Young Master Mo's little wife doted on her fiercely

Chapter 176: Here Comes the Love Chapter

Jiang Luochen recovered very well after the operation, and his mood gradually stabilized. Ruomin would visit Jiang Luochen whenever he had time. Jiang Luochen would entertain Ruomin every time as if he had entertained old friends for many years. Sometimes Ruomin said jokingly to Jiang Luochen : "Why do you look more and more like a veteran cadre, as if you have aged many years overnight."

After Jiang Luochen heard it, his expression was calm, and the corners of his mouth curled up: "In the hospital, I was separated from work and worldly affairs, and the whole person is free. When I am free, I will naturally think more." It may be invisible to the eyes. Because of this, Jiang Luochen's heart has become much calmer since he lost his sight, and without the tedious work, Jiang Luochen's whole being suddenly became much clearer.

"By the way, the teacher said that your eyes are recovering well in all aspects, and the stitches can be removed tomorrow." Ruo Min said happily.

"Great, thank you Ruomin." After Jiang Luochen heard this, a sincere smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, the kind of smile that came from the heart.

"Thank you, aren't we friends? If you really want to thank me, then find me a good-looking boyfriend." Ruo Min said with a smile.

"Hahahaha, yes, yes." Jiang Luochen laughed heartily.

The next day, the attending doctor came to remove the stitches from Jiang Luochen's eyes. Jiang Luochen was very nervous. After the doctor removed the gauze in front of Jiang Luochen's eyes, the doctor asked Jiang Luochen to slowly open his eyes. Jiang Luochen couldn't see clearly at first, but at the end It became clearer and clearer.

"...I can finally see." Jiang Luochen smiled like a child.

"Great, thank you teacher." Ruo Min thanked Teacher Jiang.

"You're welcome." Teacher Jiang nodded slightly, smiling gently.

"Thank you, Dr. Jiang. Without you, I don't know when my eyes would be healed." Jiang Luochen looked at Dr. Jiang gratefully.

"Hahaha, you're welcome, this is the doctor's responsibility. By the way, you should pay attention to your diet in the future. After all, your eyes have just recovered, so you shouldn't stay up too late. You should also pay attention to rest recently." Doctor Jiang instructed Jiang Luochen.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely protect my eyes." Jiang Luochen said firmly.

The three exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Dr. Jiang left because he was busy. Ruomin and Jiang Luochen sent Dr. Jiang to the door. When they returned to the ward again, Jiang Luochen had already started packing.

"...Are you... so anxious??" Ruo Min didn't understand what Jiang Luochen was so anxious about.

"Well, there is someone waiting for me at home." Jiang Luochen smiled dotingly.

Ruomin saw Jiang Luochen's expression and guessed, "Since you are in such a hurry, I won't bother you. I'll go first. By the way, when you say you're leaving, I'll see you off." Ruomin said.

"...Well..., the earliest one tomorrow morning." Jiang Luochen looked at his watch, thought for a while and said.

"Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow." Ruo Min looked at Jiang Luochen and said.

"it is good."

The next morning, before it was very bright, Ruo Min's car arrived downstairs at the hospital. Jiang Luochen came out of the hospital wearing sunglasses and dragging a piece of luggage. Jiang Luochen put the luggage on the car neatly, sit in the back of the car.

Ruo Min drove very steadily and quickly, and arrived at the airport in less than 20 minutes, "Mr. Jiang, goodbye." Ruo Min patted Jiang Luochen on the shoulder.

"Goodbye, Lu Qing and I will treat you to dinner when we return to China." Jiang Luochen looked at Ruomin with a gentle smile.

"Hahaha, forget it, I don't want to eat dog food for free, if you really want to thank me, then treat me to a wedding bar when you two get married."

"Hahahaha, definitely." Jiang Luochen was amused by Ruo Min's words, and he was in a good mood for a while.

"Okay, mentioning Lu Qing made you happy, the sour smell of love, let's go, it's time." Ruo Min glanced at his watch and said to Jiang Luochen.

"Well, thank you Ruomin." Jiang Luochen said seriously. Jiang Luochen still felt guilty for Ruomin in his heart. He used Ruomin to reject Lu Qing before, and now he troubled Ruomin because of his eyes. I deliberately didn't go to the face.

"It's okay, let's go." Ruo Min waved her hand.

Jiang Luochen nodded pampering Ruo Min, then walked forward.

On the plane, Jiang Luochen looked at the scenery outside and wondered what he was thinking, but the only thing that was certain was that Jiang Luochen was looking forward to returning home now.

Jiang Luochen arrived in the afternoon, and the butler had been waiting outside the airport early in the morning, "Master, you are back." The moment the butler saw Jiang Luochen, tears could not be stopped.

"It's okay, don't worry, butler." Jiang Luochen licked the corner of his mouth at the butler, comforting the butler with a smile.

