Young Master Mo's little wife doted on her fiercely

Chapter 167: Jiang Luochen's Affection

After Cheng Wanyue and Lu Qing left, Sheng Huaiqian looked in the direction they were leaving with a confused expression.

"Scared me to death, I thought I was going to be exposed." Cheng Wanyue patted herself fearfully, she was afraid that Sheng Huaiqian would find out that this child belonged to her alone, and she absolutely couldn't let anyone take him away. Absolutely not.She can not let Sheng Huaiqian go, but she must not let go of the child.

Cheng Wanyue was lying on the bed, and the doctor was examining her, "Ma'am, your baby is very cute. Look, these are his little hands and these are his feet. Your baby is developing very well."

"Thank you doctor." Cheng Wanyue smiled sweetly, her heart was filled with great joy, even the unhappiness when she saw Sheng Huaiqian just now disappeared.

Lu Qing and Cheng Wanyue headed home after dinner. When Lu Qing arrived downstairs in the Lu family mansion, he saw Jiang Luochen's red Ferrari listening in front of his house. It was like a fire in the dark night, making people feel hot inside.

Lu Qingnuan wondered what Jiang Luochen was doing here at night. Lu Qing walked over and knocked on the car window. Jiang Luochen raised his head when he heard the sound, and Lu Qing was shocked. Jiang Luochen's eyes were too scary. It was full of red blood, like dripping blood, like Satan from hell in this dark night.

The two of them looked at each other through the car window, and neither of them could take their eyes away. In the end, Lu Qing was the first to lose. She couldn't bear Jiang Luochen's eyes full of affection and despair. Yes, Jiang Luochen's eyes were full of despair and fear. Lu Qing didn't understand , What did Jiang Luochen go through, why did he have such eyes, Jiang Luochen in his impression is high-spirited, always rational, and always strategizing, but Jiang Luochen's eyes just now are the kind of despair that something is quietly passing away
And Lu Qing's subconscious avoidance action, in Jiang Luochen's eyes, was a guilty conscience. Jiang Luochen opened the door and got out of the car, and then suddenly hugged Lu Qing in his arms, his arms tightened violently, and Lu Qing was very uncomfortable.

"Ahem. Jiang Luochen, let go, I'm out of breath." Lu Qing said hastily.

"No, I won't let you go. If you let go, you will leave." Jiang Luochen said hoarsely.

As soon as Lu Qing heard it, he became quiet in an instant, without struggling: "Jiang Luochen, did something happen?" Lu Qing asked tentatively.

"...Little... Xiaofentuanzi, don't marry someone else even if you are pregnant, okay? Give me a chance, and I will treat this child well, even better than my own son." Jiang Luochen said with a choked voice.

".Child?? What kind of kid??" Lu Qing asked with doubts on his face.

"Today, Sheng Huaiqian came to me and said he saw you and Cheng Wanyue going for a pregnancy test." Jiang Luochen said in a trembling voice.

God knows how broken the news of Lu Qing's pregnancy was when he knew that he wanted to kill that man, but if she did, the little fan would definitely hate him even more, he couldn't and didn't dare, so he drove to The purpose of the Lu family's mansion is to propose marriage to the Lu family. Now, as long as Lu Qing has not married that person, he still has a chance. Even if he is beaten to death by Lu's parents tonight, he still needs to get a marriage certificate with Lu Qing.

".Sheng Huaiqian. You wait for me." Lu Qing narrowed his eyes, very dangerous.

"Jiang Luochen, don't you dislike me marrying you with someone else's child now?" Lu Qing wanted to tease Jiang Luochen.

"What do you dislike? Although he is not my child, he has your blood on his body. I love you, so I will love your child well." Jiang Luochen has always been afraid that Lu Qing is not pregnant with someone else's child, but that Lu Qing is pregnant with someone else's child. What's worse is that Lu Qing has fallen in love with someone else and is going to marry someone else.

".Are you an idiot, Jiang Luochen, do you think I will do something that I'm sorry for you." Lu Qing said coquettishly.

"What did you say??" Jiang Luochen said in disbelief.

".I.said.I.did not.was.pregnant." Lu Qing said word by word.

"Not pregnant??" Jiang Luochen whispered softly.

"Ah. That's great." Jiang Luochen picked up Lu Qing and spun around happily, "That's great hahahahaha."

"Jiang Luochen, stop, I'm dizzy." Lu Qing patted Jiang Luochen's shoulder with some fear, "Hahahahaha, little fan, please make me happy for a while."

Lu Qing saw that Jiang Luochen looked a little crazy, so it was not good to dissuade him, so he could only let him go crazy.

