After rebirth, I picked Mr. He's treasure

Chapter 619 The truth of life experience

The two looked bitter, and knew in their hearts that this was not their part of the responsibility, and they were even a little forced on others, but at this point, they had nothing to do.

After the two left, He Zhiyan was frowning, seeing that the wedding was approaching, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Zhiyan, it's okay."

Shen Weiyi took his hand, but no one could make a fuss about what was going on.

Both of them fell asleep in a state of anxiety, and when they woke up the next day, the sky was still clear, but neither of them had the heart to mention this matter.

"I think you are too nervous before marriage."

A few days ago, the old lady came to the villa to help again, and judging from the state of the two of them, she knew they were nervous.

But that's not what makes them nervous.

Shen Weiwei looked outside the door, always feeling that someone would rush in from outside in the next second.

"Only, what are you looking at?"

Shen Weiyi shook his head, "Nothing."

"Are you too tired? Zhiyan, I advise you to let the only one have a rest recently, otherwise you will definitely be even more tired on the wedding day."

He Zhiyan responded and led him into the room.

"Don't think about it, I will send someone to investigate later."

Shen Weiwei tried his best to restrain himself and pretended nothing happened, "It's okay even if you can't find it, Lin Mansha may not fall into the trap of herself."

Right now, that's all he can do to persuade himself.

Finally, another week passed and nothing seemed to happen.

Shen Weiwei heaved a sigh of relief, maybe there is nothing wrong.

"Perhaps, we are thinking too much." Sitting in front of the dressing table, Shen Weiyi said while drawing.

"However, you can't take it lightly. You must send more people tomorrow."

He Zhiyan didn't come with her today because of business, so Han Ke accompanied her.

However, this is marriage, and I think so much about marriage, Shen Weiyi just wants to enjoy it.

"Okay, I'm getting married. Don't talk so much. How about this? Is it suitable for me?"

With that said, Shen Weiwei picked up an earring and compared it to his ear.

Han Ke couldn't refute, so he had to be happy with him.

After trying on the jewelry, the two ate something outside and went back separately.

Shen Weiyi couldn't bear the excitement, so he quickly called He Zhiyan.

"When are you coming back?"

"Soon, what's the matter?"

Shen Weiwei smiled secretly, "It's nothing, I'll wait for you."

Hanging up the phone, the little woman's happy smile was all over her face, and then the phone rang again.

Without thinking too much, Shen Weiyi thought it was He Zhiyan and picked it up directly.

"Long time no see, do you miss me?"

Shen Weiwei was shocked, staring at the phone for a long time without saying a word.

"Why don't you speak, are you scared?"

Shen Weiwei gathered himself together and restrained his panic, "Where are you?"

Lin Mansha chuckled, "I told you, don't you want to come to me?"

"It's your parents looking for you."

"I don't want to see them for now, but...I really want to see you now."

Shen Weiwei noticed that something was wrong with her, and then calmed himself down, "What are you going to do?"

"Then I'll stop talking nonsense. There's something I've been keeping from you. I'm going to explain it to you and give you something by the way."

Shen Weiwei was not so easy to fall for the trick, thought for a while and said, "You can talk directly on the phone."

"Are you sure you want to talk about such an important matter on the phone?"

Shen Weiyi froze in place, she imagined 1 reasons that Lin Mansha could think of, but she didn't think of this.

"How? Would you like to hear it yourself?"

Shen Weiyi hesitated, and wanted to call He Zhiyan, but if he took someone with him, he didn't know what this person would do.

"Where are you?"

Lin Mansha knew she would agree, and immediately said, "I found a good place. It's where you're going to get married tomorrow."

Shen Weiyi did not expect that she had already found there.

"Okay, you wait for me and go now."

Putting down the phone, Shen Weiwei drove over there, and when he got out of the car, he saw Lin Mansha waiting for her there.

The surroundings have been arranged, and everything looks so beautiful, but looking at it now, it makes people sigh.

"You say it."

Lin Mansha approached slowly, still holding a bag in her hand, "Are you so afraid of me? I'm just here to deliver something to you."

Shen Weiwei didn't say a word, just wanted to get the things and leave as soon as possible.

As for the matter of life experience, who knows if she really knows, or deliberately deceived her.

"I don't have time to waste with you, give me something quickly."

Lin Mansha sneered before handing over the bag.

Shen Weiyi took it, turned around and left, but at this moment Lin Mansha said suddenly: "Actually, you are the daughter of the Lu family."

Shen Weiyi was stunned and looked back at her.

"Are you surprised?" Lin Mansha raised a smug smile, "I did all of this. I know you took a paternity test. So I did it secretly."

Lin Mansha ostentatiously talked about what she did.

Shen Weiyi tightly held the bag in his hand, which should be the real certificate of identification.

"Why are you doing this?"

Lin Mansha groaned, "I don't need to ask, of course it's because I hate you, I hate you! People like you don't deserve your parents, let alone Zhiyan!"

"What did you say!"

Lin Mansha rolled her eyes, "It's the same if you ask me to say it [-] times!"

This was the first time she saw Shen Weiyi so angry, and Lin Mansha couldn't help laughing.

"Then why did you tell me again?" Shen Weiyi asked her suddenly.

Lin Mansha's eyes widened, her eyes full of ferocity, "Because you are going to die, it's okay to tell you."

After the words fell, Shen Weiyi felt a chill in his heart, turned around and ran away before he had time to think.
But Lin Mansha was one step ahead of her, grabbed someone, and pulled her over directly.

Shen Weiyi was held tightly in her arms, unable to move, "Let me go! Let go!"

Lin Mansha laughed in a low voice, and her movements became more vigorous.

Shen Weiwei tried his best to reach for his mobile phone, but was suddenly spotted by Lin Mansha and knocked it down.

"Don't think about the extension of contact, today is your memorial day!"

After the words fell, Shen Weiyi and Lin Mansha directly pushed the person to the edge of the cliff, and the waves below roared, as if the sea opened its mouth wide and waited to swallow him up.

Shen Weiyi held Lin Mansha tightly, "Don't think about it, I won't die, and I won't let you get Zhiyan."

She kicked hard on the ground with her feet, desperately resisting.

Perhaps in the past, she had accepted her fate a long time ago and let Lin Mansha manipulate her, but she finally got this life. He Zhiyan saved her, and she swore that she would never leave again in this life.

Lin Mansha felt her strength gradually increase, frowned, grabbed her arm and pushed forward vigorously.

Behind is the abyss, Shen Weiyi dare not be distracted, is everything going to end like this?

Suddenly, a voice came from nowhere, Shen Weiyi's expression was startled, and he immediately looked towards the place where the voice came from.

But at this moment, seeing her distracted, Lin Mansha pushed her down.

Shen Weiwei didn't have time to react, he was in a trance.

"Don't be afraid, I'm coming. Give me your hand!"

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