Call Ji Yunfeng from home here, Ji Yunfeng is going to return to China tomorrow, and he doesn't know when he will come.

"An Lin??" Ji Yunfeng sat on the sofa with his long legs crossed, looking down at An Lin.

"Sir, are you looking for me?" An Lin said to Ji Yunfeng respectfully.

"Well, I'm going back to China in two days. You have to take good care of Li Yixiao and don't let him make any mistakes. If something really happens then, don't blame me for being unkind. After all... You also know what Li Yixiao means to me." Although Ji Yunfeng's voice was flat and his expression didn't fluctuate, the danger and unquestionable tone in his tone made An Lin shudder.

An Lin has seen Ji Yunfeng look at Li Yixiao very sickly and madly on the hospital bed, he has also seen such a high-ranking and arrogant person who is willing to put down his body to scrub Li Yixiao's body, and he has also seen this man who is like a god cast piously and nostalgic Kissing the man on the hospital bed without a trace of anger, seeing the two of them want to hug and sleep, seeing the two of them clasping their fingers, An Lin knows the importance of Li Yixiao to Ji Yunfeng, Li Yixiao is Ji Yunfeng's life, Li Yixiao is Ji Yunfeng's god, Li Yixiao is Ji Yunfeng's salvation, Li Yixiao is Ji Yunfeng's only motivation to live...

"Sir, I know what Mr. Li means to you." An Lin said respectfully, his tone full of awe for Ji Yunfeng.

"It's good that you know, An Lin, I've seen your information, both of your parents are dead, only one grandmother is still alive, but her health doesn't seem to be very good, she needs to live in the hospital all year round, and the medical expenses are still quite high Yes. You have dropped out of school since you were 13, and you have worked odd jobs in many places to reduce the burden on your family, but your current meager salary is not enough to support your grandma's medical expenses and living expenses." Ji Yunfeng looked An Lin said word by word, as if he was talking about an insignificant matter, but hearing An Lin's ears was another matter.

The more An Lin listened, the stiffer her body became. She has been wandering outside since she was 13 years old, and now she is 23 years old. In the past ten years, she has seen too many sinister society and rich people's games. Ji Yunfeng is now in front of her With that said, there must be something she needs to do.

"Mr. Ji, if you have anything to do, you might as well speak up." An Lin looked at Ji Yunfeng and said seriously.

: "Oh, yes, it doesn't look so stupid." Ji Yunfeng hooked the corners of his mouth, a little evil but more dangerous and chilling.


"I can give you a sum of money so that you and your grandma can live a prosperous life. You don't have to worry about making a living in the future, and you don't have to look at other people's faces because of making a living. At the same time, your grandma's living condition is also It will get better and better, I will find the best doctor for your grandma to treat her disease, if you turn out to be good in the future, I will buy you a big villa, so that both of you, grandparents and grandchildren, can live happily." Ji Yunfeng Slowly speak out all the benefits he can give An Lin.

"...Sir, I promise you, I don't know what you need me to do for you?" An Lin's heart was moved by the conditions Ji Yunfeng said just now. I get more job opportunities and money, and then let my grandma live better. Now Anlin has already succumbed to the conditions Ji Yunfeng said. In this world, material things will always make things worse. Let alone her who is very short of money now, let alone what she is asked to do now, even if it takes her life, she is willing to give it with both hands.

"Hmm... He who knows the current affairs is a hero." Ji Yunfeng was very satisfied with An Lin's performance, he likes obedient things.

"I want you to find a way to stay by Li Yixiao's side all the time, but the reason must not make him suspicious, understand?" Ji Yunfeng's voice was flat, with an irresistible force.

"Yes, sir." An Lin nodded to Ji Yunfeng, signaling that she understood.

"Also, from tomorrow onwards, I will conduct devil training for you, and teach you Kung Fu and martial arts, so that you can better protect Li Yixiao. If there is any special situation, I will ask you to save him with your life. However, in normal words You can't let him see that you know kung fu, you just need to protect him in secret, and when you return to Li Yixiao, you just need to be a happy nurse who doesn't have any troubles, and you must not do it again Show his feet in front of him, will be at your own risk, and...the most important thing is that you can't have any undue feelings for him, and at the same time you have to make sure that he doesn't have undue feelings for you either." Ji Yunfeng When he said the last sentence, his tone and eyes became very cold, and people couldn't help but feel a chill. Li Yixiao belonged to him, and he couldn't let him have any undue feelings for people other than him.

"...I understand." An Lin said respectfully, you don't need to say that I will never have any feelings for him. To have feelings for Li Yixiao is not a dead end, who would despise his own life for too long.