After a while, Jiang Luochen stopped, and then hugged Lu Qing in his arms, and put the tip of her nose to his nose: "Little Fen Duanzi, you scared my brother to death just now." Now that Jiang Luochen thinks about it, he's still afraid. Fortunately, his little powder dumplings never let him down.

"It's okay, it's okay," Lu Qing comforted in a low voice.

"Why did this Sheng Huaiqian tell me this? Does he like you too?" Jiang Luochen remembered that man Sheng Huaiqian.

".He doesn't like me. Do you think I'm RMB? Anyone who sees him likes me." Lu Qing gave Jiang Luochen a supercilious look.

Jiang Luochen wasn't unhappy at all, instead he smirked. Lu Qing felt that this man was probably crazy after being stimulated tonight.

"It's not that I'm pregnant, it's that Yueyue is pregnant. Today, when I accompanied Yueyue for an examination, I saw Sheng Huaiqian. We were afraid that he would find out, so we wrote my name, but he actually put his hand on you. Look at him like this." We already know the truth, and Yueyue may not be able to hide it anymore, hey, there might be another bloodbath." Lu Qing explained aloud.

"...Cheng Wanyue is pregnant, we have to work harder." Jiang Luochen said suddenly.

"...strange focus."

Lu Qing slapped Jiang Luochen very bluntly: "Why is your focus so weird? Aren't you going to help Yueyue get rid of Sheng Huaiqian's entanglement now?"

"...Actually, I think they should let them go with the flow." Jiang Luochen said cautiously.

"Huh?? What do you mean??" Lu Qing looked at Jiang Luochen with some dissatisfaction. Jiang Luochen shrank his neck in fear as if Jiang Luochen said one more word and Lu Qing would kill him in minutes.

"Look, little fan, Cheng Wanyue must like Sheng Huaiqian. I heard you say this today. I think Sheng Huaiqian, like me, must have slowly discovered his heart and wants to get Cheng Wanyue back. And now Cheng Wanyue is already pregnant. Although we don't recommend getting married with a child now, or being together reluctantly because of the child, I don't think we should obstruct it. Now that Cheng Wanyue is young, let her take care of the big child alone. Although the Cheng family There is no shortage of this money, but the child said that she and Sheng Huaiqian belonged to each other, and Sheng Huaiqian should have the right to know the existence of the child." Jiang Luochen is now the most sober bystander, he is not Lu Qing looking at the problem from Cheng Wanyue's perspective.

".It seems like this, but now we can't forgive him so easily." Lu Qing thought for a while and said.

"Of course we can't forgive him so easily." Jiang Luochen is a person who holds grudges. Today, Sheng Huaiqian lied to him like this, how could he let him go so easily.

"Then what should we do??" Lu Qing asked with a puzzled face.

"Of course he was ravaged." Jiang Luochen narrowed his eyes slightly, very dangerously.

".Dangerous elements."

After Sheng Huaiqian went back, he thought for a long time. The next morning, he went downstairs to Cheng's house and waited. As soon as Cheng Wanyue came out, he saw Sheng Huaiqian, "What are you doing downstairs in my house?"

Cheng Wanyue was wearing a white dress and flat shoes that smelled pregnant today, "Follow me to the hospital for an examination." Sheng Huaiqian grabbed Cheng Wanyue's wrist and was about to get in the car.

"You are sick if you let go, Sheng Huaiqian, what is the relationship between us, why do you pull me away." Cheng Wanyue tried hard to release Sheng Huaiqian's shackles.

"What's the relationship between us.?? What do you think we are? If we both sleep together, it doesn't matter." Sheng Huaiqian sneered.

"Pa" Cheng Wanyue slapped Sheng Huaiqian mercilessly, and Sheng Huaiqian looked at Cheng Wanyue in disbelief.

"Sheng Huaiqian, have you forgotten what you said in the hotel that day, you said, it doesn't matter if we two have slept together, now you come to me again, what do you mean?" Cheng Wanyue's voice was cold Said.


"Sheng Huaiqian, even if I have a baby in my stomach, what does it have to do with you? How can you be sure that this baby must be yours? Do you really think that I, Cheng Wanyue, must be yours? Do you think I will only give birth to children for you in the future? Well, I, Cheng Wanyue, want to have good looks, academic qualifications, and family background, why do you think I, Cheng Wanyue, can't find someone better than you." Cheng Wanyue said in a cold voice.

"No, hold the moon and me."

"I don't want to listen to you, you leave my house immediately, I don't want to see you again." Cheng Wanyue turned and left after speaking, leaving Sheng Huaiqian standing where she was.

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