Young Master Mo's little wife doted on her fiercely

Chapter 141: The Truth About Brother's Death

Chu Xuanyun has contacted many veteran shareholders of the Chu family. These shareholders have fought with Mr. Chu in the early years and watched Chu Xuanyun grow up. When Chu Xuanyun found them, They said they were sick and couldn't see guests, or they were traveling abroad and were not at home. Chu Xuanyun knew that they were avoiding him. Now that Chu Yue is in charge of the Chu family, he has already issued a death order. Dare to have any contact with Chu Xuanyun or Chu Yu, it is tantamount to going against the entire Chu family.

Chu Xuanyun and Chu Yu sat on the sofa with sad faces, relatively speechless. In the end, Chu Yu was the first to break the silence, "Xuanyun, do you want the Chu family so much?"

"Father, it's not that I want the Chu family, but that I don't want to disappoint my grandfather's hard work. The Chu family group is all the hard work of my grandfather for so many years, and now it is in Chu Yue's hands. How can I be willing? Besides, Chu Yue has done so much. Bad thing, I will never let him go, I will make him pay for what he has done." Chu Xuanyun said with a frown.

"Okay, since that's the case, Dad supports you... maybe if you want to bring down Chu Yue, you don't necessarily need the support of shareholders." Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"Huh?? Dad, what does this mean??" Chu Xuanyun said with a puzzled expression.

"Actually, I think that as long as we find evidence of Chu Yue's crime, he will fall naturally. At that time, no matter how capable he is, he will not be able to escape the police's grasp." Chu Yu has been in the past few days Thinking about this question, Chu Yue has committed many crimes for so many years, and he does not believe that there is no evidence left for everything Chu Yue did.

"That's what we said, but what should we do?" Chu Xuanyun looked at Chu Yu with a puzzled face.

"Actually, we can ask that person." Chu Yu's eyes were dim and he didn't know what he was thinking.


"Uncle Zheng, are you back?" Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun stood outside Uncle Zheng's house, seeing Uncle Zheng came back, Chu Yu walked towards Uncle Zheng with a look of hospitality.

"Second Young Master, why are you here?" Uncle Zheng asked with puzzled faces when he saw Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun.

"We... have something to do with you." Chu Yu didn't know how to speak.

"Oh?? That's it, please come in, both of you, let's come in and talk." Uncle Zheng greeted Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun very warmly.

"Second young master, young master, drink water." Uncle Zheng poured two glasses of water for Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun.

"Uncle Zheng, don't bother." Chu Yu said out loud.

"Hey, what is the second young master looking for me for?" Uncle Zheng said seriously.

Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun looked at each other, then Chu Yu looked at Uncle Zheng and said, "Uncle Zheng, do you know the real cause of my elder brother's death back then?"

"This..." Uncle Zheng was surprised when he heard Chu Yu's question. He didn't expect that Chu Yu, who had always disliked meddling in the world, would now want to investigate his elder brother's affairs.

Chu Yu kept staring at Uncle Zheng, and naturally he didn't miss the expression on Uncle Zheng's face, "Uncle Zheng, do you know, can you tell me?" Chu Yu said eagerly and pleadingly.

"It's... It's been so long since the second young master's incident, why do you still want to know about this? When the old man was here, he didn't do anything. Now... what else can we do??" Said embarrassingly.

"What?? My father has known the truth about my elder brother's death for so many years." Chu Yu said with certainty. Uncle Zheng didn't say anything, but silence is already the best answer.

"How could this be??" He always thought that Mr. Chu had been deceived by Chu Yue's appearance for so many years, but in fact, Mr. Chu knew better than anyone else.

"Second young master, now that the old man is gone, you have nothing to worry about in city B. You can travel around and enjoy life in the rest of the time, isn't it good? Why do you have to go back to city B to thoroughly investigate the past It’s not that my old man doesn’t tell you, I’m afraid that your life and the thought pressure you will bear will be too great after you know the truth, if that’s the case, I’d rather you don’t know anything.” Uncle Zheng’s voice was old Said.

"... Uncle Zheng, I understand your kindness, but do you know?? Now in this world, I don't only care about the old man alone, I also care about one person. He is no less than Old Ye Zi to me." Yu looked at Uncle Zheng and said seriously.

"What??" Uncle Zheng was very surprised by Chu Yu's answer. Since childhood, Chu Yu has always been a person who has no desires, and has nothing to get. He doesn't care much about anything and doesn't value material desires. I just want to live a simple and casual life, but now there is someone who allows him to give up the life he has been pursuing, which surprises Uncle Zheng.

"...Well, this person is Chu Xuanyun, and also my...only son." Chu Yu looked at Uncle Zheng and said seriously and firmly.

"What?? You said that Chu Xuanyun is your son, isn't he Chu Yue's son?" Uncle Zheng said in surprise.

