hoping that she can Taking this as a way to calm herself down, Cheng Wanyue wanted to control herself to calm down more and more, but...however, her own mind just kept singing against herself.

Cheng Wanyue couldn't hold it anymore and passed out.


When Cheng Wanyue woke up again, she found herself lying in the hospital at this moment, Cheng Wanyue looked into the distance with dull eyes, why did she fall into a coma? ?
Before Cheng Wanyue fell into a coma, she saw a lot of very blurry scenes, but... After Cheng Wanyue woke up again, Cheng Wanyue couldn't remember what she saw before she fell into a coma. Thinking about it, but...Cheng Wanyue can't think of anything now, a feeling of powerlessness suddenly arises in Cheng Wanyue's heart, Cheng Wanyue leans on the bed with a somewhat decadent expression, and looks out of the window unconsciously, at this time... Cheng Wanyue's heart is like a pool of stagnant water...

After Cheng Wanyue sat alone outside the window for a long time, there was some noise outside. Cheng Wanyue subconsciously looked towards the door, and saw grandma coming in with little Luoluo in her arms. Cheng Wanyue saw grandma and little Luoluo subconsciously want to get up , but... just as Cheng Wanyue wanted to move, she was immediately stopped by her grandma.

"Hey... Yueyue, lie down quickly, you fainted in the school, do you know?? At that time, I was almost scared to death." Grandma said with lingering fear when she recalled just now.

Grandma was working at home with Aunt Wen, but suddenly...the phone rang, saying that Cheng Wanyue had passed out in the toilet, Grandma immediately put down her work, and then...carried Xiao Luoluo to the hospital.

When Cheng Wanyue heard Aunt Wen's words, she stretched out her hand, hugged Aunt Wen, and then said in a very gentle voice: "Aunt Wen, don't worry, I will be fine, don't I still have you and our little Luoluo? I will definitely protect myself well, because... I will make myself stronger, and then... I will protect you well." Cheng Wanyue said with a gentle voice and sparkling eyes.

"Okay." Grandma smiled softly after hearing Aunt Wen's words.

Cheng Wanyue knows what Grandma is afraid of. Grandma has always been alone. As Grandma gets older, her heart becomes more and more lonely. It is inevitable, and she wants to find someone to accompany her. Cheng Wanyue's arrival Let grandma's cold heart add a touch of warmth, Cheng Wanyue is like salvation and family to grandma, grandma really sees Cheng Wanyue as her own daughter from the bottom of her heart, Cheng Wanyue has a delicate heart, and when she gets along with grandma After such a long time, Cheng Wanyue can feel that grandma has become more and more aware of her, and the relationship between the two of them has become more and more tacit. Grandma is always smiling all day long. Even when she is working, grandma The smile on her lips has never disappeared, Cheng Wanyue sometimes has some things, for example, when it suddenly rains or the temperature drops, grandma will be very nervous to send umbrellas or clothes to Cheng Wanyue.

These... Cheng Wanyue knows all about it, it's what she sees in her eyes.

Cheng Wanyue helped her grandma to sit on her bed, and then hugged little Luoluo into her arms along Api's hand. Little Luoluo is a very cute little angel. Cheng Wanyue has always known this , just like at this moment, Xiao Luoluo should say that it is the first time for her to come to the hospital, but... Xiao Luoluo didn't cry out of fear at all, but... looked at her with a smile on her face At this moment, little Luoluo's two big round eyes are looking at the surroundings of the hospital ward very curiously at this moment. Little Luoluo seems to be very interested in everything by nature.

Cheng Wanyue didn't know what was wrong with her. Before Grandma and Little Luoluo came in, Cheng Wanyue was still very restless, but... when Cheng Wanyue saw Little Luoluo in her arms at this moment, Cheng Wanyue's heart was surprisingly calm.

While teasing little Luoluo, Cheng Wanyue looked distractedly at Grandma and said with a smile on her face: "Grandma, do you know why I fainted?"

After listening to Cheng Wanyue's words, grandma subconsciously stretched out her hand to pat her forehead, and said with a face full of regret: "Oh, knock me on the head, I actually forgot such a big thing."

Seeing Grandma like this, Cheng Wanyue couldn't help laughing, why is Grandma so cute.

"Let me tell you, Yueyue, the doctor told me what you are...memory...syndrome, it seems to be because of your memory loss before." Grandma tried hard to recall what the doctor said to herself. As I grow older, I don't remember some things so clearly at all, so... I can only try my best to tell Cheng Wanyue what I heard and still remember. After hearing what Grandma said, Cheng Wanyue subconsciously frowned. I think about the same, if... If this is really the case, does it mean that my memory is about to be remembered, it seems... I have to find time to ask the doctor.

