On the weekend, Lu Qing bought a lot of fruits and toys, and was going to visit the children in the orphanage. When Lu Qing was about to go out, he saw Jiang Luochen standing at the door of his house.

Lu Qing looked Jiang Luochen up and down. Jiang Luochen's dressing style today is very different from the past. In the past, Jiang Luochen's suits and leather shoes always looked like a business elite, but today's Jiang Luochen is full of youthful looks, blue sweater and pink pants, On his feet were white sneakers that were very popular recently. This outfit made Jiang Luochen a few years younger.

".You. What stimulated you today?? Why are you dressed like this??" Lu Qing sized up Jiang Luochen, eyes full of surprise.

Seeing Lu Qing like this, Jiang Luochen curled his lips in satisfaction, "How about cough, cough, does it look good?"

"It looks good." Lu Qing nodded affirmatively.

"That's good, as long as it looks good, by the way, what are you doing here?" Jiang Luochen looked at Lu Qing.

"I plan to go to the orphanage to see the children." Lu Qing answered truthfully.

"Okay, get in the car, I'm going too." Jiang Luochen nodded, then opened the door casually, signaling Lu Qing to get out of the car.

".Are you going too??" Lu Qing didn't expect such a coincidence. Lu Qing looked inside the car unobtrusively, and found that Jiang Luochen had indeed bought a lot of things, even more than she had bought.

"I haven't got in the car yet, what are you looking at?" Jiang Luochen stretched out his hand and tapped Lu Qing's little nose very naturally. After finishing, Jiang Luochen realized that this gesture was a bit ambiguous. Now the relationship between the two has just eased He couldn't be so reckless, Jiang Luochen looked up at Lu Qing cautiously, and found that Lu Qing was full of doubts and didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't notice Jiang Luochen's actions just now.

"I used to travel in Australia for a while, so I often went to the orphanage to visit the children, so I really planned to visit them today. I came here to see you. I didn't expect you to go too." Jiang Luochen He explained to Lu Qing aloud that he didn't want to think of other things from Lu Qing's mind.

"That's it, then let's go." Lu Qing scratched her head in embarrassment. She thought Jiang Luochen was following her, but she was overthinking. Lu Qing got into the car obediently this time, and then obediently tied it up. Seat belt, waiting for Jiang Luochen to get in the car, like a primary school student waiting for the teacher to come.

Jiang Luochen licked his lips dotingly, and then drove from the other side to the orphanage. The orphanage is far from the urban area. On this way, Jiang Luochen was afraid that Lu Qing would be bored, so he went to the supermarket to buy a lot of delicious food for Lu Qing. Yes, and put down the TV series in the car for Lu Qing to watch. Lu Qing didn't feel too good along the way.

When the two arrived, it was already afternoon, Lu Qing and Jiang Luochen took out all the things they bought, and the children surrounded Lu Qing and Jiang Luochen very happily, and the two accompanied the children to finish hide-and-seek and play on the swing, Lu Qing Qing felt that this scene brought the two of them back to their childhood. In City A, many rich ladies and sons were required to attend various remedial classes by adults. There was no childhood, only she played freely when she was young. , because Jiang Luochen would solve all this for her, and Jiang Luochen gave her the lessons she didn't like in the game. At that time, many people envied her for having such a good brother.

When the two were about to go back, it was already very late. The director ran out and told them not to leave tonight, because the weather forecast said that it would rain tonight, and it would be unsafe to walk at night. Lu Qing raised his head and looked Look at the sky, there is indeed a threatening storm. Lu Qing and Jiang Luochen glanced at each other, and they both saw the worry in each other's eyes, "Okay, thank you Dean, can you please help us find a room."

"No problem, sir, please follow me." The dean smiled very kindly.

Lu Qing found out when he got to the room, why is it a room? ?She didn't want to live with Jiang Luochen. Lu Qing got up and went to find the dean, but Jiang Luochen didn't stop Lu Qing. After a while, Lu Qing came back with a disappointed face, "Little fan, go take a shower and go to sleep, Luo Brother Chen is exhausted from driving all day today."

".Jiang Luochen, did you already know this would happen??" Lu Qing asked angrily.

"Ahem, cough, no." Jiang Luochen said without changing his expression.

Lu Qing: I believe you are a ghost. Hmph.

There is no Lu Qing's pajamas here, and Lu Qing was at a loss for a moment. At this time, Jiang Luochen came back from the outside in a hurry, holding a bag in his hand. Jiang Luochen handed the bag to Lu Qing: "What is this?" ??" Lu Qing was full of question marks.

