Gu Heng's action was really useful, although He Zhiyan could also find out, but Shen Weiwei felt that it would be better to leave this kind of troublesome matter to him.

"The person who sent the letter was Shen's counterpart. The two parties had business dealings in the early years, but because of the strength of the Shen family, they directly forced the other party to go bankrupt."

Hearing this sentence, Shen Weiwei probably guessed it.

Huluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, she didn't feel embarrassed, on the contrary, she still had a little bit of happiness in her heart.

If the other party really wants to take revenge on Shen Shi and use her reputation, maybe he can bear it.

Shen Weiwei was immersed in his own thoughts, and for a moment forgot that there was such a person as Gu Heng in front of him.

"Miss Shen?" Gu Heng called out to her in doubt.

Only then did Shen Wei come back to his senses, "Go on."

However, Gu Heng didn't continue talking, but looked at Shen Weiyi playfully, "You couldn't be happy just now, did you?"

He Zhiyan coughed lightly, and his eyes turned like sharp knives.

Sitting on He's territory, Gu Heng didn't dare to be as casual as before.

He straightened his body and said: "By the way, what are you going to do?"

He Zhiyan slapped the letter on the table, "Sometimes they go and then return, of course I ask them to return it."

Gu Heng smiled, and he guessed the same.

"Then I won't disturb the two of you."

He got up and walked out of the office, but when he turned around, the two of them didn't even come out to see him off.

There was only one Jianghuai, and he said awkwardly: "Mr. He asked me to take you out."

Gu Heng smiled, "Forget it, just accept it reluctantly."

Shen Weiwei looked at the table with frowned eyes, and said, "Zhiyan, the Shen family wants to make matters worse, but once we follow his footsteps, won't we be caught in a trap?"

He Zhiyan turned his head and smiled, "So we have to wait."

"Waiting for what?" Shen Weiyi asked.

"Wait for the incident to break out."

But in reality, they didn't need to wait at all. The Shen family seemed afraid that the popularity would not be enough, so they hurriedly found a few more platforms to help them report the incident.

It will be a matter of time before the hot search on the top.

But faster than these are the people in the company.Once something goes wrong, these people's noses are better than dogs.

In the afternoon, Jianghuai's WeChat kept ringing, thinking that someone missed him so much, but when he opened it, it turned out that someone had sent a link to an anonymous letter report.

"Assistant Jiang, is this true or false?"

"You are so close to Mr. He, is there such a thing?"

Not only a few people asked him, Jiang Huai selectively ignored him, but as soon as he walked out of the office, everyone caught him and asked him.

After that, he lost his patience.

"You guys, have you finished all the work at hand? Standing here waiting for melons to eat, won't you be afraid that you won't be able to eat in a while?"

Hearing this sentence, those gossiping people didn't worry about their jobs, but they noticed something.

"So, is it true?"

Jiang Huai was irritable, "What is true and false, you go back to work quickly, and stop asking about these things."

The crowd said that they were bored, and dispersed in a hurry.

Turning around, Jiang Huai ran into the office, "Director Shen, did you hear that? I was right to be worried."

Shen Weiwei nodded lightly, as if he didn't take it seriously at all, "Okay, I understand, you go out first."

Jiang Huai opened his mouth wide, looking at Shen Weiwei.

At this time, the assistant from the design department also came over, "Didn't Assistant Jiang hear that our director asked you to go out?"

What's the matter with this begging tone.

Just as Jiang Huai was about to refute, he saw that only the people in the design department didn't care. If he said he didn't dare to inquire, he didn't believe it.

Then there are other reasons.

At this moment, Shen Weiyi has already thought of a good way.Jiang Huai stopped bothering and quietly retreated out.

He Shi was ridiculed by the crowd on the Internet.

"I guess Shen Weiyi won't let it go."

"I didn't expect to eat melons and eat them back. There are no such kind people in the world. It's normal for Shen Weiwei to take revenge."

"You can't say that, Shen Weiyi has already said it, and has nothing to do with the Shen family from now on."

Everyone was arguing lively.

Shen Yuqing smiled while holding the phone. "Don't be too happy too early, how could the He family sit still and wait for death."

Shen Luocheng turned off the computer out of boredom.

"You talk too much." Shen Yuqing slapped him, "Our task now is to be happy, how he deals with it is his business."

In this way, from the very beginning, they believed that the anonymous letter was the work of Shen Weiyi, and now they only thought that she did not dare to show up because of fear.

Shen Weibo's Weibo is also full of scolding.

After reading a couple of things, she still admired what she said. The Shen family had so many diehard fans, it was a blessing in their previous life.

Shen Weiwei was admiring when there was a knock on the door of the design department.

"Director Shen, that man is here." Jiang Huai stood at the door and said.

Shen only knew who it was, and hurried out.

In the president's conference room, a man with a face full of anger was sitting on the sofa, but compared to the calm and prestige of He Zhiyan who was opposite him, he was more than a little inferior.

"It's a shame that my small business has attracted the attention of Mr. He from Dongxin City."

The man purposely took business as a sloppy look, but in fact, he knew why He Zhiyan was looking for him.

"Mr. Han, stop talking nonsense. I know what you did."

In fact, after asking Gu Heng to help, He Zhiyan himself was not idle, he always felt like he was competing, and sent people to squat in various post offices.

It finally paid off.

The man's eyes sank, and the expression on his face became a little colder. At this moment, Shen Weiwei just walked in, and he followed the sound and just happened to meet the person's gaze.

Shen Weiwei was shaken by this aura for a while, but soon regained his composure, and reached out his hand to say hello.

"Mr. Han, hello."

Han Tianyi snorted coldly, turned his head away, clasped his hands tightly on his knees, and just ignored him.

Shen Weiwei didn't force it, and sat across from him.

"Mr. Han, we don't have any malicious intentions. As long as you take the pot off our heads, everything will be fine."

Han Tianyi looked up at the two of them, eyes full of disgust, "You don't complain."

Shen Weiyi was dumbfounded, and looked at He Zhiyan.

He Zhiyan didn't quite understand, if he had provoked him before, maybe it was justifiable, but if they didn't do it on purpose, there was something wrong with them.

"Mr. Han, tell me first." He Zhiyan asked him as patiently as possible.

Han Tianyi raised his eyebrows, "If I really want to say it, then I will." He leaned back on the sofa and even crossed his legs.

It seems that I am the master here, and the world is not as big as him.

"You, the He family, have money and status. Any business you want can be done with just a click of your finger, but what about us? Small business is not easy in the first place."

Shen Weiyi was even more confused, "Mr. Han, do you mean that we stole your business?"

Han Tianyi froze for a moment, shook his head, but changed his meaning, "Actually, it can also be said that you not only robbed my business, but how many businesses in Dongxin City are not yours?"

Now, both of them understood.

Where is the problem of grabbing business, it is completely naked jealousy.

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