Cheng Wanyue was immersed in her own thoughts here, while over there...Little Luoluo unconsciously grabbed Cheng Wanyue's hair, Cheng Wanyue subconsciously felt the pain, this move of little Luoluo immediately dragged Cheng Wanyue out of her memory return.

Cheng Wanyue stretched out her hand, the movement seemed scary, but in fact Cheng Wanyue's movement was very light and docile and said to Xiao Luoluo: "You little guy, you dare to pull your mother's hair." Now Cheng Wanyue has completely entered herself In Cheng Wanyue's heart, little Luoluo is her only child.

Seeing Cheng Wanyue's actions, little Luoluo thought Cheng Wanyue was playing with him, so... Little Luoluo laughed very cutely, "Hey... you little guy..."

Cheng Wanyue stretched out her hand to make little Luoluo happy. After a long time, Cheng Wanyue's hand stopped suddenly. Cheng Wanyue took a very serious look at Little Luoluo's appearance, and said subconsciously: "This... Lolo, why do you look so similar to me??"

After Grandma listened to Cheng Wanyue's words, she followed Cheng Wanyue's eyes and took a careful look at Little Luoluo. Then, Grandma's eyes turned to Cheng Wanyue again. After repeating this a few times, Grandma's voice was confirmed. Said: "Yeah, this little Luoluo looks exactly like you. Is this... is it because you have raised him for so long? I heard someone say that when a child was young, who did he spend time with?" After being together for a long time, I seem to miss someone in particular, could it... have something to do with this...??"

After hearing what Grandma said, Cheng Wanyue felt a little skeptical in her heart. There was no scientific basis for this kind of statement. How could it be possible that she looked so similar to herself because she took care of him since she was a child...

Cheng Wanyue was silent for a while, not knowing what was going on in her mind, after a long time, Cheng Wanyue suddenly, as if she remembered something, looked at Grandma seriously and asked: "Grandma, when I fainted in front of you At the door of the house, I was covered in blood, right? Then do you still remember where I was injured, and where did most of my blood come from?"

Grandma saw Cheng Wanyue's serious expression, and she couldn't help becoming serious with Cheng Wanyue's mood, "I...I'll think about it, let me think about it..." Grandma tried hard to recall what happened that day.

"Hey, I remembered. That day, you were lying in front of our house covered in blood, unconscious. I didn't dare to look carefully at the time, but I still vaguely remember... I saw blood coming out of your body. A lot of blood, it seems...most of the blood...flowed from your stomach." Grandma thought for a while and said.

"Tummy??" Cheng Wanyue raised her voice when she heard the word belly, and Cheng Wanyue's eyes widened subconsciously.

Cheng Wanyue didn't know what she was thinking, and got out of bed in a hurry, Cheng Wanyue subconsciously handed the little Luoluo in her arms to Grandma, Grandma looked at Cheng Wanyue with a puzzled face, wondering what happened to her, and she didn't wait Before Grandma had time to ask Cheng Wanyue, Cheng Wanyue had already left, leaving only Grandma who was messed up in the wind.

Cheng Wanyue didn't know what he was thinking of, and walked anxiously into the doctor's office. The doctor happened to have time and was not that busy, so when Cheng Wanyue entered the doctor's office, the doctor happened to be inside, and the doctor saw With Cheng Wanyue's appearance, she couldn't help but feel puzzled in her heart, the doctor hurriedly asked, "You...what's the matter??"

"I...that...doctor, I...that, look at my belly, does it look like someone who gave birth to a child?" Cheng Wanyue found that she could no longer explain what she said with words, so she could only express it directly with actions .

Cheng Wanyue took off her clothes, and the doctor saw a scar on Cheng Wanyue's belly. The doctor took a look and said directly: "This is the belly that gave birth to a child. But... look at your belly You know, the doctor who delivered your child at that time was too unprofessional, it was fake at first glance, this kind of doctor should go home, and this kind of method still has face."

Doctor: ...inexplicably lying on the gun...

After hearing the doctor's words, Cheng Wanyue was stunned, "Miss... Miss..." The doctor asked with a worried expression.

After Cheng Wanyue heard the doctor's words, she slowly came back to her senses, Cheng Wanyue bowed to the doctor, and then left me.

Cheng Wanyue was sitting blankly in the aisle outside the hospital. No wonder, every time she saw something related to children, she would have a reaction. It was the same when she saw the belly of a pregnant woman, and she would also be the same when she saw little Luo Luo .

Cheng Wanyue thought of little Luoluo, that face she had imagined so much, Cheng Wanyue suddenly raised her head, her eyes were full of disbelief...

"How...how could...??"


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