"En." Ji Yunfeng nodded in satisfaction when he heard An Lin's promise.

"By the way, take this pill." Ji Yunfeng took out a white pill from his pocket at some point and handed it to An Lin.

An Lin reached out to take the pill, and looked at Ji Yunfeng suspiciously.

"This is a pill that can make you obedient. You can rest assured after taking it. You don't have to worry too much. This pill is not a poison. As long as you are obedient, I guarantee that it will not threaten you at all, but... if If you are disobedient, I have no way to guarantee whether this pill will make you survive or die." The expression on Ji Yunfeng's face did not fluctuate, as if to say another unimportant thing, but in An Lin's The sentence in the ear is no less than the death sentence.

"...Okay." An Lin looked at the pill with a complicated expression, and then he didn't know when he made up his mind, put the pill in his mouth, and ate it.

"Very good, now you come with me." Ji Yunfeng was very satisfied when he saw that An Lin had swallowed the pill, then got up slowly and walked towards the kitchen.

An Lin looked at the food in the kitchen and was very puzzled. Ji Yunfeng pointed to the ingredients and explained lightly: "Li Yixiao has a picky mouth. He usually doesn't like to eat food in hotels or other people's cooking. Let me teach you how to eat it. Only by doing it can cater to his tone, Li Yixiao is too thin, plus always working overtime and staying up late is very bad for your health, the first task I give you is to make Li Yixiao fat for me."


What kind of affection is this that can make the domineering president who doesn't touch the spring water willing to wash his hands and make soup for him? I have to say that An Lin is very envious of Li Yixiao in his heart.

"He doesn't like to eat very much in the morning. At this time, no matter what method you use, let him eat something. The best thing is to let him drink some porridge..." Ji Yunfeng talked a lot about Li Yixiao.

This afternoon, Ji Yunfeng told An Lin a lot about Li Yixiao's little habits and hobbies, and how to take care of Li Yixiao.

When Anlin returned to the hospital again, Li Yixiao had already fallen asleep. Anlin looked at the person on the hospital bed through the glass. His fair and handsome face looked very harmless when he was sleeping. A man treats you well and has planned everything for you.

Ji Yunfeng is on the plane tomorrow morning, An Lin reported to him that Li Yixiao fell asleep very early, Ji Yunfeng hurried over, looking at the person on the bed very nostalgic and reluctant.

In the end, Ji Yunfeng walked into Li Yixiao's ward lightly, then carefully sat beside Li Yixiao's bed, holding Li Yixiao's soft, boneless hands in his arms.

"Li Yixiao, I'm going back to China at dawn tomorrow. I don't know when I come here again. You have to be good here. You can't lose your body for work. Don't you know there is a saying that is okay? Your body is the capital of your work. I have taught An Lin many things. She will take good care of you and protect you. I have arranged all the uncertain factors for you. You just need to be happy. gone."

"Of course, the most important point is that you must never fall in love with others, no matter whether the other party is a man or a woman, you can't, because you are mine, you know, if you dare to fall in love with others, I will imprison you Get up, let you only see me for the next few decades, and you are not allowed to go anywhere, you know?"

"Also, Li Yixiao... I really love you, I love you so much..." Ji Yunfeng looked at Li Yixiao on the bed and said devoutly and deeply.

Ji Yunfeng sat in front of Li Yixiao's bed all night, until the assistant called over and over again to remind him that the plane was about to take off, and Ji Yunfeng had to get up and leave. Before Ji Yunfeng left, Ji Yunfeng slowly bent down and put affection on Li Yixiao's mouth a kiss.

"Take good care of him." Ji Yunfeng ordered in a low voice as he came out of the ward and passed by An Lin.


Li Yixiao slept very restlessly this night, as if something was about to leave, so Li Yixiao got up early today, An Lin saw that Li Yixiao woke up and returned to his heartless appearance, so he will do a good job Served Li Yixiao's breakfast.

Li Yixiao didn't plan to eat at first, but Anlin's cooking was so delicious that he unconsciously became hungry.

When Li Yixiao took the first bite, his whole body froze uncontrollably. After a while, he slowly returned to normal, and said with a choked voice, "Who gave this to you??"

"I learned this from the recipe." An Lin said generously, his eyes full of seriousness.

"Really??" Li Yixiao asked in a murmured voice, his tone was asking An Lin rather than himself.

At this time, a plane passed by Li Yixiao's window, Li Yixiao raised his head and asked naturally: "Is this the earliest flight?"

"Yes." An Lin returned.

Li Yixiao looked at the plane and felt sore in his heart, very reluctant...

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