"This is my shirt. It's new. I haven't worn it yet. It doesn't have your pajamas. You should wear my shirt first." Jiang Luochen explained aloud.


Lu Qing came out wearing Jiang Luochen's shirt directly after taking a shower. She and Jiang Luochen's heights were much different, so even if she didn't wear pants, her lower body would not be very revealing. When Lu Qing came out of the bathroom, Jiang Luochen's eyes sank , Lu Qing was wearing his own white shirt, just enough to cover his buttocks, and his two long white legs were exposed outside, which aroused people's daydreams. It's strange to hold on to it.

"Cough cough cough, come in quickly, it's cold outside?" Jiang Luochen said with a little unsteady breathing.

cold outside? ?Australia is so hot at this time, how can it be cold, Lu Qing doesn't understand Jiang Luochen's brain circuit, but the habit he developed when he was a child made Lu Qing subconsciously listen to Jiang Luochen's words and get under the covers.

After Lu Qing came in, Jiang Luochen felt even worse. Lu Qing's faint fragrance lingered on the tip of his nose, making his lower abdomen feel like a fire was rising. Running into the bathroom, the footsteps were a little embarrassed.

Lu Qing: Is this man suffering from some kind of illness? He said he was cold just now, but now he is sweating profusely.

After more than three hours, Jiang Luochen came out of the bathroom. Jiang Luochen's hair was wet, his body smelled of shower gel, and he felt refreshed.

After Jiang Luochen came out of the bathroom, he didn't dare to look into Lu Qing's eyes, because Jiang Luochen felt too ashamed, and in Lu Qing's eyes, this action meant that he was sick, but he was afraid that he would despise him, so he subconsciously wanted to avoid his eyes .

Jiang Luochen: The strange knowledge has increased again.

At one o'clock in the morning, the storm came as expected, Lu Qing slept in a daze and subconsciously burrowed into Jiang Luochen's arms. Lu Qing was afraid of thunder since he was a child, and every time he was at home, he slept with Lu's father and Lu's mother , Jiang Luochen hugged Lu Qing tightly, and then said in a gentle voice: "It's okay, it's okay. Xiaofentuanzi, I'm here, brother Luochen is here, don't be afraid."

Jiang Luochen's voice really had an effect on Lu Qing. After a while, Lu Qing gradually opened his brows, breathed steadily and hid in Jiang Luochen's arms and fell asleep. , Jiang Luochen slowly leaned down, and pressed a soft kiss on Lu Qing's face.

Have a good night's sleep.
When Lu Qing woke up the next day, he was in Jiang Luochen's arms. Lu Qing was a little embarrassed, and carefully got out of Jiang Luochen's arms, then got up lightly and went to the bathroom to wash up. When Lu Qing walked into the bathroom, Jiang Luochen's eyes were sleepy. Woke up sleepily, looking in the direction of the bathroom with dim eyes, slightly hooked the corners of his mouth.
After Jiang Luochen got dressed and went downstairs, breakfast was ready. The dean called Jiang Luochen to come down for dinner. Jiang Luochen nodded politely at the dean, then moved his gaze to Lu Qing, noticing Jiang Luochen's overly fiery gaze , Lu Qing's body froze, and he didn't dare to raise his head to look at Jiang Luochen. It was because the last two people's actions were really too intimate, which completely exceeded the limit.

During the whole breakfast, Lu Qing avoided Jiang Luochen's fiery gaze. After eating, the two bid farewell to the dean, got up and walked to the city.

In the car, neither of them spoke, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward, "Xiaofentuanzi. You... were the last to sleep and snore, which disturbed me." Jiang Luochen took the lead to break the embarrassment.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I've always slept very honestly, how could I snore." Lu Qing jumped when he heard Jiang Luochen's words.

"...Well... Maybe you snored because you were too tired yesterday." Jiang Luochen analyzed very seriously.

"Ahhhhhhh, how is that possible, you're slandering me" Lu Qing subconsciously slapped Jiang Luochen, and the corners of Jiang Luochen's mouth rose slightly.

"...Hmm... Maybe I got it wrong at the latest." Jiang Luochen said after thinking for a while.

"Hmph, that's about the same." Lu Qing's expression softened instantly.

It has to be said that this small episode between the two of them swept away the dull and awkward atmosphere before, and Lu Qing also relaxed because of the episode just now, "Little fan, sleep for a while if you are sleepy. , anyway, there is still some distance to the city." Jiang Luochen said softly.

Lu Qing nodded in a daze, then lay down on the car seat and fell asleep. Jiang Luochen played a soothing song, and the car felt a little more peaceful

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