"Hey, master, let's go home, the master is worried about you." The housekeeper wiped his tears with his hand, then opened the car door, and Jiang Luochen leaned over and sat on it.

Jiang Luochen soon arrived at the Jiang family's mansion. Mr. Jiang was waiting for him outside the door. Jiang Luochen got out of the car in a hurry: "Dad, I made you worry."

"It's's okay, just come back." Mr. Jiang patted Jiang Luochen's shoulder and said with tears in his eyes.

Mr. Jiang is not as good as before in terms of energy and body. Since Jiang Zixuan's accident, Mr. Jiang seems to have aged dozens of years overnight. Jiang Luochen blamed himself and felt guilty in his heart.

"Dad, don't worry, I will never worry you again, I will take good care of the Jiang family in the future..." Jiang Luochen said firmly.

"Hey, good... good..." Mr. Jiang looked at Jiang Luochen with a face full of relief.


After eating, Jiang Luochen changed into casual sports clothes, "Master, are you going out, do you need a car for you?" asked the housekeeper.

"No, I'll go out for a walk, it's good for my health."


Jiang Luochen walked for 10 minutes and arrived at the door of the Lu family's mansion. Jiang Luochen looked up and saw that Lu Qing's room was still lit. The girl was wearing black-rimmed glasses, looking at the computer, and his subordinates were swiping and recording. Qing, I haven't seen Jiang Luochen for a long time, Jiang Luochen really wanted to hold Lu Qing in his arms and kiss him right now.

But now is not a good time, he owes Lu Qing, Father Lu, and Mother Lu an explanation.

Jiang Luochen stood at the entrance of the Lu family's mansion for a long time, only to leave when the light in the girl's room was turned off.


Early the next morning, Jiang Luochen showed up at the Lu family mansion with valuables and gifts.

Father Lu and Mother Lu were a little surprised to see Jiang Luochen. They didn't expect Jiang Luochen to come back from abroad so soon: "How is your eyes recovering?" Father Lu looked at Jiang Luochen and asked.

"Don't worry uncle, the doctor said that the eyes are recovering well." Jiang Luochen said politely.

"That's good, sit down, Lu Qing slept late last night, it may take a while to wake up." Father Lu said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, uncle, but... I'm not here to look for Lu Qing this time, but for you and my aunt." Jiang Luochen looked at Father Lu, and Mother Lu said seriously.


"Uncle, aunt, I'm here this time to propose marriage." Jiang Luochen stood up and said seriously.

"Marriage proposal??" Lu's father and Lu's mother were very surprised.

"Well... Uncle and Auntie, I know that I have done a lot of things to hurt Xiaofentuanzi. I apologize for this. I know that this apology will not heal the hurts Xiaofentuanzi and uncle and aunt have suffered. If possible, I will I would rather never meet Xiaofanzi, so that she doesn't have to go through so much because of me..."

"Uncle, aunt, please forgive Luo Chen for being stupid. He couldn't even understand his own intentions, which made me and Xiaofentuanzi miss so much. I am willing to spend the rest of my life to make up for all this. I hope uncle and aunt can Give me a chance to redeem myself, this is the property transfer document." Jiang Luochen handed the document he had already signed to Lu's mother and Lu's father.

Lu's mother and Lu's father opened the file suspiciously, and the more they looked down, the more they couldn't believe it: "You... actually transferred all your property to my baby's name...??"

"Well, Luo Chen knows that the mistakes he made are irreparable, so he can only give everything he owns to the little fan. This document contains everything that Luo Chen has owned in the past 30 years. Luo Chen is willing to hand over everything to Xiaofan. Little Fen Duanzi, because she is more important than my life."

"...Luo Chen, we know your deep affection for our darling, and we have seen it all these years, but you have really hurt our darling too many times, even because of you and our darling... Luo Chen, I didn't intend to even think about handing over our baby to you, but during this period of time, your aunt and I have figured it out, children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and we are old, so it is inconvenient to mix with you young It's a matter of people, if you are all willing, we can't say anything, but...Luo Chen, you have passed this test for us, but you have a difficult time for our baby??" Father Lu said earnestly Said.

"Thank you, uncle and aunt, don't worry, I will treat Xiaofanzi well..."

"Okay, you go up quickly, our baby is upstairs, and we stood downstairs so late last night, our baby is in that room, don't we need us to take you there." Mother Lu said with a smile.

"Aunt, I..." Jiang Luochen scratched his head in embarrassment. Jiang Luochen didn't expect that Lu's father and Lu's mother knew everything. .

"Okay, no need to explain, let's go." Mother Lu waved at Jiang Luochen, signaling him to go up quickly.

"Hmm..." Jiang Luochen thanked Lu's mother, and then walked upstairs quickly.

Father Lu and Mother Lu looked at each other and smiled...

It seems that their baby finally got her happiness......

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