"No, he's not Chu Yue's son, but Ling Yun and I's child. Back then, Ling Yun was pregnant with my flesh and blood. Maybe Ling Yun didn't tell me about it in order to give me a surprise. Later, Chu Yue's son appeared again. For that matter, Ling Yun might feel sorry for me, because she was afraid that I would think she was dirty, so she didn't dare to tell me, which made...we regret each other for so many years." Chu Yu calculated the timeline of the year, and then Restore the truth of what happened back then.

"It turned out to be like this,'s no wonder that Chu Yue behaved like that at the beginning." Hearing Chu Yu's explanation, Uncle Zheng solved most of the doubts in his heart.

"Uncle Zheng, you... what do you mean by this?" Chu Yu frowned subconsciously when he heard Uncle Zheng's words.

"Hey... After you left back then, Chu Yue and Ling Yun held a wedding. On the wedding night, Chu Yue wanted to consummate the house with Ling Yun, but was stabbed by Ling Yun's scissors. There was a lot of commotion at that time, but At that time, he was suppressed by the old man, and then Chu Yue slept in the study room until the doctor found out that Ling Yun was pregnant, and Chu Yue returned to the master bedroom. I remember that at that time, except for the old man, no one was happy, especially Chu Yue, after knowing that Ling Yun was pregnant, she was very tyrannical, if it hadn't been for the old man who suppressed her back then, the consequences would have been disastrous, "

"Now that I think about it, maybe Chu Yue never met Ling Yun. As for the night between Ling Yun and Chu Yue, it was also an illusion created by Chu Yue himself. The purpose was to force you away. That's why he knew the news of Ling Yun's pregnancy. Such tyranny, knowing that not every man can tolerate his wife being pregnant with someone else's child, yet dare not speak out." Zheng Shu said in an old voice.

"...All of this is my fault. I shouldn't have been fooled by Chu Yue so easily back then, leaving Ling Yun face all this." Chu Yu said in an annoyed voice. .

"Hey...Second Young Master, the matter is over, we have to look forward...Now that the young master is your child, I...don't have to hide what happened back then, I know the young master wants to Take back the Chu family, then I wish you a helping hand, this is the last thing my old man can do for the Chu family..." Uncle Zheng said with emotion.

"I remember that year when the young master came home just in time for the winter vacation, the master was very happy and excited. He asked the kitchen to prepare many things that the young master liked to eat early in the morning, but we didn't wait for the young master to come home. The old man was at that time I was a little restless, and asked someone to call the driver to ask what was going on, but the driver's mobile phone has not been answered for a long time. In the end, we waited for a call from the police, asking us to go to the funeral home to identify the person. When the old man heard this After the news, I was hospitalized and fell into a coma. Later, on the way to fetch water for the old man, I heard Chu Yue talking on the phone with a strange man. We servants are not allowed to eavesdrop on the master’s phone call, but When Chu Yue said something about a car accident and murder, I couldn't help but listen to a few more sentences, and only then did I discover the truth about what happened to the young master, and it turned out that Chu Yue was the real culprit who killed the young master."

"However, I was too cowardly back then, and I didn't have the courage to tell the truth to the master and the police. This... is also where my heart has been for so many years. I am sorry for the Chu family, and made Chu Yue arrogant for so many years." As soon as the uncle mentioned this, his eyes flowed out uncontrollably.

"Uncle Zheng, don't be like this. I understand you. If you had changed someone at the time, the result would not have changed much." Chu Yu said comfortingly.

"Hey... I remembered something. Before the hospitalization, the old man told me to go to the bank to find a safe. There was a very important thing in it, and he asked me to give it to the young master." Uncle Zheng recalled.

"Leave it to me??" Chu Xuanyun was puzzled and stunned.

"Hmm..." Uncle Zheng nodded.

The three chatted for a while about the past, and then Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun left...

"Dad, where are we going now?" Chu Xuanyun looked at Chu Yu and asked.

"Look for the thing your grandfather left behind." Chu Yu thought for a while and said.

"it is good."

After Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun arrived at the bank, before they said anything, the bank manager said to Chu Yu directly: "Sir, I know what you are looking for, please follow me."

Chu Yu and Chu Xuanyun were very puzzled, but they followed the bank manager to the room with the bank safe.

The bank manager skillfully took out the safe from the bank, handed it to Chu Yu, then looked at Chu Yu and said, "Hello, sir, I am Huang Xing. My family was not well-off since I was a child, and it was Chu Yezi who has been supporting me all the time." I, I am very grateful to the old man, this safe has been kept by the old man, and he said that it will be handed over to you or young master Chu after his death in the future. "

"Thank you." Chu Yu looked at Huang Xing and said.

"It's okay, this is what I should do. Since I have handed over the box to you, my task is considered complete, so I won't bother you, I'll go first." Huang Xing said politely to Chu Yu .

"Okay." Chu Yu nodded at Huang Xing.


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